Chapter 143 Master
Li Zhuzi was extremely surprised by Venerable Ye's generosity.

As far as Ye Zi... [-]% of her strength, she has almost fallen out of the Venerable Realm.

Of course, what we are talking about here is only the power of the sword energy, and the realm will not be weakened in the slightest.

But since Ye Zi was bleeding profusely, she could not disappoint his love for Lu Ling.

And she is very good at carving and so on.

Now I am just hesitating, I should carve something on this fire glaze.

She really doesn't know what else Lu Ling likes besides eating. Ordinary little girls are more playful, like Tang Zheng. Like a little hedgehog.

But now that Tang Zheng stayed in Lingshan for a few years, he also found his lost innocence. Now Tang Zheng is the most playful among the girls. He often plays so much that he can't go home, and then he is taken back by her master Tang Sheng.

And Lu Ling...

Li Zhuzi didn't realize that she was a little bit greedy for playfulness, but it was true that she was greedy for food. Other than that, Lu Ling didn't show any particular preference for anything.

Learning...barely counts as one.

Although she always talks about being a stupid girl and screaming like a stupid girl, to be honest, Lu Ling is very smart. Li Zhuzi doesn't need to spend too much time teaching Lu Ling now, even Lu Ling can teach herself faster than her Be quick.

She is a very studious girl.

Li Zhuzi likes people who are studious.

In addition, Li Zhuzi didn't know anything about Lu Ling's preferences. Although Lu Ling was very interested in the rhythm from the performance at the piano meeting, so far she didn't show that she liked it very much, otherwise Li Zhuzi might Carve a melody mark.

Li Zhuzi shook his head.

I want to give the child a gift, and I want her to like it... I feel helpless, after all, I have never been a considerate and gentle person.

and many more……


A figure flashed in Li Zhuzi's mind, she knew what Lu Ling liked.

Miss Liu.

Lu Ling usually listens to Liu Fufeng's words the most, and her eyes are always shining when she looks at the latter, but soon, Li Zhuzi put away this strange idea, and at the same time couldn't help laughing, feeling amused by her own thoughts.

She actually wanted to carve Huoliuli into the shape of Liu Fufeng...

Although this idea is a bit "shocking", but I think Lu Ling will definitely like it.

So, Ye Zi gave Lu Linghuo Liuli as a meeting gift, it would be better to give some snacks, that stupid girl might be happier.

Suddenly, Li Zhuzi held Huoliuli and put it in his arms.

"This girl, if you don't have a good rest now, what are you doing here with me?"

Li Zhuzi was puzzled, but he still took a step forward, passed through the space, and appeared in the school.

She opened the door of the school, and standing in front of the door was Lu Ling who was about to knock the door.

When the latter saw Li Zhuzi, he was stunned for a moment, and then anxious expression climbed up his face again.

"First, sir..." Lu Ling was out of breath because she was walking in a hurry, and Li Zhuzi couldn't hear what she was saying under her heavy breathing.

"Speak slowly." Li Zhuzi frowned.

Lu Ling was even more embarrassed than when she came back from Shen Gui's place in the morning. Not only was there snow stains on her body, but there was even mud.

And there is a strange smell.

Why does it always look like this...

Except for Lu Ling, Li Zhuzi had never seen any girl in Lingshan who lived such a miserable life.

"Sir, help me." Lu Ling was so anxious that she couldn't make it clear.

"Calm down." Reluctantly, Li Zhuzi stretched out his hand and rubbed Lu Ling's little head, at the same time a light green spiritual power penetrated into Lu Ling's body.

Suddenly, Lu Ling's breathing calmed down, and all the fatigue in her body disappeared.

"Go ahead."

After recovering, Lu Ling turned into an ant on the hot pot again: "Sir, Junior Sister, something happened to Junior Sister!"

"En?" Li Zhuzi was taken aback.

Miss Liu?
What's up with her?
What can happen?

