Chapter 163 Shen Ling

Why is it her again!
Lu Ling immediately closed her eyes.

Then opened it again, this time... Shen Gui's pupils were so close that she could feel the sword light in them.


This is terrible.

Where is the junior sister?What about her junior sister?
Such a big junior sister was still around just now, why did she disappear in a blink of an eye?
Shen Gui: "..."

She just watched Lu Ling open and close her eyes several times.

Are you that scary yourself?

Is Shen Gui scary?

From Lu Ling's point of view, it was certain. Although she finally thought that Shen Gui was a very good young lady, she only thought so after Shen Gui released her.

After being safe, of course I feel that Shen Gui is good, and now that we meet again, I feel panicked to death.

Easy to get along with?That's weird.

Junior sister, why did her junior sister suddenly disappear?
She was a little flustered, but Lu Ling wasn't too scared.

Although this young lady with short hair has a bad temper, she is a good person, um, a good person.

He is also a very generous person, not only did not take away her glazed stone, he even gave her a new ice colored glaze.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling gradually calmed down.

She believed that her junior sister would never abandon her, and she would definitely, very soon, come to look for her.

and many more.

Lu Ling's body gradually stiffened.

Did she forget something... what was it?

Lu Ling closed her eyes and kept thinking forward.

A very good young lady, she didn't steal her things, and even gave her a ice glaze.

Ice glass?

Ice glass! ! !
Lu Ling finally remembered what she had forgotten. She forgot to take out the ice glass when she took off her clothes and soaked in the saponin before taking a bath.Even more than that, her hair cut off by the sword was still in her pocket.

How stupid.

Nothing will happen!
By the way, such a valuable treasure should not dissolve in water?
... Well, Lu Ling is not sure.

It is impossible to dissolve in water, but her dress is not wanted.

At this time, on the Ninth Peak, the cold air was overflowing on the cliff, and the source was that thatched hut. In the basin, the cold air continued to spread, and at the same time, the snow on the Ninth Peak was much heavier than other places.

On the bed, a loli was lying on the brocade of the thatched bed with her fingers sucked, her breathing was steady...but she couldn't see any strength, most of the strength she usually accumulated had gone into the ice glass.

This gem is constantly changing, transparent, and the snowflake-shaped hexagon in the middle gradually extends, freezes, and then turns into a silk character.

Lu Ling's Ling.


When Lu Ling was thinking about something, Shen Gui was also looking at her.

this girl...

I haven't seen her in an afternoon, and they are quite cute. These two low ponytails are very cute.

Of course, Shen Gui didn't know what was cute or not, and she didn't care, she just felt that Lu Ling was more like a younger sister now.

"Bang." Weighed it in his hand.

Lu Ling was thrown up by her, drawing a funny semicircle in the air, with two ponytails wrapped around her body, and finally Lu Ling landed firmly on Shen Gui's arms.

Princess hug?nonexistent.

Now Lu Ling is the princess with her head down.

"Hmm..." Looking at Lu Ling's carefully trimmed long hair, Shen Gui nodded.

It was still a mess with gaps in the morning, but now it has turned into a regular arc shape, which not only does not affect the appearance, but even makes Lu Ling a little cuter.

Was that Junior Sister Liu doing it?should be.

Shen Gui thinks so, only Liu Fufeng, and it can only be Liu Fufeng, she doesn't believe that with Lu Ling's IQ, she can trim her hair by herself.

She even doubted whether Lu Ling could eat by herself, after all, the latter behaved in front of her...

Not like a girl, more like a female monkey.

No intelligence at all.

"Come down." Shen Gui turned Lu Ling over and said.

"……"no response.

At this time, Lu Ling was on the one hand indulging in self-blame, blaming herself for forgetting to take out the priceless gem for one negligence, and two, because Shen Gui was scary, so she found something to divert her attention.


Lu Ling always felt that she had forgotten something, and it was a very important thing.

It's about her life.

But no matter how I think about it, I can't remember it.

Is it an illusion?

When Lu Ling was thinking, her ears felt cold, and then a gust of cold air blew into her ears, causing her to shiver several times.



This was the first time that Lu Ling clearly felt the cold when her consciousness was clear.


Lu Ling turned her head, and then understood why she was cold.

She saw a face close at hand.

That was Shen Gui, she had just blown a breath in Lu Ling's ear.

Lu Ling swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and turned her head away from looking at Shen Gui.

God, what is this young lady going to do?Wouldn't it be to "eat" her?

how?Too hot, do you have to blow it before eating?
Of course Shen Gui would not have such thoughts, seeing Lu Ling trembling violently a few times, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

The talent of the ice element is not bad, but it is still a little bit short... She only used a little spiritual energy, and Lu Ling couldn't stand it...

Shen Gui is good at ice and long sword, so she hopes that Lu Ling's talent in both aspects is good, and she is a little dissatisfied now.

A little disappointed, but overall okay.

In fact, Shen Gui forgot one thing, because of the inexplicable snow field, her strength multiplied geometrically, although there was only a little was already very strong.

Thanks to Lu Ling, if it was someone else, even a top ice bloodline, they would be eroded by the cold air, and they would be sick for at least a few days.

But Lu Ling just felt cold, and her talent was really terrifying.

But Shen Gui didn't care about this situation.

"Look at me." Shen Gui said.

"..." Lu Ling continued to close her eyes, hiding her head from Shen Gui.

"Open your eyes!!" Shen Gui stretched out his hand to touch Lu Ling's cheek, and twisted her in front of his eyes.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Lu Ling sobbed a few words, and finally couldn't stand the "bullying", and obediently opened her eyes.

The eyes are full of grievances and innocence.

"Stupid girl." Shen Gui nodded his eyebrows, then took a few steps forward and put Lu Ling down.

"Is there anything else uncomfortable?"

Shen Gui asked.

"..." Lu Ling touched the ground with her feet and felt relieved. After walking a few steps, she found that the discomfort in her stomach and the lack of strength in her body had completely disappeared.

"No, not at all."

Saying that, Lu Ling looked at Shen Gui with strange eyes.

Could it be this young lady who helped her?Because of that breath?
At this moment, Lu Ling misunderstood.

But this is a good thing, it will save her from running to Shen Gui's side to die in a while.

"Just wait." Since Lu Ling was fine, Shen Gui didn't bother to say anything to her, so he sat down and closed his eyes.

The whole body is shattered with sword energy.

Meditation, even at this time, Shen Gui still couldn't forget to practice.

After Lu Ling found that Shen Gui was motionless, she cautiously walked to her side.

Looking at the quiet young lady with her eyes closed, Lu Ling became more courageous.

"so hot……"

 I recently updated Cannian, one update and two are more uncertain, I'm sorry [bend down], there are many things, and I opened 2 books [Death], I can only guarantee one book and one update every day, if I can get it out, one book will be two One after another, it should be more stable next month.above.

(End of this chapter)

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