Chapter 231 Treatment
When people are killed, they die.

But in the hands of some people, being dismembered doesn't mean they can't be saved. The most important thing for a person is never the body, but the soul.

In this regard, there is not much difference between humans and demons.

Of course, Liu Fufeng's current technique is very weak, he still can't resurrect from the dead, at most he can only revitalize his muscles.

This situation is enough.

Watching Lu Ling push open the door, pinch her nose and throw out the "garbage" in her hands, the corners of Liu Fufeng's mouth slightly raised.

Her Aya is very kind.


If Liu Fufeng was afraid of anything, it was nothing more than cold-blooded. She didn't know what her Ah Ling had experienced, so she was afraid that Lu Ling would lose confidence in the world and become cold-blooded.

Including being cold-blooded to herself, just like her back then, if you don't even care about yourself... then you are no longer alive.

Of course, now Liu Fufeng can be sure that she is alive, more sure of this than every day before.

And she still has a goal—hoping to train A Ling to be an upright, enthusiastic, and perfect person.

It's a bit difficult, but Liu Fufeng is working hard, even harder than Lu Ling.

"Okay, Senior Sister, you should rest first." Seeing Lu Ling's weak appearance, Liu Fufeng said.

"Huh..." Hearing this, Lu Ling finally breathed a sigh of relief. Ever since this person got in the car, she has never been idle. She doesn't know anything about curing diseases and saving lives, so she can only help Liu Fufeng and do some garbage disposal— —Simply throw what's in your hand out of the car, and that's it.

The smell was really unpleasant, Lu Ling had two balls of cloth stuffed on her nose at this time, her face was full of bitterness.

But he was also a little happy, because after Liu Fufeng's simple handling, the previous person was already somewhat human.

She is in it, although Liu Fufeng has been handling it all the time, but that is her junior sister, what she does is what she does.

At this time, the boy was lying flat on the step, motionless like a dead man.

Liu Fufeng just simply cleaned up the mud on his body, and the main treatment hasn't started yet.

some trouble...

Liu Fufeng bent down to carefully observe the wound on the young man's shoulder. It looked like a sword wound, but it was pierced directly, and the surrounding wounds were festered, making it difficult to deal with.

The festering wound cannot be squeezed, but at this time, whether the boy is lying on his stomach or on his side, the wound will be squeezed, because he basically has no good places.

Liu Fufeng was at a loss as to what to do, the wound was covered with bruises and yellow pus, it was disgusting.

It's not that she's afraid of getting dirty, it's just that she doesn't know where to deal with it, but she can't just leave it like this, the young man's pulse is getting weaker and weaker, if it wasn't for his strong will to survive, he might have died ten thousand times.


Just when Liu Fufeng frowned and thought, a small figure suddenly entered her eyes.

"Xuechen?" Lu Ling caught the cat that jumped in from the window, and was taken aback for a moment.

How did it come?

Liu Fufeng was also stunned for a moment, they obviously didn't bring this little guy with them.

Did you find it yourself?
Sure enough, it's not a common thing.

But Liu Fufeng was only surprised for a moment, but now she has more important work to do.

I have learned medical skills with Senior Sister Xu for so long, and with the help of Lingshan Lingli, it should be fine.

It's just that she learned nothing on paper, and she is still not good enough. Faced with such a serious trauma, she still doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Xuechen, why are you here?" Lu Ling pinched her nose and asked.

[Because I miss the master. 】In his mind, Xuechen said softly.

"Meow..." With a somewhat urgent cry, Xuechen covered his nose with his front paws, exactly the same as Lu Ling's current movement.

【What is the taste……】

【This person is injured, and my junior sister is saving her. ] Lu Ling explained.

She was a little happy, finally she wasn't the only one who was tortured, Liu Fufeng kept his face unchanged, and Lu Ling was under a lot of psychological pressure.

【Injuried? 】The cat was taken aback for a moment, then waved its front paws in front of Lu Ling, and opened its mouth to enclose Lu Ling's fingers.

【Master, give me...】

"Ah?" Lu Ling felt that her fingers had entered a warm place. She was stunned for a moment, and urged her own strength. A blue aura followed her fingers into Xuechen's mouth, followed by a slight contraction. , Lu Ling felt that Xuechen was devouring her strength.

Then, there was a flash of silver light, and it snowed.

It was still scorching summer outside, but immediately there were little snowflakes floating inside. Of course, it was only a flash in the pan, and it disappeared immediately.

The snow dust has purified this space, in various senses.

"The smell is gone?" Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, then took off the cloth strip on her nose.

"It's really gone!"

Fresh air poured into the mouth, and Lu Ling breathed heavily.

[I did it!Master, it's me! 】

The cat jumped a few times on Lu Ling's lap, raised its head, and showed off.

Seeing Xuechen staring and waiting for her praise, Lu Ling blushed, and then patted Xuechen's hairy head.

She inexplicably remembered how she looked when she asked her junior sister to praise her, it was exactly the same.

Feeling strange, Liu Fufeng looked up at Lu Ling, but didn't express anything.

It's fine if the smell is gone. Although she doesn't care, it's still uncomfortable.

After a while of thinking, Liu Fufeng came up with a set of specific methods in his mind.

The first step is to take off.

This person's trauma is so serious, the clothes are probably full of dirty things, if the wound is infected again, he is probably dead.

Liu Fufeng took out a silver needle and slid it down from the clothes around the young man's neck. Under the tiny silver needle, the sackcloth seemed to be cut by scissors, revealing the pale skin inside.

Then she stopped.

Her spiritual power is limited, and she still has meticulous work to do later, so she can't waste it... Liu Fufeng raised his head and looked at Lu Ling.

"Junior Sister... what's the matter, tell me." Lu Ling swallowed, probably knowing what Liu Fufeng wanted to do.


The junior sister wants to take off the boy's clothes. After all, the injury is so serious that it must be disinfected first.

But it's a boy...

Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, wouldn't it be inconvenient, but she was relieved immediately, the so-called parental heart of a doctor has no distinction between genders.

Her junior sister is so hardworking, she must do her best.

But look at what she's doing now, don't ask her to take it off...

I understand, I understand, but asking her to take off a boy's clothes... Lu Ling can't accept it.

"Come here." Liu Fufeng didn't care so much, she beckoned to Lu Ling.

Lu Ling was very repelled in her heart, but her body still walked over obediently.

"Hold this needle and input spiritual power..."

Liu Fufeng guided Lu Ling to move on the boy's body with his hands, and then all the clothes were separated. When Liu Fufeng carefully tore off the clothes fragments from the boy, Lu Ling turned her back and covered her eyes.

Like her, Xuechen tightly covered her head with her paws.

She is still a pure girl...

(End of this chapter)

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