Chapter 148 Shame
Lu Ling fell into a very awkward situation at this time.

She wanted to do laundry, but she had to take a shower if she wanted to change clothes, otherwise changing clothes would be completely useless.


There was really an unpleasant smell on her body, and Lu Ling could hardly bear it anymore, and she had just sweated a little, and her back was very sticky and uncomfortable.

But the bathing place was unusable due to Liu Fufeng's drowsiness, and Lu Ling also forgot one thing, stimulated by the heavy snow in the sky, the temperature of the hot spring at this time was abnormally high, with her small body——

In the past, when I fished it out, it looked like a very overcooked crayfish. This time I went by myself, and I had to die inside.

Lu Ling absolutely cannot accept Lingquan's way of cleaning up excess cold poison.

She also knew very well that the throbbing pain was irresistible, so every time Lu Ling deliberately ignored why she lost consciousness.

It's really shameful, if someone knows...

If you can't live, you have no face to live in the world anymore, just reincarnate.

This kind of shame similar to punishment is really not something ordinary people can bear.

And Lu Ling was thinking about one thing from the very beginning.

What about Xiu Xian?

This world of cultivating immortals has nothing to do with the word immortal.

When it comes to cultivating immortals, it is better to start with bigu first.

In the end, I didn't see a bigu person, and everyone ate on time, including her husband.

And the food is so delicious.

Cut off the seven emotions and six desires?

Lu Ling felt that it was also a lie.

The young ladies she saw on the Lingtai were basically going out in groups, and they were laughing and laughing when they came back.

This is definitely going out to play, right?
Except for the teleportation array, Lu Ling really didn't find anything that would make life easier.

I have never seen a magic weapon, not to mention the spotless clothes in my memory, not even a simple "purification spell", but I have to take a bath by myself every day.

Not only her, Lu Ling also saw a hot spring in Li Zhuzi's backyard, which should be the place where Li Zhuzi took a bath.

It might be, and Lu Ling is not sure, but a memory occasionally flashed in her mind, where she and her husband took a bath together.

But it was probably a dream, because she had no memory of it at all.

But even in a dream...

Mr. is still in good shape.

Keke, walk away.

But since even Li Zhuzi didn't use the cleansing mantra, there basically wouldn't be a so-called cleansing mantra, and he still had to wash himself in the shower.

Take a bath, wash dishes, wash vegetables, and wash clothes.

This is simply a fake world of cultivating immortals.

Except for some incredible things, it is no different from the dunya.


Lu Ling thought for a while.

She has never experienced anything and wants to try everything, and she thinks there is nothing wrong with this.

Of course, it can be annoying at times.

Very annoying, she is very annoying now, seeing Liu Fufeng still sleeping soundly, Lu Ling couldn't stand it any longer.

She decided to take a shower right now, right now.

Isn't it just undressing?
This Ninth Peak is just me and my junior sister, it is impossible for anyone to see it.

Lu Ling hypnotized herself.

She has already decided to go to the stream to wash her body, the hot spring is really useless.

With a rustling sound, Lu Ling took off the only Taoist robe on her body, and after folding it, she held the robe and smelled it.


His face turned blue and white.

Sure enough, it was the right time to go to the shower now.

"Remember that Zaojiao is in..."

Lu Ling turned around and put a small reddish-brown object on the Taoist robe she just took off, and then put the Taoist robe in the wooden basin, which was filled with the cold hot spring water that had been pumped before.

This is the way my junior sister washes clothes in my memory.

In the beginning, Liu Fufeng washed his clothes by the stream, soaking them under the impact of running water, but now there are some convenient methods, using special saponins to soak them before washing, which is not only convenient, but also smells good.

Lu Ling washed it once, so she was very impressed.

The clothes are also soaked, so next...

In a somewhat dark room, Liu Fufeng was neatly dressed and lay flat on the bed, very quiet.

Lu Ling stood in front of her, her soft and long hair blocked the skin in front of her.

Looking at her body, her little face flushed with shame.

Not being ashamed of my body, but of what's to come.

Do you really want to go out like this?

Lu Ling swallowed her saliva and shivered at the same time.

I always feel that if I go out like this, a lot of incredible things will happen. What if I meet someone?
Lu Ling was thinking wildly, her ears blushing unknowingly.


No, no, no, no.

Lu Ling shook her head for a while, and then turned around naked in the room.


could not find it.

After looking at it for a while, Lu Ling only found her other Taoist robe and a change of clothes.

None of them work when she showers.

At this time, Lu Ling also realized what was wrong with her, so she pulled out a white silk and wrapped it around her waist, covering her young body. As for her upper body...

With long hair, she can barely accept it.

It's a pity that Lu Ling didn't know that she was more attractive in this appearance. If she was seen by a young lady with special hobbies, she would be regarded as an RBQ.

If it's a man...

Almost no man can resist this kind of temptation. Although she is only a loli at this time, she is actually at the age where she can marry someone else.

In this world, it is not against the law to do something strange to her.


In this state, Lu Ling gently opened the door, and a gust of cold wind rushed in, blowing away her long hair, and she was so frightened that she immediately closed the door.

Cold is not cold at all.

This is the only place where Lu Ling feels a little bit of comfort, otherwise she would freeze to death in this weather dressed like this.

Now she has a feeling that she is doing something bad, which is a little exciting, but more of a shame.

Why did this happen? She just wanted to take a bath.

In fact, Lu Ling is also a habit brought out by Liu Fufeng, but she can't help it when she feels a little uncomfortable. You must know that when she was wandering...

I never thought about such a luxury as taking a bath.

This also shows that Liu Fufeng's education to Lu Ling was effective, because Lu Ling always had accidents when she was in the hot springs, and she was afraid of taking a bath at that time.It took Liu Fufeng a lot of effort to convince Lu Ling.

Girls can never be sloppy, so to speak.

So now that Lu Ling will take good care of her body, Liu Fufeng should be very relieved to know.

"Huh..." Lu Ling tightened the white silk around her waist, folded her arms around her chest, and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

Then she opened the door again.

(End of this chapter)

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