Chapter 151

Old man Yuan Hao, known as Yuan Shitou, is already very old.He used to be the number one garden master in the capital and even in the entire Xie Dynasty, and he is still one of the few masters in the world even after retiring for many years, but his residence is not as complicated and magnificent as the world imagined. It is actually an empty and desolate courtyard, where weeds and flowers grow freely. , Even in winter, you can still see a little bit of green in the depths of the withered yellow, and there are a few dead trees standing proudly in the cold wind, forming a bleak and comfortable scenery.

There is real meaning here, the experience of half a lifetime of the poor old man, but if a mediocre person who knows little about gardens and landscapes reads it, he will only sneer: there is not even a stream, let alone pavilions, everything is desolate, more than It's not as good as an abandoned yard.

For these ignorant criticisms, the old man always goes in his left ear and out of his right ear, lights a tube of shredded tobacco from the Western Regions, and puffs out clouds and fog like a living fairy.



"Unexpectedly, Mr. Yuan's yard can be so beautiful even in this midwinter season."

The person who spoke was a graceful lady, dressed in men's attire, wrapped in black fur, the neckline was buttoned with pearls, and the tip of the protruding long hair had a faint pearly luster.

This time she came here in low clothes, in a green bull car, followed by only two beautiful maids who were also dressed as men, but after all, she was of a very high status, a hundred steps away, there were guards with knives on guard.

The maids in the Yuan Mansion had seen the world, knew that the visitor was unusual, and waited on her carefully, but she couldn't help muttering in her heart: This nobleman came to the door in disguise, why?
On the contrary, the owner of the room, the old man wrapped in sheep fur, knew that the group of three people walking towards him were the first-class dignitaries in the capital, but he also sat casually on the pine corridor with his legs spread apart, showing no manners at all.

While sitting upright, he was disorganized and rude, but before the distinguished guests were seated, the old man's eyes were already blurred and he asked: "The old man has spent half his life as a gardener for man-made landscaping, but he has never made up his mind when it's his turn. After sowing some seeds, it became the appearance in front of me. But I don't know what beauty Mr. Fu saw?
Li Ci knew that the old man Yuan was weighing her weight, but fortunately she was confident, pointing to the mess in the yard and said: "You can't see the beauty, but you can't say it. I just think this courtyard is quite natural. Spring, summer, autumn and winter The four seasons, the flowers and plants are different, and the scenery is also different. Compared with the deliberate decoration, it is better."

"Master Fu is really extraordinary."

The old man said casually, and actually took off his white silk socks in front of the distinguished guests, and picked his toes.Although there is no stench coming out, the act of picking toes is vulgar after all, and sitting opposite him are three beauties, not to mention the young maids of the Yuan Manor, even the old lady who is warming the wine feels embarrassingly hot No, but the old man of Pian Yuan acted confidently and confidently, without any shyness.

Li Ci looked at it quietly, and suddenly said: "The way of good fortune is the way of nature. When Mr. Yuan designed this courtyard, what he pursued was to return to the original and return to nature?"

The old man kept picking his toes until fine snow flakes fell from the pale sky, so he sloppily stopped, took the wet towel handed by the servant girl, wiped it and said, "Being courteous is a gift for everyone." Please, Mr. Fu, my old man hates beating around the bush the most, so you might as well say what you are here for, so as not to watch the old man pick his toes and have to put on a show of demeanor."

Seeing that he was funny, Li Ci also smiled.

"The old man is really an expert in the world."

The old man Yuan said: "Ugly words come first, old man, I just want to take care of my life. I have a little interest in the low-rent housing proposed by Ye Shaohou, but I am more afraid of trouble."

However, Rao Deyuan said all the ugly things out of his mouth, but Li Ci was not unhappy, and said lightly: "The old man is too worried. This time, I just want to pay a lot of money to ask the old man to host for me. Build a yard."

"There are so many people who can build gardens in the world, why does Mr. Fu have to find me, a dying old man?"

Yuan Hao's words are indeed true. Although he was once the most prestigious gardener in the world, he is now very old.

Li Ci smiled but said nothing, turned around, waved, and ordered Bai Yinmei to present the scroll.

