Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 308 First Encounter with the Spirit Race

Chapter 308 First Encounter with the Spirit Race
"Let's go."

Qin Qin brought Lu Ling down.

After putting her feet on the ground, Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't realize that Qin Qin was testing her just now, and successfully got what she wanted to know from her.

In fact, even if Lu Ling found out, she wouldn't care.

She was just cowardly and afraid of trouble, and it's okay to pursue it, but the husband said that everything is due to her.

"Hmm... Sister Ke Yu probably still has a while, where should I go for a walk..." Qin Qin bent down, threw the snowflake in his hand into the water, and watched it completely melt into the water.

During the period, those fishes looked as if they wanted to fight but didn't dare, and gathered three feet away from Qin Qin's body, watching the snowflakes melt away.


Qin Qin shook her head.

These fish are almost as afraid of life as Lu Ling.

Turning to look at Lu Ling, she found a group of little fishes around her, and suddenly thought of something.



"Would you like to try...feeding?" Qin Qin smiled, grabbed two snowflakes in the air, wrapped them with spiritual power and gave them to Lu Ling.

"Me?" Lu Ling was a little embarrassed, but she nodded her head seeing Qin Qin's expectant look.

Take the snowflakes.

The spiritual power dissipated, and the snowflakes fell on Lu Ling's hands. Because her body temperature was very low, the snowflakes did not melt. Lu Ling flexed her fingers and flicked the small snowflakes into the water, but because of too much force, the originally regular snowflakes were torn apart. But even so, the little guys are still fighting for it, and they seem to be proud of being able to grab what Lu Ling threw.

There was even a little guy who jumped so high that he landed on Lu Ling's chest...

Lu Ling hurriedly caught the small red-tailed fish, feeling the slippery palm, thought that there would be scales piercing it, but now there is no such thing.

The little guy just stayed in Lu Ling's palm, looking straight into her eyes.

Then, taking advantage of her not paying attention, he swept away another snowflake from her hand in one gulp. This action frightened Lu Ling to let go. After the fish plopped into the water, it floated half of its head around Lu Ling.

The same goes for the little fish around.

"Senior sister..." Lu Ling looked at Qin Qin helplessly.

Qin Qin smiled.

Sure enough, these little guys who are afraid of people are not afraid of Ah Ling at all... Also, the snow is full of Ah Ling's smell, she can feel it, how could the spirit clan not detect it.

"Here, try it." Qin Qin handed a snowball to Lu Ling, and then motioned her to put her hand into the water.

"En." Lu Ling was also a little overwhelmed by the hungry eyes of the fish, and this feeding very good.

The bridge is very narrow, just a stone beam across the water, and many fish can jump from one side of the stone beam to the other.

Lu Ling squatted down cautiously, and put the hand holding the snowball into the water.

Start with a piece of warm.

Lu Ling closed her eyes, not daring to look.

She was a little afraid of being bitten.

However, the stinging pain as imagined did not appear, and a cool, soft feeling came from her hand. Lu Ling opened her eyes, only to find that most of the snowball had melted, and the fish had no intention of fighting for it. Instead, they lined up quietly one by one, sucking her fingers there...


Xiao Yu'er kissed each other, and swam away after touching Lu Ling, very disciplined.

Until the snowflakes completely melted, these little guys didn't take a look, as if compared with Lu Ling's hand, what they had to fight for before was nothing.

After feeling the smell of Lu Ling at a close distance, how could these little guys eat snowflakes, and the heads of the fish touched each other, and the fish were passed on to ten, ten to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands.


in town.

Sitting in front of the wooden house, the girl who was stirring in the water with her bare feet caught a snowflake and threw it into the water, watching the little guys scrambling for it, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

But soon, her brows furrowed.

Because a fish came and took away a group of little guys.

In just a few seconds, the spirit race in her water area was like an army, leaving in one direction.

The girl looked up, it was the direction of the town entrance.

what happened?

The girl was puzzled, and then walked towards the entrance of the town barefoot.

The same thing happened in the entire Seventh Peak. One by one, young ladies and sisters came out of the awning boat, looked at each other, and walked towards the entrance of the town in unison.


Town mouth.

Qin Qin smiled and nodded at first, as she expected, these shy little guys were not shy at all in front of Lu Ling.

But Qin Qin didn't expect them to like Lu Ling so much. They line up so neatly just to kiss Lu Ling... It's a bit exaggerated.

And the more exaggerated ones are yet to come.

Not to mention Lu Ling now, Qin Qin became nervous.

From half a minute ago, large swaths of shadows gathered towards Lu Ling from all directions of the town, like giant underwater monsters, and now the town's entrance has completely turned into a piece of "black water".

The dense crowd is full of aquatic spirits.

Most of them are all kinds of fish... few shrimps and crabs or others.

Each one looks cute on its own, but too many of them can be creepy.

With Lu Ling as the center, these fish form a circle without leaving any gaps. There are even a few turtles lying on the stone bridge not far away, with small mung bean-like eyes looking at Lu Ling's direction. .


"Senior Sister..." Lu Ling swallowed her saliva, her whole body trembled, and she looked at Qin Qin for help.

What should I do now...

Looking around, Lu Ling felt that she was just a small ant, and the "giant beast" under her might open her mouth to swallow her at any time.

If you fall...

Lu Ling looked at the polite little fish kissing her in front of her hands, her scalp tingling.

Maybe it will be eaten...

"That... Let me think about it..." Qin Qin also had a headache.

