Chapter 276
Seeing the trembling voice of the cold girl before, Lu Ling felt a little better.

At least she told the truth.

If you say no, Lu Ling will have to think about it.

What she felt from Luo Qianhan's body was not only a sense of alienation, but also a little bit of familiarity, a feeling of wanting to hold her in his arms and ravage her, which was very contradictory.

But Lu Ling held back, now is not the time to do such things.

Perhaps this is the evidence that he was her master before.

[I have another question. 】Lu Ling said.

[...Concubine, concubine is listening. 】Luo Qianhan was a little flustered.

Lu Ling thought about it and asked.

[Can I still become the person in your impression? 】

When this question was asked, Lu Ling became nervous. What she was afraid of was that she would become someone else, a stranger, under the influence of Luo Qianhan or after self-awakening.

At that time, Lu Ling will not be Lu Ling anymore, so what about her junior sister, sir?
Hearing this, Luo Qianhan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, with a low voice: 【The master is the master. 】

Lu Ling opened her eyes, and stared straight at the noble girl opposite. The latter's eyes were empty, and her gaze seemed to be on her, but Lu Ling could feel that she was not looking at her, but at her own memories. .

Lu Ling could feel the emotion of sadness, but this was not the reason for Luo Qianhan to avoid this question.

【You should know, this is not what I want to hear. 】Lu Ling said seriously.


【to be honest. ] Lu Ling repeated.

[Yes, master. 】Luo Qianhan lowered his eyes: 【It is impossible for the master to become what he was before. Maybe some memories can be obtained under some opportunities, but the former master will never come back. 】

His face was cold, but his voice kept trembling.

Lu Ling once felt that Luo Qianhan was about to cry, but it didn't look like her indifferent face.

But she was relieved to hear this, as long as she won't become someone else, as for memory or something, just watch it as a TV series, I believe it won't affect her in any way.

Now Lu Ling is relaxed. What she fears the most is something like "seizing the house". In fact, if there is no one who will take away her own house, she just worries blindly without knowledge.

Lu Ling wasn't worried that Luo Qianhan would lie to her, she still knew how much she was joking about, if she hadn't been picked up by the Lingshan Fairy, she would have died by now, starving to death would be a good thing, if she grows up Still looking like a beggar... I dare not even think about it.

After unraveling her worries, Lu Ling looked at Luo Qianhan. The latter had no other expressions, but Lu Ling could feel sadness.

Her master will never come back, so she is dead.

very pitiful.

So Lu Ling walked over, stepped on the stool and patted Luo Qianhan's head.

The ice-blue hair gave Lu Ling a faint warm feeling, which was a kind of warmth connected by blood, very comfortable.

【Well, don't be too sad. 】

Lu Ling didn't know what to say, she couldn't comfort people.

[…] Luo Qianhan stared blankly at Lu Ling's movements, the latter's hands were very warm, this feeling of flesh and blood with her... One is Snow Girl, twenty she used [-]% of her strength to escort Lu Ling to go reincarnation.

The one who came out of the wheel of heaven and earth was this silly girl.

In my memory, the master lived a very happy life, with a senior sister who loves her, and a husband who cares about her, but what about me?

From the beginning to the end, he was causing trouble. Although he was immature at that time, it was his fault after all.

Lu Ling's words reminded her and forced her to wake up from her dream.

The snow girl she wanted to see was dead, and even though the girl in front of her was her master's from soul to soul, they were actually two completely different people.

It shouldn't disturb the master's life.

Should she let go?

With a mature mind, she only wants to let her master live well, so there is no need for her own existence. Her selfishness has already affected the normal life of her master, which is not what she wants.

Xue Nu is a memory, and it will always be a memory, she knows this better than anyone else.

The master doesn't need her anymore.

Compared with before, the current owner has a family, unlike when she was wandering with her alone.

Thinking about it, it would be better for him to disappear from the master's world.

After discussing it with Lu Ling, the last thought about Xuenv came to an end.

Luo Qianhan had a will to die.

The snow falls in the cold, and the same life as the heaven and the earth, the little daughter of the sky, the yin of yin and yang, will not die.

But it would be different if she wanted to die herself.

It was because of the expectation for Lu Ling before, but now it has dissipated like a bubble.


