Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 278 It's still important for my junior sister

Chapter 278 My junior sister is more important

Lu Ling answered this question in less than a second.

Liu Fufeng lay sideways on the table, with worry on his face, a blood butterfly stopped by his ear, very beautiful, his brows were furrowed, as if there was unresolved sorrow, a full image of a sick beauty.

That was Liu Fufeng's concern when he woke up when he heard Lu Ling's sharp voice... It's just that she took Luo Qianhan's finger, and she probably slept for a while.

As for why she was wearing that expensive blood butterfly... because it was given to her by Lu Ling, it was as simple as that, and all the things Lu Ling gave her were carried with her.

Lu Ling is a person who follows her heart. The biggest motivation for doing everything comes from interest, but now it has gradually changed. There are some things that she doesn't want to do, but doing them will make Liu Fufeng happy and Li Zhuzi will be gratified... …

Then Lu Ling will try, even if she is not interested in it, because she knows that these people are sincerely treating her well.

Maybe Xuechen needs to be added now... Although this is a little trouble for her, the existence of Xuechen at least shows that Lu Ling is not the worst one, right?

There are still people who need her to take care of.

This is probably Xuechen's biggest effect on Lu Ling. Other protections...Lu Ling doesn't need it. Someone will naturally help him solve the problem. In the end, there is her own level.

She will rely on Liu Fufeng, but not on everyone.


"Well, my junior sister is more important." Lu Ling touched the snowy neck of the girl in her arms, and it was cold.

She didn't want to lie, but to such a small child... She doesn't care about sword spirits or anything, her Xuechen is a child.

In her heart, Junior Sister is the most important, none of them.

"Well...I...understand." Xuechen sobbed a few times, and stopped talking, but the hand holding Lu Ling's top was getting tighter and tighter, and it was about to tear.

Although she already knew that she was not as good as Liu Fufeng, but there was nothing she could do... She also knew that she was bad, but she just wanted to ask, and now she was just sure.

Although it sounds sad, it at least shows that the master did not lie to her to comfort her. The "like" that Lu Ling said before was true.

Sadness is mixed with happiness and contradictions.

" about me, say it another way?" Sensing Xuechen's mood, Lu Ling swallowed and said hesitantly.

"No." Xuechen yelled suddenly, which startled Lu Ling.

"No." Loli raised her head, her face was stubborn and wronged, and there were tears in her eyes, just when Lu Ling thought she was going to cry again, Xuechen wiped away the tears by herself.

The nose is red, but it is very energetic.

"That's enough, it doesn't matter if you don't like it the most." Xuechen sniffed: "But I like the master the most, and I like the current master!"

After publishing such a shy "declaration", Xuechen buried his face in Lu Ling's clothes, feeling ashamed.

Seeing this, Lu Ling was stunned for a while.

After the grievance on the girl's face was thawed out and changed into shyness and joy, she was dumbfounded.

So cute! !
Lu Ling hugged her back and almost pulled her into her arms.

She thought that if she said such a thing, the little girl would burst into tears again... She still seems very sensible.

Inexplicably proud.

"Cute little guy." Lu Ling felt the soft girl in her arms and her weak breathing, and the beauty mole on the corner of her mouth rose slightly.

She still had some questions to ask, such as things about her previous life... Now it seems that she should forget it, at least this is not a good time, if there is anything to do, let's go back to the mountain first.

"Xuechen, change back." Lu Ling thought for a while and said.

I haven't figured out how to explain this to my junior sister yet... and explaining it should be very troublesome, let's delay it for a while...

"Yeah." Xuechen nodded obediently. She also felt more comfortable as a cat. Now she blushes when she sees Lu Ling's eyes. If she turns into a cat... at least her ears won't be red.

The blue light flashed, and the girl in Lu Ling's arms became smaller, and finally turned into a phantom cat with light blue hair and a noble feeling, and the lively vertical pupils were full of happiness.


Accompanied by its immature cry, the cat rubbed its small head against Lu Ling's cheek, then lay on her shoulder, narrowed its eyes, and yawned.

"Tired? Sleep for a while if you're tired." Lu Ling said, thinking, Xuechen should be tired after going through all this.

After all, the size changed back and forth, and she was tired from watching it.

"Meow~~" Mao'er nodded, put his cheek on Lu Ling's neck and shoulders, and closed his eyes.

