Chapter 121
Next, Lu Ling continued to explain, finally making Liu Fufeng's complexion better.

"I know Ah Ling... Senior Sister, you are not afraid of the cold, but you can't not care about your body like this." Liu Fufeng looked into Lu Ling's eyes and said.

Yes, after living with Lu Ling for so long, she also found that Lu Ling's physique was a bit strange, but she still had to pay attention to it.

"I understand." Lu Ling nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

As long as the junior sister is not angry, she can do whatever she wants.

Sure enough, she was able to hide past the first day of the junior high school but not the fifteenth day... Lu Ling was a little helpless. The husband she was on guard against didn't get angry with her, but the junior sister scared her when they met.

"But it's really strange, how could the clothes suddenly fall off..." Liu Fufeng's eyes were full of suspicion.

She scanned Lu Ling's body, and suddenly found something.

"Stand still."

"En." The junior sister asked herself to stand still, so she stood still and played the role of the wooden figure well.

"This..." Walking over to compare Lu Ling's height, Liu Fufeng was stunned.

Ah Ling... seems to be a little taller than yesterday?
No, it doesn't seem to be, it is indeed taller. You must know that Lu Ling is not wearing shoes now, so she is a little taller than before, and her height almost reaches her own neck.

Although I don't know why, Lu Ling is a little taller than yesterday, no, maybe not tall... Liu Fufeng feels that Lu Ling seems to have grown up, and all aspects of her body have changed.

Liu Fufeng looked back at Li Zhuzi, who nodded at her and walked over.

"Sir, you are here." Seeing Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling greeted him.

Li Zhuzi ignored Lu Ling, but said to Liu Fufeng.

"Come with me."

"Yes." Liu Fufeng replied, and squatted down.


Lu Ling first stared at Li Zhuzi's back, and then looked at Liu Fufeng, her face full of puzzlement.

"Come up, walk around in the snow without wearing shoes, what do you want me to say." Liu Fufeng said angrily.

It is common sense in medicine that the soles of the feet suffer from cold and all kinds of diseases invade.

"Ah?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, she actually wanted to say that it was not cold at all, but rather warm.

But saying it at this time will definitely make my junior sister unhappy...

Seeing Liu Fufeng with her back turned to her, there was no way, Lu Ling rubbed her hands, went up and hugged her neck, and then climbed onto her back.

Liu Fufeng's body is very slender, and Lu Ling can clearly feel her thinness when she climbs up, but she seems to be very strong, not the kind of weak woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken.

"Be careful." As he spoke, Liu Fufeng supported Lu Ling's cold thigh, and slowly stood up.

Lu Ling is very light, still very light, but Liu Fufeng is sure of one thing at this time, that is, a little change has really taken place in Lu Ling, and the fact that she has grown taller is not an illusion, although the little girl on her back is still very weak, but it is true. It's heavy, and it's no longer that skinny feeling.

After Lu Ling posted it, Liu Fufeng felt as if he was carrying an ice cube, which was soft and boneless, but it also had a warm place.

She could clearly feel Lu Ling's beating heart.

In addition, Lu Ling's little hand tightly hugged her neck, Liu Fufeng was taken aback.

This was the first time she carried Lu Ling on her back. In an instant, she felt a heavy sense of satisfaction, as if what she carried on her back was all she had.

A touch of warmth flashed in his eyes, and Liu Fufeng carefully lifted Lu Ling's unconscious calf.

"Let's go," she said.

"En." Lying on Liu Fufeng's slender back, Lu Ling also softened, she was so comfortable that she didn't want to move, there was a strange feeling on her junior sister's back, which reassured her.

This sense of security...has never been there before.

Lu Ling was silent, thinking about something. At this time, Lu Ling noticed the lunch box Li Zhuzi was carrying, but she was not greedy.

"Creak... creak..." Following Liu Fufeng's slow pace, his boots stepped firmly on the snow.

The sound of stepping on the snow became clearer and clearer in the silent and dark bamboo forest. Lu Ling listened carefully to the sound of stepping on the snow. The rhythmic sound of "creak... creak..." made her feel peaceful.

At this moment, what Shushan, what disaster, as well as the suspicion and panic about her own identity all disappeared, she crossed her arms around Liu Fufeng, and couldn't help exerting some force.

For Liu Fufeng, they might just have not seen each other overnight, but from Lu Ling's perspective, many things have happened in between.

For example, Xuechen appeared, and Liu Fufeng also noticed the cat on Lu Ling's shoulder, but she didn't ask before, and only asked now.

"This is?"

"En..." Lu Ling thought about how to explain it, she didn't even know Xuechen's identity, so how should she explain it.

"The pet I picked up..." Lu Ling chose a word, and then asked tentatively, "Can I keep it?"

If Junior Sister disagrees, Xuechen can only leave it to Mr.

"Pet?" Liu Fufeng was taken aback when he heard this, she thought it was Teacher Li's spiritual pet, after all, such a cute little animal has never been heard of in the secular world, did A Ling pick it up?
But since Teacher Li didn't say anything, it should be no problem, Liu Fufeng spoke again.

"Like it?"

"I like it, it's very beautiful." Lu Ling said truthfully.

"That's it..." Liu Fufeng was relieved, then lightly weighed Lu Ling, and straightened her body.

Liu Fufeng remembered that she used to like small animals very much, but her father never allowed her to raise them. When she was a child, Liu Fufeng would occasionally go to the neighbors' house to play with their pets, but she lost interest after getting older.

My new interest is curing diseases and saving lives.

"If you like it, keep it." Liu Fufeng said.

Anyway, it's not troublesome, it's nice to have such a little guy, and when she's not around Lu Ling, someone will accompany her.

"Okay." Lu Ling nodded, and rubbed Xuechen's head with the side of her face, and the latter continued to sleep after making a soft meow.

Then, the two stopped talking. On the dark path, the snowflakes were not big, but they were still falling slowly. In the silent bamboo forest, only the sound of Liu Fufeng's footsteps remained.


And Lu Ling chanted in a low voice with some joy.

Liu Fufeng listened carefully to Lu Ling's singing, and remembered the melody in his mind.

Another nice song.


The distance was relatively short, and we soon arrived at the location indicated by Li Zhuzi.

It is a small wooden hut. After entering, it is a very empty small room with only a table and a few bamboo stools.

No way, Li Zhuzi didn't need to eat at first, but the habit she developed was not easy to quit, so she never missed lunch, but she usually ate alone, even if there were guests, only Shen Canghai, For two people, the stone table outside the house is enough.

But now it's snowing outside, Li Zhuzi had no choice but to think of this empty room, which is perfect for entertaining Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling.

After turning on the light source, Li Zhuzi opened the food box and arranged the breakfast he brought.

With the appearance of several exquisite dishes, a faint mellow fragrance permeated the air, which instantly aroused Lu Ling's appetite.

At this time, Lu Ling was still as quiet as before. She struggled with her only leg that could move, and shouted with red eyes.

"Junior Sister! Let me down!"

(End of this chapter)

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