Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 107 The Venerable

Chapter 107 The Venerable

"Huh..." Staring at the young man who was walking in the air, Lu Ling's chest rose and fell slightly, with a serious expression on her face.

Not an opponent.

Totally not an opponent.

To be precise, the two are not on the same level at all. She has been attacking, but she can't touch the corner of the man's clothes.

No matter what the method is, the latter has never made any big moves, but he can always avoid her attacks with a three-inch maneuver.

That kind of feeling of recruiting and letting go is really uncomfortable.

Lu Ling stopped and stopped moving.

"Is it over? It's not bad." Venerable Ye stopped and said.

Unlike Lu Ling's slight embarrassment, Venerable Ye has not changed at all. He has not fought back from the beginning to the end, but is just dodging, trying his best to feel Lu Ling's power.

Very strong.

Venerable Ye looked at the potholes below, his eyes were full of surprise.

Below him, on the mountains, the sword qi criss-crossed and the cold air spread. Just a few strikes almost destroyed the vegetation in the mountains.

What kind of favor is it?
Venerable Ye pondered for a moment to no avail.

Suddenly, he looked up.

In the air, a snowflake quietly fell.

"Oh?" Reaching out to catch the snowflake, Venerable Ye showed such an expression.

Although I had already guessed that the snow in Shushan was related to the little girl, but I still couldn't believe it when I saw it with my own eyes.

Such a huge power is already comparable to him, of course it is only in stock.

The difference in strength is too far.

"Can I stop hiding?" At this time, Lu Ling was floating in the air, and as the world was covered with snowflakes, under the urging of spiritual power, her hair returned to the color of snow again.

"How about playing with me?"

she said so.

Because he couldn't hit it, after the first strike, Lu Ling reduced the scale of the sword energy, thereby increasing the speed of the sword energy.

It turned out to be completely useless, and I still couldn't touch the corner of the man's clothes.

"Eh." Venerable Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Don't hide, don't hide, you come."

Seeing the dissatisfaction in the girl's eyes, he finally understood.

I was a little too serious. Although I said that I didn't care about Lu Ling's power, when she really spread everything out, she was really curious.

Inexplicably, he began to analyze Lu Ling's strength composition.

"I'll just stand still, girl, you can do whatever you want." Venerable Ye didn't move, and at the same time withdrew his body-protecting sword energy, indicating that he was now a target.

"Okay." Lu Ling did not hesitate.

When she thought about it, it was normal that she couldn't beat him. Xuechen told her about the man's strength, which was different from the demons before.

How strong is a Venerable in his heyday?

That depends on how serious this person is.

Will Venerable Ye be serious?the answer is negative.

"I'm here." Lu Ling said, turning around, and shards of ice fell from her body, and she slowly closed her eyes.

The snowflakes fell on her body, were absorbed again, and then the power was transferred to the Crescent Moon Sword.

"Oh?" Upon seeing this, Venerable Ye frowned.

This power...

It is very pure and strong, but there is almost no sword intent, and it is completely composed of ice-type spiritual power.

It is the same as the sword energy that cuts off the floating sword peak, but it is more destructive.

As Lu Ling gradually charged up, the air became colder and colder, and an ice-blue light rose from the Crescent Moon dagger.


Just when Lu Ling was about to continue to condense her spiritual power, the dagger let out a wailing cry in the scabbard.

At the tip of the sword, slight cracks appeared.

Its strength has reached its limit.

"That's how it is." Lu Ling opened her eyes, and slowly drew out the short sword. Following the long sword chant, a huge cold air rose from behind Lu Ling, and gradually mixed and blended, showing her own shape.

The arc-shaped sword aura is very sharp, and since Lu Ling is above Venerable Ye, the sword aura at this time fits the name of the waning moon.

A sword was swung out, and there was a crisp cracking sound.

Ye Guanyue's saber, the dagger that Lu Ling used to cut off the dragon, couldn't bear the huge ice-type aura after all, and shattered.

But at the last moment, "Wan Yue" finally got out of the sword and reached the peak.

Seeing this, Venerable Ye sighed with regret on his face.

This Crescent Moon Sword was the first sword he gave Ye Guanyue.

"It's fine if it's broken, or it's fine."

Then he looked at the huge sword energy locked on him.

With just a cursory glance, he felt the ice-type spiritual power that combined destruction and rage.

The destructive power is several times that of cutting Jiange's sword energy before.

It's just...too slow.

In Ye Venerable's eyes, Lu Ling's so-called lock was just a joke, he could easily dodge the sword qi, but because he wanted to play with Lu Ling, so Ye Venerable chose to face it head-on.

Anyway, it's not difficult.

"Play?" Hehe laughed.

What Lu Ling said about playing was really easy.

The huge sword energy slowly moved across the space. If there is an obstacle in front of it at this time... Refer to Floating Sword Peak.

The pure power streaked across the space, evoking the slightest cracks in the space, and making a crackling sound.

Above, Lu Ling stared at Venerable Ye who was still calm, with curiosity in her eyes.

