Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 255 Black Armor 2

Chapter 255 Black Armor II

Seeing this row of black armor, Lu Ling panicked.

These people are scary, there is a sense of self-importance, but——

very handsome.

Little stars twinkled in Lu Ling's big eyes.

Somewhat contradictory, looking at a row of black armor that might be "enemies", Lu Ling's first thought was to observe their attire.

They are all a group of tall men, wearing heavy armor made of unknown metal, which perfectly blends with the night without reflecting the slightest moonlight. Helmet, neck guard, arm guard, battle robe, chest guard , Bronze Mirror, Battle Skirt, Battle Boots, everything that should be protected is protected.

There are black scales on the back of the pitch-black helmet, mirror armor on the chest, beast swallows on the shoulders, a forehead on the top, and a pendulum on the bottom. Naturally, there is no need to mention the majesty, each of them looks like a beast, burly and tall.

The one in the lead, with a red tassel on his helmet and a cloak behind him, is the most handsome of them all. Lu Ling also likes the black armor on his body.

Lu Ling looked at this group of people up and down, always feeling weird, saying that they were so heavily clothed, if they were really going to meet a thief or something, would they be able to catch up?

Although it's night and the moon is shining, it's still cool, but it's summer now, isn't this group of people hot wearing such iron bumps?

I always feel that if I dress like this in the summer, I will be bored into a barbecue, but I should not have this hidden danger. After all, she also has a talent for ice and snow, so she won't be bored.

It's a bit handsome, I want to go up and touch it...

Lu Ling thought so, then she was stunned for a moment, and spat at herself: "Bah, bah, bah."

What was she thinking, this group of people came up to make trouble and wanted to arrest her, and instead of running away, she coveted other people's equipment, living in a dream.

What should I do now... Where to run... Lu Ling looked around, looking for an escape route.

Different from Lu Ling's nervousness, everyone in Zuixianlou breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt that their personal safety was guaranteed - there is nothing more reassuring than having the black armored guard by their side.

Li Wangsheng couldn't help but nodded when he saw this. From this, it can be seen that the Lord of Luoyan City is not a sack.

These black armored guards are all strong, although they are all untrained, but they are very strong, wearing heavy metal but still stepping like the wind, very flexible, they are considered top-notch among ordinary people.

At least one of the guards owned by the rich businessman before is not a problem.

The equipment is also very good. The black armor on their bodies is a special rare metal, which is breathable and much lighter than iron and copper of the same volume, but it is five times or even six times harder.

The material value alone is much higher than gold, a set of black armor is enough to buy a Zuixianlou, it is worthy of being the guardian of Luoyan inner city, and there is a magical energy in this black armor, which can bless one's own strength, It looks a bit like the spiritual power of Lingshan.

Each set is a priceless treasure, and what appeared in front of Lu Ling now was a row of black armor.

After looking around, Lu Ling gave up. Zuixianlou is in a relatively remote alley, and there is no place to run. Besides, she has short legs, so she can't run away.

Looking up, seeing the majestic Hei Jia slowly approaching, he unconsciously hid behind Liu Fufeng.

It was her fault, what should I do now... I won't be arrested.

Liu Fufeng was very calm. In fact, if she was alone, she might panic, but it was about Lu Ling, and she had to be serious, so she didn't feel the slightest bit of nervousness.

A Ling needs her own protection, Liu Fufeng knows it very well.

She didn't intend to run away at all, although she had a way to leave this place in an instant with her A Ling, but this was not a good choice, she and Lu Ling ran away, what about the girl upstairs?
Even if you can take her with you, but A Ling made a mistake, the side of the Zuixian Tower near the door was basically destroyed, so I can't let her bear the burden...

So Liu Fufeng planned to solve this problem head-on.

Although Lu Ling did something a little too much, Liu Fufeng didn't think she was wrong, and it was very uncomfortable to be looked at like this. Ah Ling just did something she didn't dare to do, so other things are up to her on top.

With her here, there is no need to worry about danger. She still has a lot of spells. Follow the law first, and if it doesn't work, she will take Lu Ling away.

Think so.

Then, Liu Fufeng held Lu Ling's hand and gave her a reassuring look. After Lu Ling met Liu Fufeng's gaze, she seemed to have taken a reassurance.

Come to think of it, there is nothing to be afraid of.

I am very sure of that.

