School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 261 Engagement Ceremony

Chapter 261 Engagement Ceremony
The engagement ceremony of the crown prince of the Dingsheng Group was held at the Huagu Manor under the Ji family.

Because he is the only child and what happened to Ji Yifan in the past, Ji Yaming attached great importance to this engagement ceremony. All the witnesses were personally selected by him and sent invitation letters.

Ji Yifan doesn't care, just go with the situation.

Jiang Yan was even more indifferent, it was fake anyway, it was only a year or two, and after a year or two, they went their separate ways, enjoying themselves happily.

Jiang Ji crossed Erlang's legs, propped his head on one hand, and the old god was sitting on the makeup chair.

Jiang Junli pushed the door open and entered, looking at Jiang Yan who had already put on her makeup and was sitting on the makeup chair, she shook her head. The white tube top dress and fairy hair tied behind her head looked noble and elegant, but unfortunately, it was just curled up. He broke his leg and ruined such a beautiful painting.

Jiang Junli said "tsk." Diao Erlang walked up to Jiang Jian and looked her around, "Sure enough, Ji's make-up artist is very skilled, and Sheng'er finally looks like a human being now."

Jiang Yan slowly raised his eyes to look at him, "What kind of person?" Jiang Junli nodded, "At least it's not scary."

"I can kill people." The smile on Jiang Yan's face was bright and seductive. Jiang Junli's eyes darkened when he smiled, and his hands resting on the dressing table were curled up. He just recovered for a moment, and said with a chuckle: "Sheng'er like this!" For my brother, it hurt my brother's heart."

Jiang Yan also laughed, "Is my brother's heart so fragile now? Or, I'm hurting it."

Jiang Junli: "..." Looking for the knock on the door, it was Ji Yifan knocking on the door.

"Come in." Jiang Junli replied for Jiang Jian, and Ji Yifan pushed the door open,

Looking at Jiang Yan who was sitting on the makeup chair, she was slightly taken aback, like a dream, like a queen in the Valley of Flowers, pure white, noble and elegant, arrogant and glamorous, with the breeze blowing behind her, the white window screen was blown out in the air. A light arc caressed the blue enchantress placed on the window sill, swept away the faint fragrance of flowers and sent it to Jiang Jian's body, gently stroking the French bangs on her forehead, her eyes were star-studded, bright clarity.

"My good sister has fun with your fiancé, and my brother will go down first, so I won't bother you." Jiang Junli patted Jiang Jian's shoulder lightly, gloating.

Jiang Yan watched Jiang Junli walk out of the room with a calm expression, closed the door, then looked at Ji Yifan, smiled, "Why are you here?"

"Since you want to pretend, you should pretend to be decent, shouldn't you?" Ji Yifan walked up to Jiang Yan, stopped, and looked down at her.

Jiang Yan looked up at him, she really had a good appearance, dignified and elegant, gentle as jade, with every gesture, exuding a faint scholarly air.

"It's time, it's time to go down." Ji Yifan stretched out his hand towards her, his fingers were as long as green onions, his joints were distinct, his palms were well-proportioned, and his skin, which was marked by the red thread of a small wooden monkey hanging on his wrist, became fairer and more radiant, reflecting the gentle softness Halo, engaged and wearing an ex-girlfriend's bracelet, this scene is really unprofessional.

Seeing this, Jiang Yan chuckled, and stretched out his hand towards him, Ji Yifan held it, Jiang Yan stood up, Ji Yifan let go of his hand, and bent his elbow and placed it in front of her. Unannounced, everyone has their own ghosts, walked out of the room, and walked downstairs slowly to meet the eyes of the guests.

Shi Ruyue let go of her hand, and the champagne glass in her hand was caught off guard and fell on the meadow. She stared blankly at Jiang Jian who was going downstairs with her skirt in her hand, what happened.

"Mom." Ren Ruxin on the side pulled Shi Ruyue in surprise, Shi Ruyue came back to her senses, glanced at Ren Ruxin, then turned to look at Jiang Jian, her gaze sank, and she looked at Ren Ruxin again, "No It could be her, and it is impossible for Director Ji to ask her to be his daughter-in-law, all he can say is."

Shi Ruyue didn't finish her sentence, so she shut up, looked at Jiang Jian, who was slowly passing by the two of them, holding Ji Yifan's elbow, and then turned her eyes away, staring at the milk drink not far away.


Ji Yifan took Jiang Jian to Ji Yaming's side and stopped, "Dad."

Ji Yaming paused slightly while tasting wine, nodded his head slightly, and his eyes fell on Jiang Yan, looking at her leisurely, Jiang Yan smiled faintly, "Ji Dong."

Ji Yaming chuckled, "I'm engaged, and you still call me Director Ji?"

Jiang Yan smiled generously, "Dad."

"Very good." Ji Yaming smiled, and raised his glass to the guests around him, "Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend my son's engagement banquet, and now I would like to introduce to you, this .”

Ji Yaming looked at Jiang Jian, and smiled politely at her, "Ms. Jiang Sheng, the daughter of JY Media Company, is my son Ji Yifan's fiancée and future wife. If there is anything wrong with my daughter-in-law in the future, please help me." Including. Ji expresses his gratitude here, and I will respect everyone for this cup first."

Do what you say, and under the catering of everyone, drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, looked at Jiang Jian with a smile and confessed:
"The people here are all relatives and friends of our Ji family and the company's partners. Let Yifan take you to get to know him well. Dad still has something to do, so let's go first."

"Understood, Dad." Jiang Yan replied obediently.

Seeing this, Ji Yaming smiled, "What a good boy." He took a deep look at Ji Yifan, then looked away, looked at Wen Jie behind him, and confessed: "You are here to accompany, if necessary, come Find me."

"Okay, Director Ji." Wen Jie replied respectfully.

Ji Yaming snorted, put the red wine glass on the waiter's tray behind him, stroked his cuff with his hand, and walked away.

The aura was immediately decompressed, and Jiang Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Ji Yifan suddenly pinched his palm. Jiang Yan looked at Ji Yifan and said with a smile, "Don't worry, my acting skills are very good, and I won't be exposed."

Ji Yifan quietly said: "Really?"

"Yeah." Jiang Yan nodded, and took a glass of red wine. As soon as his lips touched the cup, the red wine glass ran into Ji Yifan's hands. Jiang Yan looked at him, and Ji Yifan put the red wine on the tray On the table, I changed a glass of juice and handed it to Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan frowned, expressing her disgust.

Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows, "Pervert."

Jiang Ji: "..."


you said. ", Ji Yifan continued slowly.

Jiang Ji: I still remember the time when she scolded him when he was drunk!It's really small belly chicken intestines.

Jiang Yan gave Ji Yifan a disgusted look, took a sip of the juice, and felt that the taste was a bit strange, it was so bad.


After the formalized engagement process was completed, Ji Yifan went to other places to socialize. Jiang Yan slowly picked fruits to eat, and a voice "Miss Jiang" came from behind her. middle-aged woman.

"Ms. Jiang, hello, I'm Shi Ruyue, the president of Ren's Enterprise under the Dingsheng Group. It's a pleasure to meet you." Shi Ruyue stretched out her hand to Jiang Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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