Chapter 256 Miss You
Jiang Yan is in a good mood, even if Ji Yifan is sitting next to her, she doesn't care. After picking and eating something, Mr. Jiang finally turned the topic to her and Ji Yifan, "I think January 1th is a good day. On this day, you can consider getting engaged, what do you think, Xiao Ji?"

Jiang Yan was slightly taken aback, and looked at Ji Yifan in astonishment. Ji Yifan looked at her calmly, opened his mouth, and was about to respond when Jiang Yan couldn't sit still, "I don't agree."

Everyone looked at her in unison, Ji Yifan looked away lightly, and drank the red wine in the goblet without saying a word.

Mr. Jiang looked at Jiang Ji with a cold face, "Do you have a part to speak here?"

Jiang Ji smiled, "Why, I can't make up my own mind about my marriage anymore?"

Mr. Jiang raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Jian, "Then who do you want to marry, that poor and stinky boy who sings in the bar and whose father is still in prison?"

Jiang Yan frowned fiercely, then smiled, "Otherwise? It's better than being a commercial puppet, isn't it?"

, turned to look at Ji Yifan sarcastically.

Ji Yifan caressed the wall of the goblet calmly, as if the old god was there.

"Jiang Sheng." Mr. Jiang became angry.

Jiang Yan held his breath in his heart, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter. Looking at Mr. Jiang, "I want him like this."

"You." Mr. Jiang tightened his hand holding the red wine glass, "I think you need to wash your brain."

"Wow." Suddenly, all the red wine in his hand splashed on Jiang Yan's face and hair, and the red wine beads splashed on Ji Yifan's white shirt sleeves and the little wooden monkey on his wrist.

Ji Yifan looked at Jiang Jian coldly.

Jiang Ji stood up, picked up the red wine on the dining table, and poured it over her head, "Bang." The goblet hit the dining table, "Now my brain is clear enough!"

, kicked the chair away, glanced at Ji Yifan, sighed lightly, turned and left.

Ji Yifan calmly stroked the little wooden monkey on his wrist, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the chill reached his eyes.


Jiang Ji walked out of the villa, stopped by the Roman column, and leaned against the Roman column. It was almost winter and the weather was a bit cold.

Jiang Yan sighed softly, wiped his face casually, brushed his hair, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened the contacts and looked at it for a while, then landed on Qin Yiyang's contact information with his fingertips, and paused Pause, press it, and after a while, a warm and warm voice like the spring breeze came, "Jiang Ji."

"Hmm." Jiang Yan snorted, raised her lips, and tapped the ground with her toes, "What are you doing?"

"go home."

Jiang Yan was amused by his answer, and chuckled lightly, "Do you know what I'm doing?"

"Hmm." Qin Yiyang snorted, "What about you! What are you doing?"

"Miss you."

Qin Yiyang wasn't talking, he was surprisingly quiet, Jiang Yan listened quietly to his breathing, after a long time, Qin Yiyang finally spoke, "Jiang Jian."

"Yeah." Jiang Yan snorted.

"We." Qin Yiyang didn't finish speaking, as if he was suddenly interrupted.

"Is someone looking for you?" Jiang Yan asked tentatively.

"Yeah." Qin Yiyang snorted,
"If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

Qin Yiyang hung up the phone and looked at a group of people in suits and leathers approaching him.

"Qin Yiyang." said one of the leaders.

Qin Yiyang frowned slightly, "What's the matter?"

"That's right." The leading man sneered and gestured, "Hit."

A group of people moved swiftly to besiege, no matter how good Qin Yiyang is, he is no match for a group of people. He is doomed to be a fish on the chopping board, to be trampled on by others, and he raised his hair and warned: "No. This time, and the last time, go as far as you can from our lady, otherwise it won't be such a simple matter next time."

Throwing away Qin Yiyang's hair, retracting his feet, brushing off his wrinkled sleeves, looking at the group of people behind him, "Let's go."


Jiang Jian stared at the mobile phone that Qin Yiyang had hung up. After a while, she rolled up her collar, and when she turned to leave, she turned her head subconsciously and saw Ji Yifan standing not far away with a calm expression.

Jiang Yan withdrew his gaze lightly, and walked away.

Ji Yifan watched her figure disappear from sight, then blinked, looked away, paused, took out his mobile phone, dialed, "Do it."


Li Li hung up the phone, stared at the phone for a while, put away the phone, got up, went to the kitchen to make a bento, packed it, grabbed the car keys, left the door, and drove to Qin Yiyang's apartment , got out of the car, stared at the apartment for a while, then walked to the door of the apartment and knocked on the door.

After a long time, no one opened the door, Li Li stood outside the door for a long time, suddenly heard a weak cough behind him, Li Li was slightly taken aback, turned his head mechanically, looked at Qin Yiyang who was beaten beyond recognition, and immediately froze up.

Qin Yiyang paused slightly, looked at Li Li, a little surprised, "Li Li."

"How did this happen, what happened?" Li Li rushed up, flustered, tears rolled out of his eyes.

Qin Yiyang avoided her hand, Li Li froze.

"It's okay." Qin Yiyang replied politely, bypassing Li Li, leaning on the wall, and continued upstairs, blood oozing from the wound.

Li Li's heart was stabbed hard, he curled his fingers, took a deep breath, turned his face away, forced tears back into his eyes, and followed his pace.

Qin Yiyang opened the door and walked in. When he was about to close the door, he saw Li Li standing at the door.

Li Li smiled faintly at him, "The visitor is a guest, so lock me out like this, do you think it's okay?"

Qin Yiyang froze for a moment, paused, "Yeah." With a sound, he stepped aside and took out a new pair of house shoes for Li Li.

Li Li put on and followed Qin Yiyang into the living room, "Is there a medicine box at home?"

, looked down at Qin Yiyang who was sitting on the sofa to save his life.

Qin Yiyang glanced at her, and then replied: "It's in the bedside table next to the bed in the bedroom, I'm in trouble."

Li Li put the bento in his hand on the coffee table, followed Qin Yiyang's instructions to find the medicine box, walked to Qin Yiyang and sat down, took out the medicine and medical gauze, dipped the medicine with a cotton swab, looked at Qin Yiyang, his eyes met , Li Li's sight cannot be shelved or avoided.

"I'll do it myself." Seeing this, Qin Yiyang took the cotton swab from Li Li's hand, brushed his fingertips over Li Li's skin, and Li Li avoided it.

Seeing this, Qin Yiyang didn't say a word, rubbed the medicine, bandaged the wound, the whole set of movements was done in one go, as if he had practiced it many times, which surprised Li Li a little.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yiyang asked with a smile.

"It's okay." Li Li pretended to be blind, and then changed the subject, "By the way, I learned to cook a new dish recently, come and help me try it."

Li Li opened the bento box, and the strong aroma of vegetables wafted into his nostrils, "Is that okay?" He looked at Qin Yang with a smile, and handed Qin Yang a pair of chopsticks.

Qin Yiyang took the chopsticks that Li Li handed him, and said with a smile, "It's very fragrant."

Li Li was noncommittal, and looked around. The apartment is small, but fortunately, it has all the internal organs. "Are you used to living here?"

(End of this chapter)

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