School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 238 starts from 231, and the latest chapter starts from 231)

Chapter 238 starts from 231, and the latest chapter starts from 231)
After Jiang Yan finished his day's work, he went to the bar with Zhou Yan and the others and drank a little wine. Li Li drove Jiang Yan to the downstairs of the community. Jiang Yan refused to admit that he was drunk and insisted on going back alone.

Li Li couldn't beat her, and let her go back to the apartment alone without a word.

Jiang Yan staggered back to the apartment humming to the fairy song, scratched the back of his head, stared at the door of the apartment for a while, and after making sure, hugged the door and laughed loudly, "Baby, my big baby." I rubbed against the door, let go, snapped my fingers, thought about the password, and started to poke, poked several times, but the password was still wrong.

Jiang Yan couldn't figure it out, so she took a step back from the door, about 10 centimeters away, and when she lifted her foot to kick the door, the door suddenly opened.

"Crack." The door slammed hard on Jiang Yan's face.

Two lines of nosebleeds slowly flowed out of Jiang Yan's nasal cavity, and his eyes were full of golden flowers. Following the barking of the dog, he sat down on the ground and pointed to Ji Yifan who was standing at the door in astonishment, "You."

Ji Yifan: "..."

"Bang." With a bang, Jiang Yan fell to the ground, sound asleep.

Ji Yifan suddenly: "..."

"Wow, woof.", Fat Bai circled around Jiang Yan, screaming and licking her excitedly, wagging his tail, scratching his paws to gently scratch Jiang Yan.

"Go away!", Jiang Ji threw away her fat and white paws, her voice was soft and sticky, Ji Yifan was stunned for a moment, and then squatted down, carrying Jiang Jia back to the room and putting him on the bed.

Fat Bai yelled desperately around her, and barked at Ji Yifan again.

Ji Yifan smiled, and gently touched his fat white head, "Hey, go back to your room and don't disturb your mother to sleep."

Fat Bai paused for a while wagging his tail, stared at Ji Yifan and said, "Wow." He licked Jiang Yan's hand and rubbed his head in her arms.

Ji Yifan patted it on the head, "Be obedient, go back to sleep, mom won't leave."

"Wow." Fat Bai roared excitedly, his tail was about to fly away, Ji Yifan chuckled when he saw this, and waved to Fat Bai, "Let's go."

Fat Bai walked out of the bedroom step by step, turned his head three times, walked to the living room, rubbed his head against Ji Yifan's ankle, and Ji Yifan patted his head lightly, "Be obedient, go quickly."

Fat Bai obediently said "Woooooooooooooooooooooooo." and went back to the kennel.

Ji Yifan went back to the room with the medicine box, helped Jiang Jian treat the wound, helped her take off her shoes, placed them neatly under the bed, covered her with the quilt, squatted beside the bed, stared at she.

The little girl slept quite docilely, she rubbed her head between the soft and clean pillow and the quilt, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep peacefully, breathing evenly, her eyelashes curled up like a small fan under the shadow of the lamp Cast a faint shadow, flickering, like a butterfly garment, light and dreamy, feeling like a dream, Ji Yifan stretched out his hand, and carefully outlined Jiang Jian's exquisite and unique facial features, with his fingertips running along his forehead, eyebrows, It slid down to the tip of the nose, and finally landed on the bright red lips, light pink, like cherries.

Ji Yifan's eyes darkened, his throat rolled, he got up, put his hands on both sides of Jiang Yan's head, approached her silently, and finally fell slowly on his lips.

One by one this time, I will never let you get lost again.


In the middle of the night, Jiang Yan suddenly felt a little cold, she subconsciously searched for warmth and leaned in, rubbed against his arms, calmed down again, the faint scent of sandalwood lingered at the tip of her nose, turning into bunches of warm summer sun, Taking her to a downtown area, it was still the boy and the girl.

(End of this chapter)

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