Chapter 306
Lu Ling didn't know what she should do now, but Qin Qin knew it very well.

She didn't pay attention when we first met, but later, she read the special spiritual power transmitted from Lu Ling's body. It was not encrypted, so she should have notified Lu Ling specially.

Thinking about it, this girl should have sensed it, but she didn't take it to heart.

It might be a hallucination.

This is one of Lingshan's means of communication, probably because someone "called" just now, but Lu Ling didn't answer, Qin Qin picked it up for her and turned on the speakerphone, but Lu Ling still didn't hear it.

Because Tang Keyu didn't know Lu Ling very well, otherwise he wouldn't have used such a "high-end" method to call her out. Lu Ling couldn't read all the words now, and she wouldn't use her spiritual power if she had nothing. At most, she would use her own spiritual power to feed her. cat.

But Tang Keyu can't help it, this girl is in the Ninth Peak, that place is not easy to go to, if Li Zhuzi wants Yueyingcao, he will drag Lu Ling to get it, Tang Keyu has no choice but to find a way to call Lu Ling Aya came out.

At that time, Lu Ling only felt her head sinking, and then it seemed that someone was speaking in her ear...something...she couldn't hear clearly.

She didn't know what happened, so she was led away by Qin Qin.

On the way to the second peak, these female cultivators are no longer surprised. Lu Ling, a newcomer to the ninth peak, seems to have a good relationship with Senior Sister Qin and Senior Sister Shen, and she is often seen on the second peak.

Lu Ling just walked on the road with her head depressed, not saying a word.

She herself knew that she was too introverted, but there was nothing she could do about it. In fact, it was very easy to gain her trust. For example, Qin Qin and Shen Gui were all dismissed by Lu Ling after only a few meetings. Labeled "good guy".

Shen Gui is a good person, but this does not prevent her from being a terrible person in Lu Ling's heart.

However, Lu Ling couldn't accept the well-intentioned female cultivators around her... She had no choice but to shy away and follow behind Qin Qin, using her as a shield.

"Aling... what is Junior Sister Liu doing down the mountain?"

"Aling..., did Master Li tell you what to learn next?"

"A Ling, won't you be afraid to live alone?"

As a qualified chatterbox, Qin Qin polluted Lu Ling's ears all the way.

Then they got off the teleportation array, and the two came to the Lingtai. In the afternoon, the snow-covered Lingtai reflected the dazzling light. Many female cultivators went back and forth, like a bustling shopping mall.

"Hey, little junior sister is here!"

"Really, it's so early today..."

"The one beside me is Senior Sister Qin, where are they going?"

As a disciple of the Ninth Peak, Lu Ling has always been the center of gossip.

Because of the noise in her ears, Lu Ling became obviously nervous. Qin Qin felt that the little girl was holding her hand a little harder, sighed, and then led Lu Ling to quicken her pace.

With Lu Ling's appearance, she has no selfishness, and she doesn't trust her to live alone. Today, Lu Ling's sudden emotional breakdown is a warning.

The previous information was given to Nanyuan, which is not far from where Li Zhuzi is.

"Here we are." Qin Qin stopped. Lu Ling was thinking about something, but for a moment she didn't notice that Qin Qin stopped and bumped into her.

This knocked her awake.

Suddenly, Qin Qin saw a familiar person and looked back at Lu Ling, a little surprised.

At this time, Tang Keyu also saw Qin Qin.


Then Tang Keyu saw Lu Ling hiding behind Qin Qin, and was taken aback for a moment.

She had been waiting here for Lu Ling for a while, but she didn't expect Lu Ling to come here with Qin Qin.

"A Ling, wait for me." Qin Qin let go of Lu Ling's hand and walked towards Tang Keyu.

"Alas..." Lu Ling's hands were empty, and she held her claws in the void, and then stood there, feeling helpless when she felt the sight from all around.

Here, after Qin Qin and Tang Keyu met, they had a big bear hug.

"Sister Ke Yu, are you finally willing to come out of the room?"

Qin Qin hugged Tang Keyu and did not let go, feeling a little dissatisfied: "Since you have two more apprentices, you have completely become a squatting at home, and you have been on vacation for a long time..."

"Ruoyan, it's hard for me to have a vacation... It's not too much to wait for a while..." Tang Keyu separated from Qin Qin, looked into her eyes, showing a little laziness on his face.

"Not too much, not too much."

The two looked at each other, and then smiled at the same time.