The scroll was spread out on the pine floor, and the empty and distant dry landscape slowly unfolded. Li Ci wrote lightly: "This is the yard I imagined."

The old man glanced at it casually, then his eyes narrowed, and the old look was swept away. He greedily leaned forward and looked at every detail of the scroll.

"This is……"

"The old man has disciples all over the world. You must have known that I am building the Songhe Tower for the scholars who come to Beijing to take the exam. It is for people from all over the world to live, so it must be elegant and unique. However, the area of ​​the Songhe Tower is limited, and I want to create a meaningful space in a narrow space. It is indeed extremely difficult to create an ethereal atmosphere. For this reason, I have been thinking for a long time, and finally drew this dry landscape."

The appearance of Japanese-style Karesansui is due to the limited land and landscaping area in Japan. They have no choice but to look at the big from the small and integrate into the ethereal Zen. It seems random, but in fact it is deliberately created through the combination of flowers and trees, stone statues and white sand. Quiet, deep and remote atmosphere.Even if it is only a partial view, it can still open your mind.

This kind of landscape layout is quite similar to traditional Chinese painting, dense and orderly, leaving white and indifferent. Only a few stone groups, a field of white sand, and a little flower embellishment can condense into a piece of pure land.


The old man obviously also saw the beauty of Dry Mountain Water, his words were stuck in his throat, his fingers were not stagnant in the air, and Li Ci didn't dare to disturb him, he watched from the sidelines and answered every question he had.

Although it went around in circles, it finally led the old man into the original track.

Next, is the topic.



Just as Li Ci was worried, although the matter of low-rent housing received the full support of Jinshang in the court meeting and was barely passed, it was extremely difficult to implement it in the end.

The first thing that lies before us is the matter of building.After all, low-rent housing is an unfamiliar concept. No one can predict possible problems during the construction process. The Ministry of Industry was afraid of trouble, so it tried to evade the problem with the excuse of incompetence.

Li Ci was also afraid of trouble, but she knew better that Ye Chuan wanted to gradually transform from a general into a courtier, and the matter of low-rent housing was an excellent opportunity.So for him and for themselves, they must carry this matter through to the end.

They must find a project director who is capable and famous enough to take on the big responsibility.

Won Ho.

Yuan Kunpeng.

The former No. [-] garden master in the world is also the teacher of most famous craftsmen today. If he came forward to preside over the construction of low-rent housing, countless troubles would definitely be avoided.

But Yuan Shitou is a weird person, he doesn't care about political affairs, and he has a stubborn personality like a rock. If he is burdened by state affairs, even if the monarch comes to the door in person, he will be rejected.

In order to persuade Yuan Shitou, Ye Chuan and Li Ci brainstormed, they came up with many ways and denied many possibilities, but in the end, because of a memory from the previous life, Mao Sai suddenly realized.

Drama "Mayor Chen Yi".

Mayor Chen Yi visited Qi Yangzhi at night, a chemist, and asked Mr. Qi Yangzhi to "come out of the mountain". Even if Chen Yi visited in person, he would still be rejected.Knowing these facts, Mayor Chen Yi made indirect remarks, started with chemistry, which Mr. Qi is good at, and gradually aroused Mr. Qi's curiosity - "Scholars take ignorance as the greatest shame, I must ask to understand", and finally deepened step by step, smoothly. He negotiated with Mr. Qi about presiding over the establishment of the first penicillin pharmaceutical factory in the country.

Li Ci came here in disguise this time, using dry mountains and rivers as a stepping stone, with the same idea.

In this era, Zen Buddhism has just emerged, and dry landscape gardens have not yet been born. Li Ci believes that Yi Yuan Shitou's obsession with garden art will definitely be tempting.

Sure enough, Rao De Yuanhao was well-informed, and was stunned by the seemingly monotonous but actually ever-changing connotation of this dry landscape, and then became obsessed with it.

He has always been crazy, but he has been drunk since then. He shook his head and sketched every line, as if from these monotonous clues, he could deduce the changes of everything in the world.

Although Lici doesn't like Japan, I have to say that Karesansui is a dojo built in a snail shell, combining the Zen meaning of "one flower, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi; holding infinity, instant is eternity" and the deliberate delicacy of Japanese traditional culture. Played to the extreme.Yuan Hao knows the goods, so he can see the essence of dry mountains and waters at a glance, and there are even cloudy teardrops in his eyes.

