Hand in the dark

Lu Ling stood in front of the door for a while.

It was pitch black outside, only bright green bamboos could be seen, and a little snowflakes were falling.

what time is it?
She didn't know at all, although there was a bright moon in the sky, but unfortunately, she didn't have the talent to look at the moon and tell the time.

Maybe look at the sun?As long as the sun rises, it will be five o'clock...

Lu Ling stepped out of the threshold with one foot, hesitated for a moment, then withdrew.

She doesn't know the way, doesn't know where her husband is, and doesn't know where to go when she goes out...

Then wait in this room?

Lu Ling lowered her head and touched her lower abdomen, then made a bitter face.


Speaking of which, she didn't even have lunch, why is it late at night, did the junior sister find that she didn't go home at noon and didn't come to see it?


Lu Ling glanced around, it was quiet, only the sound of her own breathing.

There is no one here, does it mean that she can - do whatever she wants?

Sir, he said that you can eat whatever you want...

and many more.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, Lu Ling's hand stopped in the air.

Although in memory Li Zhuzi seemed to agree to let her eat whatever she wanted, and even acted very gentle...but he couldn't be dreaming...

She thought she was sleeping with her junior sister at home just now, but it should be dawn now.

Thinking about it carefully, would the husband smile at himself so gently?

Lu Ling frowned.

"Never mind her, she's hungry, anyway, I'm hungry." Then Lu Ling became angry, turned around and opened a drawer, stretched out her hand to pick something inside.

It was delicious to start with. Lu Ling took out a five-grain cake, peeled off the outer skin, and stuffed it into her mouth.

A satisfying.

Feeling the soft and sweet taste in her mouth, Lu Ling felt like her heart would melt.

The snacks here are really different, and then she sat on the bed with a bunch of snacks, and put the same ones in her mouth.

Unable to stop eating, Lu Ling suddenly thought that last time she wanted to steal, bah, take some home... and now she started eating directly in the husband's room?
My courage is really getting bigger and bigger.


If you eat, you can eat a lot, but if you eat Mr.'s snacks...you will be full soon, just like usual, when Mr. Hungry gives her a piece of candied fruit, it is more effective than rice.

In Mr.'s words...has aura?

"Ugh!" Lu Ling trembled and let out an inexplicable cry.


Is she hiccupping?It seemed that she was in a hurry to eat, so Lu Ling got better after holding her breath for a while.

Then she picked up a fruit and put it in front of her eyes.

This is a golden-yellow plum-like fruit. Although Lu Ling found it out of the cabinet, it still looks watery.

Shiny golden, translucent, like an agate, very round.

From the outside, you can directly see the core in the middle of the fruit, so transparent, it is a work of art.

But in Lu Ling's eyes, there is no such thing as good or bad, as long as it tastes good.

"Eat." She didn't think so much, there was nothing inedible in the husband's room, and not only edible, but also delicious.

Holding the fruit in her palm, Lu Ling bit it.

After one bite, a small tooth mark was left on the fruit. Immediately, the fruity fragrance overflowed, and a sweet smell permeated the air.

"En..." Lu Ling showed a satisfied expression.

It's sweet and sour, just to relieve the tiredness, but she ate a lot before, so now her movements have slowed down, Lu Ling closed her eyes, then opened them, showing such an expression.

She said that the things here are not ordinary, and now there are a few more buffs in her status bar, which are big ones.

No wonder her body felt warm and comfortable, one must know that Lu Ling hadn't felt this way for a long time.

"I am full!"

After wiping her mouth, Lu Ling jumped off the bed, returned the unfinished food to the cabinet, and then threw the garbage into the trash can. After finishing everything, she clapped her hands, and then began to be in a daze.

Eat and eat...

Lu Ling's desire was satisfied, and she began to think wildly.

Speaking of which, she has been awake for such a long time, it is reasonable to say that Li Zhuzi should come over... and Liu Fufeng, no matter how you look at it, it is already past dinner time, and the junior sister has not come to see her?

Isn't this Mr.'s room?Or is she dreaming?

Suddenly, a chill rose from her feet and rushed to her neck. Lu Ling raised her arms, and there were layers of tiny goose bumps on them.

Suddenly felt a malice.

Thinking about it, it was unbelievable that I ate extravagantly in my husband's room...

Looking around, all kinds of furniture made of bamboo, and the faint fragrance all indicated that this was Li Zhuzi's room, but Lu Ling couldn't feel the slightest sense of security. The dead silence around her made her hair stand on end. Aya couldn't sit still.

Scaring yourself is the scariest thing.

At this time, the brightly lit room gave her a great sense of crisis. Lu Ling moved to the door, looking at the darkness outside the room, her throat moved slightly.

The once secluded bamboo forest is now like an open bloody mouth, waiting for her to send it in.

Her legs froze, and Lu Ling was at a loss for holding on to the door frame.

She is afraid of the dark and also afraid of ghosts.

It's not a shame, normal people would be afraid of it.

What should I do now...

Lu Ling closed her eyes.

There are two options, one is to go out and search, not to mention whether she can find her husband, if she is allowed to find the school, then she will know the way and can go home by herself.

The second is... to wait obediently in this room, maybe her husband will come back.

Lu Ling thought twice and chose one.

Just kidding, it's impossible to let her wait alone, this kind of dead silence is not as good as outside.


Thinking so, when Lu Ling really circled in the snow, she regretted it a little.

Who am I and where am I?
This is how it feels, in the bamboo forest in the wind and snow, Lu Ling can't tell the direction at all, she can only walk by feeling, she shrinks her head and turns back and forth in the snow, not to mention Li Zhuzi, she doesn't even see a road .

Now Lu Ling's thoughts have changed from looking for Li Zhuzi and the school to returning to her husband's room.

In other words, she committed suicide again.

She wanted to slap herself, but now she had to pay for her impulse.

Although she was very scared, she couldn't just sit still and walk forward. At this moment, Lu Ling was tense, and even the slightest disturbance could make her bones stand on end.

Let alone a hand.

Suddenly, Lu Ling felt that someone was pulling her arm, followed by a woman's coquettish smile. In this silent bamboo forest, it was very strange and cold.

Lu Ling was shocked and froze in place, then she felt someone approaching and blew a breath in her ear.

"Cute little girl, what are you doing here alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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