When she smelled Lu Ling's body, she felt extremely at ease, and the master even said that he liked her... There was no scruples at all.

He fell into a deep sleep.


After Xuechen fell asleep, Lu Ling looked at the mess around her and raised her eyebrows.

Her junior sister fell asleep, half a glass of water was poured on the ground, and there were snacks that fell on the ground without paying attention. The most important thing is...

The sheets were all broken and she didn't know how.


Did Luo Qianhan freeze to death just now?Or her RBQ sister?

It's all shattered...

Lu Ling picked up the scum that was supposed to be cloth under her body, and was at a loss as to why it was the same as soaking in liquid nitrogen, and the broken pieces were like foam...

Damn, how to explain this?

Lu Ling pinched her eyebrows, feeling a little worried.

It wasn't that she insisted on keeping Liu Fufeng a secret, she could even take a bath with Liu Fufeng, what else could she not say?It's just that this matter was so bizarre that Lu Ling didn't understand it herself, so how could she tell Liu Fufeng.

It will only add to her troubles, her junior sister already has enough to worry about every day, if I can save myself troubles, I should trouble her less.

When she can't handle the matter alone, she will tell her junior sister—that's what Lu Ling thinks.

After all, she made an agreement with her junior sister to rely on her.

This is a point of knowledge, she must not forget it.

[What to do... Otherwise, put it away first... Trash can, trash can...] Lu Ling's eyes lit up, and she thought of a solution that was not a solution.

Then, something surprising happened.

After a faint red light flashed, Liu Fufeng's body shone with a silver light, and Lu Ling was very sensitive to temperature changes, she could feel the temperature in the room rise a bit.

Then, in Lu Ling's surprised eyes, time seemed to stand still, and then flowed backwards in an instant, and the surroundings appeared in the state of a galaxy. The broken sheets automatically rotated according to the law, and they were assembled into complete pieces. When it got to the table, even the pastry crumbs followed.

A moment later, to Lu Ling's astonishment, the small room was tidy again, and it became what it was before Liu Fufeng fell asleep.

Come again?

After Lu Ling was stunned for a while, she curled her lips helplessly.

It was the second time I saw this kind of scene like going back in time. The first time I saw it was when the South Gate of Luoyan City was burned down. Although the scope is much smaller this time, the method is still the same.


what's the situation?
Could it be her junior sister?

Just now, she could see the light on Liu Fufeng's body clearly, touching the soft sheet, Lu Ling sat down on the bed, eyes full of suspicion.

If she could ask Xuechen, she would. Unfortunately, this girl was fast asleep, and her weak breath hit her neck, making it itchy.

Forget it, I can't think of anything if I think about it.


If you're all asleep, then sleep together. Anyway, you don't go back until night, it's not too late.


"Junior Sister, Junior Sister."

Liu Fufeng opened his eyes in a daze, and saw Lu Ling's face.

Alas... What happened, what, when did she fall asleep?
But so sleepy...

Liu Fufeng wiped his eyes and stood up in a daze.

"Go to bed and sleep." Lu Ling took Liu Fufeng's hand and walked forward.

"Oh." At this time Liu Fufeng's head was still not very clear, and he staggered to follow Lu Ling into the bed, and soon after turning his body on his side, he heard the sound of even breathing.

She is really tired now, but she slept restlessly before, but now after seeing Lu Ling, she feels relieved and sleeps soundly.

"Sleep." Lu Ling went to bed with slippers on, took off Liu Fufeng's hair accessories and her own headband, and stared at the red headband for a moment, it belonged to the sister she didn't know in the morning.

Forget it.

Putting away the hair band, Lu Ling lay down beside Liu Fufeng.

Not long after she lay down, Lu Ling felt an arm wrapping her around her. It was her junior sister. Hugging her like a toy was already a habit.

And Xuechen... was sandwiched between Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling, with one paw holding onto her little skirt.

Lu Ling didn't feel uncomfortable, she was used to it, she hugged Liu Fufeng with her backhand and closed her eyes.

In the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, which is used for leisure, the three of them fell asleep together listening to the soothing sound of the piano.


In Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Hong Ling let go of the hand she was holding, and the flame in the center dissipated like foam.

Sitting blankly for a while.

I haven't seen my sister for a long time...

But that's fine too.

