School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 247 Little Fatty's Dad

Chapter 247 Little Fatty's Dad
Li Li glanced at Fat Bai who was obediently eating dog food, rubbed his temples with a headache, looked at Jiang Jian and asked, "Is it boiling?"

Jiang Jian stared at Fat Bai for a while, then looked at Li Li, and replied uncertainly: "It's okay!"

What do you mean?

Li Li couldn't communicate with Jiang Jian anymore, so he sighed softly, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you, anyway, I can't take it to the studio."

"Yeah." Jiang Yan snorted softly, carried the clothes, went to the changing room and came back, Li Li went to the studio to communicate with the photographer, only she and Fat Bai were left in the dressing room, one person and one dog

Jiang Yan pulled out a chair and sat down. When the magazine was filming, the phone rang. Jiang Yan lazily picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was a video call invitation from Ji Yifan.

After Jiang Jun tapped the phone with his index finger for a moment, he raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the fat and white woman sitting on the ground, and looked up at her.

Jiang Yan chuckled, and then accepted the video call invitation. At the other end of the video, Ji Yifan was dressed in a leather suit and was very personable. It was obvious that he had just finished the seminar and hadn't rested since he returned to the hotel.

Jiang Yan greeted him and teased him, "Doctor Ji, I haven't seen you for a few hours, so I miss you."

Sitting on the sofa, Ji Yifan loosened his tie, stared at the person in the video, dazed for a moment, watched her put on her make-up, the bright and not-so-common makeup, a faint blush climbed up his cheeks, and then Putting his fist on his lips and coughing lightly, he looked at Jiang Yan and said, "Where's Fat Bai?"

Jiang Yan sighed lightly, "Heartless."

Ji Yifan: "..." He paused for a while, then asked about the topic: "Did it bother you?"

Jiang Yan admired the manicure that he had just done recently. After a while, he casually said "Oh!" and cast a glance at Fat Bai. Fat Bai wagged his tail and looked at Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan chuckled and looked at the video, " No! Do you want to see it?"

"Hmm." Ji Yifan snorted.

"Okay!" Jiang Yan beckoned to Pang Bai, "Come here, little fat man."

The little fat man wagged his tail and ran towards Jiang Ji, who picked up Fat Bai and just threw it into the camera.

"Knock, knock." A few knocks on the door interrupted Jiang Yan, Jiang Yan looked for the sound, saw Li Li, Li Li raised his chin towards her, "Let's go!"

"Yeah." Jiang Yan snorted softly, watching Fat Bai staring at Ji Yifan in the video, thinking about it for a while, then pulled the cart and put the phone in to make sure that Fat Bai could see Ji Yifan After that, he rubbed its head lightly, and said: "The phone is handed over to you, watch it for me, do you hear me?"

Fat Bai wagged his tail, and barked at Jiang Yan, "Wow." Jiang Yan chuckled, turned and left, leaving a person and a dog behind the screen, dumbfounded.

"Let's go!", Jiang Yan walked to Li Li, Li Li said "Yeah.", glanced at the dressing room, and looked back at Jiang Yan, "Who were you chatting with just now?"

Jiang Yan stroked his cuffs, raised his eyelids, and replied casually, "Little fat man's father."

"Your neighbor?"

Jiang Ji said "En.", looked at Li Li, and said with a smile, "Honey, what's the problem?"

"I don't care what you do, as long as you don't get caught."

Jiang Yan smiled, noncommittal, and looked away lightly. From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the cleaning staff who was pushing a set of cleaning tools and wearing a set of cleaning clothes. Perhaps her eyes were burning, so she also turned to look at her , looking at each other for just a moment, the man hurriedly pushed the cleaning cart away.

"What's wrong?" Li Li asked curiously when he saw the changes in the people around him.

Jiang Yan withdrew his gaze lightly, flicked his wavy bangs at three to seven centimeters, and without squinting, he replied calmly: "It's okay.", and pushed down the elevator floor.


photo studio.

After Jiang Yan finished shooting the magazine cover, she sat lazily on the sofa with her arms crossed and her legs crossed. She glanced at Li Li, who was negotiating with the photographer, and looked away lightly.

Li Li walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder, "Not bad."

"That's right, don't even look at who I am!" Jiang Yan replied shamelessly, Li Li rolled his eyes to the sky, and then looked at the people who walked into the studio, a little surprised.

Jiang Jian looked in the direction Li Li was looking at,

Slightly raising eyebrows, Lu Yang, Ling Yang's manager, is interesting.

Jiang Yan rested his chin on his hand, and looked at Li Li, Li Li looked away lightly, and looked at Jiang Yan.

Lu Yang really devoted his heart and soul to Ling Yang, an artist. After Ling Yang was hidden by Jiang Junli, he did not hesitate to pay high liquidated damages and the company terminated the contract. After disappearing for a year, he never expected to come back.

The two of them tacitly agreed, raised their lips, got up, and left the studio.

Lu Yang said "Miss Jiang." Holding them back, Jiang Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, then turned around and looked at Lu Yang with a smile, "Mr. Lu, it's been a long time."

"It's been about a year since Lingyang's accident. Miss Jiang's star journey is getting more and more open. Congratulations."

Jiang Yan was noncommittal, and chuckled, "That's thanks to Manager Lu."

Lu Yang's smile froze for a moment, before he returned to his natural state, and apologized: "I was really surprised that something like that happened, and I'm sorry, and I hope that your lord will be able to forgive those wrong things that Ling Yang did. After all, she Now that she has paid the due price for what she did wrong, Miss Jiang, I am here to apologize to you again on behalf of Ling Yang."

Jiang Yan slightly raised her eyebrows and glanced at Lu Yang, then glanced at the group of people in the studio staring at them from the corner of her eye, and then chuckled, "Mr. Lu, what do you mean, did I do anything to Ling Yang?"

Lu Yang: "..."

"Huh?" Jiang Yan asked again.

Lu Yang smiled stiffly, "Of course not."

Jiang Yan smiled, noncommittal, glanced at Li Li, Li Li looked at Lu Yang and said, "Mr. Lu, if there is nothing important, we'll leave first. After all, our artist's schedule is a bit rushed, so it's not good to be delayed. Let's go." Go!", Li Li looked at Jiang Jian and reminded.

Jiang Yan snorted softly, smiled faintly at Lu Yang, turned around and left, just as he reached the door of the studio, a staff member rushed into the studio, bumped into Jiang Yan, his footsteps obviously stagnated, and he glanced at Jiang Yan inexplicably, He rushed into the studio without stopping, found the person in charge, and whispered in a low and serious voice.

The person in charge's face immediately turned from white to black, and he glanced at Jiang Yan with raised eyebrows.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Lu Yang asked with a smile.

The person in charge smiled apologetically, glanced at the staff, the staff took a deep breath, walked over to Lu Yang and sorted out all the ins and outs of the matter.

There are two people on the cover of this issue of the magazine, one is Jiang Yan, and the other is Ling Yang, an artist brought by Lu Yang, who is now renamed Ming Yao. But he bit down all the clothes in this issue of the magazine.

Now it will be difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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