Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 205 Going Down the Mountain

Chapter 205 Going Down the Mountain
Qiankun bag, of course, has Qiankun inside.

Both Xu Xu and Qin Qin have shown her how to use it, Liu Fufeng knows how to use it, and I should have it... Anyway, it's just big.

In addition, she kept some charms close to her body, some were given by Xu Xu for self-defense, some were given by Qin Qin, and there was a large stack of spells just received from the palace for various purposes.

Liu Fufeng didn't even know if he could use so many charms with so little spiritual power.

Lu Ling opened the bag in her hand, and then looked disappointed.


There is no money?
Even fools know that going down the mountain requires money. Is this for them to be the kind of little fairies who just went down the mountain and don't know anything?

Then you meet a guy and have a wonderful story or something?


Lu Ling spat.

"Junior Sister, where's the money?" Lu Ling asked.

"Money? It's in the bag." Liu Fufeng took the bag and took out a gold bar under Lu Ling's surprised gaze.

Lu Ling: "..."

"That, I took it wrong." Liu Fufeng said embarrassedly, not very proficient in using it for the first time.

"It should be fine this time."

Then on the hand is a piece of gold leaf.

"Why are they so big..." Liu Fufeng had a headache: "Try again."

"Hey, it's right this time." Liu Fufeng nodded as he looked at the bunch of copper coins in his hand.

Lu Ling: "..."

Is she dreaming?

Snatching the bag from Liu Fufeng's hand, and reopening it, Lu Ling stretched out her hand to dig it out, but it was still empty.

Then she looked at Liu Fufeng strangely.

Her junior sister still has the ability to turn money out of thin air?

Doesn't that mean you don't have to worry about eating and drinking?

Don't say anything, hold on to Junior Sister's thigh tightly.

"Senior sister?" Seeing Lu Ling who threw down the bamboo stick and hugged her waist suddenly, Liu Fufeng was at a loss.

"How can you throw things that Teacher Li gave you?" Liu Fufeng signaled Lu Ling to let go, the latter shook her head, and Liu Fufeng followed her.

However, Lu Ling also reminded her that it is better to keep some change on her body, otherwise it may be very troublesome when it is used... What if the Qiankun bag is lost.

Liu Fufeng's so-called small change is just some scattered silver taels.

Up to now, she still feels a little unrealistic. She is just an ordinary disciple, and she actually has such a large amount... Just now when the senior sister asked her how much she wanted, Liu Fufeng was basically in a stupid state. Packed some for her.

But Liu Fufeng now also understands that in Lingshan, money is just a number, basically useless.

All she needs is Ah Ling.

In fact, Liu Fufeng thought too much, even if it is Lingshan, silver is very important, and the money that those female disciples who go down the mountain can get is not a lot every time, it is not enough to spend at all.

Lingshan has very strict jurisdiction over secular silver, and it is still above Lingshi. All this is because of the previous rule: cultivating immortals and not entering the world.

Although it has changed now, it cannot interfere too much. The outflow of gold and silver also needs to be regulated.

The reason why Liu Fufeng was able to receive such treatment was because of her token.

In fact, Fengzhuling has no upper limit on how much money she can use, as long as she wants.

"Senior sister, let's go." Liu Fufeng patted Lu Ling on the head.

"Oh." Lu Ling then let go of her hand, then picked up the bamboo she had dropped, which she had just named a dog-beating stick, and followed Liu Fufeng forward.

Her junior sister is now a big benefactor, so there is hope now.

I believe that this trip down the mountain will not let her down.


On the way, Liu Fufeng reminded him again and again.

"Senior sister, do you remember clearly?"

"En." Lu Ling said.

Junior Sister has just a few meanings, one is to keep myself from running around, and the other is that the two are sisters to the outside world...

It's just that Liu Fufeng is the elder sister, and she is the younger sister.

What, she also wants to be a sister.

In fact, no one requested the two of them to pretend to be sisters, it was Liu Fufeng who added it himself. Wouldn't it be weird for the two of them to address each other as Senior Sister and Senior Sister while walking on the road.

And she also wanted to experience what it was like to be called sister from Lu Ling's mouth.

"Junior Sister, you are an elder sister, I remember." Although a little disappointed, Lu Ling nodded to show that she understood.

With my current body shape, it is really difficult to be the sister of my junior sister.

"That's it, let's go." Liu Fufeng led Lu Ling to the front of the altar, and after stepping through a door, the world in front of him changed drastically.


"It's so beautiful..." Liu Fufeng murmured to himself.

The boundless sea of ​​clouds, the wind and the clouds are surging, and the waves are magnificent, which feels like the sea.

In the distance, the scorching sun rose slowly, illuminating the sky.

This is where the Lingshan disciples went down the mountain.

Liu Fufeng came back to his senses after being surprised for a moment, dragged Lu Ling to a corner, where a young Taoist nun was sitting, the latter was reading a book with a serious look in his eyes, Liu Fufeng took a look and found that it was a novel.

Although she didn't want to disturb the person who was studying, Liu Fufeng didn't want to procrastinate any longer, she walked to the table and whispered.

"Senior sister, we are going down the mountain."


There was silence.

"Senior Sister?" Liu Fufeng called again.

"Ah?" The young Taoist nun came back to her senses, looked at Liu Fufeng in front of her, her reaction was half a beat slow.

"Sorry to bother you, Senior Sister, we are going down the mountain." Liu Fufeng repeated.

"Senior Sister?" The young Taoist nun was taken aback for a moment, then put down the novel in her hand, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

Sister?This title is...interesting.

Forget it, senior sister is senior sister.

"Give it to me." The young Taoist nun stretched out her hand, and then Liu Fufeng handed over the token that she got in the hall.

The nun got up, walked to the edge of the cliff, and threw the token out. In an instant, a ripple visible to the naked eye swayed, as if some kind of imprisonment had been broken.

"Okay, have fun." The nun waved her hand, indicating that Liu Fufeng could leave. One must know that her book is seeing a climax, and this is a popular story in the secular world recently.

"It's troublesome, senior sister, let's go." Liu Fufeng nodded, and then said to Lu Ling.

But no one responded to her.

"Senior Sister?" Liu Fufeng turned his head to look over, but found that Lu Ling was no longer at hand.

At this moment, Lu Ling was lying in front of the table, flipping through the books on the table.

Her sight was drawn away by the book just now, and the big characters on the cover seemed to be some kind of heroic biography...

It should be a novel. Lu Ling has only come into contact with dictionaries recently, so she couldn't help but look through a few more times when she had the chance to read such a book.

"Don't touch my book!" The young nun also noticed Lu Ling's movement, and appeared behind Lu Ling in a flash, lifted her up by the collar, and then took the book from her hand.

After carefully turning it over, I was relieved that no damage was found.

"Sorry to trouble you." Liu Fufeng apologized, then looked at Lu Ling.

Lu Ling was being lifted up in the air without any resistance, and when she met Shang Liu Fufeng's gaze, her eyes were innocent.

She did nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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