Chapter 111 Meeting
When the two walked into the Jiange one by one, everyone present raised their heads instantly.

"Sister Bamboo, you are finally back!"

Seeing her, Luo Hanyi jumped up and rushed towards Li Zhuzi, who turned around to avoid the attack and flicked her head casually.

"Pain Pain!"

Squatting down, Luo Hanyi covered his forehead, breathed out with his hands, and rubbed it carefully.

Ignoring this playful guy, Li Zhuzi hugged Lu Ling and sat in the empty seat next to Luanfeng.

"Why are there so many people?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"I'm also curious." Looking at the dozens of extra chairs in the cabinet, Venerable Ye said coldly.

"What are you doing?"

"Ye Zi... I'll tell you later." The frivolous man glanced at Lu Ling in Li Zhuzi's arms, expressing his intentions.

"Oh?" Venerable Ye said indifferently.

He could also guess that this group of people must have some thoughts about Zhuzi's students.

However, according to Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling is that person's apprentice, and it would be impossible to snatch someone from Lingshan Qingjue if he came to Shushan.

In a sense, that woman was even more troublesome than Shen Canghai.

Juexian, how can a woman who dares to use this dao name in the world of cultivating immortals be a good character, let alone a real genius, Venerable Ye thinks she is not as good.

And it is far less.

"Senior Sister Li... No, Sister Zhuzi." Then, the frivolous man looked at Li Zhuzi and greeted him awkwardly.

He didn't intend to call it that, but the moment he met Li Zhuzi's eyes, he resolutely gave up.

This is the only "big boss" who can suppress Shen Canghai on the surface, and he can't be offended, can't be offended.

What he didn't know was that it wasn't Li Zhuzi who could really suppress Shen Canghai now, but the girl who passed her hand many years ago——Shen Gui.

Don't think that he can call bamboo in his heart, but it's still a bit difficult for him to say it in front of Li Zhuzi.

"Little guy, long time no see." After Li Zhuzi replied, he stopped talking.

The person's name...she couldn't remember.

"Junior Sister?" Master Luanfeng gave Li Zhuzi a wink, and the latter gave her a reassuring look.

It appears that things have been settled.

Master Luanfeng put his heart in his stomach.

Then she took a closer look at Lu Ling who was lying on Li Zhuzi's body.

Frost bloodline... is this little girl.

It can be seen that Shushan doesn't know about the matter of Han Bing's blood. They only have swords in their minds, and there are swords besides swords.

To make this group of old guys love her so much, Lu Ling's talent in swordsmanship must be extraordinary.

Frost blood, coupled with a natural talent for practicing swords.

This made Luanfeng have to think of a person - Snow Girl.

Others may not know it, but the people in Lingshan know very well that Xue Nu uses a sword. Although they don't know how to use the sword, the malfunctioning fairy sword in the forbidden area is not just a decoration.

Could it be that this is really a man of heaven?

She had a guess in her mind that Lu Ling's talent in swordsmanship was so strong, but Eastern Shenhai didn't practice swords, and they paid so much attention to the appearance of the ice bloodline, that they even sent people to Luoyan City...

This shows that Lu Ling will definitely be a good seedling to practice spells.

Incantation plus kendo, these two add up, just in line with the practice of spirit mountain martial soul, and spirit sword is the combination of these two.

Not to mention that the little girl still has an extremely fast cultivation speed...

Lingshan really found a treasure this time.

But it's a pity, since it has been said that he will be treated as an ordinary disciple, Lu Ling will not be given any special treatment.

The little girl really wanted to choose Wenhun, and they had no objection.

"Is this... Lu Ling?" At this moment, Luo Hanyi stood up, with a small red dot on his fair forehead, and threw himself at Li Zhuzi's side.

In Li Zhuzi's arms, a little girl was soundly asleep.

The long eyelashes trembled, there was a sweet smile on the corner of the mouth, and the beauty mark was also particularly conspicuous.

"So cute..." Luo Hanyi was stunned.

