Chapter 282
For a moment Liu Fufeng couldn't remember where he saw it.

Lu Ling went to trouble Li Wangsheng before, but because she was too far away, she didn't see it clearly.

"If I'm not awake, I'll leave." Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Wangsheng on the ground and said.


After hiccupping, Li Wangsheng slowly got up from the ground: "Are you going to see Senior Sister Feng?"

"What do you think?" Dongfang Lianren said angrily.

"Then this is not acceptable." Li Wangsheng nodded, then shook his fingertips, the sword energy spread across the square inch, silver light flashed, and the trimming was completed.

Is he also a member of the fairy sect?

Liu Fufeng looked at the man in front of him who was completely different from before, and was surprised in his heart.

The previous Li Wangsheng was a drunk, like a puddle of mud, still sloppy mud, but now... his beard is completely shaved, and the excess corners of his hair are also cut off. Compared with the uncle before, the current Li Wangsheng Wang Sheng is a handsome young man.

His eyes are not cloudy at all, they are all deep. If there is anything wrong with him, it is that his whole body is filled with a decadent atmosphere, his eyes are half-opened, and the white clothes on his chest are not neatly dressed. uninhibited.

"Yo, as soon as I heard that I was going to see Senior Sister Feng, I knew how to take care of my image? Why didn't you avoid me at all?" Dongfang Lian was dissatisfied.

"You are different." Li Wangsheng went drunk, he looked like a young man, and now he was not the uncle Lu Ling was talking about.

"I'm different? Forget it." Dongfang Lianren pouted, and stepped forward to straighten the collar of Li Wangsheng's white robe, making him look less profligate.

What Li Wangsheng said was different, probably because he regarded her as his younger sister.

Just like back then.

"Okay." Clapping his hands, looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Lian Dongfang showed a satisfied expression: "Let's go."

"Yeah." Li Wangsheng looked serious, then opened the space, and threw his wine gourd in... Halfway through the throw, Dongfang Lianren cut it off completely.

"That's all, no more."

"There is still half..."

"I said, no more." Dongfang Lianren glared at Li Wangsheng.

"..." Li Wangsheng shrugged, indicating that he could do whatever he wanted.

He still has plenty anyway.


After pushing Li Wangsheng, the latter body disappeared and disappeared with a sword, leaving Dongfang Lianren standing still holding Lu Ling.

"Liu girl, I'm leaving." Dongfang Lianren turned her head and said.

Liu Fufeng looked behind for a while, feeling a little strange about Li Wangsheng's existence, but after seeing Lu Ling who was sleeping soundly, he was in no mood to think about other things.

She wanted to reach out and touch Lu Ling's face...and finally gave up.

"Let's go."


"Sister, goodbye." Liu Fufeng said.

"Goodbye, have fun." Dongfang Lianren smiled, stroked Liu Fufeng's head and disappeared in place.

At this time, Li Wangsheng Yujian was waiting for her in the sky, and then a rainbow light flashed, heading towards Lingshan, followed by Jianguang.

Back to Lingshan.

Liu Fufeng stopped in place for a while, and sighed.

For the next month, her task is to take care of Zhao Yingge, and Xifeng by the way... Both of them are still sleeping, and she still has things to prepare.

Go downstairs and go to the medical hall.

Buy some medicine for Xifeng.

By the way... Liu Fufeng had an idea.

She wants to rent a house, practice medicine, the kind that doesn't cost money, and try what she has learned in books. After all, what she learns on paper is not as good as practice.

What's more, she won't be idle for a month...

Later, I will ask the shopkeeper of the medical center if he has any knowledge.

Liu Fufeng's idea would definitely not work in other places. She wanted to practice medicine, so she went to ask the people in the clinic...

But this is Luoyan City, Liu Fufeng is a daughter of a thousand gold, except for the city lord, Xifeng, no one dares to trip her up, and even offered to help her, otherwise, Hei Jia might trip you up.

Her idea of ​​practicing medicine is naturally achievable.


Not long after, Dongfang Lianren brought Li Wangsheng back to the Lingshan Mountain. She asked Li Wangsheng to wait in front of the altar, and then flew sideways with Lu Ling.

At the corner of Lingtai, where Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng went down the mountain.

It was late at this time, and the sun was dim, but the Taoist nun who was reading before was still reading at this time, and her eyesight was very good.

"came back?"

Seeing Dongfang Lianren, the young nun closed the book and stood up slowly.

Dongfang Lianren nodded.

"Is there another one?" asked the young Taoist nun.

