Chapter 284 Praise
Without Liu Fufeng, she wouldn't even be able to return home... If a place where Liu Fufeng isn't around can be considered home.

Lu Ling followed the route in memory and walked towards the back door of the school. This time, she memorized the route so that she would not get lost on the edge of the cliff again.

At this time, the snow in Lingshan has stopped for two days, but the snow has no intention of melting for the time being, and the temperature is still very cold.

After leaving the school, Lu Ling shook off the snow stains on the green bamboo stick in her hand, closed the door of the school with her backhand, and then looked left and right.

It was dark, but Denglingtai was still lively, brightly lit, people came and went, many nuns dressed as Taoists paraded in groups, and the sound of chirping was endless.

Most of them were huddled in front of the hut not far away, pointing and pointing, their eyes full of novelty.

Lu Ling was a little curious, and looked over, and saw an acquaintance, the man in white opened the door of a white jade room under the guidance of a middle-aged Taoist nun.

"It's really rare. Uncle Zixu seems to be in a good mood. Who is this man?"

"Tell me, could it be hers..." A girl smirked.

"Shhh, don't talk nonsense, be careful that uncle cleans you up."

"But man... It's been a long time since I saw you." A nun bit her lower lip tightly.

Lingshan also has carnivorous girls, but the number is relatively small.


Unlike all the curious Lingshan disciples, Lu Ling recognized Li Wangsheng. Although he looked a little cleaner than before, the decadence was still easy to recognize.

"It's him?" Lu Ling's expression changed, and she swallowed a mouthful of water.

Isn't he from Shushan?
Why did you come to Lingshan?

Did he come to find her?

Probably not.

Lu Ling twitched the corners of her mouth, Liu Fufeng was not around at this time, she had to be more careful in everything she did... From the first time they met, she felt that Li Wangsheng was not a good person, and the latter still had to eat Looking at her with human eyes...Anyway, what Lu Ling felt from him was repulsion.

Only a few people should know that I have caused trouble for Lingshan... Lu Ling decided to avoid Li Wangsheng in the future. No matter what, people who stay away from Shushan are right.

The people in Shushan are a bunch of perverts.

Such thoughts took root in Lu Ling's mind.

Then she walked a few steps deeper into the alley and listened attentively.

Didn't hear anything, a little disappointed.

In the past, when I was in class, there would always be the sound of music coming from the depths of the teacher's school. Lu Ling liked it very much and often leaned against the wall to listen to it... I think it should be a place for teaching musical instruments?
That's right, it's already this time, and it's time for the get out of class to end a long time ago, maybe the teacher is asleep.


Lu Ling put away her distracting thoughts and walked straight towards the teleportation array.

She just kept her head buried along the way and walked forward, neither looking at nor listening to anything.

It was like this every day when she came home from class, because Lu Ling always felt that the atmosphere on the road was very strange, as if everyone was looking at her.

She could feel that many people's eyes were focused on her, and for some reason, they didn't come up to talk to her, they just watched—it was weird.

Lu Ling still hasn't gotten used to it until now, she just wants to go home as soon as possible, go back to her hut and hide... She hates this kind of feeling of being on her back.

It was okay before, but now that Liu Fufeng is not around, the loneliness in her heart is magnified, Lu Ling feels very uneasy, and her pace is a little faster.

As for why they looked at her, these nuns didn't have any malice.

Most of it was out of curiosity about Lu Ling, and part of it was because of Qin Qin. On the day Lu Ling went down the mountain, Qin Qin played Lu Ling's piece again, and this time he added his own understanding, and it was even more familiar. Once she became proficient, Lu Ling became popular again.

Now she can be regarded as a famous girl in the Nine Peaks of Lingshan Mountain, and from the nun who led her in at the beginning, she learned that Lu Ling's talent was average, and she was in poor health when she first went up the mountain.

Lu Ling's miserable life experience coupled with a talent that does not match her age has brought Lu Ling into the sight of many Lingshan women.

These are all secondary, but the most important thing is that she was praised by Shen Gui.

Shen Gui, who never even smiled and only had eyes for swords, mentioned Lu Ling when he was instructing his juniors how to practice swords in public, saying that she had a good talent.

Although it was just an unintentional remark, with Shen Gui's popularity, the news quickly spread in Lingshan. Many people wanted to know who this Lu Ling was, and they found out after a little investigation.

After reading it, I realized that she is a lovely girl, at the condensed stage, very talented in music, if she understands music theory...

