Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 171 Communication Disorders

Chapter 171 Communication Disorders

Lu Ling unconsciously met Shen Gui's eyes, and then moved away instantly with a shake of her body.

Wait, why does she feel that this young lady looks at her strangely?

Just like...

It's like watching a dumbass.

It must be an illusion, for the illusion, Lu Ling comforted herself, and then she became more and more guilty.

Could it be... Could it be that she saw her actions just now?
Impossible, she can be sure that Shen Gui has always closed his eyes, and even if he can see things without eyes, there is no need to use it on himself, everyone is a disciple of the same sect...

Well, she still couldn't convince herself.

Take another look.

In order to confirm Shen Gui's line of sight, Lu Ling suddenly turned her head to look at Shen Gui again, only to find that Shen Gui had already walked in front of her, she was startled.

But this time she saw it clearly, not looking at the idiot's eyes, but as usual, full of indifference.


Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, then became nervous again.

What is she doing here?
At this moment there was a knock on the door.

"Senior sister, it's time to eat!"

This voice is very familiar to Lu Ling, it is the voice of the sister who can play the piano, eat?What's the meaning?
"Here we come." Shen Gui said.

Just as Lu Ling was wondering, she realized that she was picked up by someone, and then appeared outside the door in a flash.

She was thrown out by Shen Gui just like that.

"Wait, I'll change clothes." With that said, Shen Gui closed the door.

The last thing Lu Ling saw was Shen Gui's back.

Ignoring the confused Lu Ling, Qin Qin took her hand.

"Let me see how the recovery is going... Well, it's very good, everything is fine, it seems that the senior sister is still very good..." Qin Qin smiled.

"It's not surprising, Ah Ling, you have been rejected by your senior sister."

Qin Qin saw the appearance of Shen Gui throwing Lu Ling out with his collar, and she clearly caught the impatience on Shen Gui's face, but it was normal, her senior sister was always like this, with emotions written all over her face superior.

"Let's go and eat."

"Eat!" Lu Ling was taken aback when she heard this, and then showed a trace of longing.

"Well, get hungry, try my cooking, Senior Sister. Of course, Junior Sister Liu also helped to cook some dishes. I didn't expect that she looks young, but she is good at cooking. Although there are still many flaws, but in her At this age, it is already very good..."

Qin Qin walked with Lu Ling all the way, and at the same time, she didn't stop talking, but Lu Ling could only hear half of it.

Her junior sister, cooking, age, etc., probably understood that she was praising Liu Fufeng, which made Lu Ling's affection for Qin Qin a little bit higher.

Knowing how to praise her junior sister is not a bad person.

But, where is her junior sister?
have a meal together?
Lu Ling just walked along with Qin Qin in such a daze, while listening to her continue to chant.

"Junior Sister Liu can't eat meat, even small meat such as onion and garlic. It's so strange. I haven't heard of this symptom. A Ling, do you know what's going on?"

Lu Ling: "..."

What's so messed up I can't understand at all, Aling?
Are you familiar with her?

But even though he wasn't very used to Qin Qin's familiarity, he didn't dislike her either.

"Oh, I'm really serious. Asking you is not equivalent to asking for nothing. Let's look up the classics in a while..." Qin Qin smiled, and then continued to move forward: "Speaking of which, Ah Ling, you have already condensed your energy. The next level It is the soul-dividing state, during this period, the main cultivation is the basic power of the soul, if you don’t understand, you can come and ask me, I will teach you.”

The tone is a little smug.

Lu Ling: "????"

Can you say something you can understand.

Here, Qin Qin also found that he had been playing the piano to the cow all the time, raised his eyebrows a few times, and said, "I do know why Master Li didn't let you practice so early, the dialogue is a problem, what else to practice, the most important thing is to study... ..."

"En." Lu Ling nodded, she understood the saying that learning is the most important thing, the husband has always said this to herself.

"..." She was a little speechless, but Qin Qin finally closed her mouth. She found that she had some problems communicating with this little girl.

There is a long way from Shen Gui's room to the dining hall, and there is a courtyard in the middle.

The two of them were walking one after the other. At this time, they were walking on the corridor in the garden.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Because it is an all-wood red-painted corridor, Qin Qin will leave a crisp sound every time she steps down. She is wearing a turquoise Taoist robe, with a slender waist and a swaying figure.

In contrast, although Lu Ling could walk, she was limping. Although she was used to it, it was still ugly, and looking at the surrounding snow scene, Lu Ling walked a little slower.

Qin Qin felt the change in Lu Ling, and her pace also slowed down.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Seeing Lu Ling looking around, she asked, with some hope in her tone.

"En." Lu Ling nodded. This kind of wooden courtyard with snow scene is indeed very beautiful, with an inexplicable beauty.

Hearing that Lu Ling said she was beautiful, Qin Qin was overjoyed and immediately felt a lot better.

"I designed this by myself, but both the senior sister and the master said that it was unnecessary, and even said it was not good-looking, and it has no aesthetics at all. Junior sister, you really have vision." Qin Qin liked Lu Ling even more.

Shen Gui and Shen Canghai have no interest at all, and they always use teleportation when they go out, so they never appreciate the beauty of this kind of architecture.

On rainy days, watching the rain fall down the ceiling to form a curtain, at this time quietly sitting in it reading a book or playing the piano, listening to the sound of rain...

What a beautiful mood.

It's a pity that she is surrounded by a group of laymen.

In a sense, Qin Qin is a full-fledged literary girl. Unfortunately, Lu Ling is also a little bit, but she doesn't know it.

The ideas of the two hit it off.

"Let's walk slowly if you like, the snow scene here is also very good..." Then, Qin Qin led Lu Ling to stroll around the courtyard.

"By the way, I forgot to ask, Ah Ling, why is your dress broken, where are your sleeves?"

Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling's taoist robe, her right arm was completely exposed in the air, and a sleeve of the taoist robe was broken, I remember it was fine before.


Seeing Lu Ling's confused face, Qin Qin finally gave up communicating with her.

Look at the snow, look at the snow...

Then, the two walked slowly into the hall step by step.

"Here we are." Saying that, Qin Qin led Lu Ling and pushed open the door and walked in.

There was an intoxicating aroma of food, Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then saw a long table with a table of delicious food.

"This..." Before she was finished being surprised, she saw a familiar figure walking out of the side room.

It was Liu Fufeng, at this moment she was holding a hot dish in her hand.

After seeing Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng was also taken aback, then put the dishes on the table, walked over to wipe his hands and then hugged Lu Ling.

"Senior Sister, are you okay? Is there any other discomfort?"

Seeing Liu Fufeng's eager look, Qin Qin shrugged. Lu Ling had difficulty communicating with her, and wondered if it would be the same with Junior Sister Liu. I remember that Liu Fufeng didn't even know Lu Ling's name at the beginning, and it was only a short time since I thought about it.

"It's not uncomfortable, Junior Sister... don't worry." Contrary to Qin Qin's expectation, the communication between Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng was very smooth.

"What's the matter with the clothes? Why is it torn?"

"Oh, that...not very good...that's right..." Lu Ling gestured a few times.

"Forget it, I have to change my clothes anyway, let's get new ones tomorrow." Liu Fufeng no longer entangled with Lu Ling's sleeves.


It's such a good feeling.

Seeing the two hugging each other, Qin Qin showed a hint of envy.

(End of this chapter)

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