Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 101 I will handle it

Chapter 101 I will handle it
After the severe tearing sensation, Le Zhengluo calmed down, and his thoughts returned to his brain.

At this time, she was panting heavily, and her body was completely soaked in sweat, as if she had just been fished out of the water. Lu Ling saw clearly the beautiful figure that belonged to a girl.

It's just that she wasn't shy at all, and looked directly into Lu Ling's eyes.

not to kill her...

Strangely, Lezheng Luoting was a little disappointed. She thought that if Lu Ling wanted to kill her, it meant that she had kept her in mind.

Isn't it great?At least it's better than being ignored by her now.

But, why did she swing the sword at herself?
Turning his head, looking at the chasm-like chasm behind him, Le Zheng Luoting's eyes tightened.

The sword energy passed through her body, but she didn't die?
Unlike the confused Lezheng Luoting, Xuechen saw it clearly. Shortly after the sword qi crossed, a jet of dark devilish energy was expelled from her body.

It belonged to the old devil from before.

She didn't notice it, but the master did.

At this time, Le Zheng Luoting put his body weight on the Mo Yuan sword, extremely weak, but still did not forget to look at Lu Ling.

"Don't talk about today's matter." Lu Ling walked over with a cold expression on her face. She has no feelings now and just acts according to her own preferences.

"Okay." Le Zheng nodded in front of the court. Without Lu Ling's words, she would not ask this matter out. It was not because she was afraid of causing trouble to Lu Ling, but...

As for Lu Ling's matter, she alone should know about it, how could she share it with other irrelevant people.

"That's good." After speaking, Lu Ling turned her head, showing a hint of trouble on her face.

Now that the sword pavilion is cut off by her at the waist, what should be done if such a big disaster has been caused.

She didn't expect her sword to be so strong.

"What's your name?"

At this time, Le Zheng asked in the court.

After such a long time, Lezheng Luoting still didn't know her name.

"Lu Ling." Without hesitation, Lu Ling told the girl in front of her her name.

She felt that this man could be trusted.

"Lu Ling...a good name." Le Zheng nodded in Luoting, remembering the name.

The ninth peak of Lingshan, Lu Ling, she remembered.

Sooner or later, she will make this girl her own.

If not, you can become her property yourself.

"Lu Ling, I have a question to ask you." Le Zheng fell into the court and said.

Lu Ling looked at the sweaty girl in front of her and nodded.

"Le Zhengling, or Lu Luoting, which one do you like?"

What she meant was obvious, Le Zhengling meant that Lu Ling became her property, while Lu Luoting was the opposite.

She was seeking Lu Ling's opinion.

"En... Le Zhengling sounds nicer." Lu Ling didn't know what Le Zhengluo was thinking, she only knew that this name sounded better than the latter one.

"Understood, I will work hard." Le Zhengluo nodded and said something that Lu Ling could not understand.

Since Lu Ling thought it would be nicer to follow her surname, she aimed to "conquer" Lu Ling, and one day, she would add her own surname before her name.

But not now, her cultivation base is too low now, and she is not worthy of her.

Le Zheng lowered his head in the courtyard, and when he raised it again, he was full of surprise.

At this time, many people appeared around.

She doesn't know any of them.

There are frivolous young people, sick old men, and many middle-aged men.

They were standing behind Lu Ling at this moment, but she didn't seem to notice anything, she still lowered her head and teased the cat in her arms.

Of course Lu Ling found these people, but she didn't act, or she didn't know what to do.

These people are naturally the strong in Shushan.

After the old devil returned to the sword mound, Xianjian became quiet, as if he had fallen asleep, without any emotion, so naturally there was no need for their suppression.

Then, a burst of sword energy came from under the Floating Sword Peak, cutting off the entire Jiange Pavilion, and the sound of violent collapse spread far away. When they rushed over, they saw such a scene.

The little girl in front of me is the girl that Yun Xiao stole back from Lingshan?

Talent is very good.

The old man with white beard looked at the coldness in Lu Ling's eyes and was a little surprised.

Jianxin is transparent.

Lu Ling did not hide the emotion in her eyes at all, and the occasional sword light in her eyes made the old man very convinced.

This is a good seed for sword practice.

If she is a disciple of Shushan, then she can directly teach her the top sword scriptures.

Unfortunately not.

It is Lingshan, why is it Lingshan again.

The old man didn't understand why this kind of kendo genius always appeared in Lingshan.

The former Shen Gui is, and now there is such a little girl again.

Lingshan seems to be particularly sensitive to geniuses of the sword department, so why is it called Lingshan? It would be nice to call it Lingjian Mountain.

The old man was thinking, feeling a little depressed.