Then there is Liu Fufeng's body—very interesting, that kind of power should be the talent of space, mixed with her Lihuo, the repaired side produced this illusion similar to time reversal.

It is not a rule, it can only be said to be a pretty good little trick.

Then, she unblocked Lu Ling's room, but she didn't forget that there was a pity from the east next door.

After finishing everything, Hong Ling continued to sit in a daze.

She doesn't have any hobbies, and spends most of her time in a daze, as did the millennium years in Shushan, where she didn't think about anything, and the time passed.

Get used to being alone.


next door.

Lian Dongfang was sitting in front of the table bored, with one leg raised, her fair skin under the red skirt looming, and she was having a good time.

It's a pity that there is only one puzzled person in the room at this time, and Li Wangsheng is still lying on the ground motionless, as if dead.


Tired of listening to the tune, Lian Dongfang yawned.

Speaking of it, it's not too early, it's already afternoon, so we can go back to the mountain.

She lifted her spirits and looked at the next room, only to be stunned for a moment.

She didn't pay attention for a while, when did the two fall asleep?
In Dongfang Lianren's impression, Liu Fufeng was explaining to Lu Ling about going home, and she didn't listen to it too much. Now, in the blink of an eye, the two next door are already sharing the same bed, still hugging each other.

She slept soundly, and it seemed that she hadn't just fallen asleep.


Lianren Dongfang put away her smile, her pretty face turned cold.

Now that Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng are asleep, what should she do?You can't forcefully wake up these two girls...

No, Lu Ling's affection for her was not high in the first place. She didn't want to do things that Lu Ling hated. Finally, she met a girl who didn't hate her that much, and she was a student of Zhuzi. She had to get along well.

As for Chu Qishui's relationship... Dongfang Lianren subconsciously skipped it.

She just needs to know that this is Li Zhuzi's student. In the final analysis, A Yao is also responsible for Lu Ling's entry into the Ninth Peak's sect, so she can't say anything.

Ahhh I'm so annoying.

Dongfang Lianren felt anxious for a while, seeing Lu Ling hugging Liu Fufeng tightly, she probably won't be able to wake up for a while, so what should she do?Can't wait here.

It's boring enough, why don't we find that girl in Hanyi for entertainment?

Then he denied his own idea and molested her twice a day, even that stupid girl would be angry.

Forget it, go out for a stroll, you will be suffocated if you stay any longer.

Standing up, Dongfang Lianren walked up to Li Wangsheng and patted his face.

"Wangsheng, I'll go out for a while, you help me look after those two girls."

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"Oh..." Li Wangsheng murmured a few words, turned over while holding the wine gourd.

"You just pretend, I'm leaving, you're drunk to death, you know how to drink when you drink, what's the difference with that brainless Han Xue, he's not likable..." Dongfang Lianren left the room with thoughts.


Walking on the bustling streets of Luoyan City, Dongfang Lianren instantly became the center of the crowd. Feeling the discussion of her, the corners of her mouth twitched.

Some people said she was beautiful, some said she was attractive, and some said that if she was in Chunxiangyuan, she would be hollowed out by wine and sex in a year.

Although it was just a whispered discussion among the companions, it couldn't be hidden from Dongfang Lianren's ears.

These men! !
Dongfang Lianren gritted his teeth.


Immediately adjust your mentality and don't care about these stinky men. They are all ordinary people and have no knowledge.

That's right, they are ignorant, otherwise they would have been scared to death when they saw this demon girl who was afraid of everyone in the world of cultivating immortals, how could they be able to speak.

But Dongfang Lianren would not admit this.

Then there are women's comments, most of which are that she is a vixen, a brothel girl, and her ears sound cocooned.

It doesn't matter, she has heard it even if it sounds ugly.

Fortunately, you are just a group of mortals. If you are practicing... Dongfang Lian showed a dangerous smile.

But mortals just don't have eyesight, they only judge people by their appearance.

Is it her fault for being pretty?
Dongfang Lianren walked on the street, looked left and right, and finally stopped in front of a teahouse.

There is a familiar smell in it.

Interesting, this person is not staying in the city lord's mansion, but coming out to drink tea... is really free enough, almost as free as her.

Why, Luoyan City is so easy to manage now?
Because I have a special feeling for Luoyan City, Dongfang Lianren decided.

Go in and have a look, just to pass the boring time.

(End of this chapter)

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