atypical prostitute

Chapter 181 They

Chapter 181 They
The night was dark, and the hazy moonlight cast a layer of water on the white lotus. The heat had already dissipated. She sat in the bamboo pavilion and watched the fireflies all over the sky.

A little bit of fluorescent light lingers in the shimmering light, and there is even a sense of tranquility. On this quiet autumn night, her body and mind are about to disperse, but she can't calm down. She shakes the palace fan lightly, and her heart flies out of the gate.

The Northern Expedition continued in full swing, and successive victories could not divert domestic political conflicts. On the contrary, due to the massive consumption of supplies brought about by the war, the resistance of the local princes to the central government was burning vigorously.

According to Xiao Zhiqian's forced conscript order, every prince is obliged to pay a certain amount of food, grass and soldiers. This is not surprising, but the data listed by Xiao Zhiqian makes every prince break out in a cold sweat when he sees his part ——How much does he know, or in other words, how much hidden power is still unknown to him!

The battlefield is no longer limited to the border. Dark clouds are gathering silently. Under the bright moonlight, a big storm is slowly brewing.

She subconsciously touched her slightly swollen lower abdomen. She was four months pregnant. If nothing else happened, the day when the army triumphed would be the time when she gave birth.

But can there be no surprises?I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at her covetously!

Xiao Zhiqian, can you allow this child to be born and grow up?

Before the army set off, Xiao Zhiqian handed over the power of the Forbidden Army to Ye Chuan. This was his promise to Ye Chuan, but it also put Ye Chuan at the center of the storm.Those who covet the throne, those who are unwilling to be weakened by a knife, are waiting in the dark for an opportunity.

The fuse is Concubine De and Concubine Xian.

Half a month ago, the two noble concubines gave birth to princes for Jinshang respectively. If the emperor can't come back from outside the customs, the children in their arms will each have a [-]% chance of becoming the new king.

A new king who still needs milk.

This is an irresistible temptation for those in power. The person who puts the orphan and widow on the throne will gain power over the monarch, and it will take a long, long time for the child to grow up. The Wang Mangs made all the preparations.

In order to consolidate the imperial power, Xiao Zhiqian issued a series of regulations to suppress the wealthy and powerful and strengthen the centralization of power. If there is any intention to cede the imperial power, the local rich and powerful families will devote themselves to his grand scheme of usurping the throne.

Xiao Zhiqian has already put a knife on their necks, so it doesn't matter whether they are really rebellious or not.

What is victorious is justice.

Although these accidents were all based on Xiao Zhiqian's failure to return alive, or the failure of the Northern Expedition, she was a mother, she wanted her child to be born smoothly and safely, and she had to take into account any possible dangers that might happen.

She doesn't like Xiao Zhiqian, Xiao Zhiqian's threat to her is no less than the threat of local wealthy families to the imperial power, but she can only rely on him, because only if he does not die, her child will have a chance to come to this world.

There were soft footsteps behind her, she didn't need to turn her head, she knew who it was, she leaned on the imperial concubine's couch and yawned lazily, complaining: "Why did you come back so late?"

"It's not easy to refuse a banquet from the King of Yan."

The man said helplessly, took off his outer robe casually, and threw it to the servant who was waiting by his side.

He walked slowly to his wife whose skin became more radiant due to pregnancy, and asked with concern: "Do you feel sick today?"

She shook her head and said: "It's been four months, and the imperial doctor also said that the pulse condition is stable and there is no need to worry, but the food intake has increased a lot recently, and she has become puffy a lot."

"It's better to be fat, fat, so cute."

Ye Chuan jokingly said, his rough big hands carefully landed on her lower abdomen, stroked, and sighed: "It's amazing, this is how a child came into this world."

"Stop pretending to be a fuss."

"Where? I'm really surprised. I never knew that there is so much hard work behind the birth of a child. No wonder the Buddhist scriptures say that all living beings are equal and life is priceless."

"It's a pity that not everyone understands the value of life, or it is precisely because they know that life is priceless that they prefer to punish others by depriving them of life. a mistake..."

Li Ci said bitterly, on the battlefield thousands of miles away, tens of thousands of lives are lost every day. They are all conceived by women in ten months and raised in 20 years, but on the battlefield , they are just numbers.

"There is no way for the dead in war. Only death can make the living cherish peace more."

Ye Chuan said calmly, then suddenly glanced at the servants beside him, and said, "How can I let Madam blow the wind outside? What should I do if I get cold?"

The servant girl bowed her head and admitted her mistake when she heard the words, but Li Ci said unhappily, "I'm in the house all day, I'm almost suffocated to death, it's rare that the moon is so bright today, why can't I come out?"

Since she became pregnant, she has become the most statusless existence in the entire mansion, not to mention the nuns, even a random maid in Nanyuan kept saying "Young Marquis ordered", and she must be disciplined It's like a rare animal in a cage.

While tirelessly, she also sensed Ye Chuan's worry.

Xieren believes in Buddhism and the cause and effect of reincarnation. The Ye family has committed too many murders, and he is afraid that the blood debt will be repaid on the unborn child.

