School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 240 starts from Chapter 231!You don't need to pay for the ones you bought, just refresh

Chapter 240 starts from Chapter 231!You don't need to pay for the ones you bought, just refresh them directly
Jiang Ji became more and more curious about their names, and stretched her ears to catch the girls' names. To her surprise, she seemed to be separated from them suddenly, and she could only see their movements and expressions, but could not hear their voices.

After such tossing, Jiang Yan felt a little discouraged, so she simply gave up and continued to watch. She saw the boy was on the phone, his expression became more tense with the time of the call, and then became more nervous, and then cut off the call and continued to search.

Magical music has also started playing on the stands not far away.

Jiang Yan looked for the sound and saw a bald middle-aged man with a wide body and a fat body, with a funny make-up, climbed up to the stands, and shouted with a microphone, attracting passers-by to rush in that direction like a flood.

Jiang Yan smiled, looked away, looked at the young man again, saw the young man suddenly stop, turned his head to look for the noisy crowd.

Jiang Yan also looked in the direction he was looking, and was slightly taken aback when she saw the girl standing in the stands holding a tweeter.

The girl was standing in the stands with a tweeter and shouted anxiously, "Ji Yifan, I'm here! Where are you? If you're still in this square, come back. You haven't taken your things away yet! Ji Yifan, I am Ren, if you are still in this square, come to the stands built here and take your things away!"

The boy stood stiffly on the spot, looking at the girl who was standing on the stand holding a tweeter and shouting his name anxiously and recklessly, he was dazed for a moment, then took three steps in parallel, and ran towards the girl past.

"Ji Yifan, where are you! Did you see me?" The girl was still shouting, but her confidence was getting weaker and she slowly lowered her head, "Or you don't want to see me at all."

The lonely figure stung Jiang Yan's eyes, Jiang Yan's nasal cavity suddenly became sore, how silly.

What a silly girl.

Why bother!
Thinking about it, Jiang Ji looked at the young man again, and saw the young man yelled at the girl in the stands.

The girl turned her head abruptly, her gaze passed over the crowded crowd, and she fell directly on the cool and clean young man standing in the crowd.

At this moment, Jiang Yan suddenly felt that the world became quiet, and only the girls and boys were beating their hearts, and the cheers of joy when they found each other.

The girl called the boy's name, and suddenly jumped down from the stands, and flew towards the boy. The next second, she was hanging around the boy's neck like a koala.

The huge impact caused the young man to stagger back a few steps before he stabilized his body, and the object in his hand fell to the ground with a "bang".

The boy raised his hands stiffly, and supported the girl's waist with both hands, blinking his eyes, water stains floated in his eyes.

Jiang Yan's breath was stagnant as he watched, and the corners of his lips could not help raising his lips.

"I thought you left me and ran away." The girl buried her head in the boy's neck and said aggrievedly.

"Idiot, do you think it's possible?" The boy raised his hand and rubbed the girl's head lightly.

"Maybe." The little girl was wronged when she said it. The wronged Jiang Yan could hear the grievance in her stomach, and couldn't help shedding tears for her.

A little bit of moisture soaked Ji Yifan's pajamas, Ji Yifan slowly opened his eyes, looking at the sobbing person in his arms, feeling distressed.

what happened?
Ji Yifan looked at her worriedly, tried to pat her on the back, and comforted her: "Okay, don't be afraid, I'm here." Perhaps his comforting effect had worked, the person in his arms suddenly stopped There was a cry, and fell into a long, deep sleep again.

(End of this chapter)

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