Chapter 103
"Shen Gui?"

"How could I forget."


A few sighs.

When Shen Gui was mentioned, the people present felt regretful.

They are all people who have seen Shen Gui's talent. This rookie in Lingshan has his own unique understanding in the way of swordsmanship and is an absolute genius.

It's a pity that she is from Lingshan now.

"Shen Gui, the limelight is in full swing recently, the name of [Gui Qu Lai Xi], my little girl has been talking about it all day long, and a few days ago she even said that she would pay homage to Master Lingshan." An old man said helplessly.

"Is there such a thing?" Another person was surprised.

"Lingshan, although it is suitable for women, but it is not easy to enter without talent..."

"That's it, but she said that she would go even if she was just serving as Shen Gui's maid." The old man's brows and eyes flashed a few traces of sadness.

"...The one from your family is no worse than Shen Gui in terms of ability..."

"Who knew she was so worthless, and I didn't practice the sword scriptures I passed on to her recently, and she practiced swordsmanship with a pitch-black sword all day long..." The old man sighed, and then looked into the distance.

There, a young girl was making a snowman in the yard, having fun, with a black long sword sticking out of her back, which looked like a high imitation of [Returning Sword].

"Returning sword? It's actually just an ordinary ordinary sword." The frivolous man said.

He knew more about Shen Gui than these people.

"This girl is almost a new generation of senior sister in Lingshan now... I have seen that exquisite swordsmanship several times. It does have a taste of Shushan, but it is more inclined to use spiritual power." The frivolous man explained. .

"I also know her, a child with excellent talent, if she entered Shushan in the first place, her achievements now would definitely be more than that. I guess even Kid Yun can't compare to her." Another person said.

"But how did you enter Lingshan?"

"Shen Gui...Shen Gui...Shen Canghai..." Someone was taken aback.

"I remembered, this Shen Gui could not be the little girl that Shen Canghai intercepted on the way to Shu 20 years ago..."

After the man thought about it, his face was full of disbelief, and then he looked at the old man with white beard with some understanding. He had negotiated with Lingshan back then, so he naturally remembered it clearly.

"Well played, well played," he said.

"Understood, it's good that I didn't kill him, and dare to fight back?" The white-bearded old man stroked his beard and said triumphantly.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand." The rest were at a loss.

And the frivolous man has stopped talking at this time, after being reminded by the previous person, he also remembered one thing...

Back then, the one who led Shen Gui to Shushan... was him.

As a result, everyone knew that Shen Gui did not enter Shu, but instead entered the second peak of Lingshan, competing with Xu Xu and others for the place of this year's Senior Sister.

"If it wasn't for this bastard, Shen Gui would not be from the Lingshan Mountain, but from the Shushan Mountain!" The old man was furious.


"Is there such a thing?"

The rest of the people were all surprised, this was the first time they had heard such a truth.

"If that's the case, it's really..." One person shook his head and sighed, Shen Gui's talent and character all met the standards for recruiting people in Shushan, and the latter's performance was also worthy of these people's regrets.

"What you said, I seem to have some impressions. At the beginning, the head said that he found a good seedling, and asked you to pick her up and lead her into the mountain. Later, the little girl didn't pick her up, and brought back the evil star of the hidden sword..."

"That's right. At the beginning, this incident was quite a big one. Luanfeng personally came to make an apology. After the limelight passed, the matter was settled. So the little girl was Shen Gui?"

Distressed, after figuring out what happened, many people present sighed.

Such a good talent, why did he pass by Shushan...

You must know that the current Shushan needs a new generation of talents. Although there are geniuses like Ye Guanyue, but because most of them are stubborn, too many people have fallen.

Some of them are out of touch.

"Old man, I understand, don't talk about you, I want to beat him now, this kind of treasure can be snatched by others, and it was snatched from the border of Shushan Mountain, it's shameful." At this time, someone understood the old man with white beard.

"Take me one."


Looking at this group of old men eager to fight, the frivolous man shivered.

"This can't blame me! That's Shen Canghai..." he explained.

"You are a venerable, let her snatch people away from you, what else is there to say."

"I wasn't a venerable back then!" the frivolous man despaired.

"Now Shen Canghai is still the real person of [Hidden Sword], and you are already a venerable, don't tell me that you couldn't beat her back then." Someone reminded.

"..." The frivolous man felt that he couldn't get along with this group of people.

Yes, he might have been stronger than Shen Canghai back then, and he is stronger than her now... But sometimes force doesn't explain everything.

Lingshan kung fu is weird, and its spiritual power hurts people invisible, and it can't be stopped.

Of course, these are all secondary, not to mention others, in their current class, except for Ye Zunzun, no one would tremble when mentioning Shen Canghai.

The frivolous man used to be Shen Canghai's teammate, and now he still has heart palpitations when he thinks of that "dissolute" person.

Maybe Ye Zi, who puts all his heart on Li Zhuzi, can face her calmly...

Thinking of Venerable Ye, the frivolous man said helplessly.

"What happened to Shen Canghai...can't be blamed on me..."

"I don't blame you? I remember when Cang Jian and Shen Gui returned to Shushan, you followed behind her like a follower, until she was over, you didn't dare to speak out, and finally you said something to me, using a little girl If you don't lose the favor of everyone in Lingshan, I would blush for you even thinking about it now." The old man with white beard mocked.

"You'll just teach me a lesson, don't be cowardly if you have the skills, Mrs. Mistress..." The frivolous man retorted.

He knew that his master once knew the person in Lingshan, and there was a portrait of her in the room. He had seen her a few times when he was a child, and every time his master was scolded by his wife, he couldn't find her.

Now teach yourself how tough you are.

"You!" The white-bearded old man was angry when he heard the words, but he didn't dare to speak harshly. Although he hadn't seen him for a long time...but he should be cowardly.

"Little guy, what do you mean, your favorite target is a hidden sword?" One person looked at the thin shoulders of the frivolous man playfully: "You can't bear it, in every sense."

"Hey, old man." The frivolous man spat at him.

"I admit, I'm a little afraid of Shen Canghai, but I don't like her."

Shen Canghai...

The frivolous man recalled.

In his memory, he was a big sister at first, taking care of them in every way. She and Li Zhuzi could be regarded as his two older sisters.

But then he went astray, and as Shen Canghai's temper became more and more weird, he became the target of being bullied.

There were so many shadows in my heart that when I met Shen Gui, I didn't even dare to say a word when I met her, but the latter was very generous and still treated him in the same way as before.

Although things are changing now, but my sister is still my sister.

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered.

"You kid." Everyone shook their heads, but they didn't continue to laugh at him.

Who doesn't have a few people in his heart, but because of various reasons, he can't be as close as before.

"But... that's not the reason for you to send out the person you got..."

"You mean to blame me?" After the words were finished, the frivolous man didn't hesitate, he reminded: "I just brought Shen Canghai in at the beginning, you didn't keep Shen Gui, so it's none of my business."

"Well... makes sense." The old man nodded

"This matter back then... I was in charge of dealing with the aftermath and receiving Reverend Luanfeng... Who was specifically responsible..."

Thinking, the old man's eyes moved up.

"What are you looking at me for? I don't remember." The old man with the white beard was taken aback.

He just thought of it by accident, and the specific details have long been forgotten.

He also intervened in this matter?
"Can't remember? I'll help you remember, but I remember clearly." The frivolous man heheed twice, looking at his master with malicious intent.


 Group number: 293368160, come in and play if you are willing... The question is whether to eat Amway, the password is to eat.Well, it's that ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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