Xuechen thought the same way, and it wasn't something worth caring about at all, so she just lay softly on Lu Ling's shoulder, grinning at the void from time to time, conveying emotions like "what to look at".

Compared with the ordinary black armor outside, her sister is more dangerous. Xuechen is always on guard against that woman, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to have any effect. The latter's divine sense has never left Lu Ling, which makes Xuechen very uncomfortable, but Fortunately, she just watched and didn't do anything, otherwise Xuechen wouldn't be so calm now.

Thinking about it, as soon as Li Huo Hongling made a move, Xuechen would immediately take Lu Ling back to Lingshan. She was quite resistant on that mountain, and her sister would not be so blatant in Lingshan.

At this time, Hei Jia walked in front of Liu Fufeng, and then lined up to surround the Zuixian Tower, and the tense atmosphere dissipated instantly.

This kind of accident is not a small one, and it deserves their serious treatment.

Including Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling were also watched by one person, the latter stared at Lu Ling with serious eyes and did not dare to move, and the miserable middle-aged rich businessman before was also the same, he was turned over by a black armor and fed a pill Then just throw it on the ground.

"What happened." The leader walked around Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng outside the door, and asked the shopkeeper who was already waiting at the door of Zuixian Tower.

"My lord, it's like this..." The middle-aged shopkeeper glanced at Lu Ling behind Liu Fufeng, trembled, and then told the truth about what happened just now. Lu Ling, after all, he is only the shopkeeper, not the boss.

Zuixian Tower is just a small property of the owner. He has no way to explain the state of the ruined city. He can only push the responsibility first. Of course, it has nothing to do with him in the first place.

"What, girl?" Hearing this, the leader frowned and looked at the miserable situation in front of him.

The heavy table was completely shattered, the solid wooden door was completely torn down, and half of the wall collapsed.

He can barely do this level of damage wearing a black armor, but even he has to rely on the power of the black armor to do it. The shopkeeper said it was made by a thousand gold?
is it possible?
Frowning, the leader looked at Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling standing outside the door, and pointed at Liu Fufeng: "You mean her?"

Liu Fufeng has a good temperament, like a lady from everyone, and he doesn't look like a strong person at all.

"Master, it's... the little one next to you." The shopkeeper said cautiously.

"..." At this moment, the leader was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes sharpened. He leaned forward with a murderous look, and the shopkeeper shuddered, but he still insisted on his words, saying that Lu Ling did it.

Now, the leader was even more confused, this little shopkeeper would never dare to lie to him.

"Come with me." Picking up the shopkeeper with one hand, the leader led him to Lu Ling's side.

Feeling that she was being watched, Lu Ling shrank behind Liu Fufeng.

Seeing this, the leader shook his head.

This is just a somewhat cute girl, somewhat like the little daughter in his family...

Was she the one who wrecked it?

Do not believe.

But just to be cautious, the leader grabbed Lu Ling's arm and held her hand effortlessly.

Seeing this, Liu Fufeng's pupils constricted instantly, his breathing became a little rough, and his vigilance was fully on.

Lu Ling felt that her hand had fallen into a lump of iron. Hei Jia even had metal gloves on her hands, and they were extremely flexible.

"What...what are you doing..." Lu Ling raised a hand and said softly.

The leader didn't open his mouth, and slowly closed his hands, gradually increasing his strength.

His initial strength was considered very gentle, but Lu Ling still felt the pain, and wailed: "Hiss... pain, pain, pain!"

Seeing this, the leader let go of his hand. He didn't use any strength, so Lu Ling couldn't accept it. It's not as good as his daughter. The leader who often plays with her like this knows what a girl's strength should be.

So Lu Ling is normal.

"See?" The leader stood up, let go of Lu Ling's hand, and turned to the shopkeeper.

Seeing this, Liu Fufeng loosened his clenched hands, and his vigilance disappeared.

"But...but..." The shopkeeper didn't know what to say, the current Lu Ling was completely different from before, she was just a cute girl, but it was indeed her that he saw.

"Everyone in this building can testify, she is undoubtedly the one." There was no other way, the shopkeeper had to drag other people along.

"Really?" The leader beckoned, and then a black armor came over and whispered a few times, which probably meant that after cross-examination, everyone said that Lu Ling did it first, and that the Zuixian Tower was also destroyed by her.

