Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 269 Xifeng and Lu Ling

Chapter 269 Xifeng and Lu Ling

Back at the restaurant, Liu Fufeng made the bed, and then took out the things Lu Ling bought one by one.

All kinds of snacks, a lot of food and drink, and some weird toy models, animals, chariots, musical instruments and so on.

Then, after sorting these things and repacking them, Liu Fufeng went out.

She went to look at the girl in the side room first, and found that the latter was sleeping soundly, and a spear appeared inexplicably beside the bed... Although it was strange, Liu Fufeng gave up because she couldn't see anything.

Then she went to boil hot water.


After a long time, Lu Ling felt someone slapping her face.


Opening his eyes with some difficulty, what he saw was Liu Fufeng's face.

"Heaven, is it dawn?"

Lu Ling was still a little confused.

"Dawn? It's early." Liu Fufeng pinched Lu Ling's nose, and then said: "Senior Sister, get up and take a shower before going to bed. I've been running all day."

"No." Lu Ling turned over.

She is sleepy.

Besides, I didn't sweat.

"It doesn't matter if you don't sweat, there is a faint smell of alcohol, I smell very uncomfortable, and girls should love to be clean..." Now is not the time to get used to Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng forcibly dragged Lu Ling from the bed stand up.

"En——" Lu Ling snorted twice, and stood up crookedly, as if she was angry.

It was okay during the day, but now she was called up at night, she was very upset and felt angry about getting up.

"Don't be angry, come with me." Liu Fufeng dragged Lu Ling to another room and stopped in front of a wooden barrel: "Take a bath first and take off your clothes."

"I can only sleep after washing." Liu Fufeng emphasized.

"Oh." Lu Ling narrowed her eyes, regained consciousness a little, and began to undress.

He quickly took off his little skirt, and then a curled up cat fell out of Lu Ling's body. The cat fell to the ground and stretched out its paws at Lu Ling in a daze.

However, Lu Ling didn't see it at all. She took off her skirt, left only her underwear, and stood with her back to Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng understood what Lu Ling meant, and stretched out his hand to untie the red string that tied her hair. Lu Ling's high ponytail instantly spread out, spilling on her body like ink, covering her petite figure.

Liu Fufeng helped Lu Ling take off her underwear, then tried the temperature of the hot water, and nodded.

"Okay, let's go in."

"Oh." Lu Ling continued to nod, like a walking corpse, she looked at the wooden barrel that was only a little shorter than herself, and began to climb up.

It took some effort, and it hung on the wall of the barrel like climbing over a wall, and then exerted force.


The whole person fell into the water, splashing warm water, Liu Fufeng shook his head, hung up Lu Ling's clothes, took off his cloud clothes, and was about to go in when he found snow dust falling on the ground.

The little guy was also a little confused at this time, stretching out his paws to ask for something.

"Ah Ling, it's true." Liu Fufeng shook his head and picked up Xuechen from the ground, after hesitating for a while, he threw it into the bucket, aiming at Lu Ling.

Who knew that Lu Ling felt something sticking to her arm and felt very uncomfortable. She waved the snow dust off in a daze, and the poor cat just sank to the bottom of the water, bubbling up...

After that, Liu Fufeng stepped on a small stool, entered the water lightly, sat opposite Lu Ling, took off the blood butterfly hair ornament and put it beside him, and then pressed his hair into the water.

Lu Ling's hair was still floating on the water, she was like an elf wrapped in pitch black ink.

Squinting eyes, half asleep, half awake, half awake.

Liu Fufeng shook his head, slowed down his breathing and quietly felt the temperature of the water.

Then raised his eyebrows, reached out to fish out a cat from the water, was startled, tried to breathe before he was relieved, twitched the corners of his mouth, and put the snow dust like a dead fish on Lu Ling's head to dry.

For other small animals, they are already drowned now, but luckily they are... the Eldar or something.

Liu Fufeng sat, quietly looking at the snoring girl in front of him, recalling what Xifeng said in his mind.

They, Lingshan, are enemies in the eyes of the "master" of Luoyan City, but is it really as she said, they are the best of men?

There is no so-called emperor in this era, although everyone is not equal, but under the education of his father, Liu Fufeng at least believes that people are not of equal rank, and now, for no reason, she has become what others call the superior person. Some tangled.

Where do they look like "superior people"?

Does it look like Lu Ling?

The answer is no, Liu Fufeng thought about it, and felt that there is only one difference between herself and ordinary people, that is, she is richer now.

