Chapter 159 Invitation

In front of the round table.

Lu Ling was laying on the table with no energy, looking very uncomfortable. Sitting next to her was Liu Fufeng, who kept rubbing Lu Ling's stomach, hoping that she would feel better, but it didn't help much.

She didn't know the location of the dining hall on the second peak, so she found it after asking a senior sister.

When he first saw it, Liu Fufeng was really taken aback. In such an exquisite building, it is actually just a place to eat?

She didn't believe it until she came in.

It is a very large room, and the interior space cannot be seen at a glance. It may be large from the outside, but it is far worse than the inside.

Fairy way?

This is the only way Liu Fufeng could understand.

Not far away, many female cultivators were sitting together, having dinner, talking and laughing at the same time, looking very happy.

There are many such scenes, and the nuns are scattered in every corner, laughing and laughing constantly.

The whole dining hall seemed very lively.

And when she first came in, she didn't see any dishes, and the table was empty, with a token groove on it.

Liu Fufeng put the Peak Lord's order on it, and then the silver fluorescent light rose, and dozens of lines of words appeared in the air.

Those are the names of some dishes, and at the same time, phantoms will appear on the table when you point them up—these are the finished products of these dishes.


Seeing this miraculous method of the immortal family, Liu Fufeng was very surprised, she thought she had to line up one by one to get it.

According to the text introduction, after she chooses the dishes and dim sum, she just needs to wait patiently, and the food will appear directly on the table when it is ready.

"Senior Sister, what would you like to eat?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"Ah?" Hearing this, Lu Ling raised her head to look at the table, and several delicious shadows just appeared on the table, and the aroma could even be smelled, which was simulated by special means.

It's a pity that Lu Ling didn't show any desire, but quickly buried her head in her arms again, and said in a dull and weak voice.

"Wait, I... rest, rest for a while..."

No way, it's really uncomfortable.

Belly is going to explode.

Lu Ling was very unwilling and hated herself for being worthless.

There are so many delicious foods, and she can choose whatever she wants, but she can't arouse her appetite because of the stomachache, and even feels sick.

What could be worse than this?
let her die...

Lu Ling closed her eyes, bit her sleeves tightly, and kept praying in her heart that she would get better.

Strange, although I was uncomfortable before, but it was not so serious, why this time when I came out with my junior sister...

Could it be that he caught a cold while taking a bath at noon?

Enduring the discomfort in her stomach, Lu Ling lay motionless on the table like a dead fish, with her two newly tied ponytails drooping on her sides.

What should we do now?Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling, wondering if he should order.

Otherwise, serve the food first, maybe Ah Ling will recover a little after seeing the food?
No, with her current state, it seems difficult to whet her appetite.

I didn't know it earlier.

Liu Fufeng thought so, at least he could drink a little porridge at home, but now a teleportation directly passed away Ah Ling's appetite.

As for herself...

Liu Fufeng flipped through the vegetarian dishes page, his face remained unchanged.

Lu Ling was not feeling well, and she lost her appetite even with her.

How about going back?

Just as Liu Fufeng was thinking, someone suddenly patted her from behind and turned her head to look over.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, she is gentle and pleasant.

"Senior Sister Qin?" Liu Fufeng was taken aback.

I didn't expect to meet Senior Sister Qin here.

"Good evening, Junior Sister." Qin Qin sat down beside her. She was in a hurry to pick up the food, but now she is not in a hurry because Lu Ling is here.

"Are you here for dinner?"

"En." Liu Fufeng nodded.

"What's wrong, little junior sister?" Looking at Lu Ling who was motionless, Qin Qin asked, and then Liu Fufeng told Qin Qin the reason for Lu Ling's discomfort.

"Oh, that's it. I thought it was something." Qin Qin chuckled lightly, "Leave it to me."

"Senior sister, can you help Ah Ling?" Liu Fufeng asked hastily.


Qin Qin glanced at Liu Fufeng, didn't she call her senior sister before?
Well, she already knew that Liu Fufeng was the elder sister of the Ninth Peak, but it didn't matter.

The point is that she met Lu Ling today, so what if she didn't take it home and train her properly, so Qin Qin thought about it and said to Liu Fufeng.

"It's all small things, of course, but I have to go back. Qin is needed for healing, and my senior sister is still waiting...Shen Gui, you should know." Qin Qin reminded.

"Senior Sister Shen..." Liu Fufeng was taken aback.

By the way, Senior Sister Qin is Senior Sister Shen's senior sister.

But it's great that she can cure Ah Ling, but going back... what does it mean?
"Come back with me, I'll help little junior sister recover when I get things done." As she spoke, Qin Qin's verdant fingers rested on Lu Lingbo's neck.

"so serious?"

She was also taken aback.

Under normal circumstances, after a low-level disciple teleports, the aura in the body will be temporarily disturbed, which is why they feel uncomfortable, but Lu Ling's is much more serious.

In the dantian, the spiritual energy kept overflowing, spinning around in the meridians.

As far as the little girl is now, without the help of others, it will take at least a week of self-cultivation to recover.

But if she makes a move... just one breath is enough.

But she won't tell Liu Fufeng, Qin Qin just told Liu Fufeng about Lu Ling's serious matter, and then revealed that she can help Lu Ling, but only if she goes back to the house to get something.

Liu Fufeng was naturally flustered.

"Going together is of course no problem, but now..." Liu Fufeng looked around, he had already arrived at the dining hall, how about leaving directly?Ah Ling hasn't eaten yet, how about some food to take away?

"Now what now." Qin Qin grabbed Liu Fufeng's hand.

"What do you think I'm here for? It just so happens that I haven't eaten yet, so go back and eat with me..."

"Is it possible?" Liu Fufeng was taken aback.

"Of course, don't meet outsiders, we are so familiar, junior sister, you really..." Qin Qin was dissatisfied.

At the beginning, she was the one who led Liu Fufeng to run here and there, but now she has so many scruples.

"...En." There was no other way, Liu Fufeng could only agree to Qin Qin's request, go to her house as a guest, and use Qin Qin's hand to heal Lu Ling.

She couldn't just watch Lu Ling so sluggish, her heart ached to death.

"That's good." Qin Qin smiled happily.

She likes Lu Ling very much, and also has a good impression of Liu Fufeng, that's why she invited her.

After Liu Fufeng carried Lu Ling on his back, Qin Qin turned on the chatterbox mode again.

"Junior Sister Liu, let's get some vegetables first, and I'll let you taste my cooking later..."

"Is Senior Sister good at cooking?" Liu Fufeng picked up the umbrella and followed behind Qin Qin.

"That's right, you'll know it once you taste it, you'll definitely like it..." Qin Qin proudly said: "By the way, let me tell you, today is really unlucky, I was ready for it, but then my senior sister balabalabala... "

Qin Qin continued to rebuke, but Liu Fufeng obviously couldn't listen to it. Thinking of Lu Ling who was soft on her back and had no strength, she was worried for a while.

Now I can only rely on Senior Sister Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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