Chapter 109
The sword light spanned several miles, sweeping away all the snowflakes in the air.

Only silver and white are left of the Tianji Sword.

Lu Ling stared at the white figure intently.

"This is……"

Sword shoes mountains and rivers?

No, he talked about Jian Lu Shanhe, but the moves he used were completely different from his own, not even the same as the previous moves.

Maybe there were other sword moves on the way back to Feng Luoyan, such as slanting, swinging the sword, and stabbing.

Walk with the sword with your heart in mind, hook and pick with your heart.

Lu Ling understood a little bit.

The sword comes first?No, it should be the sword that cares first.

"Wuhen Jianyi" never sticks to one move or one style.

The so-called Jianlu Mountains and Rivers is not just a combination of all moves as in fantasy, but a kind of artistic conception.

Just like Venerable Ye at this time, there is no trace of sword intent, no trace of sword heart, and he moves as he pleases.

Holding the core of Wuhen Sword Intent, the move used in that state is [Sword Lu Shanhe], not the messy combo skills like myself.

Lu Ling is very "sleepy" now, so sleepy that she can't open her eyes anymore. In her world, only Jian Guang is left in her eyes, and Venerable Ye can no longer be seen.

But it didn't matter, because she already understood what the man in white wanted to tell her.


What is the core of Wuhen Sword Intent?

I don't know if I can see it from him...

After Lu Ling tried, it failed.

I can't see clearly at all, and only the meaning of Yuan can be seen in the sword light.

In fact, Venerable Ye did not integrate into his own sword intent at all, he just provided Lu Ling with a general direction, and she still needs to walk the real road step by step.

"Yi Jian..."

Suddenly, Lu Ling thought of something, and her eyes widened a little.

"Dugu Nine Swords..."

Some don't know what to say, but Lu Ling already has a guess in her heart.

What is Taibai's core skill?Some people may say that the sky is full of haze.

However, the real core is the Wuhen Sword Intent.

With one move, all martial arts in the world can be broken.

It is similar to Dugu Nine Swords.

She now understands that a small part of the core of this set of sword scriptures is not the sword intent, but a direction.

"If you fall into the enemy and destroy the stronghold, you will be able to predict the enemy's opportunity first."

Lu Ling murmured and closed her eyes.

"Master?" Xuechen was puzzled.

"To fall into the enemy and destroy the stronghold, to predict the enemy's opportunity first..." There was another sound, this time it was raving.

"Master... asleep?" Looking at the master lying on the stone table, Xuechen shook her body.

Nothing happens.

"I fell asleep..."

Forget it, just go to sleep, she is going to meet her master in her dream.

Thinking about it, Xuechen opened Lu Ling's collar and slipped down her snowy neck.

After a while of squirming, she found a comfortable position and stopped moving.

The snowflakes grew bigger and bigger, and with Venerable Ye's sword dance, a sense of depression spread.

Venerable Ye didn't seem to notice Lu Ling's strangeness. He moved his feet and swung vigorously. This time it was not "Wuhen Sword Intent", but a sword code he created some time ago.

The real way of the immortal family is countless times stronger than Lu Ling's half-baked sword scripture.

With one strike, time seemed to stand still.

Unfortunately, Lu Ling missed it at this time.

Then the snowflakes blew out a human figure.

The brown coat was draped over a sleeping girl.

The sound of pouring tea.


Smacking sound.


At this time, Venerable Ye's sword dance still did not stop, but became more and more intense.

I don't know how long it took, but it was completely dark at this time, and I could barely see the heavy snow.


Venerable Ye finally stopped.

"Crack." There was a crackling sound.

The last proof of the existence of the Crescent Moon Sword, the scabbard was also broken.

Watching it disappear with the wind, Venerable Ye sighed, then walked towards the stone table.

The sharp sword energy in his body gradually weakened with every step he walked, and when he reached Lu Ling's eyes, there was no sword energy left. It seemed that he had walked for hundreds of years.