I don't know...whether this strongest blow of hers can make this man feel troublesome, not only to hurt him, but at least to break his calm demeanor.

Competitive, although she knew the huge gap between the two, Lu Ling didn't want to lose.

"Master is the strongest." At this moment, Xuechen on his shoulder encouraged.


Even though she said that, she was not optimistic about Lu Ling at all in her heart. There was no way, even if the master is very strong now, sometimes, strength cannot represent everything.

But she is happy to see this kind of scene, after all, the current owner is no longer in danger.

And what she wanted to do...had all been done.

The limelight came out, and the master woke up.

Although Mo Yuan was not killed by himself, Xuechen was very satisfied to watch his master defeat an old devil with his own hands.

Even her original purpose - to destroy Shushan, has been achieved.

Or the master himself.

Simply relieved.

the most important……

The master recognized her, and she can stay by the master's side in the future.

Now Xuechen was very happy, she curled up on Lu Ling's shoulders, and licked her fair neck.

By the way, there is one more thing that makes her very happy, that is the breaking of the Crescent Moon Sword. Although this sword has no spirit, Xuechen is still a little jealous of the master's love for it.

"Don't make trouble." Lu Ling tapped Xuechen's little head, her eyes never leaving Venerable Ye for a moment.

The sword energy is very slow, that's because Lu Ling did it on purpose. She kept accumulating strength during the flight, and finally exploded suddenly. The destructive force produced was no longer a line, but a plane.

I don't know how Venerable Ye will respond.

The man just stood, he walked in a hurry, he didn't have any weapons on his body, but it didn't matter.

No matter what school or sect it is, as long as it is a human being, what it cultivates is the soul.

Shushan's sword intent is also one of them. At his level, the sword intent can be manifested easily.

Seeing the ice sword energy getting closer, Venerable Ye waved his hand.

Then, a mellow sword energy appeared out of thin air, dividing the world.

It was very small, only a few people tall, and compared to Lu Ling's huge ice, it looked like a child, but even Lu Ling, who didn't know swords, could see something wrong.

"This is..." His pupils constricted.

There is no fluctuation in her sword energy, only coldness and destruction...

However, the sword energy created by Venerable Ye's wave was completely different from hers, and Lu Ling even had the illusion that this sword energy was "alive".

Yes, it is alive.

There's also a strange touch of polish that doesn't show any edge at all.

A modest gentleman, gentle as jade.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling looked at Venerable Ye.

A sword is like a man.

Suddenly, she lost interest in continuing to compete, the gap was too big.

Can't beat it at all.

How strong is the sword of the gentleman?Lu Ling didn't know it at first, but now she saw it with her own eyes.

The "waning moon" collided with the embellishing light and was cut in half. The thin sword light was tepid on the surface, but inside it was the supreme meaning.

This is the huge gap between the soulful sword light and the empty and powerful sword energy.

Lu Ling felt that even if her spiritual power was ten times stronger, the ending would not change.

"Master! Danger!" At this moment, Xuechen's scream sounded in his mind.


In a daze, the chopped cold ice sword qi expanded rapidly, and the air pressure here changed drastically.


The ice shattered, followed by a huge explosion.

The goose feather snow disappeared instantly under the huge impact, and the bone-eviscending cold rolled in with the earth-shattering loud noise.

As the explosion ripples receded, the mountains were instantly destroyed, and the shattered soil and ice fell from the sky like meteors.

Seeing the scene of the world falling apart, Lu Ling's astonishment froze on her face.

Then, a figure appeared in front of her, blocking everything for her.

"Silly girl."

At this time, Venerable Ye's voice came from the front.

At the same time, Xuechen let out a sigh of relief.

"Master, are you okay?"

"'s okay." Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, then said.

Are you... so dangerous?

"Master, don't do this kind of thing, it's so powerful..." Xuechen looked at the nothingness around him and said with palpitations.

To be subtle is to control one's own power delicately, but what appears on Lu Ling's body is not its complete form.

There is only simple control, she can't grasp that speed well.

After all, there is no experience.

"Stop, get out of here first." Venerable Ye sighed.

The surrounding space is almost destroyed, this girl... is really dangerous.

If this sword energy exploded in Shushan, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"I..." Lu Ling wanted to speak, but she didn't have the ability to resist at all. Following the figure of Venerable Ye, they disappeared, and then, the two appeared on a high mountain.

Different from the previous rolling hills, this is a real peak, not weaker than the nine peaks of Lingshan Mountain, and even better in terms of steepness.

The whole body is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the cliff is a suffocating scenery.

"sit down."

On the mountain peak, there was a stone table, and a tea set was placed on the table. Lu Ling picked up the teacup, feeling a little puzzled.

This style is exactly the same as the one in Mr. Garden.

While speaking, Venerable Ye poured a cup of tea and handed it to Lu Ling.

When is it ready to soak...

Some strangely took the teacup and drank it down.

Then her features creased.

"Bah, bah, it's so hard." Lu Ling spat a few times.

"Heh." Seeing this, Venerable Ye smiled and drank by himself.

"Until you have mastered this power, it's better to use it sparingly," he said.

