Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 176 An Impetuous Heart

Chapter 176 An Impetuous Heart
Not long after, Liu Fufeng opened the door and walked in, shook off the snow from the umbrella, and hung Lu Ling's Taoist robe in the room.

At this moment, Lu Ling was furiously writing, so she went over to take a look.

Although it is not beautiful, it is very neat, and it can be seen that her A Ling has worked very hard.

It's just that the writing was very slow. From the time she went out to the time she came back, Lu Ling only wrote a few words on the first page, and there were still more than ten pages to come.

When will this be written?Moreover, Lu Ling often had to double-check a small stroke to avoid making mistakes, which slowed down a lot.

Liu Fufeng felt a little distressed, and wished he could help Lu Ling, but he just thought about it, if Teacher Li found out that A Ling was cheating...

She will definitely be worse.

Although I understand that strictness is a good thing, it always hurts.

Forget it...

Liu Fufeng simply didn't want to look at Lu Ling.

Then she took out a small box from the bed, and after opening it was full of sundries.

A piece of moon grass, and a piece of paper tightly wrapped in silk, opened the paper, and there were two crooked characters written on it - Lu Ling.

This is the first character Lu Ling knew, and it was she who wrote down the name and handed it to Liu Fufeng. She would never have thought that Liu Fufeng would even treasure such things.

Carefully folding up the paper, Liu Fufeng took out a piece of brocade, took out the soft stuff in the pocket and put it on it. It was the shaved hair found in Lu Ling's Taoist robe and what she had cut before.

Liu Fufeng was reluctant to throw it away, but holding it was useless. After much deliberation, she might as well put it away. After all, this was the first time her A Ling had her hair cut...

It's good as a souvenir.

After putting it away, Liu Fufeng put the box aside again, and just sat on the thatched bed and looked at Lu Ling's back.

Is this really appropriate for her?

Liu Fufeng asked herself, she always felt that her feelings for Lu Ling were a little sick...

In just a few months of getting along, this little girl's status in her heart surpassed that of anyone before, father, mother, friend, younger brother...

Now all these people can't compare to Lu Ling's.

Liu Fufeng didn't know why such a situation happened, but she just liked it, and this feeling was getting stronger day by day, and became more and more obvious with Lu Ling's progress.

What's so good about her Aya?
When we first met, Lu Ling didn't know anything and didn't understand anything, the only thing Liu Fufeng could feel from her was a strange sense of being out of tune with the world and being wary of her unfamiliarity.

But as the two got along, they progressed rapidly from vigilance and unfamiliarity to sharing food and sleeping in the same bed. She witnessed everything about Lu Ling, and enjoyed the feeling of taking care of her, and even accommodated her unconditionally.

A Ling likes to be a senior sister, so she is a junior sister herself.

Think so.

What a strange emotion...

Liu Fufeng stroked his chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart, and after seeing Lu Ling who was writing furiously beside him... he gradually calmed down.

Inexplicably reassuring.

It's over, she has fallen into the quagmire, unable to extricate herself.

But it's not bad, Liu Fufeng didn't resist at all, and let himself sink deeper and deeper.

Maybe this is what raising a daughter feels like?
Liu Fufeng thought of it suddenly, and then smiled to himself.

It's hard to say.


When Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's wild thoughts, the latter didn't have much time to spare.

"I... only... know..."

He muttered inexplicably in his mouth, and his hand didn't stop for a moment, and the little finger holding the pen trembled slightly.

Lu Ling was going crazy.

Writing with her fine-tip brush is very troublesome and tiring. This kind of meticulous work is simply testing her patience... Lu Ling has an urge to drop the pen immediately and then tear up the book.

However, she held back, and she had to endure if she didn't want her ass to be smashed.

But my heart is still very impatient. It would be great if I had a ballpoint pen. How could it be like now, when I write, I have to dip it in ink, and I have to be careful of too much ink that will smear the handwriting.

Thin-tailed wolf hair or something, how can it be as easy to use as her morning light pen?But my husband told her that writing and literacy is very important, and will be used in future spells and spells.

Very annoying, very annoying...

The first page was only half copied, and Lu Ling's patience was exhausted.

As for Lu Ling's situation, Li Zhuzi had guessed it a long time ago. She knew that Lu Ling was very impatient, but she was not angry, because this is a common problem of children, which is normal.

That's why she wanted to train Lu Ling and give her such a heavy task.

If she can finish writing successfully, Lu Ling's stamina will definitely increase a lot, but it's not surprising even if she can't finish writing Li Zhuzi, as long as she can write more than half, she will be very satisfied.

In this case, it depends on whether Lu Ling's impetuousness is comparable to her fear of her.

Apparently, Li Zhuzi overestimated Lu Ling. The latter could not resist laziness at all. Although he was very irritable, Lu Ling was still serious, copying stroke by stroke.

It's not just because I'm afraid of Li Zhuzi, there are other things in it, I want to become stronger, I like words, and I don't want to disappoint my husband.

Lu Ling's pen trembled gradually due to the addition of many emotions, trembling between strokes, leaving handwriting full of impetuousness.

Seriously write... Seriously write...

Lu Ling kept hypnotizing herself, but it became more and more difficult, and her breathing gradually became short of breath.

Now this is a hurdle, just get over it.

"A Ling, what's the matter, is there something uncomfortable?" Sensing Lu Ling's strangeness, Liu Fufeng said.

She didn't want to disturb Lu Ling, but at this moment, Ah Ling seemed to need her help.

"No." Lu Ling replied with a trembling voice. At the same time, she accidentally wrote a wrong word, crossed it out vigorously, and continued writing.

Liu Fufeng walked over and took a look at Lu Ling's handwriting, and he probably understood it.

Ah Ling must be upset.

She always does.

"Why don't you write it... I'll talk to Teacher Li tomorrow..." Liu Fufeng suggested.

"..." Lu Ling never admitted that her heart was moved at a certain moment, and she immediately spat at herself.

"No!" Lu Ling said.

Let Liu Fufeng say what?
Inexplicably, Lu Ling thought of the phrase "a loving mother loses her life"... Then she said: "No, it doesn't matter, junior sister, go get busy, I can do it."

For Liu Fufeng to say such things, it is obvious that he doesn't trust her, how is this possible?She wants to prove it to her junior sister, isn't it just a few words?
If you can’t even copy this, how can you talk about cultivation?
Then, Lu Ling took a deep breath, and the impetuous look on her face gradually faded away, replaced by a bright one, and the tip of the pen stabilized.

What Lu Ling didn't know was that these words were written by Li Zhuzi herself. The more she copied them carefully, the faster the progress would be, and the deeper the impression would be in her heart. If you are impatient, you will not be able to copy a word, or even read it clearly.

Fortunately, because of Liu Fufeng's words, Lu Ling calmed down, and now her world is only left with dark and beautiful words flashing in her mind...

(End of this chapter)

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