With the example of Qin Qin, Lu Ling has the hope of becoming a "big tit", but she has also been praised by Shen Gui, which shows that there is still a lot of room for development in the way of swordsmanship.

The most interesting thing is that this Lu Ling is a disciple of the Ninth Peak...

Ninth peak, tsk.

Not many people know the truth, but there are some. As an apprentice under the current Juexian Daoist, I really don't know which way Lu Ling will go...

Many girls are curious about whether Lu Ling is going for the martial soul or the literary soul, and a small group of girls even gambled in private—too idle.

Of course, it was more about feeling sorry for Lu Ling and liking her.

On the side of the road, a few Taoist nuns were sitting in the snow eating snacks, looking at Lu Ling and saying.

"She was always so shy."

"Ears are all red."

"Tch, it's not that you guys scared her." The nun was dissatisfied.

"Tell me, does this introverted girl really have a talent for swordsmanship?" A girl with a sword on her back frowned. Lu Ling had problems with her legs and feet, and she walked with the clear bamboo in her hand. This can be seen with a little attention.

Yinjuemai, in the early stage of cultivation, there are only disadvantages, no advantages, so Senior Sister Shen can tell that she has a good talent in swordsmanship?

But it is absolutely impossible for Senior Sister Shen to be aimless.

"Jealous?" The nun teased.

It is well known that the girl in front of her likes and adores Shen Gui, but Shen Gui's cold temper has made the girl lose her mind for many years.

"I can't talk about jealousy." The girl shook her head: "I just can't see how this girl has a talent for swordsmanship."

Silver light flashed.

The girl draws her sword, and the blade is drawn out of its sheath. Within ten feet, the sword is full of energy, and a word "return" is written on the ground.

This is her sword intent.

"Sword, hide the front, but there must be a front." The girl looked at Lu Ling's back in a hurry, she only saw a soft and weak temperament, similar to most Lingshan women, kind and gentle, shy and passive, not sharp at all. No.

Not to mention compared with Senior Sister Shen, it is far worse than her.

For Lu Ling like this, it might be good to learn Wenhun, but if she wants to learn sword...she doesn't know where it is suitable at all.

That's why I don't understand.

Of course, there is still a little bit of jealousy, after all, even she has never been praised by Shen Gui.

"You know what sword intent is. It's boring to fight." The nun waved her hand and said: "Girls, don't be so violent, be gentle, always keep a straight face, be careful not to get married."

"Cut." The girl withdrew the sword and put it on her back again.

The senior sister always said this kind of thing, and she didn't see her find a Taoist companion. When someone really pursued her, she was like a frightened rabbit, only knowing to run away.

Now it's a big talk.

Then there is... Lu Ling, um... She now has a teacher status in the junior school. I don't know if she can use it. According to the rules of Lingshan, Lu Ling must get in touch with Wu Po. Then she can find a way to get close. .

that's it.


Lu Ling stepped into the teleportation formation at this time, pressed Li Zhuzi's white jade token on the formation, and watched the teleportation formation start, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

There is always an illusion that someone will rush over to grab her at any time while walking on the road, and some people's eyesight is not restrained at all, it is not malicious, but it is always uncomfortable.

Lu Ling would never have imagined that someone would be jealous of her now, and it was because of a woman. If she knew it, she would definitely scream for injustice.

Of course, not everyone can say such things in Lingshan, only Xu Xu is qualified to say it, others will offend others if they say it, Shen Gui's popularity is very high.

But this has nothing to do with Lu Ling for the time being, she wished she could stay as far away from that short-haired devil as possible.

After a brief moment of weightlessness, Lu Ling stepped down from the teleportation array, hung the token on her waist, and then looked at the barren environment around her.


The same is Lingshan, why is there such a big difference?

One is a luxurious fairyland, and the other is the wilderness, maybe not even the wilderness... It feels like I have experienced two worlds in this second.


Lu Ling walked to her thatched hut, there was snow in front of the door, and there was a line of shallow footprints, Lu Ling didn't look carefully, she just opened the door and entered the house.

The oncoming smell is the familiar smell, the smell of her junior sister, the smell of saponins, the smell of soil and thatch...

All kinds of mixtures, combined together is the taste of home.

After returning home, Lu Ling immediately relaxed. Looking at Liu Fufeng's clothes hanging in front of the door, she felt an inexplicable sense of peace of mind. Although the room is small, it has its advantages and a sense of security.

Then Lu Ling frowned.