"That's Mo Yuan?" At this moment, the frivolous man looked at the blood-red magic sword in Le Zheng Luoting's hand, and couldn't believe it.

"It's Mo Yuan."

"Shouldn't he be in the Sword Tomb? Is it because of the Immortal Sword?"

Everyone panicked instantly, and nothing happened to Jianzhong.

After frantically checking, the frivolous man breathed a sigh of relief, the sword mound was as solid as gold.

"Looks like it's just one that was missed."

"Could it be that the sword energy just now was the demon king Mo Yuan?" one person said.

"Hard to say."

"Sword comes." With a soft moan, Mo Yuan's sword flew out of Lu Ling's hand and fell into the hands of one person.

"The devil energy is gone, Mo Yuan is gone." The man said solemnly, then he let go of his hand, Mo Yuan flashed back, and returned to Le Zheng Luoting's hand.

"Huh? Have you recognized the Lord?"

Everyone present at Lezheng Luoting Court basically knew her. She was regarded as an outlier in Shushan, a standard troubled girl.

"Don't tell me, this sword really fits the character of this little girl."



Seeing this group of people commenting on herself and Lu Ling, Lezheng Luoting was filled with displeasure, and she lowered her head to look backward.

Then he was taken aback, Ye Guanyue, who had been lying there before, disappeared.

What about people?

"Leave it to me here, you go to your own business, there must be a lot of things to deal with during the time when the fairy sword is restless."

Hearing a familiar voice, Le Zheng raised his head in the courtyard, looked at the young man in white, and murmured: "Master..."

The latter waved his hand to signal her not to speak.

"Yue'er was injured, and I have already sent her to the Medical Pavilion." Venerable Ye said, "You are also seriously injured in Luoting, so I will send you away as a teacher."

"Wait..." Lezheng Luoting was about to speak when he realized that he was speechless.

"You and Yue'er are doing very well, go and rest."

good?What did they do?Also, how will this group of people deal with Lu Ling?

Looking at the girl who had been silent since just now, Le Zheng Luoting's eyes were full of worry.

However, Venerable Ye didn't give her a chance, and with a wave of his sleeve, Le Zhengluo disappeared, leaving only Mo Yuanjian imprisoned in place.

"Yezi, why don't you do this? Didn't you ask clearly? What happened to Mo Yuanjian? Your Jiange was destroyed, so you don't care at all?"


Someone agreed.

These people were really curious about the scene before them, and Venerable Ye obviously knew a lot.

"I said, leave this matter to me." Venerable Ye still said calmly.

"This girl is her student, don't surround her." This sentence is full of emotion.

"Hehe." Hearing this, several old men who looked Lu Ling up and down laughed and left Lu Ling's side.

No way, who made the sword intent on this girl so obvious, I have to be curious.

"At this moment, pass on the news of Mo Yuan's escape first..." Then, Venerable Ye talked about some details and walked to Lu Ling.

Like him, Lu Ling was also watching this young man. According to Xuechen's information, he was the Venerable Shushan who treated her very well.

"The loss of Shushan is borne by me alone."

"Ye Zi, what did you say, how could you be left alone with the matter of Mo Yuan..."

"I'm talking about Lingshan." Venerable Ye was talking about Yun Xiao, who is also staying in the Medical Pavilion now.

"Oh, I almost forgot, there will be a group of crazy women coming later." The frivolous man was taken aback, then said.

The thing in front of them was so bizarre that they forgot about it.

"So, don't bother asking, it's important, I will inform you."

"It's enough for the Lingshan people to be received by me alone."

"Hehe, that's of course no problem. I can't stand those crazy women, and only you can..."

The sword light flashed, and before the frivolous man finished speaking, Venerable Ye disappeared, and at the same time, Lu Ling and Mo Yuanjian disappeared.

"This..." Someone was puzzled.

"It probably has something to do with that girl..." Some people could understand that Lu Ling was Li Zhuzi's student.

"Forget it, he won't let us ask, so let's ignore it."

"I agree, he rarely has such an expression, it seems very troublesome."

"That's fine, it's just..." The old man with white beard looked at the broken sword pavilion, showing pain in his flesh.

Who is it that you are so ruthless.

Could it be Mo Yuan?
There is only Mo Yuan. Such a powerful ice-type spiritual power can only come from Mo Yuan. Now it seems that the snowflakes in the sky are probably the means of the demons.

It's just... why the snow still hasn't stopped.

Go back and look up the classics, maybe you can get some information related to this snowflake.

"Look, we must find him!" the old man gritted his teeth.

At this time, Lu Ling and Venerable Ye had returned to the main pavilion of Jiange.

Looking at the girl beside him, Venerable Ye had a lot to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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