Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 169 Favorability Improvement

Chapter 169 Favorability Improvement
As the arm continued to recover, sweat broke out on Lu Ling's forehead.

She couldn't see anything, and the only thing she could feel was the itching, first on her shoulders, then on her entire arm, including her fingers.

Lu Ling can be sure that she couldn't feel the existence of her fingers before, let alone her arms. Only those who have experienced it can understand the feeling of powerlessness.

But now, she felt an itching that went deep into the marrow of her bones, and she wished she could reach out and grab it immediately. From her fingers to her shoulder blades, she felt that wonderful feeling.

What's going on here?
Shen Ling now knows how powerful this short-haired lady is. Although she can't see it, Lu Ling believes that her missing arm has recovered.

It's amazing.

I'm a little curious about how my arm got back together.

Lu Ling tried to open her eyes, but it still ended in failure. It wasn't that the eyelids were stuck, but the feeling of weakness that could not control the eye muscles at all.

give up.

Is it the fear of seeing it for yourself?

Lu Ling didn't quite understand, could it be that she couldn't read it because of the need to keep it secret?

should be.

I heard that the secret methods of cultivating immortals are not passed on to outsiders. It is normal for me to be an "outer sect" disciple and not qualified to practice.

Right, that is it.

Lu Ling imagined that she was an outer disciple, and then there should be inner disciples and so on...

In fact, she thought too much, Lingshan has no so-called inner and outer sects at all, there are at most one generation, two generations, and three generations.

It is just a simple ranking and does not affect the use of resources.

But Lu Ling felt that this explanation was more normal. Shen Canghai gave her a bad impression just now, but she heard that the short-haired lady called him Master, so he must be a very powerful person.

Putting on his own eyes should be because he doesn't want her to see it, that's the only possibility.

Lu Ling wouldn't have thought of it even if she was beaten to death. The reason why she was not allowed to watch it was because the treatment scene was too bloody and disgusting...

For a little girl, even thinking about her own hand is disgusting.


Seeing Lu Ling's arm gradually recovering, Shen Gui increased his output of spiritual power.

Her ears were wet and she was sweating a little.


It was simply "shocking", if other people knew that Shen Gui was sweating tiredly... his jaw would probably drop in shock.

One of the strongest disciples of Lingshan [Return to Come] actually felt exhausted because of a small healing...

But those who knew Shen Gui knew that this was a normal thing.

In terms of martial spirit, Shen Gui is naturally very strong. He had no problem fighting alone for a month in Tianguangxu, but that is about fighting. Speaking of Wenhun...

Scumbag is no good, learning scumbags is not enough to describe Shen Gui, and her literary soul power is probably not as good as that of a junior sister who is just beginning to practice literary soul.

In terms of spiritual power stock, Shen Gui was not as good as one-tenth of Xu Xu, who was also a martial soul practitioner.

So... Although she can help Lu Ling recover her body, she is really reluctant.


It was the last step, Shen Gui took a deep breath and looked at Lu Ling's little hand.

After being baptized with spiritual power, Lu Ling's arm has almost recovered, her fair skin is slightly flushed, and only her fingertips are not perfect.

After a burst of crackling sounds, Lu Ling's nails gradually grew out, and Shen Gui's tightly knit brows finally relaxed.

"Okay." Shen Gui took a few steps back, releasing Lu Ling's restraint, and at the same time, Shen Canghai's remaining power completely dissipated.

After realizing that she could move, Lu Ling opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Shen Gui's face.

"Huh?" With a slight doubt, Lu Ling wiped her eyes and looked carefully.

It was an illusion.

Why did she feel that this short-haired lady looked weak just now...

Then she raised her hand subconsciously, aiming at the smooth forearm.

Really grow out?

Lu Ling tried to make a grasping movement, her fingers were as flexible as before, as if her arm was destroyed by sword energy was just an illusion.

Putting two palms side by side in front of her eyes, and looking over and over again, Lu Ling didn't find any difference, even the color was exactly the same, if there was something different...

There are only nails, and "novice" nails are longer.

This is because after being "catalyzed" by Shen Gui's spiritual power, it naturally grows a little faster.

Now Shen Gui has fully recovered, just one breath after withdrawing his spiritual power.

The consumption is greater than expected, and she is not good at Wenhun at all, and she can't do healing or anything.

The sword is still suitable for her. I really don't know how Xu Xu persisted. She was practicing martial arts, but she became more and more proficient in medicine.

Do not understand.

Since I like being a doctor so much, why did I choose the way of fire?

"Because the fire lotus is very beautiful, don't you think Afu?"

Thinking of Xu Xu's childish words at that time, Shen Gui shook his head.

Lingshan, the most suitable thing for her is the sword, whether it is the way of the sword or the spirit sword, as long as it is a sword, she likes it.

Stop thinking about these things, Shen Gui looked at Lu Ling, the little girl stared blankly at her hands, lost in thought.

that's amazing……

It was only at this time that Lu Ling remembered that this was a nanny sect.

She almost forgot that the introduction to Lingshan back then was grandma.

She looked all the way, but the most she saw was the sword, and she almost forgot the setting of milk.

Today, Shen Gui's performance made her initially understand what the "milk" here means.

If I remember correctly, this young lady with short hair——is a very powerful person. At that time, she fought with another young lady in the sky. She was majestic and sword-like.

Are they still being treated now?

This means that the output of one can actually cut milk at any time?

Having offensive ability and healing ability at the same time, it is still at the level of life and death...

Perhaps, this Lingshan... is not as bad as I imagined, at least now Lu Ling no longer regrets that she did not choose the Shushan Sword Sect.

I like the Shushan Sword School because I have a dream of wearing white clothes and wielding a sword to the end of the world.

And this so-called nanny sect does not seem to lose to Shushan in terms of swordsmanship - she has seen Shen Gui's swordsmanship, and she has also seen the sword test meeting of Shushan disciples at that time...

Thinking of the "Wuhen Sword Intent" in the hands of that gentle man in Shushan... Lu Ling couldn't help but nodded.

It's almost the same.

Even Lingshan is a little better... She met her junior sister and husband here.

There is also good music, and Qin Qin's piano skills are still shocking when I think about it.

And... there are only girls in Lingshan...

That's a big deal!

Unknowingly, Lu Ling had a little affection for Lingshan, just a little bit, at this time she didn't think she was a disciple of Lingshan.

sword, harp...

Lu Ling likes them all.

"Let's listen to Jun Qinyou, and dance with my cloud sleeves."

I hope that one day, I can hear this sentence from my junior sister.

(End of this chapter)

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