Chapter 284 You Are Here

Ji Yifan finished sorting out the medical records and looked out the window. It was already late at night, and subconsciously looked back at Jiang Yan who was studying the script just now. The little thing was crawling on the desk and sleeping soundly.

Seeing this, Ji Yifan smiled lightly, then walked up to Jiang Yan and stopped, staring at her, the little thing slept soundly, and rubbed his head from time to time to find a comfortable sleeping position.

Seeing this, Ji Yifan glanced at the lounge, then picked up Jiang Yan by the waist, and walked towards the lounge, the person in his arms writhed restlessly, making his heart itch, and suddenly wanted to bully her.

"Knock knock." A few knocks on the door sounded, Ji Yifan looked over in search of sound, saw Dr. Su, raised his eyebrows slightly, "wait for me for a few minutes."

"Yeah." Dr. Su snorted, and the person whose eyes fell on his arms was slightly taken aback for a moment, then his eyes sank, and he looked at Ji Yifan again.

Ji Yifan had already sent Jiang Jian back to the lounge, covered her with the quilt, and kissed her lightly on the forehead, then closed the door of the lounge, looked at her and said, "Help me take care of her, I will be right back."

Dr. Su said, "Yes." Ji Yifan nodded slightly, and subconsciously glanced at the lounge, with warmth in his eyes, raised his lips, then looked back at Dr. Su, politely thanked: " Thanks."

"It's okay." Doctor Su replied politely.

Ji Yifan nodded slightly, strode out of the consultation room, assembled, and went out for consultation.

Watching Ji Yifan's departure, Dr. Su slowly looked back, walked to the door of the lounge, pushed open the door, looked at the sleeping person on the bed for a while, sighed softly, exited the room, closed the door, After checking the last room, I went back to the lounge again. I was surprised to see Jiang Yan, who was already awake, sweating profusely, sitting on the bed panting, "Are you awake?"

Jiang Yan looked around and saw the woman who often came to look for Ji Yifan but was ignored by Ji Yifan. She was curious, "It's you!"

Dr. Su said "Yes." After a pause, he explained, "Dr. Ji is out for consultation."

Jiang Yan said "Oh!", nodded her head, got out of bed, put on her shoes, walked out of the lounge, looked at Dr. Su and said, "Aren't you off work yet?"

Dr. Su glanced at the time, looked at Jiang Yan with a smile, and said, "That's right! The shift will be over soon, and I have to go back."

"Okay." Jiang Yan yawned. Dr. Su nodded his head slightly, looking at Jiang Yan hesitatingly. Seeing this, Jiang Yan asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing?", Dr. Su smiled, walked a few steps, remembered something, fell back to the bookcase, opened the bookcase, and went to the gap between the case files, suddenly the bookcase shook, following Jiang Jian's With a cry of "Be careful.", Jiang Yan struggled to resist the bookcase that was thrown towards her, shaking the ground around her.

"There's an earthquake." There was a roar outside the consulting room, and in an instant, everyone rushed out of the ward like a flood, and ran out of the consulting room.

"There's an earthquake." Dr. Su stared blankly at Jiang Jian who was blocking the bookcase for her.

"Are you fucking blind? Come and help me!" Jiang Yan couldn't hold on any longer, but she didn't expect that the person in front of her fled staggeringly, and it didn't matter to her life or death.

Jiang Yan's voice behind her dragged her feet, Dr. Su supported the door frame, subconsciously looked back at Jiang Yan, the bookcase fell on Jiang Yan's leg.

Doctor Su screamed "Ah!" and fell to the ground staggeringly. The ground was still shaking violently. The instinctive reaction of the body had already forced the brain to make a decision. He fled staggeringly. The man was slightly taken aback, and instinctively pulled him back, "What are you doing?"

Ji Yifan grabbed her, "Where's Jiang Yan? Where is Jiang Yan now?"

Dr. Su was slightly taken aback, and hesitated, "She, Dr. Ji, Ji Yifan." Before it was too late, Ji Yifan had already rushed in.

With a bang, the door was pushed open, "Jiang Yan."

Jiang Yan subconsciously looked at the door, saw Ji Yifan, and smiled at him, "You're here." With a bang, the ceiling lamp above Jiang Yan's head suddenly fell down.

"Jiang Ji."

, Ji Yifan rushed over without thinking to protect her.

"Bang." The chandelier fell on Ji Yifan's back. Jiang Yan was stunned for a moment, staring at Ji Yifan in a daze. She wanted to call him, but she couldn't say a word for a long time. Rushed out of the eye sockets.

"Don't be afraid, you won't die." Ji Yifan protected her under his body.

"Ji Yifan." Jiang Yan finally called out, but the people around him didn't respond.

"Ji Yifan." Jiang Yan continued to call him, but there was still no answer, a faint smell of blood permeated between them, Jiang Yan was a little tired, his eyes darkened, and he fell unconscious.


Jiang Yan woke up from a dream, subconsciously shouted: "Ji Yifan."

"Wake up." The voices of Jiang Junli and Li Li sounded at the same time.

Jiang Yan heard the sound and looked over. After struggling for a long time, he finally recovered his voice, "Where's Ji Yifan?" Tears welled up in his eyes.

Jiang Junli and Li Li were taken aback almost at the same time.


, Jiang Junli spoke first.

"Where's Ji Yifan!" Jiang Yan casually wiped away tears, and subconsciously wanted to get up, the pain from the tear on her leg made her gasp, blocking her movement, Li Li held her back, " Ji Yifan is fine."

"Really?" Jiang Yan asked in surprise.

Li Li was slightly taken aback, then pursed his lips, "Yeah." He said, "Don't worry, he's fine."

"It's fine." Jiang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Jiang Junli and Li Li staring at her with weird eyes, Jiang Yan frowned and asked impatiently, "Is there something on my face?"

"Yes." Li Li and Jiang Junli shook their heads in unison.

Jiang Yan nodded, seeing that they were still looking at her with weird eyes, she was a little speechless, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Junli rubbed his forehead, looked at Li Li, Li Li pondered for a moment, then stared at Jiang Jian, "Jiang Jian, may I ask you?"

"Ask what?" Jiang Yan looked at the two in confusion.

After Li Li and Jiang Junli looked at each other, Jiang Junli raised his chin towards Li Li, Li Li nodded and looked at Jiang Jian, "Did you like Ji Yifan again?"

"Dang." With one click, a hammer hit Jiang Ji's heart.

Jiang Yan froze for a moment, and looked at the two of them in astonishment.

"Isn't it?" Li Li looked like he was caught in bed.

Jiang Ji: "...", his mind raced for thousands of miles.

Like it, sure, impossible!

It seems that I like it.

"Who the hell said I like him, blind?", finished.

"Knock, knock." Several knocks came from the door of the ward.

Everyone heard the sound and looked around, and when they saw the person standing at the door, they immediately said, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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