Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 105 Come out to mix, sooner or later

Chapter 105 Come out to mix, sooner or later

Then, the old man explained to the girl the life of the disciples in Shushan in all aspects.

In his description, Shushan is simply a fairyland on earth.

Shen Canghai just watched coldly.

"Of course, there are many interesting things in Shushan, such as Yujian..." As he spoke, the old man drew out a sword and skillfully drew several sword flowers, which were beautiful and beautiful.

This naturally attracted the girl's attention.

This sword... is much sharper than her return sword.

"It's over, it's my turn." Seeing that the old man with white beard had already begun to seduce the girl like a foul, Shen Canghai couldn't sit still.

"You say." The old man made a gesture of letting go.

Hearing this, the girl looked up at Shen Gui, with an inexplicable gleam in her eyes.

"I can't give you many things..." Shen Canghai took a step forward, and his whole body was filled with spiritual energy.

"What I can teach you is the word [reasonable]."

"Reasonable?" The girl was taken aback for a moment, then looked down at the scars on her body and smiled.

She thought she knew what the woman meant.

She can't reason with those people now, but one day... she will be the reason.

"This is what I can teach you, and it's the only thing I can teach you." Shen Canghai sat cross-legged in front of the table: "As for what I can give's not half as good as Shushan, but it's just a few words."

"Traveling barefoot, the summer breeze, autumn whispers, the stove in the middle of winter."

She didn't say anything about being at home, or some disgusting words, but she told exactly the current living conditions of Lingshan disciples.

These words are also what Li Zhuzi has been talking about all the time, the so-called little happiness.

"That's all?" the girl asked.

"There are only so many." Shen Canghai nodded.

Even she couldn't quite see what the girl was thinking, she just felt that she had little chance of winning, so she felt like breaking a can, a normal person would definitely be hated if she said something [reasonable] to a child.

But she doesn't care, anyway, she is going to decide on this girl.

Seeing the girl bowing her head in silence, and the white bearded old man looking determined to win, compared to himself, what Shen Canghai said...

It doesn't make sense at all.

"Is that so..." The girl raised her head and looked at Shen Canghai.

"May I ask, what's your last name?"

She noticed just now that the old man called him the word "Shen".

"Of course, Shen, Shen Canghai, the Taoist name is Hidden Sword." Shen Canghai said generously, but he just didn't understand why she asked that.

"Shen..." The girl's eyes darkened.

"Shen Gui..."

"En?" Shen Canghai was taken aback.

"I like the name Shen Gui." The girl took a step forward and stood side by side with Shen Canghai.

From this moment on, the girl had a new name, and her eyes were fixed on this lazy person.

Destiny changed accordingly.

Afterwards... Shen Canghai's complacency and the bewilderment of the white-hued old man were frozen in the air.

This memory is completely over.

"So that's how it is..." A person walked up to the old man, looked at the dull old man with a smile on his face.

"It's really in your hands... But the little girl back then was really very temperamental." You said, and then felt even more regretful.

It was almost, only a little bit short of Shen Gui being a native of Shu Mountain.

"However, why can't you see your face clearly, you only have a beard." Someone was puzzled.

In the previous picture, the clearest person was Shen Canghai.Her facial features are very characteristic, as if Shen Canghai himself appears in the picture.

You can get a general idea of ​​Shen Gui who is almost there.

Compared to Shen Canghai...

The old man with the white beard didn't even have a face at all, only his beard was clearer.

"You unfilial thing..." The old man with the white beard came back to his senses and drew out a long sword to hit someone.

Why I don't know... That's naturally because that's the impression he has in his apprentice's mind.

An old man with a white beard, so simple that he doesn't even have a face.

"What are you doing, murdering people to silence you?" The frivolous man made preparations and dodged casually.

"You all see clearly, what does this matter have to do with me? It's the old man who failed to impress Shen Gui."

"That's what I said, but your a bit collaborating with the enemy." Someone reminded.

The man in the picture just now is really cowardly, he feels ashamed even looking at it.

