Chapter 280 Rules
Xifeng has been poisoned for a while.

"I didn't do anything, you bumped into it yourself." Dongfang Lianren spread her hands, indicating that it was none of her business, she didn't want to do anything, it was really Xifeng who came up by herself, seemed very handsome, and took a deep breath with a threatening force ... In fact, like a fool, he inhaled a large amount of poisonous gas.

"However, the current appearance is much cuter." Dongfang Lianren looked at Xifeng and said calmly.

Xifeng has not forgotten her stubbornness until now. Of course, she is actually soft-spoken now.

"A..." Xifeng wanted to tell his subordinates to come and save her, but she was stunned for a moment looking at the smooth fingers.

Where's the ring?
"Looking for this? Sorry, I'm here." Dongfang Lianren smiled, with a ring hanging on her little finger.

There is a spirit mountain engraved on this formation, which can communicate with people in the black armor, and it is also Xifeng's way to summon the black armor, but now... She has to play for a while, although she doesn't care about the little black armor, but One more thing is worse than one less thing.

Speaking of which, this group of little sisters made this black armor together.

"You!" Xifeng clenched his teeth and made a "giggle" sound.

If you fall, you really need to be more vigilant against these immortals.

"How do you feel?" Dongfang Lianren laughed inwardly.

Don't think that Lu Ling can hold on, it's because Lu Ling is already a member of the fairy sect, Xifeng is just an ordinary girl, she will lose consciousness after a long time.

Teach her a little lesson.

Dongfang Lianren thinks so.

At this time, Xifeng also realized what kind of poison she had.

Fortunately, the one in front of me is also a woman, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable.

"I don't want to either." Dongfang Lianren waved his hand.

When Xifeng couldn't hold on any longer, she would naturally take action to detoxify her, now... just to retaliate for her unreasonableness, after all, Dongfang Lianren is a stingy person.

And she also wanted to use this incident to test Xifeng's willpower.

She is very interested in this little girl who is not the original blood of Luoyan City, but can become the city lord. This time, she will go back to the mountain to check some information about Luoyan City in recent years.

Dongfang Lianren suddenly said, "Answer me, does it hurt?"

"Bah." Xifeng was angry in her heart.

"Pain is a normal reaction." Lian Dongfang bent her fingers and narrowed her eyes.

"..." Xifeng gritted her teeth.

Sure enough, there are a bunch of dirty bugs in the fairy gate, and she originally had a slightly changed impression of the fairy gate because of Liu Fufeng.

Now it's completely disgusting.

The husband is just the sustenance of the soul, that's why Shen Canghai is so popular, and Shen Gui's popularity is so high, even in the world of cultivating immortals, he is firmly overpowering those male cultivators, becoming the one who most wants to be her Taoist partner among female cultivators. Among the topics, there is no suspense at the top of the list.

When a girl is handsome, there is nothing for a man.

Here comes the problem, most male cultivators are not beautiful, handsome, domineering, cold...

Moreover, Shen Gui's talent is actually not very good, she is far behind Xu Xu's innate fire spirit body, but she has been able to get to this point. benchmark.

It is inevitable that she will become a national treasure among female cultivators.

But Xifeng is not an ordinary person after all, she didn't hesitate, she was still awake for a moment, drew a dagger gleaming with cold light from her cuff, then inserted it into her thigh fiercely, and twisted it. .

In an instant, blood flowed like a gurgling stream, instantly dyeing the black and red skirt a dark color, and the blood dripped on the ground, blooming into blood flowers.

Xifeng paid attention and avoided the arteries, otherwise this blow would be fatal.

"Huh..." Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

The severe pain temporarily covered the severe pain in her bones, she regained a little bit of energy, and then punched Dongfang Lianren vigorously.

"Don't make trouble." Dongfang Lianren squeezed her fist lightly, a little surprised: "You girl is really cruel to me, but don't resist, obediently accept your fate."

At this time, Dongfang Lianren seems to have fully integrated into the role of the villain.

"What's more, you don't think you can stop my poison by self-mutilation, do you... That's really naive." Dongfang Lianren shook her head slightly.

Just kidding, Luo Hanyi couldn't even hold on, if the pain could solve it, then Luo Hanyi would be worse than Lu Ling.

Obviously, Luo Hanyi is capable, she can't even resist, Xifeng is even more helpless, and now she is just doing her last struggle.

And as Dongfang Lianren said, the severe pain only made her awake for a while, and she fell off in a cold sweat.


"Unless you're dead, it's better to be obedient."

Xifeng was terrified.

As the Venerable Master said, only death can detoxify.

The hand holding the dagger tightened a little bit, and the last strength was aimed at his heart.


The dagger landed, and Xifeng closed her eyes.

give up.

She can't die, and she doesn't know what this woman is going to do. As long as there is a slight possibility, she can't die. If she dies, Luoyan City will be in chaos, and bloody storms are doomed.

The city has just started to improve, and he must not die.

Xifeng turned pale, and then passed out.


Are you going too far?
Dongfang Lianren wondered if he was too bullying.

But generally speaking, I am satisfied.