The seemingly chaotic courtyard actually coincides with the way of nature, while the seemingly neat and delicate dry landscape is another interpretation of the way of nature.

When he raised his head again, the old man's eyes became more crystal clear. If a cultivator saw it, he would be amazed that the old man was one step closer to the Dao.

Even for Li Ci who doesn't know how to practice Taoism, the assassin can see that Yuan Hao's ability to become the number one master in the world is indeed not a fluke.

Ordinary gardeners only know how to combine aesthetics and architecture, and add a few elements of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Yuanhao has gradually stripped away the appearance and went straight to the source in decades of gardening, and has reached the point of returning to the basics. His The yard is integrated into the Tao, and into Yuan Shitou's understanding of the nature of heaven and earth.

After a long time, Yuan Hao finally woke up. He raised his head and said, "Young Master Fu, you look like a dry landscape, which makes the old man suddenly enlightened, and the stagnation of decades has been wiped away overnight. It can be seen that this dry landscape is extraordinary, but I don't know how Mr. Fu got it?"

Li Ci rolled his eyes and said, "It's the inspiration I got when discussing Zen with Mr. Jun."

This is a lie.

But Li Ci knew that Jun Fengxi would not expose her, although she didn't understand why Jun Fengxi kept defending herself.

Let's take one step at a time.

At least Mr. Yuan Hao won't have any doubts if he pushes Karesansui to Jun Fengxi.

Sure enough, upon hearing the words, Yuan Hao stroked his sparse gray beard, and said, "Master Jun is a scholar of heaven and man, so it's not surprising that he can come up with dry mountains and rivers. It's just that the brushwork in this painting is dry and lifeless, which is really a pity. "

Li Ci said awkwardly: "The old man saw through, this is indeed a clumsy work."

Yuan Hao's thoughts were all on the dry mountains and rivers, but he didn't hear any language problems. He glanced at Li Ci's clumsy work, and said, "It's really a pity. But it's good luck to get the bones of the dry mountains and rivers. And if you get it, you will be envied by the heavens. Mr. Fu, you and I are very kind, just tell me what you want to get."

There was a burst of joy in Li Ci's heart, but Mr. Yuan's next sentence made her realize that she should not rush to make progress.

"But one thing must be made clear. I am old and I don't want to get involved in the quagmire of politics. I just hope that my old bones can continue to enjoy themselves."

Obviously, he was still afraid of her speaking.

Fortunately, Li Ci didn't expect a dry landscape to impress the old man's heart. After thinking for a while, he said softly: "The old man is worrying too much. This dry landscape is just a request. I want to get the old man's approval, and he is willing to build a garden for me." Although I am ignorant, I am not arrogant enough to think that a dry landscape can shake the old man's rock-solid heart that does not care about politics."

"Heart of the Rock?"

The old man chewed carefully, couldn't help shouting for wine, drank three cups in a row, looked at the garden where the snow was like catkins, sighed, and said: "Mr.

Li Ci said: "Sir, you are overwhelmed."

Yuan Hao said kindly: "I have already obtained the benefits of your dry mountains and rivers. If the young master really wants me to work on the low-rent housing matter with this, it will be an embarrassment that cannot be avoided. Fortunately, the young master is broad-minded, and he is not a person who takes favors. The old man is a villain."

Li Ci said: "The old man is modest. No matter how exquisite the dry mountains and rivers are, they are only the combination of Zen and nature. I watch the old man's courtyard and pay attention to the changes of nature in the four seasons. It can be seen that even without my clumsy dry mountains and rivers, the old man will You will understand the essence of dry mountains and rivers. Since it is not a kindness, naturally I dare not ask for kindness in return."

The old man nodded and said: "Yes, I just thought about it, if you insist on asking for repayment with the kindness of Dry Shanshui, although I can't shirk it, I won't do my best for you. Fortunately, Mr. Fu knows the truth Subtlety, good, good."

Li Ci said, "The old man is wrong again. I don't ask dry mountains and waters for my kindness, because I hold a more mysterious fortune in my hand."

"good fortune?"

Yuan Hao's eyes narrowed all of a sudden.

