Chapter 291 Struggling
What Li Zhuzi brought up were all things that Lu Ling had learned, so she was naturally very familiar with them, and she also had a copy of these books at home.

The things inside can be regarded as familiar.

What are you doing with these things, sir?
Lu Ling was a little panicked, thinking that Li Zhuzi hadn't taught her anything since the last ten times of copying... her face gradually became ugly.

Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng obediently stayed aside, full of curiosity.

Li Zhuzi asked the two sisters to come earlier, but he never said that his master would come too...



"Zhuzi, are you causing me trouble?" Tang Keyu walked to Li Zhuzi's side, took a sip from her steaming teacup, and showed a little enjoyment.

"Keyu, it's time for you to be active. You can't just do nothing if you are famous in the academy. Are you right?" Li Zhuzi said, sorting out the information in his hand.

"Well, I haven't had enough vacation yet." Tang Keyu stretched his waist, expressing that he was lazy.

Hearing this, Li Zhuzi shook his head helplessly, then put the things on the table into Tang Keyu's hands, and said at the same time.

"From now on, your vacation is over!"

"Cut, it's too much." Tang Keyu was dissatisfied, but still received the information and received it into the space ring.

"I'll leave my girl to you." Li Zhuzi said, making himself a cup of tea again.

"Your girl?" Tang Keyu was taken aback when he heard the words, then turned his head to look at Lu Ling, a little unbelievable, and then whispered.

"Zhuzi, she's not the Ninth Peak..."

Li Zhuzi nodded.

It's true that Lu Ling is a disciple of the Ninth Peak, but she doesn't have any problem saying that she is her own maid, just like she said now that Shen Gui and Xu Xu are her own maids, whether it is Shen Gui Xuxu or Shen Canghai Luanfeng There will be no objection.

"Zhuzi, don't say such things, after all, it has something to do with the Ninth Peak." Tang Keyu reminded.

"I understand." Li Zhuzi smiled.

Tang Keyu didn't know Li Zhuzi's identity. In her mind, Li Zhuzi was just an ordinary school teacher, similar to her.

Her cultivation level is not high, and she has no ambitions. Tang Keyu is in charge of teaching elementary soul cultivation, while Li teaching children basic culture, commonly known as establishing three views...or something like that.

The two met later...but they are indeed very good friends, because they have similar personalities, and they are the kind of people who like to relax.

One person likes to drink tea and read books, and the other person likes music and quietness.

It belongs to the kind of good friends who can sit together for an afternoon without saying a word and accompany each other.

"Others are fine, Ninth Peak... is still very troublesome." Tang Keyu said in a low voice: "Actually, when I knew it was her, I was somewhat resistant."

"There are still more?" Li Zhuzi had an expression that he had expected a long time ago.

"A little bit." Tang Keyu blushed and said.

She is a little timid...compared to Li Zhuzi.

After all, in Tang Keyu's eyes, the Lingshan people are a group of bigwigs... It's not that the Lingshan people have distinct classes, it's just that the current Lingshan people... are all very strange.

Not to mention Luo Hanyi, the leader of their seventh peak, who looks like a majestic Yujie, but is actually mildly retarded.

Then there was Shen Canghai from the second peak... Tang Keyu shuddered.

She also had a little shadow over Shen Canghai.

Shen Canghai said in public that he was her favorite.

During that time she dared not go out.

Shen Canghai's abnormality is known to the entire Lingshan Mountain, and then there is Dongfang Lianren from the third peak... There is nothing to say about this.

The farther away the better.

There is also Master Zixu, the deputy peak master of the Sixth Peak... who is also difficult to get along with.

There are not many other normal people, anyway, it's right not to be provoked, and of course they wouldn't take the initiative to approach them in normal times, but Lu Ling...

Tang Keyu could see clearly that Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng entered the Ninth Peak, they were really a troublesome group, if they were her teachers, they might get into trouble with other peak masters at any time...

She didn't want to be associated with these "perverts" and it would mess up her life.

But she couldn't ignore her friend's request, so she agreed to Li Zhuzi to "go to work" again. At this time, Li Zhuzi said that Lu Ling was her family's little girl, which shocked Tang Keyu.

"Don't worry." Li Zhuzi smiled when he saw his friend's weak appearance.

"it does not matter."

"Forget it." Tang Keyu shook his head: "It's all up to you."