"...Well, it's not bad." Dongfang Lianren was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

This girl still suits her taste.

He is also very hard on himself.

Then, take her out for a walk.

Dongfang Lianren nodded in satisfaction: "Come back with me."

Xifeng had already passed out from the pain, so there was no time to respond to her.

Then, Xifeng's unconscious body moved by itself, and the wound on her leg disappeared, leaving only blood and daggers on the ground, which showed that the previous illusion was not an illusion.


"My lord is gone."


At this time, Hei Jia in the dark followed, and Dongfang Lianren used a trick to deceive his eyes. In their eyes, Xifeng and Dongfang Lianren had a good conversation and were traveling together.


Of course, Dongfang Lianren couldn't really bully her own girl, but she thought it was quite interesting, so she didn't want to detoxify her for the time being.

Her vengeful psychology is at work, since she has written the word contempt on her face, then Dongfang Lianren made her become like this, what?Bullying?
How about just bullying people?
Dongfang Lian didn't care about such things.


Xiaoxiang Pavilion, carrying Xifeng up the stairs.

All that needs to be done now is to let her rest for a while, Xifeng Dongfang Lianren can't wake up after detoxifying her at this time, it may take a day to wait.

Holding Xifeng in his arms, he walked to his door. Just as Dongfang Lianren was about to enter, he was taken aback and turned around to change the direction.

Li Wangsheng is still in her room, it's not okay for him to see Xifeng's current appearance.

Thinking, Dongfang Lianren pushed open the next room, threw Xifeng in, and closed the door.

Get it done.

Then I was a little dissatisfied, after going out for a trip, Lu Ling was still asleep, so what next?

She didn't want to see Li Wangsheng, that drunk, it didn't mean anything, and she didn't want to wait any longer.

Yes, everyone likes to sleep, right? Then she sleeps too. She didn't sleep last night. Although she wasn't sleepy, she should be sleeping. It's boring to sleep alone...

It's decided to steal someone back and use it as a pillow.

So Dongfang Lianren opened the door and went in again, "teared" Lu Ling off Liu Fufeng's body, put Xifeng on the bed, and walked out holding Lu Ling.

At this time Lu Ling was sleeping soundly, snoring frequently.

Turned around and went into his room.

"Get out."

Kicked Li Wangsheng out of the room, put an invisible restraint on him, and then slammed the door.

Li Wangsheng turned over holding the wine gourd, smacked his lips and remained still.


The house is quiet and harmonious.

After a long time.

Liu Fufeng regained consciousness, sat up from the bed, rubbed his eyes and looked towards the side window.

The afterglow of the setting sun dyed the room a dark golden yellow through the side windows, listening to the soothing sound of the piano, Liu Fufeng yawned.

Already in the evening?
when did she fall asleep?
Rubbing her temples, Liu Fufeng looked dazed, she couldn't remember how she fell asleep at all, and what she remembered was that Lu Ling told her to go to bed before.

Maybe I'm tired of shopping.

Squeezing his neck, Liu Fufeng was a little surprised that his body was not sore at all. In the past, at least one leg was numb when he woke up, because Lu Ling's sleeping posture was really bad.

She actually felt very comfortable today. She hadn't slept so soundly for a long time, if she had to say something was not was a little dizzy, and she was still not sober until now.

Without thinking too much, Liu Fufeng only thought it was because he slept for a long time, although he had the desire to continue to sleep, but now is not the time to sleep, it is already evening, Ah Ling should go home.

She had made an agreement with Dongfang Lianren to let her take Lu Ling home... It's already this time, senior must be getting impatient.

"A Ling, get up." Liu Fufeng looked to the side, then was stunned for a moment.

There is a human figure under the blanket next to her, but it is obviously not her A Ling, because the height is wrong.

Where's Aya?
It's impossible to grow up after sleeping.

Liu Fufeng had a bad feeling in his heart, he immediately lifted the blanket, and the drowsiness dissipated in an instant.

Not Aya! !
It was the girl who was hostile to Lingshan that I met in the teahouse before.

Liu Fufeng panicked a little, and now she is not in the mood to care about why Xifeng is by her side.

"Wake up, wake up!" Liu Fufeng tried to wake up Xifeng beside him, but the latter seemed to be in a coma rather than falling asleep. Liu Fufeng simply tested his pulse and found that Xifeng's body was a little weak. ...

Liu Fufeng was anxious, his hair was no longer tied up, he got out of bed and was going to look for Lu Ling, but when he woke up, her senior sister was gone, that's okay.

Suddenly thought of some bad things, his mind was buzzing, Liu Fufeng was not around, Liu Fufeng began to think wildly, afraid that something might happen to her A Ling.

Getting out of bed impatiently, Liu Fufeng ignored the black and red gauze like broken steps on the ground, pushed open the door and walked out.

Looking left and right, there was no sign of Lu Ling, and the expression on his face was very anxious. At this moment, Liu Fufeng was not at all sleepy.

No, can't run around like a headless chicken

Liu Fufeng was thinking, Xifeng suddenly appeared on her bed, and he had to deal with her... Could it be that she kidnapped her A Ling?
(End of this chapter)

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