Li Ci nodded and said, "It's indeed good luck."

"Appreciate further details."

Li Ci stood up, walked three steps, stood on the edge of the corridor, stretched out his hand, caught a snowflake, and said: "The old man seeks the way of heaven and earth, and it has been like a day for 50 years, but I want to say something boldly, the old man has worked hard all these years. I have learned a lot, but I have never found the true way.”


Unexpectedly being criticized by a yellow-mouthed child, Yuan Hao's self-cultivation is good, and his calm face is inevitably agitated. He coughed twice, and finally calmed down, and said arrogantly: "Old man is naturally dull, but he thinks that he has a natural view of heaven and earth. , much deeper than you."

Li Ci said: "I don't dare to compare with the old man in my understanding of the way of heaven and earth, but the way of heaven and earth is also the way of humanity. Human beings are the spirits of all things, and they are in touch with heaven and earth. Has the old man ever thought about why this is?"


Because of the dry landscape before, Yuan Hao has a certain tolerance for Li Ci's big words. Li Ci also knows this. Whether Tao is ruthless or sentient, this matter has been debated for thousands of years without any result. But I, by chance, witnessed the reconciliation of the real Baihe in Yuelu Mountain. A little insight."

"So what? Could it be that this is the case, Mr. Fu thinks he has the qualifications to teach my old man?"

Facing the old man's rampage, Li Ci was very indifferent: "Mr. Yuan must also know that Mr. Jun is only one step away from being born into the celestial being. Since it is only one step away, why should Mr. Jun give up the carefree life outside the world and re-enter the world?" The world of mortals? The small way saves oneself, the great way saves the world, the gentleman cultivates the way, so he first leaves the world and then enters the world, and he cultivates the mind of the Tao with the world of mortals. This kind of heart is no less than that of the Buddha. Unfortunately... Mr. Yuan's understanding of Tao has always remained in the small ways of going out of the world, not asking about the world, and comprehending nature."

"...A small path is also a path."

He said awkwardly, his voice no longer as strong as it was at the beginning.

Li Ci took advantage of the victory and pursued, saying: "Buddha taught the world with Buddhism, Confucius taught the world with Confucianism, Sanqing nurtured things with the way of heaven. What is the way and how can you get it, Mr. Yuan Lao, have you never thought about it? "

"Cleanliness and self-improvement is the way, the world of mortals is the way, the way is the way, the way is very way. What is the way, the way is a pursuit, but also an ideal. Sensing the changes of the world and turning yourself into the world, the way you get , but the body of the Dao, not the real Dao.”

Li Ci once again pointed to the dry landscape on the painting scroll, and said: "The dry landscape I painted can be said to be violent and devoid of spirit. But—what is spirit? Spirit is the essence of all things in the world. Humans have spirit, Therefore, it becomes the spirit of all things, and the heaven and earth have spirits, so they gave birth to the way of heaven. If you want to find the way of heaven, you must first look for the way of humanity. If you don’t even understand the way of humanity, and you can’t even understand the compassion of the saints of the three religions, you have truly understood the laws of heaven and earth. You can't really gain the Dao even if you change..."

A few words, exhausting the wit and ingenuity of Lici, and in the end, even she herself couldn't believe that these words came from her own mouth.


"Only by returning to the world of mortals can the old man truly attain the Tao."

Li Ci spoke as calmly as possible, but the seemingly indifferent words shocked Yuan Hao's heart.

When he first entered the courtyard, Yuan Shitou felt that this woman was more beautiful and more radiant than all the women he had seen before.But no matter how beautiful she is, she's just a woman, a bone in the blink of an eye.But now, he didn't dare to look into her eyes. Her pupils were radiant and full of wisdom.

He suddenly understood why Master Bai He triggered the Heavenly Tribulation after meeting her in Yuelu Mountain and asked for help.

Chao Wendao, Xi can die!

Karesanshui has great wisdom, which swept away his decades of doubts.

And what she said taught him to really see the traces of Tao.

Join the WTO, get the way.

So with a clear mind, he stood up and bowed to the end: "A word from Madam is better than ten years of writing. Madam Xie enlightens the stubborn stone!"

 This chapter has a big discount, don’t miss it when you pass by~~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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