Li Zhuzi is trustworthy, so let her listen to her.

"What are you going to do, Ke Yu?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"Me? Same as before, at the Seventh Peak, end my vacation, and be squeezed again." Tang Keyu was a little unmotivated: "I will teach Asheng and Azheng myself, plus Lu Ling, and... well, it's nothing Need attention."

"Yes." Li Zhuzi nodded.

She knew Tang Keyu, although she seemed a little lazy, she was actually a good teacher, and she was very relieved to hand Lu Ling over to Tang Keyu.

"However, I still have to ask a question." Tang Keyu said.


"Lu Ling's words... I remember, here, you understand." Tang Keyu pointed to his head.

She also knew a little bit about Lu Ling's Lingzhi not opening the quilt and throwing it to the Ninth Peak.

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded.

"Then are you sure you don't want to teach yourself again? I think this girl is very studious, she should be a good seedling, you shouldn't worry about cultivation." Tang Keyu suggested.

After all, Li Zhuzi is a junior teacher. She can understand it after teaching for two or three years. This girl has only been sensible for a few months. I don't like it very much, why now...

She doesn't understand.

"Well, this question..." Li Zhuzi thought for a while, then asked: "Ke Yu, what do you think of Ah Ling?"

"Very good, excellent, and very sensible." Tang Keyu truthfully stated his impression of Lu Ling, and then raised his tone: "And he is a genius in terms of rhythm."

"Melody? I don't mention that." Li Zhuzi shook her head, she didn't know much about melody: "Aling's words, although her mind was not developed when she entered the mountain, the strange thing is that she is actually quite normal..."

There is a lot of fog in Lu Ling's performance, but one thing Li Zhuzi can be sure of is that Lu Ling is definitely not the kind of child who has just opened up her mind. She has initially formed her own outlook on life, values, and world outlook.

She also has her own opinions on the choice, sometimes naive and sometimes sensible, not only is it not the childish mentality she should show, Li Zhuzi even thinks that Lu Ling's mental age should be higher than her actual age.

Lu Ling is now 13 years old... Generally speaking, Li Zhuzi is very satisfied with this performance, at least she no longer needs to teach some simple truths.

All Li Zhuzi needs to do is to silently watch Lu Ling grow up, and then give her a ruler when she does something wrong or goes astray.

That's enough.

And the scope of this deviation is actually very large, at least for now Lu Ling can walk however she wants, not to mention walking, she can run in circles if she wants, as long as it doesn't touch the bottom line of being a human being, Li Zhuzi can accept it.

Therefore, for the time being, she has nothing to teach Lu Ling.

And... She always has to think about Lingshan, the ice blood, she also wants to see the magic in it, she hopes that Lu Ling can become her pride.

Think so.

It's a pampering thought.

"I don't really understand." Tang Keyu looked at Li Zhuzi's expression a little strangely: "But Zhuzi, your decision is definitely not wrong, as long as you can accept that the little girl is now on the road of cultivation, I naturally have no objections. "

"Then trouble Ke Yu." Li Zhuzi made a cup of tea and handed it to her.

"Zhuzi, you..." Tang Keyu tilted his head and looked at Li Zhuzi, his delicate earrings shaking.

Li Zhuzi is very serious, she can feel it.

Ever since I knew Li Zhuzi, I have seen her care so much about a person's life in so many years... Even if it is an excellent person who is too resigned, it is a normal attitude.

Li Zhuzi didn't even want to mention that he was the teacher of Shen Gui and Xu Xu, which was obviously a great honor.

But now he cares so much about a little girl...

"You really like her." Tang Keyu glanced at Lu Ling who looked like a good girl, and there was something in his words.

"I really like it." Li Zhuzi didn't deny it.

"Well, don't worry, I will take special care of this girl." Tang Keyu hummed a little tune: "And I like this girl more than you, her song is really nice."

Tang Keyu shook his head, feeling excited.


Here, Lu Ling stretched out her ears to listen to the conversation between the two, and the more she listened, the more panicked she became.

What did the husband say before, please ask her, and then all kinds of conversations after that... It seems that he wants to send her out?
Now Lu Ling couldn't sit still.

She didn't know that Lingshan disciples had to go through a period, but she only knew that she didn't want to leave Li Zhuzi, who was someone she liked and respected very much.

So Lu Ling resolutely walked over.

"Sir, sister Tang..." Lu Ling said.