Hiding the dead silence in his eyes, Luo Qianhan smiled for the first time, and Lu Ling on the stool was stunned for a while.

【are you feeling better? ] Lu Ling asked with concern.

After all, she is not someone she hates, and she is also a poor person. Lu Ling always feels distressed. She can call her master if she wants to, and Lu Ling can't bear to hate her.

[It's okay, master, please forgive my concubine's next rudeness. 】Luo Qianhan stood up and approached Lu Ling.

【Ah, what are you doing? 】Lu Ling was taken aback, and fell off the stool without standing still. The moment she lost her balance, her face was full of panic.

Then I felt that I had crashed into a gentle town.

The nephrite jade is full of warm breath, as if he is embracing himself.

Looking at the gentle face in front of her, Lu Ling opened her mouth wide, unable to speak.

Luo Qianhan hugged Lu Ling and sat down again. During this time, Lu Ling was hugged by her in the posture of a princess.

【Master, like, like like like like like——】

Luo Qianhan seemed to be a different person, he hugged Lu Ling's face and began to rub.

Like a cat.

"Woo... um..." Lu Ling couldn't get through, feeling like she was about to be rubbed into Luo Qianhan's arms.

Feeling the moisture on her face, Lu Ling was dissatisfied.

[Forget it dear, don't drool. 】

[Yes, master. 】Luo Qianhan blinked, the water in the corners of his eyes turned into ice scum, which instantly dissipated, and his whole body returned to his previous cold appearance.

Putting Lu Ling firmly on the stool, Luo Qianhan took a few steps back and knelt down on one knee.

【Master, your things should be returned to you. 】

As if the previous slut wasn't her, she was still that noble lady.

【My things? 】Lu Ling shook her head: 【Didn't you say that?That's your former master's, not mine. 】

【it's the same. 】Luo Qianhan nodded, a light blue sword glow flashed, and then a blue light appeared in her white hands.

It was a sword.

A rapier.

The whole body is ice blue, polished like jade.

The double-sided sword blade is at most two fingers wide, as thin as a cicada's wing, not even half the width of an ordinary sword, and this sword——does not have a tsuba.

The sword body is directly connected to the spiral hilt, without any buffer zone in between, and it doesn't even look like a sword at all, without a trace of the aura of a king of soldiers, only two words stand out.

Thin and long.

There is a little transparent color, as if there are snowflakes falling inside the sword body.

[This, I know. ] Lu Ling nodded, this is her Xuechen, but this time it doesn't seem to be illusory... It seems to have a reality, I don't know if it is her illusion.

and many more.

It's Xuechen, doesn't that mean it's the woman in front of me?Her body is a sword, right?

Send yourself here?
Lu Ling didn't understand the horror of this fairy sword. She thought it was just an ordinary sword spirit. After all, it was in the world of cultivating immortals, so what happened was understandable.

[Return to the original owner. 】Luo Qianhan knelt down, holding Xueluo Qianhan in both hands, bowed his head and said.

If you look carefully, her current body has begun to become transparent.

[I, I don't want to. ] At this time, Lu Ling seemed to feel something, her heart was flustered, and inexplicable emotions occupied her heart.

[This is the sword of the previous owner, please accept it. 】 Luo Qianhan raised his head, somewhat relieved.

She probably figured it out by using words like former master.

After she died, with Xueluo Qianhan by her side, Lu Ling was absolutely safe, no one could hurt her, not even Li Huo Hongling, and she had no reason to hurt Lu Ling.

At that time, her master should be able to live the life he wanted.

Without her little trouble sticking around in the name of protection, the master should live more comfortably.

If there is any regret, the master is not strong enough, otherwise, it would be a pleasure for the two of them to return to the sealed place of the demons to avenge their life and death.

Disappointment and reluctance are all floating clouds.

As for after Lingshan lost the fairy sword... She has thought about it, but it doesn't matter, the master is from Lingshan, and I believe that Lingshan will treat her master as a grandmother and feed her with good food and drink.

With the protection of the fairy sword, he is not afraid of being threatened.

This was the best gift she could give Lu Ling.

【Master, please accept it. 】 Luo Qianhan said.

[I said I don't want it. 】Lu Ling erupted instantly, and knocked down the slender fairy sword with a flick of her hand.

