School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 280 Lack of money, lack of money

Chapter 280 Lack of money, lack of money

Jiang Yan proudly raised his chin towards Ji Yifan, with a look of dismay.

Ji Yifan: "..., really good."

Jiang Yan trembled, it was really good!
Ji Yifan untied the apron, threw the apron on the cooking table, gave her a cool look, "Only you can figure it out.", turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Jiang Ji: "..."


Ji Yifan went back to the room, slammed the door with a "bang", opened the chair and sat down, raised his hand and rubbed the space between his brows, wondering how he ended up in this situation, now Ren Ren is only thinking about money , earning money, he is actually not as good as money.

Ji Yifan took a deep breath, and after a while, he regained his composure, picked up his phone, and called Xue Xiyang again.


Jiang Yan rested her chin and stared at the computer. The last sachet transaction was over, and she won a big victory. Looking at the more than 100 million in the account, she thought that she still had more than 80 when she thought that she and Ji Yifan had [-] points.

Jiang Yan was so happy that she almost flew up, but when she thought that she was still a few million away from buying a house.

Jiang Yan was a little melancholy again, so he browsed the webpage in melancholy, after reading it for a while, he found it meaningless, and when he was about to turn off the computer, an entertainment news popped up on the webpage, saying that the last concert in the rock queen King's farewell circle was about to be sold out.


Jiang Jian stared at the name for a moment, then sighed softly. This circle is indeed like this, and the birthday of the prosperous age will last for a moment.

Jiang Yan turned off the computer, stretched on the bed, picked up the phone, and scrolled through the circle of friends, all of which were news about King's withdrawal from the circle. After a few minutes, Zhou Yan sent a message, "Who the hell snatched Here are my Goddess' concert tickets. I want it, and it doesn't matter how much it costs."

It doesn't matter how much money it is.

Jiang Yan suddenly saw a lot of money flying in front of her eyes, and stretched out her hand to grab it, but couldn't catch it, so she just flew away, feeling pain.

"Knock, knock." A few knocks on the door interrupted Jiang Yan's thoughts, Jiang Yan searched for the sound and looked at the door, "What's the matter?"

"Hmm." Ji Yifan outside the door snorted.

Jiang Yan turned over, got out of bed, dragged her slippers to the door of the room, opened the door, the koala hugged the door and looked at him suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

After staring at her for a moment, Ji Yifan paused and asked, "Are you free this weekend?"

"Yeah." Jiang Yan nodded, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Ji Yifan nodded slightly, and after a while, he did a trick and took out two concert tickets.


, Jiang Yan's eyes lit up, and she looked at Ji Yifan in surprise.

Ji Yifan felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, put his fist on his lips and coughed lightly, and explained: "My colleague bought it, but he doesn't have time this weekend. Just transfer the ticket to me, I don't like it too much , I remember you played rock and roll before, why don't you come together, just explain it to me, how about it?"

"Okay, okay!" Jiang Yan nodded happily.

Seeing this, Ji Yifan raised his lips, and Xue Xiyang was finally reliable for a while.

Jiang Yan rubbed his hands secretly, and happily reached out to take the concert ticket in Ji Yifan's hand. After a long time, the concert ticket remained in Ji Yifan's hand, and Jiang Yan looked at Ji Yifan suspiciously.

"I'll keep it first, we'll be together when the time comes." Ji Yifan turned around to go back to his room.

"Oh, no need." Jiang Yan grabbed Ji Yifan's hand.

Ji Yifan's body froze, and he looked back at Jiang Yan in a daze. Jiang Yan swiftly took a concert ticket from Ji Yifan's hand, held it in his hand as a treasure, looked at Ji Yifan with a smile and said: "I Keep it safe, make an appointment when the time comes, you have to leave a sense of anticipation, like a date, right!"

"A date?" Ji Yifan grasped the point, looked at Jiang Jian in surprise, and felt a little joy in his heart.

"Ah!", Jiang Yan nodded subconsciously, "Yes, a date, see you then!", and blinked at Ji Yifan.

"Bang." The door closed with a bang.

Ji Yifan stared blankly at the door, a firework exploded in his heart, thinking of Jiang Yan's anxious look.

Ji Yifan couldn't help laughing, and went back to the room with some helplessness and anticipation.



After Ji Yifan was on duty, he drove to the concert site, stood at the door and waited until the concert was about to start, but Jiang Jian was still there.

Ji Yifan glanced at the entrance of the field, and then dialed a phone call to Jiang Jian, but Jiang Jian didn't answer, Ji Yifan walked into the stadium suspiciously, found a seat, and saw the person on his podium , a little surprised, I took another look at the concert ticket seat number in my hand to confirm, yes.

Ji Yifan took a deep breath, looked at Zhou Yan, and asked, "Why are you?"

Zhou Yan took off his sunglasses, glanced at the person standing in front of him, "Oh." He patted the empty seat beside him, and greeted Ji Yifan, "Come on, sit, my goddess has a great effect on my concert." Great. For it, I bought it from unscrupulous merchants who paid more than ten times the high price."

"Unscrupulous merchant?" Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan clutched his chest in pain, "Who else is there, your fiancée Jiang Yan! She's so wicked."

The ticket of 1 yuan will cost 10,000+ in her hands, which is still a friendly price. This cheater, cheated him to death.

"I'm telling you?" Zhou Yan continued to complain to Ji Yifan.

Ji Yifan gave him a cool look, and Zhou Yan was shivered.

Ji Yifan snorted softly, stood up, "Idiot.", turned and left.

Idiot Zhou Yan: Who the hell is that idiot scolding!


This idiot Zhou Yan really is a fool with a lot of money.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed and counting the money, Jiang Yan was very happy. Halfway through the count, a chill ran down his back, and Jiang Yan shivered coldly.

"Bang." The sound of the downstairs door being slammed shut made Jiang Yan's hands tremble in fright, and the remote control panel in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Jiang Yan hurriedly put away the money on the bed, ran to the door, opened the door, poked his head out furtively, and took a look outside. The long legs wrapped in suit pants came into view. Jiang Yan was stunned for a moment. It moved up slowly along the long legs, and finally landed on the handsome face that was gloomy and about to snow.

"Hi!", Jiang Yan smiled awkwardly, silently retracted her head into the room, and when she was about to close the door, Ji Yifan raised her hand to block the door.

Jiang Yan couldn't close it, her heart pounded, it was broken, she couldn't be trying to take her money away!

"Let's talk." Ji Yifan looked at Jiang Jian leisurely.

Jiang Yan looked at him vigilantly, and asked cautiously, "What are you talking about?"

Ji Yifan's gaze fell on her hands covering her trouser pockets, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan's trouser pockets were tightly covered.

Ji Yifan's eyelids twitched, "Is it so short of money?" in a rather helpless tone.

"Quiet." Jiang Yan replied almost without thinking.

She is very short of money to buy a house.

Ji Yifan suddenly said: "...", took a deep breath, "How much is missing?"

(End of this chapter)

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