School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 273 How about you live together 1

Chapter 273 How about you live together 1
The warm winter sun is very comfortable. Jiang Yan is lying on the couch with a book on her face, basking in the sun. Li Li's words keep circling in her mind, which makes her a little irritable. Come to Liangcheng.

As soon as the two of them came to Liangcheng, nothing good would happen. Sure enough, as soon as the two of them arrived in Liangcheng, they called her to have a dinner together, and it was fine for her to go there alone.

They even called Ji Yifan, and Jiang Yan hid in the car, thinking about whether to drive, and escape now.

Someone knocked on the car window. It was Ji Yifan, wearing a black woolen coat and a white turtleneck sweater, with his hand in his pocket, standing outside her car door.

Jiang Yan kept playing the scene in the hospital that day in his head, and suddenly wanted to hit the steering wheel.

As long as Jiang Yan spent in the car, Ji Yifan waited outside the car for as long. Just as Jiang Yan gritted his teeth, started the engine, and was about to flee, the cell phone thrown on the passenger seat rang.

Jiang Yan picked up the phone and saw that it belonged to Ji Yifan. Jiang Yan was slightly taken aback, and looked out the window suspiciously.

Ji Yifan raised his chin and motioned for her to answer the phone.

After Jiang Yan stared at the phone and thought twice, he connected the phone.

"like me."

, Ji Yifan said suddenly.

Jiang Yan replied without thinking, "Are you blind?"

Ji Yifan: "..." After a while, he said aggressively, "Then why don't you dare come down to see me?"

Jiang Ji retorted, "Who says I dare not."

Ji Yifan said "Oh."Jiang Jian said "Hmm." Feeling something was wrong, she turned her head and looked out the window, Ji Yifan looked at her calmly.

Jiang Jian: She was tricked by Ji Yifan.


Gritting her teeth, Jiang Yan got out of the car depressed, and stared at him.

Ji Yifan looked at Jiang Yan's deflated look, turned his face away, put his fist on his lips and coughed lightly, raised his lips where she couldn't see, smiled slightly, and then looked at her, fainting with warmth in his eyes , reminded her: "Let's go!"

, she left one step ahead, so as not to cause trouble for her, and walked a few steps.

Ji Yifan turned around suddenly, grabbed Jiang Yan who was about to get into the car and drove away by the collar, and stopped her, "Why run away, I won't eat you."

"Who said I want to escape." Jiang Yan said, saving face.

Ji Yifan said "Yes" knowingly, and looked at her leisurely.

Jiang Yansheng rubbed her forehead resignedly. How could Ji Yifan become a piece of shit because of her ingenuity.


Jiang Yan brushed off Ji Yifan's hand, avoided him, hurriedly threw Ji Yifan away, stepped into the villa first, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Jiang and Jiang Junli asked in unison.

Jiang Ji glanced at Ji Yifan who was walking slowly behind him, and looked away, "It's nothing." After putting on her house shoes, she ran towards the room, just as she went upstairs, Mr. Jiang stopped her, "Shengsheng, where are you going? "

Jiang Yan stopped, looked back at Mr. Jiang, and twitched the corner of his mouth, "I'll go back."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Yifan walked into the villa, and Mr. Jiang said with a smile: "Xiao Ji, here we come."

Ji Yifan smiled faintly, "Grandpa."

From Jiang Dong calling grandpa, this change is really smooth, but it made Mr. Jiang very happy,
Pick it up in person, "Hey, come in quickly, what are you two doing standing there, come here quickly."

Mr. Jiang's names are Jiang Junli and Jiang Jian.

Jiang Junli raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at Jiang Jian.

Jiang Yan pursed her lips, rolled her eyes, and turned to go back to her room. Mr. Jiang stopped her, "Shengsheng, where are you still running, why don't you hurry up and accompany your fiancé."

Jiang Yan was shocked and couldn't believe it, "Grandpa."

"Hurry up." Mr. Jiang said with a straight face.

Jiang Ji: "..." and looked at Jiang Junli.Jiang Junli smiled gloatingly, and added fuel to the match, "Sister, you and your fiancé probably haven't been together since you got engaged. Come on, come and accompany him."

Jiang Yan gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Junli.

Jiang Junli wanted to die, and smiled even more happily, looking at Mr. Jiang, "Grandpa, am I right?"

Mr. Jiang nodded, "It makes sense." He looked at Jiang Yan, "Shengsheng, what are you doing standing there, come here quickly."

Jiang Yan looked at Ji Yifan, unfortunately, Ji Yifan was also looking at her, Jiang Yan avoided, looked at Mr. Jiang, and said coquettishly: "Grandpa, I'm a little tired, can I go back to my room to rest first? And I often Go to accompany my fiance, if you don't believe me, just ask him."

"Really?" Mr. Jiang's gaze shifted from Jiang Yan to Ji Yifan.

Ji Yifan looked at Jiang Jian again, and Jiang Yan smiled sweetly at him, "Is that right? My dear."

, raised his chin threateningly towards him.

Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly, Mr. Jiang sought the truth, "Xiao Ji, is that so?"

Ji Yifan said "En.", Jiang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, yes, turned back to the room, Ji Yifan's voice grabbed her foot.

"We just met on January 1."

, Ji Yifan replied without blushing.

Jiang Jian's footsteps faltered, and he turned his head mechanically.

"Isn't January 1 the day you got engaged?" Mr. Jiang said in disbelief.

Ji Yifan was noncommittal.

"It's been so long, more than a month." Mr. Jiang was shocked.

Ji Yifan regretfully replied: "I'm sorry, because I'm too busy with work."

, Ji Yifan is sorry.

"That's it!" Mr. Jiang expressed his understanding, paused, and looked at Jiang Jian, "Sheng Sheng, what are you still doing standing there? Why don't you take your fiancé back to your room."

"Huh?" Jiang Yan couldn't believe it.

Mr. Jiang glanced at Jiang Yan helplessly, gave up on her, looked at Ji Yifan and said, "Shengsheng's room is in the middle of the second floor, Xiao Ji, go up and rest, go quickly."

Ji Yifan replied gentlemanly: "No, Grandpa, I'm fine. Shengsheng is also quite tired, let her rest. Aren't you short of chess friends? I'll play a game with you, how about it?"

Look at this kid.

He is filial, considerate, and not messy.

Mr. Jiang was very satisfied with Ji Yifan's answer. The more he looked at the child, the more he liked him. He asked tentatively again: "Aren't you going to rest?"

Ji Yifan smiled, "No need."

Mr. Jiang nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Jiang Yan, "Okay! Shengsheng, go back to your room to rest, and let Xiao Ji play chess with me for a while."

This style of painting changed too quickly.

Jiang Yan was a little dazed and couldn't react. She shifted her gaze from Mr. Jiang to Ji Yifan, looking at his handsome and harmless appearance.

Jiang Yan's heart trembled, she always felt that something was wrong, it was not that simple.

I couldn't figure out what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Jiang Yan thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure it out. Anyway, at least now she is not threatening to her, but she even helped her, thinking lazily.

Jiang Yan turned around and ran towards the room. It wasn't until the old man Jiang came up with a bad idea during dinner that he didn't realize that Ji Yifan's medicine jar might be selling such medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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