The chaotic seniority in Lingshan is unclear. Tang Keyu and Li Zhuzi are friends of the same generation, Li Zhuzi is Shen Gui's teacher, Qin Qin is Shen Gui's younger sister, but Tang Keyu and Tang Keyu are very good boudoir friends, mostly sisters commensurate.

These two are both Qin Party members, and when Qin Qin entered the mountain, Shen Canghai was not on the Lingshan Mountain, so her spiritual cultivation was taught by Tang Keyu.

The relationship between the two has also changed from a teacher-student to a best friend who talks about everything now.

On Lingshan, time is the least valuable thing, time will pass by, but these fairies are still young at heart.

Ruoyan is Tang Keyu's unique pet name for Qin Qin. The name he decided on from the first time they met, is taken from, Ruoyan has the sound of the piano on the Qin, so why not put it in the box.

After watching for a while, Qin Qin suddenly discovered something.

"Sister Ke Yu, where are your earrings?"

This earring is Tang Keyu's "body".

"Give it away." Tang Keyu smiled.

"Give it to someone?" Qin Qin hesitated for a moment, then covered her lips in surprise: "Who did it go to? Those two little girls in your family? Isn't it right, Sister Ke Yu, anyway, I also called you Master Tang. You have been reluctant to give it to me so many times, and now you just say it lightly, give it away? Sure enough, you will forget about me when you have a child..."

"No." Tang Keyu looked like a lady, and waved his hand gently: "I want to give it to Asheng and Azheng, but Azheng is not interested in the rhythm, let alone the piano, and the same is true for Linglong. Asheng's words... Shangqin and Keyuqin are not suitable for her."

"Who is that?" Qin Qin looked jealous: "Inviting merchant Ke Yu, mixed with exiles, sister Ke Yu, I have been coveting this pair of guqins for a long time..."

Qin Qin used derogatory words like "covet" to describe herself, and it also had a hint of coquettishness.

"You have Fengmingqin, don't be too greedy." Tang Keyu couldn't laugh or cry, although her Yinshangqin and Keyuqin were also top-notch, they were far inferior to the legendary Fengmingqin.

These violins are all alive, and Qin Qin has Fengming as the master violin, she is not willing to let her merchants be left to eat ashes in Qin Qin's qin house.

"I don't care." Qin Qin became a little coquettish: "Tell me, who did you give it to? I don't believe there is anyone more suitable than me to be the master of this pair of guqins."

Qin Qin's tone was full of pride.

Since Tang Keyu took in two young apprentices, she has become more and more like a mother... She can understand the apprentices she gave to her... Others' words... No, Tang Keyu is a very important person to her. Is there anyone who is more important than her? Favored"?
Qin Qin is such a contradictory and domineering person. When Shen Gui said that Liu Fufeng's cooking was delicious, she was upset for a while.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Tang Keyu nodded Qin Qin's side face, and then whispered: "Give it to the little girl behind you, do you have anything to say?"


Lu Ling?

Qin Qin froze, then twitched the corners of her mouth.

"No, no opinion."

She really has no problem with this.

The "good" relationship between her and Lu Ling must have spread, and Tang Keyu, who is also a Qin party and his "best friend", must understand her thoughts.

In fact, she originally wanted to bring this pair of merchants, Ke Yu, to Lu Ling, but she didn't expect Tang Keyu to do so directly.

"I don't know you yet." Tang Keyu stood up and straightened his black and white Taoist robe.

The reason why she gave her treasure to Lu Ling so generously at that time was not only because she liked the relationship between Lu Ling and Li Zhuzi, but also because of Qin Qin's factors.

Otherwise, Lu Ling is really not qualified to accept this pair of businessmen Ke Yu, it's not that she looks down on Lu Ling, it's a fact.

Not only Lu Ling, but her two favorite apprentices, Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng, were also unworthy.

"Sister Ke Yu..." Qin Qin blushed a little, and then stopped talking.

"I watched you grow up, how can you hide your little thoughts from me?" Tang Keyu raised the corner of his mouth, then raised his finger and pointed to his side face.

Seeing this, Qin Qin's face turned red.

This is the gesture Tang Keyu used to "bully" himself, meaning he wants to kiss her...

She was ignorant when she was a child, and when Tang Keyu did this gesture, she would go up and offer a kiss... because Teacher Tang would be very happy if she did this.

So much so that later, Tang Keyu felt that happiness came too easily, and began to make things difficult for her, asking her to kiss on her toes...