In addition to the smell of home, she also smelled a faint smell of alcohol... It wasn't very obvious, but it was there.

Turning around the room, she saw the drunk Taoist nun sleeping on her bed. The latter's black and white Taoist robe was covered with dust, and her long hair reached her waist. It seemed that she hadn't washed it for a long time.

It is her master.

Unlikable master.

What is she here for?
Lu Ling wrinkled her nose, and then relaxed her brows. The smell of alcohol in the room was not heavy, which meant that she didn't drink at her own was acceptable.

Otherwise she will be angry.

The junior sister is not here, she has to clean the house herself if it gets dirty... It's very troublesome, you know.

At this time, the Taoist nun also found Lu Ling, she turned over and sat up from the bed, staring at Lu Ling for a while with blurred eyes.

"Are you awake? Wake up, can you go, I'm going to rest." Lu Ling didn't look good at all.

Sleeping in her bed without her consent, nasty.

"..." Hearing Lu Ling's words, Taoist nun woke up a little bit, opened the corners of her eyes a little, got off the bed and stood up straight.

As soon as she stood up, the difference in height between the two was felt. Lu Ling panicked when she looked at the tall person in front of her.

"What, what are you doing, I'm going to sleep." Lu Ling didn't look at her master.

The Taoist nun ignored Lu Ling's weakness, she hooked her finger, and the universe bag flew out of Lu Ling's waist automatically.

"This is me, mine." Seeing this, Lu Ling became anxious and reached out her hand to grab it, but due to her height, she couldn't grab it at all.

"Wait." The Taoist nun spoke, her voice a little hoarse.

She opened a small space, took half of the wine in the bag, and threw the bag to Lu Ling.

Lu Ling raised her hand to take it, checked that it was not damaged, and looked at the nun in front of her vigilantly.

There are her snacks here, and her snacks for the next month, I hope not too much has been taken away - Lu Ling only knows that the woman in front of her has taken something, but she doesn't know what she took.

Taking out the wine gourd, she raised her head and took a big gulp, causing the Taoist nun's eyes to mist again.

Strong wine passing through the throat is like rain after a long drought.

Drinking too much, but not satisfied.

Lu Ling didn't understand, isn't drinking for fun?I've seen people who go crazy with alcohol, but I haven't seen this kind of drinking method as if they have completed a task.

After getting her own wine, the nun was ready to go back.

She has been waiting here for a day, because Liu Fufeng is overdue for a day, but it is not too late, and the wine is also good, there are spirits and fruit wine.

Her senior sister's favorite is fruit wine.


Got to go?Good to go.

Lu Ling complained, but now that she is alone at home, it is better not to offend others too much, otherwise she will not be able to resist what this woman does.

"That's right." The Taoist nun was about to leave when she turned around suddenly, which startled Lu Ling.

The Taoist nun was a little sober for a while, she smelled of alcohol, but she was not drunk.

"Learn what you want to learn."


"Huh?" Lu Ling couldn't understand.

study?What to learn?
Lu Ling put her eyes on the table and the dictionary Li Zhuzi had prepared for her.

This is the only thing she is learning now, but learning characters is a very time-consuming thing, and she doesn't know how long she will have to learn.

"Just tell your teacher that. You can do whatever you want to teach. Don't worry about me." The nun glanced at Lu Ling's waist. It was a token representing Li Zhuzi's identity. My teacher, the lowest grade is Baiyu.

But the decoration on the top is very unusual.

Li Zhuzi, Venerable.

Having her as a master is much better than myself.

The ice bloodline cannot be destroyed in her hands.

After waving her hand, the nun staggered away on the snow, leaving Lu Ling standing there with a dazed look on her face.

What's the mess?

Lu Ling was dissatisfied.

Does her husband depend on other people's opinions when teaching things?

Scruples?Who wants to care about you?This drunk really regarded himself as her master?

If you want her to recognize the identity of the master, you must first show the appearance of the master. It is better not to have such a master. Li Zhuzi is enough for her.

Inexplicable people.

Lu Ling pouted.

Then she walked to the door, and after making sure that the annoying woman had left, Lu Ling took out the universe bag.

Recalling the method Liu Fufeng taught her.

She wants to see if she is short of snacks, this is her lifeline, if it is really too short, don't blame yourself for looking for her desperately.

When it comes to food, Lu Ling never knows what it means to be cowardly.

 I was writing and I couldn't hold on to sleep for 10 minutes and got up to continue writing. Have you ever seen it? Desperate, so tired...

(End of this chapter)

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