Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 224 Hong Ling's Thoughts

Chapter 224 Hong Ling's Thoughts

"..." Hearing this, the woman sighed and gradually returned to her senses.

Since Liu Fufeng's accident just now, she has been distracted until now.

I recalled many things, including the time when I lived with my sister.

Now the relationship between the two is already incompatible... Of course, this is just her sister's unilateral thinking.

Looking at her once well-behaved and lovely sister, now full of ridicule, the woman stood up.

Seeing her move, Xuechen backed away abruptly, looking at her vigilantly, but she was just nervous, the woman walked to the window and closed the window, turning the attic into a completely enclosed space.

Turning around, the woman remained expressionless: "Long time no see."

"I don't want to see you. If possible, I don't want to see you in the future." Xuechen gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of hatred: "It's fine if you die."

"...En." After a moment of silence, the woman in red responded lightly.

"My good-for-nothing sister, I didn't expect that you still have no temper at all. It seems that you are used to being enslaved by those men in Shushan..." Xuechen showed a smile that did not conform to the image: "It seems that those old men in Shushan treat you The training is very complete, I think sister, you have become a qualified RBQ..."

"...En." The woman in red still nodded, she didn't want to argue with her sister, and she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong.

But RBQ, what do you mean?
Thinking about it, it must be some kind of swearing, I have told her many times, girls should be polite...

"Hehe." Seeing the woman agreeing, Xuechen showed a relieved smile. Although she knew that this person had a very high status in Shushan, she was already very happy to be able to verbally humiliate her.

Of course, she can only gain the upper hand in terms of words, if she really tries to do it, she will be killed in an instant.

Not to mention that her current memory is actually not complete, and many things are still sealed.

Xuechen put away his sarcasm and put on a serious face.

Now is not a good time to provoke this person, it is more important to figure out her purpose.

"How did you leave Shushan?"



After staring at each other in silence for a while, the woman in red seemed to be paralyzed, her beautiful face was as cold as an iceberg, but she still explained: "If you want to leave, just leave."

Her body can't leave Shushan, because she still has to suppress the nine-story sword mound, and the appearance of being unable to leave before... It's just for the people of Shushan. To use is to be used.

From the very beginning, Xuechen's ridiculous purpose of irritating her and involving people in Shushan was not able to hide from her eyes.

Now... Shushan is preparing to build a new scabbard, and she came out. Although she is only a spirit body, she is different from a minor like Xuechen, and has absolute power.

If it was the original her, she might be sleeping in Shushan now, but because of Xuechen, she found Lu Ling and became a little interested in Lu Ling, so she came to Luoyan City with the two young people in Shushan. The main body is still in Shushan.

She is ready to settle down, and it is estimated that she will not go back within ten or eight years.

She was very interested in Lu Ling, very interested.

It had been a long time since there was anything that could touch her heart, but Lu Ling was different. This girl seemed to have a natural attraction to swords, which was much stronger than that of Xuenv back then.

And because her younger sister is also there, although her younger sister treats her very badly, as an elder sister, it is her nature to love and tolerate. Of course, sometimes Xuechen says too much, and she will also symbolize anger.

In fact, she will not be angry at all, she is like the sword sleeping in Shushan, she has lost this most basic emotion, so the throbbing that Lu Ling brought to her when she awakened last time was so strong, even at the expense of Even if you leave Shushan, you have to follow Lu Ling.

If possible, she actually wanted to go to Lingshan... But because her younger sister was there, she finally chose Luoyan City.

What happened today is very simple, she broke the barrier, and the so-called spatial regression was just a small method she used - using Liu Fufeng's body.

Generally speaking, both Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling are very interesting.

"Leave if you want..." Xuechen was taken aback when he heard this.

It turned out that this woman was not restrained by the Shushan people.

Everything is her own choice, all because of the agreement with the person who left a time crease in her life.

For a person who has been out of his wits, he can do this.


So much.

The elder sister's master is very important. After many years, she still kept her promise. What about herself?
Does her master deserve to die?

It's so cold-blooded...

Xuechen became more and more disappointed with this person in front of him.

"Fire? Lihuo? Hahahaha..."

Belly laugh.

"Your name is really nice, Lihuo, no wonder you are so cold-blooded..." Xuechen's voice became softer as he spoke, until finally it turned into a mosquito's cry.

During this period, the woman in red just watched Xuechen perform alone, her face was cold, and she couldn't tell what was going on in her heart.

"Hongling..." Xuechen wiped the corners of his eyes, his eyes were red: "Ling, it's the master's name, you don't deserve it."

In front of this person who once "betrayed" her, Xuechen looks very strong, but in fact she has always been at a disadvantage. She also knows that her sister is too lazy to argue with her, and she also knows...

But I just can't help but blame, because she hates.

The calmer Li Huo Hongling was, the more she hated her, wishing she could kill her on the spot...

But she can't do it now, and she will never be able to do it.

"I know what you want to do, remember, my good sister, I won't let you get close to the master, put away your dirty plans." Then, Loli's figure disappeared, and the cat jumped out of the window go out.

She has already seen that it's a waste of time to stay any longer, and she really doesn't want to continue seeing this man's disgusting face, as if nothing can impress her..., it's just an RBQ, but so arrogant.

Xuechen found that when she mentioned Lu Ling, the woman's expression changed significantly, which made her sure that the person in front of her was coming for her master.

Feeling flustered, Xuechen felt that it was more important for her to return to her master as soon as possible. In that case, even if there were any emergencies, she would be able to fight with her master by her side...

She is essentially a sword, without the master to use it, she can't even display [-]% of her strength.

The same is true for Li Huo Hongling, but she is different from Xuechen, a half-assed fairy sword. The latter is a sword, while the former is a fairy... This is the difference between the two.

Watching Xuechen leave helplessly, the woman remained expressionless.

She walked to the window and watched her sister go further and further away until she was completely out of sight.

Still dazed, a little off-line, absolutely no one would believe that this beauty is the scariest and most murderous fairy sword in the world of cultivating immortals - Lihuo Hongling.

The former is a gentle beauty, while the latter is a murderer who frightens the demons, seas, and even the human race.

The woman in red dress is like a fire like a cloud, she is magnificent...

But a little lost.

Although she was used to being treated like this by her sister, she was sad after all.

The woman looked at her hands and closed her eyes.

She has always thought that she should be a bystander, because she is an existence that disrupts the balance, and she has been doing things that disrupt the balance all these years.

Even the fairy sword has been equated with the human race.


A slight sigh.

Was I really wrong back then...

(End of this chapter)

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