"Oh." Lu Ling didn't say anything.

The explosion just now did scare her, but Venerable Ye's worry was unnecessary, and the spiritual power would disappear from her soon.

"Mo Yuan, Ancestral Sword, Jiange, and Daxue." Venerable Ye said calmly, dressed in white.

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded, looking at the new tea in her hand, hesitating whether to drink it or not.

Seeing the girl admit it without hesitation, Venerable Ye nodded happily.

He won't say it.

Amazing little girl.

Under the teaching of bamboo, he will definitely become a useful person to the human race.

"Have you played enough?" he said.

"Me?" Lu Ling put down the teacup, and finally gave up the idea of ​​drinking tea. Although Venerable Ye seemed to enjoy it, the bitter taste was really unbearable.

"Not enough." After thinking for a while, Lu Ling said.

It's not fun at all, and it doesn't use much strength.

The difference in strength is too big, she is very serious, but Venerable Ye is really playing.

"Don't be discouraged, it's pretty good." Looking at the somewhat gloomy little girl, Venerable Ye couldn't laugh or cry.

How can you compare with yourself.

"The strength is enough, but the skills are not enough. Without my own soul, the realm is too poor..." Venerable Ye said to himself, regardless of whether Lu Ling could understand or not.

Obviously, she didn't understand.

What is the soul?
She is simply gathering strength, and it is not bad to be able to wield sword energy.

But he said that he was not skilled enough, which Lu Ling understood.

"You are still young, there are some things that you can't rush." ​​Venerable Ye raised his hand, wanting to touch Lu Ling's head, but was stopped.

by a cat.

Seeing him reach out his hand, the latter jumped on Lu Ling's head and looked at him with grinning teeth.

"Little guy." Venerable Ye didn't force it.

He didn't want to ask about Li Zhuzi any more. Venerable Ye had a premonition that Li Zhuzi was coming soon, so he brought Lu Ling here.

At least I don't want to meet her in Shushan.

He left the coordinates here in Jiange. If it was bamboo, he would definitely be able to find it.

So be it.

He took out the Moon Grass, took a look and put it away.

The tea on the table is just ordinary bitter tea, but bamboo should like it.


"Skills..." Lu Ling thought for a moment, then stood up.

"What's wrong?" Venerable Ye asked.

"There is something for you to see." Lu Ling responded.

The man in front of him should be very powerful, so how about showing him his sword skills?
A move from fantasy, I don't know how useful it is in actual combat.

Lu Ling no longer had the idea of ​​"competing" with Venerable Ye, but just wanted to let him take a look.

Shushan always carries some of her expectations.

"Snow dust."

"Yes, master." Xuechen said excitedly.

The master finally used himself.

Then, a slender sword appeared in Lu Ling's hand, exuding a faint fluorescence.

"Good sword..." Venerable Ye looked at it carefully for a while, but didn't have any impression.

Eldar?Spirit race that can be turned into weapons?
It was the first time he had seen her, but there were too many mysteries in this world, so there was nothing to be surprised at, and the most he could say was that she had extraordinary luck.

Then, Venerable Ye froze, with a look of surprise on his face.

On the cliff, Lu Ling's figure flickered, and the rapier waved, splashing several streams of water vapor.

A strange and tricky sword technique was used from her hands.

"The rain falls and the clouds fly..." The red figure flashed nimbly, and the rapier dragged her body to turn over, leaving a little bit of falling plums, elegant and imposing.

"Returning to the Wind and Falling Geese!"

Arc-shaped sword energy.

This time, without the ice-type aura that was overflowing before, Lu Ling was just performing a simple demonstration, with less exaggerated meaning of destruction and more wanton chic.

Although it was just a "sword dance" this time, she did it very comfortably.

"Flying swallows chasing the moon..."

Turning into sword light, threading needles and threads, the range is only about ten meters, but it also illuminates the somewhat dim cliff.

"Not bad sword move." Venerable Ye looked at the dancing girl and nodded slightly.

He originally thought that Lu Ling knew nothing, but now it seems that it is remarkable.

The moves are old, less flexible, rigid in form, and there are too many redundant sword moves.

But this is for his realm, the lower realm, a change is a set of tyrannical sword scriptures.

Especially the artistic conception in swordsmanship, although young, has already taken shape, at least he can see it, I don't know if Lu Ling has discovered it.

"It's just not bad, well, I guessed it." Lu Ling stopped and said.

Rather, it was beyond her expectations to get such an evaluation.

In fact, the "Wuhen Sword Intent" used by Lu Ling at this time is already two sets of sword moves in her impression. Maybe the surface is still similar, but no matter the strength, the technique of exerting force, or even the sword intent, they are all different from hers. What's in your head is completely different.

Most of it is her own stuff, but it's still in its infancy.

"The last sword." Lu Ling held the rapier.

After thinking about it just now, she already knew how to complete the remaining sword moves.

[Swords on Mountains and Rivers——]

 How stupid do you have to be to miss the exam time... Desperate, I heard that there is no chance to make up the exam for the missed exam, so I just retake it... God.

(End of this chapter)

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