Pity Dongfang explained.

"That's it, I see." The nun stretched out her hand and made a mark in the air, which represented Liu Fufeng's current position.

After finishing the official business, the Taoist nun looked at Lu Ling in Dongfang Lianren's arms, felt a little helpless, and raised her hand to tap Lu Ling's eyebrows.

In an instant, pink gas overflowed from Lu Ling's body, and then a layer of light mask appeared to protect Lu Ling from the erosion of the hot air for the time being.

After the poison was cured, Lu Ling's breathing gradually calmed down.

"Let's go." The young nun waved her hand, then returned to her seat and continued to read.

Dongfang Lianren twitched the corners of her mouth, and her poisonous words were resolved...but it was normal, and then she left with Lu Ling.

He left Lu Ling with Li Zhuzi, and then went to look for Luanfeng.

The matter of Li Wangsheng also needs to be resolved.


In the evening, Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Liu Fufeng returned here after taking care of Zhao Yingge who was still in a coma.

Xifeng was still asleep, and Liu Fufeng sat by the bed, thinking about what happened before.

The shopkeeper's face turned dark when he heard that she wanted to practice medicine for free...but there was nothing he could do, and the most important thing was that Liu Fufeng was followed by a few black armors, so he had to agree if he didn't agree.

In the end, he could only temporarily lend Liu Fufeng the room opposite him where the medicinal materials were stored.

Originally, Liu Fufeng didn't want to go to the inner city, she wanted to go to the outer city... But after thinking about it later, the medicine in the outer city was not that expensive, and out of revenge for her youngest daughter's family, she felt that it would be the same as going to the hospital opposite the hospital. That's fine, give him a little trouble.

She also made a request, that is, to buy medicine directly from this medical center...the price will be based on the market price.

Hei Jia was standing outside the door, what can the shopkeeper do?I had no choice but to agree.

The place where Liu Fufeng practiced medicine was prepared just like that, and she also wondered why Heijia followed her wherever she went, but it seemed that not only did she not cause trouble, but also provided her with some help, so she didn't care.

It's just to protect her.

Tomorrow will be the first day of practicing medicine... I hope there will be no intractable diseases.

Dazed in a daze, the scent of the medicine came, and Liu Fufeng got up from the bed.

The medicine she prepared for Xifeng is ready.

Went out to fill a bowl, came back to find that Xifeng had woken up, her face was in a daze.

"Are you awake? Come, drink this." Liu Fufeng said.

"..." Xifeng was stunned for a while, and then looked at her body in underwear, her eyes gradually returned to focus, with a murderous look.

Grit your teeth.

What about that damn woman?

Didn't find it, only Liu Fufeng was in the room.

She saved herself?Can you save me?Xifeng didn't know, her clothes were all gone, and the woman before said that she would find two men for her... Judging by the way she was dressed, it must have been terrible.

It was a very magical experience to see Liu Fufeng taking care of her as soon as she woke up.

Her clothes scattered on the ground had already been swept up by Liu Fufeng and thrown away.

Feeling Xifeng's cold eyes, Liu Fufeng dodged his eyes.

I don't know what the senior did to Xifeng to make her hate her so much.

"..." Xifeng froze for a while, then rubbed her temples, she couldn't see anything from Liu Fufeng, she didn't know if she was saved, or what, but no matter what it was, she knew It's not good to ask directly.

Once she was rescued from a group of men by Liu Fufeng... then she would have no face to talk to Liu Fufeng again, and just pretend that nothing happened, nothing happened——

self hypnosis.

Then Xifeng looked at the decoction that Liu Fufeng brought over, and wrinkled her nose.

"what is this?"

"Medicine." Liu Fufeng said concisely.

The two skipped some embarrassing things in a tacit understanding.

"I'm not sick." Xifeng said.

"Weakness all over the body, sore waist and weak legs, too lazy to move, top-heavy, dizzy..." Liu Fufeng wrung his fingers and said.

Every time she said a word, Xifeng's face darkened a little.

As Liu Fufeng said, when she wakes up, she is indeed exhausted. It has been a long time since she felt this way. The last time was more than ten years ago, when she was learning martial arts.

Even apart from what Liu Fufeng said, she was still in a trance, her stomach was not feeling well and she felt nauseous.

"There's also a lack of energy, accompanied by a slight sense of nausea, isn't it?" Liu Fufeng looked up at Xifeng.

"...Yes." Xifeng nodded helplessly.

"That's right, drink it." Liu Fufeng handed over the medicine in his hand.

