Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 166 Guier, Are You...Finally Interested In Girls?

Chapter 166 Guier, Are You...Finally Interested In Girls?

Lu Ling licked her dry upper lip, but she still didn't move.

Her right arm has completely disappeared, and her shoulder is like a black hole, which is terrifying.

"En..." Shen Gui's spiritual power invaded Lu Ling's body, and then she frowned.

If she wants to heal Lu Ling, two forces must infiltrate Lu Ling's body. After merging and converging in her body, they must be gathered on the shoulders and then shaped.

Shen Gui didn't know much about Lingshan's healing method, so he could only use some simple methods.

And the entrance of these two forces is at Lu Ling's dantian, so Shen Gui put his hands on two places on Lu Ling's body.

People have three pubic fields, the upper pubic field is between the eyebrows, the middle pubic field is on the chest, and the lower pubic field is three inches below the navel. Shen Gui chose the middle pubic field and the lower pubic field.

It's just that when she put the little power of her soul into Lu Ling's dantian, something troublesome happened.

The little girl's meridians... are very slender, and this slenderness is due to the atrophy of the meridians caused by "malnutrition".

If the meridians are too thin, it will be very troublesome for her strength to pass through Lu Ling's body and gather on her shoulders. What's more troublesome is that Lu Ling's meridians are very fragile at this time.

It's like being impacted by a huge force, and it may be in danger of breaking if it is slightly eroded.

what's the situation.

Shen Gui stopped his movements and just stared at Lu Ling's eyes.

"What... what's wrong." Feeling a little uncomfortable under Shen Gui's gaze, Lu Ling spoke cautiously.

"It's okay." Shen Gui said coldly, then closed his eyes, and slid his hands along her yin veins, leaving a trail of strength at the same time.

"哬..." Sensing the trajectory of Shen Gui's fingers, Lu Ling's red lips parted slightly, revealing white teeth like jade, but her expression was a bit bitter, and the beauty mole on the corner of her mouth sank slightly.

Yin veins... why are they Yin veins again.

The position of this Yin meridian is where Li Zhuzi drew pictures on her body before, and it is also the meridian necessary for her to practice "Shocking Rock Jue". Lu Ling remembers nothing else, but Yin meridian is very clear.

Moreover, what I remember most clearly is that the yin veins will pass through several "sensitive" places of hers.

For the sake of treatment, she endured it, and only hoped that... Miss Sister's fingers slipped and slipped, can you stop pressing...

It's just that such a small hope of Lu Ling has become an extravagant hope.

Shen Gui didn't let her go. His green fingers brushed across Lu Ling's collarbone on her shoulder, and with a little force, a small nail mark was left on her fair skin. At the same time, a light green force penetrated into the nail mark. , entrenched there.

"Hiss..." Lu Ling gasped, her body trembling violently.

This tremor made Shen Gui's movements stagnate, and he withdrew his strength instantly.

Just such a small action almost hurt Lu Ling. If she hadn't retreated her spiritual power in time, Lu Ling's yin veins would have been broken by now.

Broken yin veins can be repaired, but for girls, broken yin veins are more painful than severed hands and feet. It's hard to say whether Lu Ling can endure it at that time.

"..." The sword light flashed in Shen Gui's eyes, and then a wisp of sword energy struck Lu Ling.

Compared to trusting this stupid girl, it is safer for her to fix her directly.

And Lu Ling felt the same way. This was the first time that after she found out that she couldn't move, not only was she not afraid or panic, but she felt at ease.

When she was trembling just now, the way the short-haired lady suddenly withdrew her hand startled her. It seemed dangerous, but she couldn't control her body.

The yin meridian is controlled by others, and she was already very strong before her legs went limp and collapsed.

Miss... Hurry up...

Think so.

After Lu Ling "quieted" here, Shen Gui continued to infiltrate her body.

This girl's vaginal veins... what's going on?

Shen Gui couldn't understand it, it was like a water pipe being forcibly inflated, although it hadn't cracked yet, it was extremely fragile.

She can understand that the meridians are thin, but this stupid girl's life was not ideal before... It may be that life is worse than death, but there are many hidden wounds on Lu Ling's body, and she didn't take a closer look.

Maybe she needs to investigate Lu Ling's life experience carefully. Shen Gui really can't imagine why Lu Ling's personality is so "optimistic" if she has lived such a miserable life. Those who are optimistic are a little silly.

Could being stupid affect the yin veins?
No, it's the cold.

Shen Gui found two streams of cold air in Lu Ling's body, one was exactly the same as the heavy snow outside at this time, and the other was very strange, it was actually the aura of Lingshan.

The former can be explained as being eroded by snowflakes, while the latter... With Lu Ling's cultivation level at this time, it is impossible to directly absorb the spiritual energy. Why did this happen? Could it be that the disappearance of the spiritual energy had something to do with this little girl?

It should not be.

Shen Gui denied his guess, no matter how talented Lu Ling is, it is impossible to affect the aura of Lingshan. Disaster struck.

Shen Gui thought so.

Then she kept moving her hands, leaving dark green marks on Lu Ling's body, and a fingerprint at the same time.

Fortunately, there was no need to undress, which made Lu Ling breathe a sigh of relief.

Shen Gui's purpose is different from Li Zhuzi's, so naturally she doesn't need to take off her clothes. This is what she thinks. Since the power cannot be collected directly through Lu Ling's body, it will gradually penetrate through the yin veins, and then spread to the whole body. The effect is the same. , but it will be very troublesome, and it will consume a lot of Shen Gui.

Her spiritual power may not be enough, if it is not enough... I can only make up for it with my own physical strength, but Shen Gui doesn't care about these details.

Think of it as learning about Lu Ling's "body structure".

As the green marks were formed one by one, Lu Ling clenched her silver teeth. If she hadn't been immobilized by Shen Gui's mark on her body, she would have collapsed to the ground by now.

something came in...

Still swimming in her body, very itchy, very itchy.

A seductive blush gradually appeared on Lu Ling's face, like a red apple.

Different from Lu Ling, Shen Gui's Wenhun power lost every point he used, and her face was a little paler than before.

In fact, this kind of "minor injury" was nothing to Qin Qin, at most half a piece of qin music could make Lu Ling fully recover, but it was a bit difficult for Shen Gui.

It's just that Qin Qin is cooking now, and Shen Gui doesn't want to look for her.

Just when Shen Gui was about to leave the last spiritual power under Lu Ling's lower abdomen, an accident happened.

A woman's figure appeared out of thin air in Shen Gui's room, her face was full of astonishment at first, and then flushed.

What's this?Slut?

Lu Ling looked at the woman who appeared behind Shen Gui out of thin air, the latter was disheveled and happy, and she looked at Shen Gui's back, licked the corners of her mouth, her delicate red tongue was provocative.

Lu Ling's ears turned red.

"Guier, are you... finally interested in girls?" the woman asked.

It was a somewhat lazy voice, and if you listened carefully, you could hear a hint of surprise and longing.

(End of this chapter)

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