Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 22 The beginning of the first day – Lu Ling

Chapter 22 – The Beginning of the Day – Lu Ling

A few days later.

A phoenix cry approached from far away, dispelling the dullness in the air, and the spiritual energy became active along with the sound waves, and swept across the nine disciple peaks like a wind, awakening a few people.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone into the thatched cottage, Liu Fufeng opened his eyes.

After waking up, she always woke up very quickly, but Lu Ling was different.

That's called a dawdling.

At the beginning, Lu Ling could wake up for half an hour, and then fell asleep again and again.

However, after Liu Fufeng experienced the initial helplessness, now he has a way to "wake up" Lu Ling from her sleep.

At this time, Lu Ling was wearing white underwear, her body was curled up, her lips were slightly parted, revealing her small and lovely white teeth.

She was sleeping soundly, her white and tender thighs twisted together.

Seeing this, Liu Fufeng raised his hand high.


She slapped Lu Ling's butt with a slap, making a crisp sound.


Lu Ling, who was sleeping, screamed suddenly, then sat up, looked left and right, her big eyes were full of bewildered circles.

"Get up." Liu Fufeng was used to it, after shaking her hands, she got up and put on her shoes.

Like Lu Ling, she also wore Taoist robe underwear. The difference was that her clothes didn't feel dirty this time. Although she still slept on a thatched bed, this time the thatched grass was covered with thick rugs. A layer of brocade.

"..." Lu Ling sat up and was stunned for a long while before her thoughts came back from the bed.

"Get up..." After being dazed for a while, Lu Ling gradually came to her senses, her face full of resentment when she recovered.

It's been a few days, and it's so early in the morning, can't you let people have a good sleep!

But Lu Ling just thought about it in her head, so she didn't say it out loud. First, her vocabulary is not enough, and second...

Now she can't do without Liu Fufeng, who is her "food and clothing parent."

"Are you awake?" Liu Fufeng looked back at Lu Ling, nodded, and then walked out the door.

She is going to prepare breakfast for today.

Seeing this, Lu Ling obediently got up from the bed, put on her trousers, picked up the Taoist robe on the side, and began to put it on her body.

It can be seen that she is not very skilled in dressing, and the Taoist robe that is well worn is crumpled.

But after wearing half of it, Lu Ling's hands froze, and then she began to take it off again.

Get up early for a silly day.

This is the situation of Lu Ling now, she starts to put on clothes without washing her face, it will be very inconvenient later.

Being as lazy as she is, waking up early is really torture, but Lu Ling can't help it, she knows that Liu Fufeng is doing it for her own good, and she herself said that she should learn the language well.

Lu Ling definitely didn't expect today when she was talking big.

She never expected that Lingshan really had a place similar to an elementary school, where a group of seven or eight-year-old girls were attending classes. When Lu Ling first went there, she was often talked about.

After all, she is so old, but she can't even speak or understand, she is really a freak.

This also embarrassed the female cultivator who was teaching. It was the first time she had seen a "mentally handicapped child" like Lu Ling in so many years.

The point is that Lu Ling is not really retarded, on the contrary she is very smart.

This is very interesting, how can a girl with a normal mind not even speak.

Fortunately, Lu Ling understood the difference between nodding and shaking her head, which gave the teacher a starting point.

After the first day, Lu Ling already knew how to write and pronounce "yes" and "no".

This is undoubtedly a milestone event. Lu Ling, who knows how to confirm and deny, is not so difficult to learn the basics.

However, although the language and culture are not advanced, it is a grand project that requires a lot of time. In a short period of time, Lu Ling will still be in the range of "mentally retarded".

It's just that even if the effect is not obvious, Lu Ling still has to get up early every day to receive special lessons.

As for why it is "special"... the rest of the children are not so stupid that they need the teacher to help them.

To be honest, Lu Ling is tired of it, and she can't do things like persevere...

But she can't give up, because she hasn't learned the basic skills of Lingshan yet.

"Ahhh! I'm so annoying." Lu Ling shook her head vigorously, her messy hair was flying in the air, reflecting her dissatisfaction.

Why is it that others are proficient at the MAX level of language proficiency in time travel, but she has to start learning from the basic vocabulary such as [yes], [no], [big], [small]! ! !

The most precious time when she was young was spent on these unnecessary things, which made her how to lay the foundation and how to become a peerless master.

If you don't become a peerless master, go out to eat in the future... No, when you are in the world, you have no way to save your life. If you are dragged home by some bandit or something, wouldn't it be a disaster?

No matter what, she must not become RBQ! ! !Absolutely not! !

Therefore, if you want to travel around the world, you must have good kung fu.

Even Li Bai, the poet fairy in his previous life, had the title of "Rangerer" because of his exquisite swordsmanship, otherwise, he would have no way to protect himself after walking in the rivers and lakes all year round.

The Three Wonders of Chang'an, Li Bai's poetry, Zhang Xu's cursive script, and Pei Ji's sword dance.

The legend of Shi Xian's swordsmanship was learned from the sword master Pei Ji.

This also shows that it is very important to have a good master.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling wanted to cry.

First, although she is a disciple of the Ninth Peak of Lingshan, she does not have a master.

Second, although she doesn't want to study, she can't learn exercises without learning characters, and she may die if she doesn't study exercises.

So she can only endure.

After all, food has to be eaten bite by bite, and the road has to be walked step by step.

Well, it's true that the road needs to be walked step by step, but this is the world of cultivating immortals...

Who wants to walk?Isn't Yujian flying the most basic?

Just come to an immortal and give her a pat on the head, and then she will be able to speak.

Is this setting too much?
No matter how bad it is, there is no fairy, and there is a magic weapon, the kind of treasure that can automatically translate languages ​​after eating...

For example, one day a fat blue man took out a piece of sweet potato from his pocket and gave it to her.

"Dangdang, translate Konjac!"

some type of.

Of course, Lu Ling was daydreaming. After so many days, she was still learning basic characters, and the progress was like a tortoise.

Yesterday, the teacher taught her [姐], [妹]. Her pronunciation is still a little inaccurate.

I may have come to a fake world of cultivating immortals... Lu Ling's heart is bleeding.

"never mind……"

No matter what life is like, she always has to accept it.

"Things need to be slowed down, and haste makes waste—"

Lu Ling read a poem, sighed, took off her Taoist robe, and limped out of the door.

Speaking honestly, she is talking about people like her.

Although tired, Lu Ling can feel that she is improving every day. She actually likes this kind of feeling, just like the game level improvement in her previous life, there is a kind of inexplicable comfort.

This is the life that belongs to her, Lu Ling.

What a strange feeling.


By the stream, Lu Ling filled a basin of water with a wooden basin, took out a white silk from her bosom, spread it on the ground, and then sat down on her buttocks.

Because her legs and feet are inconvenient, she can't squat, she can only sit, but if she sits, she will stain her clothes, so she has no choice but to make such a bad move.

Speaking of which, she took this white silk from Liu Fufeng's clothes.

What does she want Bai Ling for?It can't be suicide...

Lu Ling didn't realize where the white silk should be worn, so she just took one and used it.

Anyway, Liu Fufeng didn't say [no] to her.

 Thank you for your recommendation, that... Actually, I will be happier if you eat Amway... But it's great to like my hypocritical and long-winded article. Well, I am a hypocritical person who is going to die. up. ps: Slaying the red dragon or something, this cultivator is not that cultivator, and the human race mainly cultivates the soul, and does not need to refine and transform qi, and what they seek is not longevity.


(End of this chapter)

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