"Huh?" Li Zhuzi looked calm.

Tang Keyu looked at Lu Ling with interest, after all, the latter has been her student from today, and she hopes to know more about Lu Ling.

"Sir, my master..." Lu Ling paused.

She didn't want to call that scruffy woman Master, but there was nothing she could do now.


Tang Keyu was stunned for a moment.

Lu Ling belongs to the Ninth Peak, so her master is——

His face paled a little.

When it comes to trouble, it really doesn't matter whether it's Luo Hanyi or Dongfang Lianren, it's the Juexian real person who has been silent for a long time that is the most troublesome.

Anyway, Lu Ling also has a master. This kind of elementary cultivation is usually taught directly by the master himself, and it is rare for others to help. Lu Ling is just an example.

If Master Juexian didn't pass, she was asking for trouble for teaching Lu Ling.

Some headaches.

"Master?" Li Zhuzi was also taken aback.

This was the first time she heard the word "Master" from Lu Ling. She had taught Lu Ling this word a long time ago, but Lu Ling never said anything about Chu Qishui. Li Zhuzi also asked, but Lu Ling didn't Every time Bian heard about his master, he always looked impatient.

Her dissatisfaction with her master was written all over her face, but Li Zhuzi didn't say anything.

Chu Qishui did not fulfill the responsibility that a master should fulfill, so she has nothing to say about Lu Ling.

Respect is mutual, she didn't want Lu Ling to become a rigid person, so she let Lu Ling's dissatisfaction grow up, and she didn't have to let her "respect the teacher".

I actually heard her take the initiative to mention Chu Qishui today... Li Zhuzi was a little curious.

"What happened to your master?"

"Yesterday, the master asked me to tell my husband that I can learn whatever I want to learn." Lu Ling organized the words: "She said that the husband can teach whatever he wants, and there is no need to worry about her."

Some words are relatively uncommon, so it is very difficult for Lu Ling to speak, but both Li Zhuzi and Tang Keyu understood.

Tang Keyu breathed a sigh of relief.

If Master Juexian said such a thing, then she can rest assured, she is afraid that Chu Qishui will be dissatisfied, and troubles will continue.

"I see." Li Zhuzi nodded.

It seems that Chu Qishui is more reasonable than she imagined, even though Lu Ling was forced by Zixu, she is still thinking about Lu Ling.

Li Zhuzi's affection for her increased a little.

Then he looked at Tang Keyu with a smile: "Keyu, are you relieved?"

"En." Tang Keyu nodded.

Seeing this, Lu Ling became anxious.

This is not what she wants.

"Sir, Master said, you can teach anything you want, sir." Lu Ling repeated.

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded, she already knew this.

"I mean, sir, you can teach anything you want." Lu Ling spoke incoherently, and she didn't know why it seemed to have the opposite effect, but her original intention was that it was her master's intention to let Li Zhuzi teach.

rather than anyone else.

"Me?" Li Zhuzi raised the corner of his mouth.

"You heard everything?"

so ask.

"...En." Lu Ling was silent for a moment, then nodded.

The husband is looking for a new teacher for her, which I already know.

"You are smart." Li Zhuzi nodded Lu Ling's head, then pointed to Tang Keyu: "This is Tang Keyu who will teach you the soul of literature in the future. Teacher Tang, please don't call her sister."

"Sir..." Lu Ling couldn't listen at all.

She only wants Li Zhuzi to be her teacher, and no one else can.

"Call the teacher."

"I don't." Lu Ling didn't care about her image anymore, she clenched her teeth and said stubbornly.

Seeing this, Li Zhuzi stopped laughing and put on a serious face.

"I said, call the teacher."

His tone was as cold as the wind.

At this moment, Lu Ling was speechless. After a pause, she clenched her fists tightly, and at the same time lowered her head to Tang Keyu and said in a mosquito-like voice, "Teacher."

It is full of reluctance.

Both Li Zhuzi and Tang Keyu noticed this, and they looked at each other, one helpless and the other funny.

"Zhuzi, I don't want to be a bad person." Tang Keyu smiled.

"...This girl." Li Zhuzi put down his teacup, walked up to Lu Ling, and said, "Look up at me."

"Yes." Lu Ling raised her head and bit her lower lip tightly.

As soon as he raised his head, the tears accumulated in his eyes flowed down his cheeks.

She was wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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