After hearing her complaint, Xu Shi said, Ye Chuan said, "It's cold and dewy lately, I'm afraid you'll catch a cold."

"I'm already wearing thick brocade clothes, and Dan Xing and the others are holding cloaks, how could I catch a cold."

She spoke resolutely, but found that under the moonlight, Ye Chuan's face gradually became serious.

"Recently, the situation in Beijing and China is unstable."

For no reason, he suddenly said something irrelevant, but Li Ci immediately came to his senses and said, "Could it be that King Yan has other plans for the banquet today?"

Ye Chuan smiled bitterly and said, "King Yan didn't say anything clear, but I always feel that the atmosphere is not right."

"What's wrong?"

Li Ci asked softly, but Ye Chuan stepped back and said slowly, "It's just a premonition."

"However, the King of Yan supported the succession of the present with all his strength back then, so how could he have the heart of disobedience?"

Li Ci said casually, the situation in the court changed rapidly, yesterday's loyalty may be tomorrow's traitor and rebellion, as the king of the royal family, there is really no need to insist on the so-called position.

What's more, because of his brotherly relationship with King Liang, King Yan has been wandering in the center of power for three years. Xiao Zhiqian attached great importance to him, but he never really trusted him.Everyone can see this clearly.

"Because no one believes that he has a heart of disobedience, it is truly terrifying."

Ye Chuan repeated softly, and he made a gesture referring to King Liang.

In the past three years, King Liang has basically been in a semi-reclusive state, but the more low-key he is, the more scruples Li Ci has towards him.

Realizing that the monarch didn't like him, King Liang simply gave up his political status and turned to benevolent to the world.After several years of operation, all scholars in the world are proud to see him.Today's him has lost his sharpness, but his limelight is even better than before.

This is a ruthless move.

Xiao Zhiqian used the imperial examination to obtain young and fresh blood, and he used them to break down the monopoly of power by the rich and powerful.Knowing the importance of these young people to Xiao Zhiqian, Liang Wang resolutely integrated himself with the scholars of the world, which is indeed extremely wise.

Even though it was impossible for him to snoop on Dabao at the risk of the world, it was impossible for Xiao Zhiqian to do anything to him.

"The king of Yan has a different heart? As long as the king of Liang still obeys the rules, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Li Ci pretended to be relaxed and said, King Yan has a heart, how could King Liang be innocent, but after experiencing Xiao Zhiqian's several power cuts, the already cautious King Liang became more and more careful, throwing stones and asking for directions almost every step he took.

"Is it possible for King Liang to follow the rules?"

Ye Chuan sneered, holding Li Ci's slightly cold hands.

"Of course it's impossible, but as long as His Majesty still occupies the position of Great Treasure, he won't make any unnecessary moves. It's a pity that sometimes it's not a good thing to be too cautious and safe. Opportunities will pass by because of his hesitation."

"Madame means—"

"Since King Yan has decided to be an enemy of His Majesty, we have to make a choice."

She said softly but resolutely, there must be someone in the harem who is allied with King Yan, and this gave him enough courage to confront Xiao Zhiqian head-on.That being the case, even if it was just for the safe birth of the child, she had to express her position.

The Ye family is undoubtedly the emperor's faction. When King Yan unequivocally expressed his betrayal position, Ye Chuan's choice was only King Wei. Although King Wei was greedy and ignorant, at least his fear of Xiao Zhiqian came from his heart. inner.

Even if he had the heart of disobedience, he only dared to hide his ambition in his heart before he saw Xiao Zhiqian's corpse.

Of course, there is another reason that prompted them to choose King Wei, Jun Fengxi.The mysterious political speculator is never on the wrong side, he always stands with the winner.

So even though their instincts still repel Jun Fengxi, in order to ensure that the family is not damaged and the child is born safely, they can easily suppress those little unhappiness.

"Why don't we hold a banquet in Weifang Garden on the Mid-Autumn Festival night to entertain Wei Wang and his wife?"

Li Ci suggested that Weifangyuan is famous for its peonies in the capital, but its other flowers are equally outstanding.This is the Royal Garden, which has beautiful scenery that changes from season to season. With Master Yuan's wonderful hand, it becomes more and more splendid, which is no small matter.

"Let me take care of the banquet. Madam is heavy, so she can't be tired."

Said softly, Ye Chuan hugged her, and said: "The moon is covered by cloudy clouds, I'm afraid the days ahead will be difficult."

"But the dark clouds can't cover the moon after all, let alone with you by my side."

She said gently, her cheek touched the stubble of his beard from days of hard work.

The sharp stubble slid across his face, causing a slight tingling sensation, but surrounded by his breath, it was a long-lost sense of stability.

But Ye Chuan, because of the small movement of her hands hooking her neck, rolled her throat, and said in a hoarse voice: "Go to sleep if you are sleepy, I will carry you back."


Since his pregnancy, he has been enduring very hard. If he was in another house, he would have already filled the house to take care of the male owner's needs.But Ye Chuan didn't take the initiative to mention it, and she pretended not to think about it, even though she knew that taking concubines for her husband was the duty of women under the monogamous polygamy system.

However, as long as she thought of sharing her husband with other women, she would feel unspeakable disgust in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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