Looking back now, it was full of shame, and she wished she could find a crack to get in.

The point is, now her relationship with Tang Keyu has also changed from a teacher-student to a boudoir close friend...

These things are simply black history.

She can handle everything from Shen Gui and Shen Canghai, and occasionally she can take advantage of it... Qin Qin's character is generally a bit dark...but she also has people who are not good at dealing with...

The quiet, lady-like Tang Keyu in front of her was someone she couldn't deal with.

Including Tang Keyu's habit of letting Tang Sheng kiss her, it was also tamed from Qin Qin before... It was also from Qin Qin that Tang Keyu developed this "bad habit".

"Well, Sister Ke Yu, there are so many people now..." Qin Qin blushed, her eyes drifted, then her eyes lit up, and she changed the subject: "By the way, Sister Ke Yu, how did you know Ah Ling? And Why did you ask Ah Ling to come out?"

"You, forget it." Tang Keyu shook the two silver floral earrings by his ears, a little helpless, but he still opened his mouth to explain.


"Being a tutor for Ah Ling's literary soul?" Qin Qin never expected that he would get such a piece of information.

And this kind of thing...

She thought that Lu Ling, as a disciple of the Ninth Peak, and with Li Zhuzi around, there was no need to attend this kind of "open class".


Qin Qin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she turned her head and glanced at Lu Ling, her eyebrows raised.

This girl is really destined to be with her... Little Junior Sister, this word is not wrong.

She is Li Zhuzi's student, Shen Gui's junior junior sister, and now she is Tang Keyu's student, which means she is really her junior junior sister.

pretty good.

"Sister Ke Yu, this is a good thing." Qin Qin raised the corners of her mouth. Originally, she was not very confident about competing with Shen Gui for Lu Ling, but now that she is close to the water, it will be easier.

"Sister Ke Yu, I'll go to your place to listen, is it okay..." Qin Qin showed a somewhat "insidious" smile.

Even Tang Keyu belonged to her, so why would Shen Gui fight her.

"I would like to find time to teach the little girl some music theory, but I don't know if she likes it or not." Tang Keyu never thought of forcing Lu Ling.

"Don't worry, Ah Ling is so talented, she will definitely like it..."


The two of them were whispering here, but Lu Ling felt shuddering, especially when Qin Qin was talking, she always looked at her with that ambiguous gaze...

The bones are cool.

Lu Ling looked down at herself.

In the snow, she was only wearing a short red skirt, with her long legs exposed...

Is it frozen?
However, Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief now. She recognized Tang Keyu as the new teacher her husband had found for her. She was a little uneasy at first... But now it seems that this young lady who is very good at playing the piano has a very good relationship with her.

Then she can rest assured.

Since he is a member of Qin Qin's circle, he should be considered an acquaintance.

Then, she was thrown here by Qin Qin, it was very uncomfortable...

Don't look, don't look...

If possible, Lu Ling really wanted to turn around and yell at the crowd of young ladies around her.

It's a pity that she doesn't have such a loud voice and ability. Although Lu Ling's voice is not as hoarse as before, and she can already hear the girl's squeamishness, it is not yet to the point where she can shout to her heart's content.

Now her voice will break a little bit louder.

Lu Ling looked helplessly at the gate of Nanyuan not far away, her husband was inside...

If the husband can come out of it now and take her would be great.

Sir... please take me away.

Lu Ling stared at the gate of Nanyuan.

However, Li Zhuzi was destined to disappoint her. Right now, Li Zhuzi was sitting on a stone stool in his own bamboo forest, concentrating on carving a fiery red glaze for Lu Ling.

She hasn't forgotten about it.

Li Zhuzi sensed Lu Ling, but now it was Tang Keyu's time, so she didn't need to go out to see her.

"Tsk..." Li Zhuzi put down the carving needle in his hand.

Some core formations have been completed, and the next step is the useless shape carving... But this useless thing still stumps her.

What kind of things Lu Ling likes, she doesn't have a conclusion now, otherwise it wouldn't be delayed until today.

She couldn't really make a bamboo-colored lotus seed cake for Lu Ling or engrave Liu Fufeng on it...

After thinking about it, Li Zhuzi put away the fire glass.

Now that the artistic conception has been interrupted, let's continue at night, the class is about to start, she will go and see, what should I tell the little girls in the afternoon...

Turn back to the house.

 What?Buying hand cream and getting a set of six Tianyi suits?No black, no black pechoin in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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