The human temperament has also changed from being sharp-edged to the current quiet and inaction, keeping a low profile.

"You came."

Sitting down, Venerable Ye spoke softly, as if afraid of disturbing someone.

"En." At this time, a woman's figure gradually appeared in the snow.

It was Li Zhuzi, who was sitting in front of Lu Ling at this moment, her clothes disheveled.

There was no coat on the body, only the white inner coat was left.

And her clothes were draped over Lu Ling. The latter was held in Li Zhuzi's arms at this moment, with his head resting on her shoulder, snoring and sleeping soundly.

"……haven't seen you for a long time."

Venerable Ye was a little cautious, as if he didn't dare to look at the person opposite, he just bowed his head and said.

In fact, even though he took off his coat, Li Zhuzi was wearing it so tightly that he couldn't see anything from the outside.

Of course, her good figure...even if she didn't have a coat, she couldn't hide it, and it was still tight.

"Long time no see?" Li Zhuzi raised his head, then asked.

"It's been a while..."

"Yezi, you are very good." Li Zhuzi praised.

Venerable Ye knew when she came, and the reason why he didn't stop was to show something about himself to Li Zhuzi.

For example, the progress of cultivation and artistic conception.

Of course, there is also the meaning of expressing one's own tension.

"En." Venerable Ye nodded lightly. He looked calm on the surface, but the smile on the corner of his mouth revealed his mood.

"This place is very nice." Li Zhuzi looked around and said.

"It was also discovered during a trip, so I left a mark, and I occasionally come here for a drink." Venerable Ye said simply.

"Travel?" Li Zhuzi was a little curious. As a Venerable, what would bother him to do it?
"The disciple's matter, she encountered a demon..." Venerable Ye briefly told Li Zhuzi what happened, it was not a secret anyway.

"Disciple? It's really your Shushan style." Li Zhuzi nodded understandingly.

Shushan and Lingshan are very similar, they both protect their weaknesses, but Shushan is very strict in the selection of disciples, so harsh that every talent is on the line.

Some disciples with less talent will be ruthlessly rejected by Shushan, but Shushan loves talents very much. Once there is a suitable candidate, it is not uncommon for the Venerable to go out and accept disciples and promise benefits.

" understand..." Venerable Ye shook his head, signaling Li Zhuzi not to make fun of him.

"I didn't mean to make fun of you, Ye Zi." Li Zhuzi said absently.

Then, the two said something casually, which was irrelevant, anyway, it had nothing to do with Li Zhuzi's purpose today.

It seems that it is just a reminiscence between old friends, but in fact, this is reminiscence.

Although Li Zhuzi had a mission, Li Zhuzi didn't mention a single word, so Venerable Ye naturally wouldn't say it either.

For Li Zhuzi, she had already seen Lu Ling, and she no longer worried after a simple inspection.

She knew Venerable Ye well, and chose to meet her outside Shushan Mountain, because she didn't want to discuss business matters with her.

Yes, Venerable Ye had this idea.

An important person who hasn't been seen for a hundred years, how can he let the extra things spare his interest when meeting for the first time, even if he really wants to talk, he has to wait until he finishes chatting with Zhuzi.

During this period, even if the head of Shushan came, it would be useless.

"Bamboo..." Venerable Ye hesitated for a long time, and finally chose this title.

Li Zhuzi can call him [Leaf] without any pressure, but it is difficult for him to say it.

Time can change many things, and so does Venerable Ye, but no matter how it changes, he always has a place for this person in his heart, and it is very important.

He didn't know what Li Zhuzi had become, but he only looked at her today...

"En?" Li Zhuzi was puzzled.

"You have changed a lot..."

Looking at the serious woman with frowning eyebrows slightly in front of him, Venerable Ye murmured.

"Really?" Li Zhuzi was noncommittal. At this moment, Lu Ling twisted a few times, as if her hair was squeezed into her eyes.

Reaching out to lift the girl's bangs, and helping her change her posture, Li Zhuzi spoke.