But things like money... After reaching a certain amount, it becomes a number without any meaning. Liu Fufeng doesn't believe that the older sister named Xifeng will be short of money.

Then why does she hate Lingshan so much?
Liu Fufeng didn't understand...she didn't want to understand either, so let it be.

A person who is superior to others is a person who is superior to others, anyway, as long as it is beneficial to Ah Ling, she doesn't care what it is.

Liu Fufeng was just an ordinary girl, she didn't have any big ideas, and couldn't understand the thoughts of the city lord.

Shaking my head, I don't want to.

Then she picked up Lu Ling's hanging arm and touched it.

Dirty or not, it needs to be washed.



Its daybreak.

Lu Ling heard a sound similar to a chicken crowing, and gradually regained consciousness.

Chicken... called? is it a chicken...isn't it usually Fengming...


Lu Ling turned around, put her arm on a slippery body, and after touching it a few times, a familiar voice came from her ear.

"A Ling, don't make trouble...let me sleep for a while..." Liu Fufeng turned over and continued to sleep facing Lu Ling.

She is really sleepy now. She couldn't fall asleep after taking a bath yesterday. She was so dizzy that she didn't know what she was thinking. She didn't fall asleep until dawn.

The first time I went down the mountain, I lost sleep.

"..." Lu Ling woke up at this moment, looked at Liu Fufeng's face, the latter's eyelashes did not move, and fell asleep again.

what happened?

I don't have any impression...

Lu Ling frowned. Her memory was gone when she heard about the book yesterday. She only remembered that she understood five out of ten words, and she was so sleepy.

Then I woke up.

She took a look at Liu Fufeng's clothes, the latter only had an inner jacket on, Lu Ling looked down at herself, and her face instantly turned red.

Her junior sister seems to be very tired, it's better not to disturb her.

But I'm in an embarrassing state right now.

Lu Ling looked around, found a good angle, and pulled her hair out from under Liu Fufeng's arm little by little.

It took a lot of effort to get it right, and I was about to get out of bed.

"Senior Sister, where are you going?" Liu Fufeng rubbed his eyes and propped himself up.

In the end, her junior sister still woke up...

Lu Ling turned her head and smiled wryly: "I...I'm going to the bathroom."

"Well, I'll accompany you." Liu Fufeng was about to get up, but was pushed down by Lu Ling.

"I'll go by myself, junior sister, please sleep for a while, I won't run around." Lu Ling stared at Liu Fufeng's face and said.

"Oh." Liu Fufeng hit the bed again, turned over and muttered, "Okay... remember to put on your clothes... don't freeze..."


She is very sleepy now.

"Huh..." Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, then looked down at herself, and the beauty mole twitched a few times.

Where are her clothes?

After turning around, Lu Ling found an inner jacket and a small skirt by the table, put on casually, put on embroidered shoes, limped to the door, and glanced at herself in the mirror.

Clothes are a bit disheveled and hair is loose, but that's okay.

Picking up the green bamboo stick, pushed open the door and went out.

She was dying of thirst and wanted something to drink now.

Lu Ling went downstairs, it was still early, there was no one in the sea of ​​flowers on the second floor, and a few maids were tending the flowers.

On the first floor, only twos and threes of guests are having breakfast.

Lu Ling walked down the stairs carefully, holding her own hair to prevent tripping.

After reaching the first floor, Lu Ling walked to the front desk with a bamboo stick without any danger.

The shopkeeper also saw Lu Ling, and after being surprised, he went out of the counter and said, "Little Qianjin, are you awake?"

"En." Lu Ling nodded, "I'm a little thirsty."

"Good daughter, fresh milk just arrived." The person in charge nodded: "Do you want something to eat?"

Lu Ling shook her head.

For breakfast or something, let's have it with my junior sister.

"Then should I send it up or..." asked the shopkeeper.

"I'm down here... just fine." Lu Ling said, don't disturb her junior sister's rest.

Then Lu Ling was going to find a table to sit for a while, but when she passed by one of the tables, someone grabbed her by the collar.

"Didn't you see me?" Xifeng let go of her hand and continued.

"I see." Lu Ling nodded, Xifeng's attire was the same as yesterday, so Lu Ling saw her at a glance, but so what?They don't know each other.

I just came down to drink water.