Trembling, she stretched out her hand to touch Lu Ling's face, but she retracted her hand half way out.

It would be bad if the little girl was woken up.

At this time, Lu Ling was barefoot, her legs were clamped around Li Zhuzi's waist, and she shook her head. Behind her was Li Zhuzi's coat, which tightly wrapped her body.

"What a long hair..." Looking at Lu Ling's black hair that was almost dragging to the ground, Luo Hanyi opened his mouth.

"The thief is envious..." As she spoke, she stroked her hip-length hair with a dissatisfied expression.

She likes long hair very much, she likes it very much, so she usually takes care of her long hair very carefully, and rarely wears a crown or bun.

Originally, she was very satisfied with her hair, but after seeing Lu Ling's, she was instantly killed.

Whether it is proportion or hair quality, I have lost.

"Not reconciled!"

"Sister Zhuzi...I will often go to Nanyuan to don't mind..." Looking at Lu Ling's profile, Luo Hanyi half squatted down, staring at Li Zhuzi beggingly with big shining eyes.

With just one glance, she fell in love with this little girl.

Anyway, I have my apprentices to help me with all my affairs, so I am idle at Seventh Peak, so I might as well go to the school and find a bunch of little girls to play with.

"..." Li Zhuzi twitched the corner of his mouth: "Whatever you want."

She is an ordinary teacher, how can she control the peak master?
"Damn girl..." The charming woman laughed and cursed when she saw Luo Hanyi's appearance.

Yes, after Li Zhuzi walked in with Lu Ling in his arms, the sleeping little girl naturally attracted everyone's attention.

But they were curious about Lu Ling's aptitude, talent, age and so on.

What about Luo Hanyi?

What I'm looking at is Lu Ling's appearance, and whether she's cute or not.

This... is no different from a child, obviously such a big person, besides, Luo Hanyi is not a lolita figure, but an authentic face of Yu Jie, who looks like a domineering president when he is cold.

"Oh..." He sighed helplessly.

Luo Hanyi's talent is the best among them, but her current cultivation level is the lowest, which is also related to her temperament, and she is too distracted.

For her, what kind of cold bloodline, it will pass after a moment of surprise, Lingshan benefit?
It's all indifferent things, as long as the little girl has nothing to do, I don't care so much.

"so cute……"

After seeing Lu Ling, Luo Hanyi couldn't move her eyes away, and she didn't go back to her seat, but just stood behind Li Zhuzi, looking carefully at Lu Ling's face.

Stretching out his slender fingers to the corner of Lu Ling's mouth, he looked like he wanted to poke but didn't dare to poke, which made people laugh.

As for Luo Hanyi, the people in Shushan sat without saying anything, as if they couldn't see him.

In fact, most of the people present today are the elders of this group of little girls, so there is no question of being rude or not.

Anyway, they have almost explained everything, and now they are still here. First, as people in Shushan, it’s fine if they don’t show up. Now that they have come and the guests haven’t left, how can they leave first.


Not everyone knows Li Zhuzi, maybe they have heard of the name, but they don't know what he looks like, so after Lu Ling's matter was settled, a few old guys ran over specially to see the real face.

These few idlers were very curious about what kind of woman Ye Zun was worried about. You must know that because of Ye Zun's temperament, they once suspected that this guy was not a womanizer.

He is upright, serious, and doesn't show his emotions easily, coupled with his gentle temperament, he is actually the dream lover of many little girls in Shushan.

At this time, several old fellows looked at Li Zhuzi intentionally or unintentionally.

It was a serious woman with a deadpan expression and a cold look.

It was exactly the same as Venerable Ye at this time.

It's not that pretty either...

Several old men looked at each other.

 Thanks for the reward of 200 starting coins of Lost Xihuang and Setting Sun Shuying, 100 starting coins of Bobo Aifei, 500 starting coins of Zero Realm pq melody, and 100 starting coins of Elota and Xinyue Wuhen s [-] starting point reward, thank you.There should be another chapter today, if not, it will be at night... the schedule is exploding.

(End of this chapter)

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