Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 191 Qin Qin's Request

Chapter 191 Qin Qin's Request

Qin Qin said it was a stroll, but it was really a stroll.

The two of them walked slowly around the cliff of the second peak outer road in the snow.

After a period of buffering, Qin Qin's mood improved. At this time, she had a happy smile on her face. All of this was naturally due to Liu Fufeng.

Qin Qin is a chatterbox, and Liu Fufeng followed her train of thought, Qin Qin is naturally very happy, not to mention that she has inquired a lot of information about Lu Ling, judging from the tune Liu Fufeng hummed just now, it should be Xiao Ling again. She can't wait to play the style that the younger sisters like.

"By the way, junior sister, you said you were going down the mountain?" Qin Qin asked.

"Well, I have something to buy." Liu Fufeng nodded. When we were talking about cooking just now, when we talked about restaurants in the secular world, Liu Fufeng mentioned it.

"Ah... that's great." Qin Qin took Liu Fufeng's hand and drew a circle on her palm, her water-green body looked a bit resentful: "I want to go down the mountain too... It's been a long time since I went to Lelou to listen to music I don't know what happened to my Ling'er..."

"...What?" Seeing that Qin Qin had something to say, Liu Fufeng followed her instructions.

"It's a female actress in the music building. I pointed out her piano skills. I don't know if she has improved or regressed. I really want to go down and have a look..."

At this moment, Qin Qin had lost her dreams, and was chattering like a boudoir.

"Junior Sister Liu, tell me, when will this confinement be lifted?"

"I don't know." Liu Fufeng said.

"That's right, how could you know." Qin Qin curled her lips, then bit her lower lip: "Why can't we go down the mountain, but those junior sisters can?"

She's been dying of suffocation lately.

"..." Liu Fufeng didn't say anything, she was the one Qin Qin was talking about, probably one of those little junior sisters.

"That's right." Qin Qin's eyes lit up suddenly.

She has no friends, so it's hard to ask for anything, but because of Lu Ling, she deliberately approached Liu Fufeng, and now the two of them can barely talk...

It should be no problem to ask her to buy some things for herself.

"Junior Sister Liu, I have something to ask for your help." Qin Qin dragged Liu Fufeng to a pavilion by the cliff and sat down.

"What?" Liu Fufeng asked.

As long as it can be done, she will naturally not refuse.

"That's...that's..." Qin Qin twisted a bit, then waved to Liu Fufeng, motioning for her to come over.

"It's just..." Qin Qin slowly opened his mouth next to Liu Fufeng's ear, with a warm breath in his ear, the distance between the two was too close, Liu Fufeng's cheeks blushed.

"Could you bring me some wine... just a little..."

After finishing speaking, Qin Qin sat upright and coughed twice.

"Wine?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment.

"Junior sister, please keep your voice down." Hearing Liu Fufeng's cry, Qin Qin was startled, looked around and found no one, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh." Liu Fufeng nodded.

"How should I put it..." Qin Qin said with some embarrassment: "Lingshan prohibits alcohol, you know, junior sister, right?"

Liu Fufeng nodded, the senior sister who was in charge of distributing the ingredients told her about this kind of thing on the first day.

"It's said to be a ban on alcohol, but it's only forbidden to drink on the Lingshan Mountain. It won't be controlled outside the Lingshan Mountain." Qin Qin said.

"Are you afraid of spoiling the child?" Liu Fufeng asked after thinking for a while.

"Who knows." Qin Qin waved his hand: "From what they think, women rarely like what's in the cup, don't they?"

"But I can't..."

As he spoke, Qin Qin made a bitter face: "It's been a long time since I've had a drink, and I can't go down the mountain...Although other junior sisters brought it to me once, they've already finished drinking..."

Seeing Qin Qin's appearance of dying without alcohol, Liu Fufeng remained expressionless.

"So I haven't had time to ask other junior sisters, can you please..." Qin Qin looked at Liu Fufeng expectantly.

"No problem, leave it to me." Liu Fufeng nodded.

Anyway, she went down the mountain to buy wine, and it was nothing more than the difference between buying more and buying less, but what made her feel strange was that everyone loved drinking so much.

She also drank it once, and she didn't feel anything except that it was spicy. I don't know why there are people who are greedy.

"Really?!" Hearing this, Qin Qin was overjoyed, and then swallowed unconsciously.

"Junior Sister Liu, you are so kind."

Liu Fufeng: "..."

Qin Qin once again refreshed her image in Liu Fufeng's heart, adding an attribute of being greedy for drinking, and then Liu Fufeng looked at Qin Qin. At this time, the latter got her help and was in a good mood. Forgot all about it.

Liu Fufeng looked at the young lady in green clothes in front of him, who was humming softly unconsciously, holding his chin and looking at the clouds below the mountain, his sight seemed to penetrate through layers of obstacles, seeing the bustling secular world, Qin Qin's joy was separated by Liu Fufeng could feel it very clearly when he was sitting on a table.

Are you so happy?

Liu Fufeng's big eyes were full of doubts.

"By the way, Junior Sister Liu, where are you going?" Qin Qin turned her head and asked, "I have a few places I can recommend to you..."

"No need, I've already chosen..." Liu Fufeng took out the drawing in his arms and handed it to Qin Qin.

In fact, when I heard that as long as it was within the territory of Lingshan, I could go anywhere I wanted, for a moment Liu Fufeng wanted to go home and have a look.

But she still gave up, she didn't know what kind of face she should use to meet her family, maybe in the future when she completely let go, she would take Lu Ling to meet her parents.

"Huh? Luoyan City?" After opening the drawing, Qin Qin was a little surprised, and then regretted: "Although the Luoyan City is not big, it is not bad, but it's a pity. I originally wanted Junior Sister Liu to help me take a look at Ling'er." Yes, she is thousands of miles away..."

"It's not that big?" Liu Fufeng knew that he had never seen the world before. The Luoyan City shown in this drawing is very large, with four outer cities surrounding the inner city. Each outer city has dozens of streets and buildings with small characters. To invisible, densely packed like ants.

The place where she used to live was probably not as big as a street in an outer city.

"Medium, I don't think it's too big." Qin Qin looked at the map over and over again. She had never been to Luoyan City, so she was looking for restaurants, music buildings and the like.

"In my impression, the biggest place I've been to is Luoyan City—dozens of times."

The words Qin Qin threw out lightly startled Liu Fufeng.

"However, the largest one is not as good as the peak of our Lingshan Mountain." Qin Qin was a little proud as he spoke.

"Spirit Mountain..." Liu Fufeng looked around.

"Why, it looks small?" Seeing Liu Fufeng's movements, Qin Qin covered her mouth and chuckled, "Junior Sister Liu, your cultivation base is too low, and you still haven't seen the magic of Lingshan. There will be opportunities in the future. If you want to talk about tricks, Among the seven holy places, our Spirit Mountain is firmly ranked first."

"But there's no wine to drink..." Qin Qin shook her head: "So I'll leave it all to you, Junior Sister Liu."

Qin Qin took out a pen and began to draw on the drawing, muttering in his mouth: "Luoyan City is fine, at least it's safe, otherwise I'm really worried about you going out with Junior Sister, your cultivation base is so low, It will be very dangerous if you encounter a demon seed or a fleeing monk..."

"En." Liu Fufeng nodded, then she muttered in her heart.

This is the drawing she borrowed, how could Senior Sister Qin draw it like this?
(End of this chapter)

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