Chapter 339

Wen Ruohan walked a few steps, and suddenly turned back to look at her. Ji Yiren was caught off guard and bumped into his back, which hurt the bridge of his nose. He rubbed his nose and looked up at him.

Wen Ruohan raised his lips, "Idiot."

Ji Yiren: "..."

Wen Ruohan looked at her hairy head, couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed her head lightly, the strength was just right.

Ji Yiren's head exploded with a "hum." He looked at him dazedly, his cheeks were flushed, he scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, and smirked at Wen Ruohan. For some reason, he always felt that something was changing, but he didn't know why What.

Wen Ruohan couldn't help laughing, turned his face away, and looked elsewhere, Ji Yiren lowered his head, looked at his toes, couldn't hold back, laughed, looked around, saw a boutique not far away, and saw a Liang looked at Wen Ruohan and said, "I'm going to buy this classmate book."

"Why are you buying classmate records?" Wen Ruohan looked at her and said.

Ji Yiren looked up at him, "I might have to leave Class 1 after the monthly exam next time, so I bought this classmate book and wanted to keep it as a souvenir."

Wen Ruohan looked at Ji Yiyi's serious face, and didn't know what to say for a moment, followed her to the boutique, followed her, walked around, and finally stopped at the headgear decoration area, staring at the The cat headband on the hook looked at it for a while, and then glanced at Ji Yiren not far away. After a while, he took off the cat headband and walked to the cashier to pay and wait for her.

Not long after, Ji Yiren walked out of the boutique with a classmate book in his arms, looked up at Wen Ruohan and reminded with a smile: "I've bought it, let's go!"

"Yeah." Wen Ruohan snorted, and left with Ji Yiren, holding the hair rope tightly in his hands along the way, looking at Ji Yiren walking beside him, raised his lips.


Ji Yiren walked into the classroom slowly. Just as he walked to the edge of the seat and sat down, Zhou Sicheng who was sitting opposite her suddenly called her, "Ji Yiren."

Ji Yiren is not a person who holds grudges, so he turned to look at him and said, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Sicheng pursed his lips, and after a while, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry about what happened that day!"

Ji Yiren's beautiful eyes widened, and he looked at him in disbelief.

Zhou Sicheng smiled awkwardly, paused, saw the yogurt on the desk, and handed it to her, "Please drink the yogurt, shall we even it out?"

"I gave you a cold shoulder, and then I treated you to yogurt, so you can forgive me, so generous?" Zhuo Chenyang snorted lightly.

Zhou Sicheng: "..."

Zhuo Chenyang looked at Ji Yiren and said with a smile: "We are also people with backbone, right?"

Ji Yiren glanced at Zhuo Chenyang, then subconsciously glanced at Wen Ruohan, who looked at her indifferently.

Ji Yiren: "...", took the yogurt, and handed it to Zhuo Chenyang, "I accept your apology, but I don't like strawberry flavor, Zhuo Chenyang, you can drink it!"

Zhuo Chenyang happily took the yoghurt, "Then I'll drink it."

Ji Yiren nodded, and looked at Wen Ruohan again, Wen Ruohan indifferently withdrew his gaze, and continued to read
Ji Yiren touched his nose.


between classes.

When Ji Yiren and Leng Shuyao went to the toilet, they always felt that the atmosphere was not quite right. Along the way, people greeted her, Nuo, there was another one, who waved to her with a smile, "Hi, Yiren."

Ji Yiren turned to look at Leng Shuyao, and asked in disbelief, "What's going on?"

Leng Shuyao smiled lightly and said, "It's just like what you see!"

Ji Yiren: "...", she was a little confused by this change.

"Ai Xiaotong was the one who took the lead in isolating you, and now she is the one who is being isolated."

"Isolate her?"

"Yeah." Leng Shuyao nodded, "Between you and Ruohan left, a policeman came to the school and said that when a gangster harassed her, you saved her. But she took the lead in isolating you. No matter how you look at it, you don’t want to think it’s done by one person!”

Leng Shuyao smiled gently, looked at Ji Yiren and said, "What's wrong, our little hero."

Ji Yiren: "...", who did it.


Wen Ruohan flipped through the book for a while, and the phone placed in the table hole vibrated.

Wen Ruohan paused, took out his mobile phone, and opened it to see that it was a text message sent to him by Shen Mu.

How is the boss doing, how is the sister-in-law?
Wen Ruohan's temples twitched several times, and after a while, he replied that it was okay, turned off the phone, looked at the empty seat not far away, then looked away, and continued to read.


The art festival came as scheduled, and the paintings of each class were placed on the display rack in turn for the whole school to browse and vote.

Leng Shuyao had a program to host in the evening, and Ji Yiren helped to see the voting status of the class paintings. As soon as he walked to the display column, he saw a teacher with glasses and white hair standing in front of the paintings of Class 1, "Tsk tsk "A few times, then turned around suddenly, saw Ji Yiren standing not far away, and waved to her, "That classmate, come here."

Ji Yiren walked over and shouted politely: "Teacher."

The teacher nodded slightly, pointed at the painting and said, "Do you know who is in charge of this painting?"

Ji Yiren smiled, "Oh, I am, is there any problem, teacher?"

After looking at Ji Yiren for a while, the teacher looked at her and said, "Who drew this in your class?"

Ji Yiren was slightly taken aback, his heart was raised in his throat, and he asked tentatively: "Is there any problem with the painting?"

"Are you the author of this painting?" The teacher looked at Ji Yiren and asked tentatively.

Ji Yiren twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment, and replied with some embarrassment: "Yes."

The teacher's eyes lit up immediately, "So this is what you drew."

Ji Yiren: "..."

The teacher was immediately happy, "Come on, let's have a good chat."

Ji Yiren: "..."


The art festival started on time at 7:[-] p.m., and those who participated in the performance stayed in the background and prepared nervously.

As the host, Leng Shuyao wore a long red dress tonight, her long hair in fishbone braids was tied behind her head, under the light, her cold white skin exuded a lustrous light, her frowns and clusters were alluring Hun, attracting stares coming and going, and people looking for her contact information.

After Leng Shuyao refused apologetically, she held up her skirt and walked towards an inconspicuous corner. After taking a few steps, she paused. She was wearing a black coat with sleeves rolled up to her elbows and a paper roll in her hand. Jiang Linyu, who is serious about being a conductor, looks like a piece of beautiful jade in every move, noble and magnificent.

Leng Shuyao lowered her eyes, lifted her skirt, and left, went to the utility room to check that there was nothing missing, then lifted her skirt, and when she turned to leave, she was surprised to see the person standing in the utility room .

Leng Shuyao's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then greeted politely: "Sister."

Mu Lingyang raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a smile, "It looks pretty good."

Leng Shuyao staggered away from her, "If senior sister has nothing to do, I'll leave first.", stepping up to leave.

"Wait." Mu Lingyang stepped forward and stopped her.

(End of this chapter)

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