Like an ice cube falling to the ground, the most precious thing in the world of cultivating immortals was just dropped to the ground by Lu Ling. If Luo Qianhan hadn't imposed a restraint and failed to exert its power, it would have been frozen for thousands of miles.

Just imagine the Huoshaoyun in Shushan Mountain.

"No, don't give me your things." Lu Ling lost control of her emotions, her voice broke and her voice was hoarse.

"A Ling...why..." Hearing Lu Ling's cry, the sleeping Liu Fufeng opened his eyes, snapped his fingers before he finished speaking, and then fell asleep again.

Withdrawing her finger, Luo Qianhan looked at Lu Ling suspiciously: 【Why? 】

The master doesn't like herself, and doesn't like her previous identity, so isn't it the best choice for her to leave?
Why did you suddenly lose your temper.

She didn't understand that the current master was completely different from before. If it was Xue Nu, she would just need to be obedient, but Lu Ling had no idea, so Luo Qianhan helped Lu Ling make the decision and gave her the best thing.

[No reason, didn't you say that I am your master?Now I command you, put it away. 】Lu Ling panicked and faltered.

Being asked by Lu Ling in an orderly tone, Luo Qianhan froze for a moment, and then waves appeared in his eyes again.

[Concubine, obey. 】

With a wave of his hand, the fairy sword disappeared and returned to the place where it should be.


At the same time, the top floor of Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Hong Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and put away the ordinary red long sword in her hand.

In any case, it is impossible for her to watch her younger sister commit suicide, even if she is seriously injured, she will have to cultivate for thousands of years.

After all, they are their most important relatives.

In fact, the situation just now was very dangerous. If my sister wanted to die, she really couldn't stop her. The current Luo Qianhan is not Xuechen's useless cat. s reason.

No one can stop what she wants to do, not even Li Huo Hongling.

But one person can.

Lu Ling just ordered her to stop returning to her roots.

Although she wanted to die in her heart, she had to obey because it was the master's order. She was just the master's concubine, the master's slave, and slaves were not qualified to think.

She actually wanted to force the master to live according to her ideas.

It's time to fight.


Lu Ling didn't know why she suddenly lost her temper, but she just couldn't help it. She wanted to protect the person in front of her who didn't need her protection at all.

Could it be that, as she said, she was her master in the previous life, that's why...

Lu Ling began to doubt her life. After this so-called mystery was solved, she became even more confused.

Sure enough, she should be a salted fish honestly. Now that she knows her past life, does it mean that she wants to carry the karma of that past life?

Good, bad, benefactor, enemy?
Then don't bother to die.

Luo Qianhan wanted to leave without telling herself anything, how could Lu Ling let her go.

As for how she figured it out...

Obviously, Luo Qianhan's flag flew up immediately, and when he handed the sword to him, he was lifeless, almost writing death on his face, and those who didn't know thought she was relying on Gu.

When facing Lu Ling, Luo Qianhan didn't need to hide his emotions in any way, and the two of them connected with each other, Lu Ling could clearly feel the mental state of the girl in front of him.

So, Luo Qianhan really felt Lu Ling's feelings for her - bothersome and disgusting.

The psychological defense line collapsed in an instant.


Lu Ling had a headache.

This girl's psychological quality is too bad, she just refuses a little, she will seek death, return the sword spirit, so fragile.

Lu Ling would never allow Luo Qianhan to die because of her, let alone her being her master.

Absolutely, absolutely not allowed.

Her snow dust is still on Luo Qianhan's body, so it's not allowed, Lu Ling now feels that she can't do without that cat that likes to cling to her.

Although the two are actually one person.

Looking at Luo Qianhan, who was half kneeling on the ground, stunned, Lu Ling sighed, not knowing how to deal with this girl with extremely poor mental quality.

You can't beat them, and you can't scold them.

If she shows her bad attitude a little bit, she will leave and hand over her body...

Why, she is interested in the sword, but she can't give it away like this, Lu Ling always feels as if she has received a corpse.

Have it.

Lu Ling had a flash of inspiration.

[Now, give me back my Xuechen. 】


She hadn't seen her Xuechen before, so she didn't have any buffer time at all.

Luo Qianhan felt that his own strength was almost there, so he spoke.

[...As you wish, I will resign as a concubine. 】

(End of this chapter)

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