"...That's, that's..." Lu Ling danced and danced for a long time before Li Zhuzi understood what she meant.

"Ill?" Li Zhuzi wondered.

It shouldn't be, Liu Yatou's physical condition has been checked long ago, and she didn't find any hidden diseases.

Could it be that he caught a cold?After all, it is still relatively cold today, and Liu Yatou is weak and has not stepped into cultivation yet.

Of course, the weakness here is compared with Lu Ling. Don't look at the latter's appearance of a salted fish. Even if she is really a salted fish, she is still a condensed salted fish, and she already has a resistance beyond ordinary people.

Otherwise, if Shen Gui taught him such a lesson, he would still be able to stand up.

Up to now, Li Zhuzi still felt that the reason why Lu Ling was embarrassed was because Shen Gui made a move.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Zhuzi still had no idea about Liu Fufeng's painful appearance described by Lu Ling, but seeing her sweating profusely at this moment, it was definitely not a trivial matter.

"Sir... what to do... what to do..."

Seeing the little girl anxiously tugging at the corner of her clothes, Li Zhuzi gave Lu Ling a reassuring look.

"This is Lingshan, don't worry." Li Zhuzi said.

In this place, not to mention minor illnesses and minor disasters, even dying people, as long as their souls are still alive, will not die even if they want to.

Lu Ling doesn't need to worry at all, but obviously, Lu Ling's impression of Lingshan is still of the nurse school, no, maybe not even the nurse school.

They were all violent girls with swords, she hadn't seen a real nanny yet, and in a hurry, how could Lu Ling think of this.

"Spirit Mountain..."

Lu Ling didn't understand, but she felt that she couldn't drag on any longer.

"Sir, come with me..." Lu Ling pulled Li Zhuzi's hand hard, trying to take her to the Ninth Peak.

But Li Zhuzi didn't move, he didn't have any intention of following Lu Ling.


Lu Ling was stunned.

Why is Mr. unwilling to help himself...

Lu Ling continued to pull Li Zhuzi's hands, but she couldn't make her move even with all her strength.

"First, sir, please... help..." Lu Ling said intermittently, begging continuously.

Only Mr. can help her.

Feeling the cold sweat on Lu Ling's palm, Li Zhuzi pulled out his hand calmly.

"What are you panicking!" Li Zhuzi snapped.


Be murdered.

Lu Ling didn't feel anything. She was afraid of Li Zhuzi in the past, but now she didn't tremble as before, but continued to plead.

"You girl..." Seeing this, Li Zhuzi rubbed his brows helplessly.

It's not that she doesn't want to see Liu Fufeng, but that she can't.

Needless to say, the Ninth Peak is special, that is, other peak owners would not easily set foot there, let alone her "primary school teacher".

It has nothing to do with the Immortal Sword Forbidden Land, but that special person, who is really difficult to get along with.

Going to the Ninth Peak during this special period is undoubtedly asking for trouble for himself.

The grievances between Zixu and Juexian cannot allow others to intervene, like Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng completely took advantage of Zixu's loopholes.

Even now, if it weren't for the fact that the ice bloodline might link with the fairy sword, the Lingshan people would not let them just stay in the Ninth Peak.

However, although the attitude of Juexian Daoist is not obvious, it does not obviously reject the two of them.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need for Lu Ling to panic.

Anyway, she is now also a genuine disciple of the Ninth Peak, and so is Liu Fufeng.

Master is on the mountain, why panic?

Even when the sky fell, she was the one who supported it.

Li Zhuzi looked in the direction of the Ninth Peak. If the matter was really as serious as Lu Ling described, that woman would not just look at it like this.


The ninth peak, the back mountain.

The Taoist nun pushed open the door, and the dazzling sunlight made her narrow her eyes slightly, and then she swayed towards the top of the mountain with the smell of alcohol all over her body.

At this time, the thatched hut was in a mess, and there was a girl lying on the ground regardless of her appearance, reeking of alcohol.

"Jeer... drink..."


(End of this chapter)

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