Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 113: The New World in Mo Yuan Sword...

Chapter 113: The New World in Mo Yuan Sword...
Watching Mo Yuan fly away, Venerable Ye seemed to be in a bad mood, and Li Zhuzi's actions before leaving appeared in his mind.

That indifferent waved his hand, signaling her to leave.

Just like before.

"Let's go." After telling him, Venerable Ye held the thin bamboo sword at his waist and returned to the cabinet.

Watching his friend leave, the frivolous man looked at the sky, he left the Jiange, and walked step by step in the snow.

Although Lu Ling had already left at this time, the heavy snow showed no signs of stopping, and it seemed that it would last for several days.

He didn't hold up his true energy to protect his body, and let the spiritual energy of Lingshan erode his body.

Zu Jian...

He lowered his head and stroked the broken ancestral sword.


Probably feeling sorry for Zu Jian.

He was originally unwilling to appear with this group of old men, but because it was the Lingshan people who came...

It's a pity that he didn't meet that person...

"Sister Zhuzi has changed a lot, I want to come..." The man sat down on the side of the cliff, took out a bottle of gourd spirits, and took a sip for himself.

"She should have changed too..."

Another gulp.

Because it was ordinary wine, he had to cancel all protection, otherwise his sword energy would push out all the alcohol.

The man blushed, then shook his head.

"No, how could she change..."

I only saw her a few years ago, and she didn't change at all at that time, and it should be the same now.

A wine burp.

He didn't try to sober up, and let a wave of drunkenness rise in his body.

He can't drink... no, it's not that he can't, it's just that he can't, and he gets drunk very easily.

So he never drank it, didn't like it, and didn't understand what was so good about it.

But... from that day on, he changed.

"How can a man not drink?" She said at the time.


Basically, she had to drink a few drinks every day, and he was not allowed to sober up, and was carried back by Venerable Ye unconsciously every time.

Thinking about it now, it is a past event that is "unbearable to look back".

After drinking for so many years, the amount of alcohol should have improved, but the truth?Not a single bit, and now he is still drunk when he touches alcohol.

But it's been many years since no one has been pouring him down... Occasionally, if he wanted to have a small drink, his apprentice would stop him, saying that he would become crazy when he drank too much.

Just kidding, how could he be crazy about drinking.

"Absolutely... no." The man drank the wine in the gourd in one gulp, and then turned the gourd upside down in dissatisfaction.

"This... is this gone?"

Then he laughed, and pulled out another gourd like a magic trick, which was twice the size of the previous one.

"No, there are many more."

"Gudu Gudu..." He took a few big mouthfuls.

At this time, the stamina of the wine came up, and the frivolous look appeared on the man's face again.

There are many colleges and universities, and the snowflakes are fascinated.

He seemed to see a lazy figure.

Walking over in a nonchalant manner, he stretched out a finger to grab "her" chin.

"Fake." Although already drunk, the frivolous man still shook his head.

If it's really my sister, she's already drawing her sword to kill him, how could this be the case.


The sword came out of its sheath.

The sword is full of air.

The bright sword light illuminates most of the floating sword peak, sword, snow, moon, and a drunk person.

It's a mess.

I don't know how long it took, a woman came up, and after there was no one in the Jiange, she went to Fujian Peak.

The place is full of familiar sword energy, and there is also a smell of wine.

Easily, she found the man holding the sword. He was lying in the snow with the snow on his body, and there were large pieces of wine gourds scattered on the ground around him...

Looking at the ravines gradually left by the sword energy all around, the woman showed helplessness.

"Drink like this again... Really..."

"If you can't drink, don't drink..."

She stretched out her fingers, and with a flash of sword light, she dragged the man up from the ground, but the latter turned over and unconsciously shattered the woman's sword energy.


"...Forget it, who told you to be my master..." The woman complained, carried the man who was like mud on her back, and left Fujian Peak.

As the night slowly grew longer, the Shu Mountains were basically dimmed at this time...

Venerable Ye's room was still lit, and he stared at the half-carved bamboo sword on the table, in a daze.

Medical Court.

In a separate room, a girl's body is tightly wrapped, and a green healing light shines on her right leg.

It is Lezheng falling into court.

Ever since she was sent to the Medical Pavilion, she has been in this state of daze.

Although the people in Lingshan could help her recover quickly, the people in Shushan didn't even mention it.

After all, it is inconvenient, and it will be better in a month at most.

So Lezheng Luoting was thrown in this place. Of course, there is someone worse than her. Ye Guanyue is still in a coma, mentally exhausted. It is said that it will take a long time to wake up, and the injury is not much worse than her.

What Lezheng Luoting didn't know was that Ye Guanyue even lost her saber.

And Eldest Brother, when he first saw Yun Xiao, Le Zheng Luoting expressed his surprise, of course he was not seriously injured, not long after he came here, Senior Brother Yun woke up and left, saying that he was going to the sword test meeting.


Looking out the window, the snowflakes are much smaller, and the moon can barely be seen. It is a beautiful crescent moon.

It's just that Lezheng Luoting's expression is not very good.

I don't know how the master dealt with Lu Ling... After all, Jiange is so important...

But she should have left Shushan now, I don't know when will be the next time I see this person...

It should be several years... Thinking about it, Le Zhengluo became irritable.

As for why she knew that Lu Ling had left...

Because the snowflakes in the sky became smaller.

It's that simple, from a woman's sixth sense.

Le Zheng stared at the moon in the courtyard, but his thoughts had already flown away.

The situation with Lu Ling is very strange now, even she can see it, but it should stabilize after a few years, and we will meet again at that time...

It is the time to decide who owns who between the two.

Lezheng was confident that he would change Lu Ling's surname to Lezheng... probably.

With such a big goal, she is now full of energy.

It doesn't matter if the sword scripture given by the master is not good, if she doesn't work hard, she will become Lu Ling's property.

Of course, the name Lu Luoting is also good, it sounds pretty nice.

In her mind, Lu Ling has no right to choose, even if she loses, Lai will rely on her.

If it really doesn't work, just switch to Lingshan, the master should agree.

"Mo Yuan..." Afterwards, Lezheng Luoting's eyes were fixed on the Mo Yuan sword shot from the window half an hour ago, and the latter was stuck beside her at this moment, as if protecting her.

Is this sword her future saber...

Unconsciously, Lezheng Luoting grasped the Mo Yuan Sword.

Start with a piece of ice cold.

Just when Lezheng Luoting held the hilt of the sword, Mo Yuan's sword changed.

Instead of having different colors on both sides, it gradually transformed into a blood-red sword, leaving only the hilt as black as ink.

"Hahaha..." Looking at the change of the sword, Lezheng laughed loudly.

"I like."

The current Mo Yuan made her unable to take her eyes off even more than before, she wished she could use it now.

It's a pity that she was wrapped in such a state, and she couldn't do much movement at all. She had no choice but to sink her mind into the Mo Yuan sword.

Now that she is Mo Yuan's master, she can naturally control the sword.

"...Huh? What is this." Suddenly, Le Zhengluoting found something shining inside the sword.

Could it be related to the demon king Mo Yuan?
He wasn't completely dead?

Guessing, Lezheng Luoting consciously flew over and touched this potentially dangerous thing.

She is not afraid of the devil or anything, and she doesn't know what it is to be afraid.

Then, the silver light shone, and Le Zhengluo seemed to see a new world.

A new world made up of countless pieces of information.

(End of this chapter)

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