"...That can't be helped." The frivolous man shrugged.

Anyway, that's how he is now, even if he sees Shen Canghai now, it's still a mouse seeing a cat, and he can only accept his fate.

"However, it can also be seen that this piece of information is authentic. It seems that it is really an old man's problem, and it has nothing to do with this bastard." You said.

"Indeed." Someone agreed.

"Even if it's my fault, what can I do if you don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk? Haven't you said everything you need to say?" The white-bearded old man was also very depressed, in various senses.

"What makes sense, who of you can understand? How did you impress that little girl?"

Listening to the old man's question, everyone present was also full of doubts.

The white-bearded old man had already made it very clear, and they also felt that there was no problem. Even if they didn't know the outcome of the incident, they all thought that Shen Gui would choose Shushan.

But the truth is just the opposite.

"Be reasonable..." One person said: "The meaning of hiding the sword should be that the fist is big to be reasonable..."

"It's hard to say, how much can she understand when you say such things to a little girl?" Someone responded.


"It's amazing...

After some discussion, they could only throw the pot back to the white-bearded old man, thinking that his image was not as good as Shen Canghai, otherwise they really don't know how Shushan missed such a talent as Shen Gui...

Perhaps it would be more appropriate for female disciples to do such things in the future?
Not to mention, just because of today's problem, the problem of recruiting people after Shushan, most of them are handed over to female disciples to take charge.

"After talking for so long, it's obvious what you mean, old man..."

"En." One person looked at Jiange, where Lu Ling was.

"This girl... is no worse than Shen Gui back then, and even stronger." An old man said.

He was the one who shamelessly clung to Lu Ling's side before, and he knew a little about her sword intent.

"It's not just sword intent, I don't know if you have noticed..."

"Righteousness." The white-bearded old man said, at this time he went to embarrassment, said.

"That's right, it's righteousness, stronger than Sikong Jian."

Sikong Jian, a special talent in Shushan in recent years, is famous for his righteousness and is active in the front line against demons.

Only the people of Shushan understand how powerful the sword of [righteousness] is to the demons.

Perhaps in other people's eyes, righteousness is just an illusory thing, but for the Shushan Sword School, righteousness is the foundation of Shushan.

"No, it's not appropriate to use righteousness to describe it... Maybe I need to add two words..." The old man looked away and looked into the distance, where the mountain guard sword formation [Hao Ran] was located.

"Hao Ran's uprightness, Lingshan girl keeps Haoran's righteousness in her heart, which is similar to the sword formation."


Then there were several sighs.

Unlike Shen Gui, the girl this time is a true genius, a talent from heaven.

You don't need to think about them to know what it will be like if Lu Ling pays homage to Shushan.

Undoubtedly, the sect leader will personally teach it, and may even alarm those "ancestor" figures who are in retreat.

There is no way, there are too few people in the sky, and the importance of this kind of talent with special talents goes without saying.

If Lu Ling is really a native of Shu Mountain, as long as her talent is not too bad, she will not fall along the way... Maybe...

She is the next head of Shushan.

"Lingshan! Why is it Lingshan again!"

This time, it was no longer an ordinary sigh, and the irritable body was full of sword energy.

"Why does this kind of person always appear in Lingshan? Don't tell me, the little girl chose Wenhun in the end, and what she did was healing!"

"If you are violent, you will be punished by God."

The difference between heaven's favor and heaven's jealousy is just a thought.

"I also agree. Maybe, we can discuss with Lingshan and take the little girl to Shushan. How feasible do you think it is?" Someone suggested at this time.

"I find it difficult." The frivolous man said, everyone present basically knew about Lingshan.

"How do you know if you don't try it? A student who is only condensed... Maybe it is really possible."

"Try, definitely try, at any cost."


"The favor owed by Zangjian back then is not necessarily useless..."

"what do you mean?"

Then, a "conspiracy" related to "Lu Ling" was brewing.

 I'm dying.

(End of this chapter)

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