Chapter 270 Baby
The door of the private room was opened, and the little Lolita ran out with a blushing face. Jiang Yan quickly pulled the little Lolita, and asked tentatively, "You guys."

Little Loli blushed even more, then bit her lip lightly, stomped her feet, "Oh! He..."

Little Lolita couldn't speak, the door of the private room was pushed open again, and Ji Yifan came out. Little Lolita glanced at him inexplicably, tiptoed, leaned in front of Jiang Yan's ear and whispered: "Sister, he can't do it!" .” After finishing speaking, he ran away.

Jiang Ji: No, nothing.

Ji Yifan walked up to Jiang Jian, paused slightly, "To nourish the kidney and strengthen the yang, eh!", and looked at Jiang Yan with slightly raised eyebrows.

Jiang Ji: "..."

It's broken, in order to tease Ji Yifan, he messed up the business.

She was out of her mind, so she asked the waiter to bring him bullwhip soup.

Jiang Yan smiled awkwardly at Ji Yifan, with a strong desire to survive, "You can do it, you can do it seven times a night, it's no problem." After speaking, the surrounding air froze instantly, and countless pairs of eyes looked at them in unison. Then whispered.

Jiang Ji: Why can't I keep my mouth shut!

Ji Yifan's temples twitched several times, looking at her leisurely, Jiang Yan smiled awkwardly, and turned his feet to escape.

Ji Yifan grabbed her, and Jiang Yan scratched her with his backhand. Ji Yifan replied with a smile:
"Baby, how can such a thing be publicized outside? See if I don't teach you when I go back. Let's go."

Jiang Ji: "..."


Ji Yifan opened the passenger compartment, threw Jiang Jian in, and went to help her buckle her seat belt.

Jiang Yan hurriedly hugged her head, coaxing, "I was wrong, I'm sorry, your lord has a lot, don't beat me up."

"Beat you." Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows and looked at her, Jiang Yan covered his head, looking innocently at Ji Yifan with watery almond eyes.

Ji Yifan looked away helplessly, tapped her forehead with his fingers, and said darkly: "Wouldn't that be a good deal for you?"

Jiang Ji: It's over, I'm afraid it's dead and there's nothing left to clean up.

Ji Yifan gave her a cold look, then helped her fasten her seat belt, closed the car door, and walked towards the cab.

Jiang Yan followed Ji Yifan all the way, and finally the car stopped at the downstairs of Jiang Yan's apartment complex. Jiang Yan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ji Yifan and said, "Don't worry, I will I will definitely help you find a girlfriend in the future, don't worry."

After speaking, he unbuckled his seat belt and subconsciously wanted to open the door to escape, but the door couldn't be opened.

Jiang Yan was taken aback immediately, and looked at Ji Yifan vigilantly. Ji Yifan looked at her leisurely, and Jiang Yan smiled awkwardly at him.

Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows, "Is that why you want to introduce me to a girlfriend?"

Jiang Yan blinked, looked at him for a while, and said solemnly: "Isn't this what you are willing to do?"

"I like it?"

"Ah!" Jiang Yan nodded.

Ji Yifan understood, nodded slightly, and continued after a while: "Tomorrow's blind date time and place."

Jiang Yan said softly, "Tsk.", poked Ji Yifan with his fingertips, Ji Yifan looked at her lightly, and Jiang Yan blinked at him, "You still say you don't like it, look! So Look anxious."

"Worry." Ji Yifan looked at Jiang Jian with a half-smile.

Jiang Yan silently closed her mouth, curled her collar, and replied solemnly: "Worry, why are you in a hurry, who is in a hurry, where is it?", and turned to look at Ji Yifan.

Ji Yifan glanced at her, Jiang Yan tactfully looked away, waiting for Ji Yifan to open the car door, Jiang Yan quickly rolled down and ran back to the apartment.

Ji Yifan stared at her back as she disappeared into the apartment, then looked away, and rubbed the center of his brows tiredly, feeling a headache.


In view of the stupid thing he just happened yesterday, Jiang Yan decisively decided to stay in the apartment and wait for the good news. It was almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and the little fairy who had a blind date with Ji Yifan today sent a message to Jiang Yan saying: " Ji Yifan, I like girls with double eyelids, but I don't like girls with single eyelids."

, it just so happens that the little goblin has single eyelids, unfortunately, this blind date has failed again.

Jiang Jian stared at the condition, thinking for a long time, what kind of condition is this? I like double eyelids.

Jiang Yan rubbed her chin, and after confirming that the woman Ji Yifan was going to have a blind date with next had double eyelids, she breathed a sigh of relief.

On the third day, the third one brought her back a message, "Ji Yifan doesn't like short girls, only girls who are at least 1 meters tall can accept it."

The third girl is only about 1 meters tall. Unfortunately, this blind date failed again.

What the hell kind of condition is this.

On the fourth day, the fourth person brought back another ghostly condition to Jiang Jian, "Ji Yifan likes girls with dimples and crescents when they smile."

On the fifth day, the fifth person brought Jiang Ji one hell of a condition after another, "Ji Yifan likes girls with straightforward personalities."


damn it.

It's not over yet.

In the beginning, she didn't even ask for anything, but now that she has grown up, she asks her every day.

Where to find her.

Jiang Yan's anger burned into his chest, and he simply picked up the phone, intending to ask Ji Yifan what kind of person he wanted and whether he could finish the conditions at once, when Li Li came.

He is over 1 meters tall, has double eyelids, and has dimples and crescents when he smiles.

Jiang Yan rubbed his chin, looked Li Li up and down, Li Li frowned, "What are you looking at?"


Look at this tantrum.

It looks like Ji Yifan's ideal type so far!
Jiang Yan nodded secretly, and smiled harmlessly at Li Li, people and animals, and Li Li who laughed panicked, "I haven't seen you for a month, what's wrong with you?"

With her slender arms, Jiang Yan grabbed Li Li's neck and brought her to her side, "Honey, let me introduce someone to you, okay?"

Li Li broke free from Jiang Jian and frowned, "Why are you crazy?"

"This time it's absolutely normal, there is no convulsion." Jiang Yan looked at Li Li with a smile, "You are satisfied with the other party."

Li Li: "..."


Ji Yifan stared at the address Jiang Yan sent him, her temples twitched several times, and she planned to give him a blind date.

very good!

very good!
Very good!
Ji Yifan casually threw the phone on the desk, raised his hand and rubbed his temples, and after a while, Lu Chuan's voice came in from the door of the consultation room, "Xueba."

Ji Yifan paused slightly for rubbing the center of his eyebrows, looked towards the door of the consultation room, saw Lu Chuan handwritten in his pocket, and walked into the consultation room cheerfully.

Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at him, Lu Chuan pulled out the chair and sat down, tapped the desk with his fingers, and looked at Ji Yifan with a smile, "I finally took a shift and took a day off, so I drove here from Sucheng to see you , are you moved?"

Ji Yifan looked at him calmly, Lu Chuan laughed happily, and then closed his mouth silently. After a while, Ji Yifan picked up the phone and tapped it a few times.

"Ding Dong." With a sound, the message was sent to Lu Chuan's mobile phone, and Lu Chuan looked at Ji Yifan suspiciously.

Ji Yifan raised his chin, "Don't you want a girlfriend?"

"Honest." Lu Chuan looked at Ji Yifan with a smile.

Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows, noncommittal.

(End of this chapter)

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