"Cut." Xifeng curled her lips, she had been sitting here and waiting an hour ago, those black armors couldn't find anything yesterday, all she knew was that Liu Fufeng was carrying a wounded man, probably related to that rich man, but she didn't know much about it. clear.

"Where's your sister?" Xifeng asked.

"Sleeping, sleeping, are you?" Lu Ling was a little impatient, probably not familiar with them.

"My name is Xifeng, and I'm your sister's...friend." After thinking for a while, Xifeng showed a delicate expression.

It should be considered a friend... right?

"We met yesterday, when you fell asleep." Xifeng added.

"Friend?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, recalling the way Liu Fufeng and this young lady had a happy conversation, and nodded.

Then his attitude changed suddenly, and he sat down on the chair in front of Xifeng.

Since she is a friend of her junior sister, she shouldn't be too rude, that's what Lu Ling thought.

"That...your sister...forget it." Xifeng looked at Lu Ling's dull face, and gave up the idea of ​​asking for news from Lu Ling, let alone the vigilance written on Lu Ling's face, communication alone is enough. There are some problems.

This little girl is much more difficult than Liu Fufeng, at least Liu Fufeng is not so wary of her.

"???" Lu Ling was confused.

Seeing Lu Ling tilting her head and looking cute, Xifeng put down her utilitarianism for a while, stood up and walked behind Lu Ling.

This is where the height difference comes into play.

"Sister, why did you come down dressed like this? Girls should love themselves, don't let others take advantage of you. Although you are still young, you are already old enough to marry."

Xifeng pulled up Lu Ling's slipped shoulder straps, and then straightened her collar and the folds of her clothes.

"As expected of soft material."

"En?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, what did she hear?

"It's okay, sister, stand up." Xifeng coughed.

Lu Ling's clothes are really sloppy, her underwear is wrinkled, her skirt is dragging, her hair is loose, not half as neat as yesterday, if not pretty, she doesn't look like a daughter, let alone a fairy up.

"Stand up? Oh." Lu Ling nodded, then got off the chair.

Because he was not walking, his movements were a bit awkward, and this scene was also noticed by Xifeng.

This girl, it seems that her legs and feet are not very convenient?But it was not mentioned in the information yesterday, and there is no problem walking...

"And then?" Lu Ling's voice pulled Xi Feng out of her doubts, and her voice was a little impatient.

Her little emotion is a little cute in Xifeng's eyes. Children are easy to lose their temper.

"I, I'll tidy it up for you, it will look better, don't worry." Xifeng moved a little lightly, adjusted the skirt for Lu Ling, stretched out her hand to pull down the wrinkled inner garment behind her, and put on the short sleeves. , buttons, not a single place was spared.

Xifeng was very careful, and Lu Ling couldn't help narrowing her eyes.

The twisted underwear was tidied up, she felt very comfortable, and her impression of this young lady was better... Although Xifeng's previous remarks about Lingshan made Lu Ling uncomfortable, she was still gentle, at least compared to Shen That demon is ten thousand times stronger.

"And hair, hair..." Xifeng looked at Lu Ling's loose long hair, she didn't bring a hair tie, which was a little troublesome.

Confused for a while.

Raising his hand, he removed the red hair rope on the back of his head, and immediately grew his hair into a shawl, and after lifting his bangs, Xifeng's face became softer.


Seeing Lu Ling's "high ponytail" appearance similar to yesterday, Xifeng couldn't help nodding, a little proud.

Then even she froze for a moment.

Now she is not proud of building Luoyan City because she is used to it... unexpectedly...


Returning to her senses, putting away her inexplicable emotions, Xifeng sat back, raised one leg, brushed the hair around her ear, and returned to her appearance as a cold queen.


Weird guy.

Lu Ling frowned.

At this time, the shopkeeper came over with a cup of warm milk.

"Thank you." Lu Ling took the cup, took a tentative sip, and found that it didn't smell as fishy as she imagined, but rather sweet, so she immediately let go of the drink.


Seeing Lu Ling hugging the milk so fondly, Xifeng's eyes sparkled.

She probably also liked drinking milk a long time ago...

"My dear, don't worry, there are more here." Seeing that Lu Ling likes it, the shopkeeper smiled slightly, and turned around to pick it up again.

"No need." Xifeng waved her hand, stopped the shopkeeper, and spoke at the same time.

"You can't drink too much milk in the morning, it will make your stomach feel uncomfortable."

What my father once said.

 The Song of Time, Yuno ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! !listen to listen

(End of this chapter)

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