After getting the news, the leader looked at Lu Ling with strange eyes, but he didn't ask anything for the time being, but went to see the "victim".

Liu Fufeng looked at the leader's back seriously, she was observing whether these people were worth it for her to take Lu Ling to "admit their mistakes", now it seems that the accident is okay, but it needs to be observed again.

"Is this the person?" Looking at the fat man on the ground, the leader frowned.


"Is it dead?"

"He's not dead, he just passed out. This man moved in today, and the city lord only saw him this afternoon." A black armor mentioned it.

"Understood." The leader knelt down and looked at the miserable fat man, showing some disgust.

These black armors don't like this kind of people who spend money to enter Luoyan City, because almost every accident is related to these people. For the black armors, foreign residents are a factor of instability.

But this is the city lord's rule, and there is nothing they can do about it, Hei Jia is loyal to the city lord, only they understand what the city lord has done for Luoyan City.

All the money was confiscated and used for the construction of Luoyan City, equipment maintenance, and some diplomatic matters.

So although these people are disgusting, these people are golden pigs, and they have to be sacrificed—of course, on the premise of not violating the laws of Luoyan City.

He didn't need to think about this fat man, he knew that his butt was definitely not clean, and after enlisting ill-gotten gains, he joined Luoyan City to seek safety.

Serve it right, something.

If possible, he really didn't want to help this kind of person get ahead, but the responsibility was there, so he couldn't be careless.

The leader was disdainful in his heart, but his expression remained the same: "Third-class household registration, record."


The so-called third-class household registration refers to those newcomers who came in with money, which is very different from the first-class privileges enjoyed by the aborigines. However, these people have the opportunity to improve their household registration after living in Luoyan City for the second generation.

"Just give him some medicine so that he doesn't die." The leader turned his head and continued, "Notify the fat man's family to take him and the guards back first."

"Yes." Then, Hei Jia carried away the horrific person on the ground, and his family... the female family members upstairs acted as if they didn't know anything, and dared not step into the muddy water.

These black armors looked at the middle-aged wealthy businessman and the guards with naked disgust in their eyes.

What, go out with guards.

It sounds nice to say that the guards are actually fangs used to bully the people. A newcomer is a newcomer. Do you think you can do whatever you want in Luoyan City?As for safety...

Do you really think that their black armored guards eat dry food?
In today's accident, there must be a problem with one party, but the leader is more willing to favor Lu Ling. The latter's innocent eyes look like her daughter, and he is definitely not a troublemaker.

The daughters in Luoyan City are all treasures... The daughters mentioned here do not refer to the vulgar fans upstairs, but the smart or stable girls like Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling.

At this time, the victim and the victim seemed to have lost each other.


"Tsk tsk tsk." Li Wangsheng took a sip of his wine.

He didn't expect things to develop like this. These black armors didn't have any malice towards the culprit, Lu Ling. On the contrary, the one who was beaten was so unlucky, which he didn't expect.

But this leader is not bad, he quite likes it.

It seems that the way Luoyan City handles things has improved over the years.

Then Li Wangsheng showed a little doubt.

The current Lu Ling is completely different from before, his soft and dumb look makes him stunned for a while, and he is not as charming as before.

Is it fake?

It doesn't feel like it.

Li Wangsheng was about to continue looking down, he was a little curious about how things would develop.


After dealing with the middle-aged wealthy businessman, the leader nodded while listening to the information collected by his subordinates.

He got a lot of information, for example, Lu Ling's previous behavior was seductive and cruel... The leader looked back at the girl with her head shrunk, and frowned.

Apart from everyone's unanimous confession, there is also evidence. A small footprint was found on both the guard and the wealthy businessman.

He walked towards Lu Ling and glanced at Lu Ling's red embroidered shoes.

Only the cloud clothes on Lu Ling's body are dust-proof, and the shoes and the like are still collected at Lingshan. Ordinary clothes need to be washed by Liu Fufeng every day. After all, Lingshan disciples will use the dust-proof technique after a little practice, so there is no need for it. so troublesome.

But this left evidence, Lu Ling's red embroidered shoes had blood stains on them, and the two kinds of red overlapped, which was a bit weird.

Now that the evidence is complete, this little girl really did it.

The leader walked up to Lu Ling and looked down at her with sharp eyes.

So, is the appearance of this panicked little daughter a fake?

(End of this chapter)

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