"Maybe it has changed. After all, people will always change." Li Zhuzi's thoughts flew back to the past, that period of dangerous days, now thinking about it, there are things that can be missed.

A person who can sit and chat with her like this now, and drink a cup of tea with peace of mind...

Only Shen Canghai was left.

But Shen Canghai is really not a good tea friend, and he always makes her angry when he says nothing.

And this person in front of him...

"The tea is good." He picked up a small teacup, half of which was cold tea.

"It's just Fanpin, as long as you like it." Venerable Ye said.

"I'm talking about the taste." Li Zhuzi said, lowering his eyes.

"Of course I like it, but this is your tea."

Li Zhuzi said that, but Venerable Ye didn't quite understand it.

"Just like it." He had to say again.

Venerable Ye is such a low EQ now.

Li Zhuzi shook his head, and then said: "It's still early, let's have some more, I've drunk too much Yueyingcao, it's good to change the taste once in a while."

"Okay." Venerable Ye said decisively.

When there were only two of them, he didn't know how to chat with Li Zhuzi, and he didn't have any topics to talk about. The most talked about thing was bitter tea.

Maybe he had a lot of things he wanted to say to the woman in front of him, but thousands of words rushed to his lips, and finally turned into sighs.

Li Zhuzi understood his thoughts.

In fact, at the very beginning, she didn't say she liked him, at least she didn't dislike him. She was young at the time, if Venerable Ye really put down her face to pursue him, she might not necessarily be hopeless.

It's just that regret is regret because it is irreparable.

The current Li Zhuzi said that there is nothing wrong with being hard-hearted. For her, taking good care of the children in Lingshan is the greatest happiness.

Seeing the man in front of him conjure up a tea set and control the temperature, Li Zhuzi finally calmed down.

She reached out and caught a few swirling snowflakes.

"Add some, and try the aura of Lingshan."

"Spirit Mountain? Reiki?"

Hearing this, Venerable Ye looked at the sleeping girl in Li Zhuzi's arms, thoughtful, but since Li Zhuzi had spoken, then he would do as he pleased.

After a while, the smell of bitter tea permeated the air.

good smell.

The sound of swallowing saliva.

It's Lu Ling.

Lu Ling opened her eyes because of the smell that pervaded her, and she saw a familiar face.

"Sir..." she murmured, her eyes blurred.

"It's not something delicious, it's just bitter tea." Seeing this, Li Zhuzi couldn't laugh or cry.

Lu Ling's eyes were full of confusion, there was no trace of clarity, she still seemed to be in a dream.

"Keep going to sleep. When you wake up, you will return to Lingshan." She said so.

Afterwards, Lu Ling closed her eyes peacefully, and fell asleep again, but this time she tightly held onto Li Zhuzi's inner garment.

Now Lu Ling has returned to normal.

Venerable Ye has never seen Lu Ling's real appearance, and thought that Jian Xin Tongming before was her original character.

Without saying anything, the two of them each poured tea and savored it carefully.

Bitter tea, the person on the other side.

Venerable Ye felt peaceful in his heart.

"Thank you for your guidance to Gui'er, I've been wanting to tell you all this time." Li Zhuzi said with a relaxed expression after taking a sip of tea, and then remembered something.

"Shen Gui? It's a good material." Venerable Ye shook his head, indicating that it was just a trivial matter.

"Just don't feel dissatisfied with Cangjian, I'm still worried that she will come to the door."

"Her?" When mentioning Shen Canghai, Li Zhuzi felt helpless.

Even she could see the change of Shen Gui's sword intent. At that time, Venerable Ye's smell was very strong, but Shen Canghai didn't even ask a question, but ran over and said that Shen Gui's understanding was so good, which made her feel helpless. There is nothing to say.

"Shen Canghai, what dissatisfaction can this fool have?"

"Hehe." Venerable Ye smiled.

Nothing has changed between them, and their relationship is still so good.

If she is a woman, it should be like this.

After a moment of stunned, there was a self-deprecating smile.

