School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 253 Season 1 Fan I Forgive You

Chapter 253 Ji Yifan, I Forgive You
Ji Yifan paused slightly, turned to look at Xue Xiyang, Xue Xiyang raised his eyebrows slightly, "Do you really think of her as Ren Ren?"

He actually let go of such a good opportunity to bring down JY Media Company.

Ji Yifan frowned slightly, Xue Xiyang let go of his hand wisely, Ji Yifan pulled back, drank the cup, grabbed the coat on the sofa, staggered up, rubbed the center of his brows, and stumbled to the private room At the door, there was a slight pause in the footsteps, and looking back at Xue Xiyang, he replied coldly: "She is her, any is any."

Xue Xiyang paused while drinking, and looked at Ji Yifan suspiciously.

Ji Yifan rubbed his brows, and looked away coldly.

From now on, only four people live in their hearts, him, Jiang Junli, Li Li, and Zhou Yan.

Except for the four of them, everyone only knew that Yi Yi was dead, in that car accident, that's all.



Gu Yize put the prepared dinner on the coffee table, looked at Qin Yiyang who had taken a hot shower and walked out of the bathroom, and said: "There are only noodles and eggs in the fridge, just eat some."

Qin Yiyang let out a muffled snort, paused for a moment when he wiped his hair, and vaguely remembered the scene in the bar, the familiar eyebrows and eyes.

Qin Yiyang held the towel in his hand and tightened it subconsciously, then his eyelashes drooped slightly to cover up the loneliness in his eyes, and he curled his lips into a low chuckle, it was enough, how could it be Yiyi, his Yiyi was as early as that scene back then Already died in the accident.


Jiang Yan sat at the foot of the bed, sat overnight until dawn, and then sat from dawn until dark. When she looked out the window, the sky was as black as splashed ink. It was black and blue, and there were dots of hickey marks on the neck.

Jiang Yan found a high-necked white sweater and put it on, casually put on a light makeup, tied the long hair hanging over her shoulders into a ponytail, put on a mask and sunglasses, walked out of the room, and grabbed the car keys on the coffee table and mobile phone, walked out of the apartment, closed the door, turned around, and was slightly taken aback.

Ji Yifan stopped pulling the suitcase, stared at Jiang Jian, seemed to have a thousand words, and then turned it into one sentence, "Sorry."

Jiang Yan's fingers trembled slightly, then she calmed down and smiled at him, "It's okay." His eyes fell on his suitcase, and after a while, he looked at him, "I'm moving out."

"Hmm." Ji Yifan snorted.

Jiang Yan smiled faintly, "Then I'll go first.", turned and left.

Ji Yifan's hand holding the suitcase tightened, and the moment the elevator door opened, he called out, "Anyone."

Jiang Yan stopped walking into the elevator, retracted her feet, looked back at Ji Yifan and said with a smile: "Doctor Ji, you are really infatuated, I know. So I forgive you for what you did to me last night, but I really It's not Renyi, so next time we meet again, I don't want you to treat me as Renyi, so let it be."

Jiang Yan's long eyelashes drooped slightly, she pursed her lips slightly, squeezed the car key, looked up at Ji Yifan with a smile, "I'm really whoever you say, that's just the past, that's all.", and walked away Enter the elevator and close the elevator door indifferently.


Jiang Ji drove to the Lost Bar.

When the service staff saw the visitor, they walked up to her as always and asked her if she had any arrangements.

Jiang Yan raised her hand, telling her to leave her alone, and looked towards the stage subconsciously. After a while, under the call of a group of people, the man from last night walked up again, playing and singing.

Jiang Yan's eyes were bent, she walked towards him at a leisurely pace, found a seat closest to him, sat down, and looked at him with her chin resting.

At the end of the song, Jiang Yan applauded him heartily. The man smiled slowly at her and turned to leave. After Jiang Yan stared at his back for a moment, "Hello." look at her.

Jiang Jian walked over and smiled quietly, Qin Yiyang calmed down for a moment, Jiang Yan looked up at him, "You sing very well."

"Thank you." Qin Yiyang replied politely.

Jiang Yan habitually tapped his toes slightly. Seeing this, Qin Yiyang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he opened his mouth. When he was about to speak, Jiang Yan looked up at him with a smile, "Can I have your business card?"

Qin Yiyang was slightly taken aback, and smiled after a while: "Of course." After a while, he handed the business card to Jiang Jian, who took the business card, looked at the name on it, smiled, and raised his eyes to look at Qin Yiyang , "Qin Yiyang."

Qin Yiyang was taken aback for a moment, and after a moment of trance, Jiang Yan stretched out his hand to him, "I, Jiang Yan, nice to meet you, Qin Yiyang."

Jiang Jian.

A basin of cold water poured over Qin Yang's head, Qin Yang came back to his senses, smiled self-deprecatingly, and stretched out his hand, "Qin Yang."


Jiang Yan finished recording the music and came out of the recording studio. Li Li handed her the phone and car keys, and Jiang Yan took them. Li Li looked at Jiang Yan and said, "Go to the bar again!"

During this time, I went to the bar whenever I had time, and it was still a fixed time, and I didn't sit at the bar or drink, which was really weird.

Jiang Yan snorted softly, glanced at the time, looked at Li Li and said, "Go first, good boy."

"Jiang Ji."

Jiang Yan waved his back to Li Li, and left. Li Li's eyebrows jumped several times, seeing Zhou Yan running over in a hurry, "Where's Jiang Yan?"

"Just left." Li Li frowned and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

"It's broken." Zhou Yan's face darkened, and he looked at Li Li, "A big accident is about to happen."


Weibo's hot comments are like heat waves rising one after another.

Jiang Jian has a new favorite, this person is either someone else or bar singer Qin Yiyang.

Ji Yifan looked at the two people with ambiguous postures on Weibo in his spare time, pierced the list of illnesses with the pen in his hand, then blinked, closed the Weibo page, threw the phone on the desk, and rubbed it with his hand. Between eyebrows.

Amnesia also lost the brain.

What should he do with her.

Ji Yifan sneered, kicked the chair away, grabbed the phone on the desk, and strode away.


Jiang Yan tapped the steering wheel with his index finger. Seeing Qin Yiyang walking out of the bar, he opened the car door, got out of the car, leaned against the car with folded arms, and whistled at him, "Yiyang."

Qin Yiyang stopped, looked for the sound, saw Jiang Jian standing not far away, smiled softly, walked over, and stopped, "Why are you here?"

"Come to pick you up." Jiang Yan smiled.

Qin Yiyang was taken aback for a moment, then politely replied: "No need."

Jiang Yan opened the co-driver's door with one hand, rested his hand on the roof of the car casually, glanced at the paparazzi who was hiding in the corner, crazily snapping pictures, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Qin Yiyang, "It's okay, aren't you a friend? Since we are friends Then why are you being polite? Let's go!"

Jiang Yan bent his eyes, the two small dimples were sweet and intoxicating, Qin Yiyang looked dazed, and said "Yeah" in a strange way, got in the car, and after Jiang Yan closed the door, he walked around to the cab and gave the paparazzi a faint look , looked away, and got in the car.

She is such a person, she can do whatever she wants, not to mention, Qin Yiyang gives her an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

This made her have to seriously consider the relationship between her and him.

(End of this chapter)

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