After hesitating for a while, Xifeng took the soup and drank it down. In this embarrassing situation, it is better for her to listen to Liu Fufeng. Although they are all from the fairy sect, Liu Fufeng gave her a stronger impression than that wicked woman before. much.

"Did you save me?" Xifeng wiped her mouth and asked anyway.

"Help?" Liu Fufeng was a little puzzled, and then she recalled Dongfang Lianren's words - the latter said that she had gone too far...

"Probably so." Liu Fufeng nodded.

"Thank you." Xifeng nodded, and then looked at the large area of ​​her body exposed, and felt a little disgusted in her heart.

"What's wrong with me?" Xifeng knew that what she was drinking was a decoction, but she didn't know what it was for.

"You?" Liu Fufeng hesitated for a moment, and then thought of medical ethics. His father taught that as a doctor, one cannot hide the patient's condition.

So tell the truth.

"Excessive indulgence, I just took a little nourishing medicine, and it will be fine after drinking it for a day." Liu Fufeng whispered.

"Excessive indulgence..." Xifeng's hair was black.

When she woke up, she checked her body, and there was no stain. She thought it should be fine, but she didn't expect to overindulge.

Liu Fufeng probably wouldn't lie to her, but Xifeng couldn't believe it, she had kept her body for 30 years, so it shouldn't be.

The bad feeling towards Xianmen reached a peak in an instant.

They are all the top of a group of people, and they can play with her wantonly, let alone other people.

And Liu Fufeng is also a fairy gate.

Take a deep breath, and then suppress the negative emotions in your body, Liu Fufeng is helping her after all...

Also, she seems to be different.

If there is something, go back and talk about it.

Looking at the black ring on her hand, Xifeng felt a little relieved, and then said: "Sister, do you have any clothes, I should go home."

"Clothes, yes, but they belong to me, they may not fit well." Liu Fufeng took out the clothes that had been prepared a long time ago, and handed them over.

"Thank you, sister." Xifeng put on Liu Fufeng's cloud clothes and tied up her hair, finally she was not so embarrassed.

She got off the bed and swayed for a while, but the foundation of many years of martial arts practice is still there, although her legs are weak enough to not be unstoppable.

"I'll go back first, and come back tomorrow to look for my sister." Xifeng tried her best to put on a smile, but the gloom between her brows was still lingering.

"Please." Liu Fufeng also felt that getting along with the current Xifeng was very awkward, the relationship between the two of them was not good, so he could barely say "know"...

If it wasn't for the mission Dongfang Lianren gave her, Liu Fufeng felt that he would stay as far away from her as possible.

Seeing Xifeng limping away, Liu Fufeng tidied up the room, and then prepared to return the room.



"My lord, you are finally out." Seeing Xifeng, Hei Jia from the dark appeared and said.

They have been waiting here for a long time.

As for Xifeng's change of clothes... Although she wanted to ask, she didn't dare to ask, because her mood was obviously extremely bad.

"This is Liu Qianjin's travel record today..." Hei Jia handed over a report.

Xifeng waved.

"Let's go back and talk about something."

Her mind is in a mess right now, she just wants to go back and tidy up, and get rid of this nightmare-like haze.

The bitter taste of traditional Chinese medicine in her mouth reminded her of Liu Fufeng, and her pace was a little faster.

The few black armors behind looked at each other, and finally reached an agreement, and followed without asking any questions.


At night, Lu Ling finally woke up. She had a very tortuous dream. The specific dream...can't remember.

Weary and dizzy.

Where is the junior sister?
He opened his eyes, then froze.

In the room made entirely of bamboo, there is still a nice smell in the air.

It's Mr.'s room...

gentlemen! ! !

No, when did you come back?

"Xuechen? Xuechen? Are you there?" Lu Ling asked eagerly.


A cat got out of Lu Ling's collar, and finally collapsed to the side, listless.

"Why are we back? Where's my junior sister?" Lu Ling shook the cat's head. The latter's body was limp and listless.

【Master, we are coming back first. Didn't Sister Liu say that she would... stay at the foot of the mountain for about a month? 】

The cat reminded weakly.


Lu Ling remembered.

Then his face changed.

Why is it always like this, the world changes when she wakes up, how many times is this the first time?

Can't I sleep in the future?

What's more, Junior Sister didn't even say goodbye to herself...

Lu Ling sat cross-legged on Li Zhuzi's bed, her cheeks bulging and angry.

Angry at her junior sister for not waking her up.

(End of this chapter)

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