He actually has such an idea...

"Your new student, Lu Ling, is very talented." There was nothing to talk about, Venerable Ye said dryly.

"This girl? The speed of cultivation is quite fast, but she is a bit lazy and greedy, which makes people headache..." When Lu Ling was mentioned, Li Zhuzi talked a lot.

This is the normal way of chatting. A teacher always likes to talk about his students with others.

"Lazy? I didn't see it." Venerable Ye was a little surprised, but what Li Zhuzi said should not be false.

"Greedy is a little bit."

Much like you.

Of course, he only dared to say the latter sentence in his heart.

"The little girl's talent in swordsmanship is very good, you can pay attention to it." Ye Zun said: "If possible, how about letting her choose Martial Soul?"

It's a pity to be a "nanny" with Lu Ling's high talent.

"Oh? It's really rare." Li Zhuzi was a little surprised, he would actually put forward his own opinion, even Shen Gui didn't get this kind of treatment back then.

"I can't help it, she is really good at learning swords, I want to snatch her as my disciple." Venerable Ye said.

"That can't be done, she is my student." Although he knew it was a joke, Li Zhuzi still said seriously, "As for the literary soul or the martial soul... It depends on her own choice, we don't participate."

Lingshan is like this, it will not force its disciples to choose something, maybe talent is very important, but if you are dissatisfied, you can't go far.

"That's good." Venerable Ye nodded. Considering Lu Ling's previous swordsmanship, she probably wouldn't choose Wenhun.

"Speaking of which, who is the master of the little girl? Hidden sword?" Venerable Ye was very curious.

In his impression, only Shen Canghai could be Lu Ling's master, and he was not inferior to him in the way of swordsmanship. Although Master Luanfeng was also strong, what she practiced was spirit spells.

"Master..." Li Zhuzi hesitated for a moment.

"It's inconvenient to say it." Venerable Ye also realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, even if it was just a small matter, it was an internal matter of Lingshan.

"It's nothing inconvenient." Li Zhuzi didn't want to say it at first, but it's really nothing to say.

"This girl is now Juexian's disciple."

That's all she said.

Venerable Ye was taken aback: "Chu... Venerable Juexian?"

It's normal if it's her apprentice.

Obviously, news from Lingshan was well sealed, and the world didn't know what the current Juexian Venerable looked like.

"Lingshan is absolutely clear..." Venerable Ye revealed the color of memory.

These two were the top figures of that generation.

"It's been a long time since there's been any news. I think my cultivation has already reached a place beyond my reach..."

Hearing Venerable Ye's emotion, Li Zhuzi didn't speak.

Venerable Ye was also interested, so the topic turned to Lu Ling again.

"By the way, when the little girl condensed her qi before, the cold air was overflowing. I refined a glazed stone for her, and I will trouble you for the carving..."



Then, there were some ordinary conversations that could no longer be ordinary.


At this time, outside the Jiange, a group of people were sitting.

"Where are people? Why haven't you come back yet?" Luo Hanyi was very dissatisfied.

"I know Ye Zi likes her very much, but it doesn't take so long." The frivolous man shook his head.

"Then wait a little longer..." said the old man with white beard.

"Everyone... what happened before..."

"Since it's all agreed, we won't go back on our word," said the charming woman.

"The premise is that Xiao Ling chose Wu Soul, and she still uses swordsmanship. If she doesn't have a bad feeling for Shushan, it's okay to let her come here to practice for a while."

This is the consensus they reached with Shushan.

It is impossible for people to give it away, but since Shu Shan likes Lu Ling so much, if he insists on teaching her, his family has no objection.

After all, Shen Gui's sword intent was seen by everyone, it was nothing more than a few Lu Lings.

But they taught that Lingshan can't take advantage of it for nothing, it must have to pay something, but compared to Shushan's sword scriptures, those are things outside the body.

"It's so slow...I want to go home, the thief thinks."

Luo Hanyi continued to complain.

(End of this chapter)

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