She wasn't worried about her safety, but the scene was a bit embarrassing now... With such a big commotion, how should she explain it to Junior Sister Luo?

She knows Lu Ling's uniqueness, but it's not easy to tell it to the outside world...


"A Ling, stand up first." Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling who was still squatting and kept stretching out her hand, and said something.

"Senior's numb..." Lu Ling looked at Qin Qin with big watery eyes, and her voice was full of panic and crying.

Ever since she found out that something was wrong, she wanted to run away, but because she was surrounded, she couldn't run away, and she was afraid that she would cause a "riot" if she withdrew her hands. If the little guy within a few miles rioted, she would definitely die It's miserable, so I can only maintain this posture.

Now that Qin Qin had spoken, she had a backbone, but after squatting for too long, Lu Ling's body was already weak, and half of her body became numb for a while.

"Pfft." Qin Qin was still in a heavy mood at first, but after being teased by Lu Ling, she immediately laughed out loud.

"It's alright, alright, don't be afraid, these little guys are very gentle." Under Lu Ling's somewhat resentful eyes, Qin Qin helped Lu Ling up.

Sure enough, as Qin Qin said, when these little guys found Lu Ling standing up, they didn't get angry as she thought, but just swam around in place without any disorder.

After Lu Ling stood up straight, she moved her numb leg and breathed a sigh of relief, but when she looked at the fish in the water, she couldn't hold on anymore.

The fish that had been queuing for a long time just swayed their tails like this, half of their bodies floating on the water, looking at her with longing and aggrieved eyes.

It seems to be saying, I have been waiting in line for so long...

Lu Ling's heart softened for a while, but when she saw the tens of thousands of black bars behind her, her bones softened.

Suddenly thinking of the emperor's three thousand harem in memory, Lu Ling can understand... It's not that she doesn't want to, but that she can't do it...

"Forget it." Lu Ling was stared at by so many longing eyes, and she couldn't bear it anymore. She squatted down again, folded the little skirt to prevent it from being exposed, and then put her hand into the water.

Looking at Qin Qin with a look of resignation to death, he smiled for a while.

Aya is also a very gentle person.

Lu Ling stretched out two hands this time, and then the fish became very self-conscious and came out in a different team.

Start to enjoy "Lu Ling".

Lu Ling didn't know why she was so attractive to these little guys, even Qin Qin didn't grasp that point, but to these spirits, Lu Ling was like a morning star in the dark.

Leaving aside the fragrant smell that is [-] times stronger than snowflakes, Lu Ling's own "ice-type affinity" is fatally attractive to these water-type spirit races.

In addition, Lu Ling's ability to control her spiritual power is relatively poor, and the cold air in her body is unconsciously scattered around... One bite of these fish is worth more than half a year of cultivation, and there is no future trouble.

Her spiritual power is unimaginably pure.

Lu Ling is a treasure in human form, for people of ice type or spirit race.

If people with water or ice attributes stay by her side often, it is equivalent to carrying a few large pieces of ten thousand-year-old ice with them. If Lu Ling's cold energy is collected and used for cultivation, the speed will increase several times.

Xuechen stayed by her side, absorbing the scattered cold energy and using it to restore her strength—this is the case with the fairy sword, so there is no need for other people.

If Shen Gui hangs Lu Ling on his body...then, even in the volcano, it is still her home field, and it is definitely her home field.

It's just that Lu Ling doesn't know her role.

By the way, this kind of cold air is a great tonic for ice-type people, but at the same time, the severe cold air can already be regarded as cold poison.

If you don't have a certain level of cultivation, staying by Lu Ling's side - you will die. Although the frosty body's cold air is not poisonous, it is more terrifying than any poison. Once it attaches to the soul, it is really hard for gods to save.

Just like Liu Fufeng, if Xuechen hadn't been helping her to absorb the accumulated cold poison in her body, she would have died ten times already with the intimacy of sleeping with Lu Ling in her arms every day.

But it's much better now, with the ice glass that Lu Ling gave her, it can help Liu Fufeng block the overflowing cold air and collect it in the ice glass, so Lu Ling's cold air so far has not been wasted, it is stored in the ice glass A majority.

The reason why Qin Qin didn't realize this was because she was not of the ice type, and her cultivation base was much stronger than Lu Ling's. Even if she didn't have the body-protecting true energy, Lu Ling's cold energy would be automatically filtered out by her soul.

Li Zhuzi discovered this, so now the Lingshan people know a little more about the Frost Bloodline, and the Frost Bloodline has a halo of its own.

Therefore, no matter whether Lu Ling's soul or martial soul is at that time, she will be useful. If Lingshan ice disciples form a battle formation around Lu Ling, their strength can at least be doubled several times.

As the No.1 of Lingshan Ice Element, Shen Gui has long discovered Lu Ling's specialness, so he has been thinking about this girl all the time.

The same is true of the Eastern Divine Sea.

The reason why they desperately wanted to find the bearer of the ice bloodline was because Lu Ling meant a lot to Eastern Shenhai.

The founder of the Eastern Divine Sea is Xuenv, so I won’t mention it for now. Among the seven holy places, the one that uses the elements to the limit is the Eastern Divine Sea. 80.00% are water or ice.

According to the records, there is Xue Nu sitting in the center, and her disciples can exert [-]% or even more exaggerated power.

Her disciples are all well-known venerables in the East God Sea Pavilion.

The snow field is effective for the venerable, if you find the bearer of the ice bloodline, don't ask for such an exaggerated power, even if you can increase it by 20.00%... Lu Ling is also the absolute core.

Moreover, after the meeting, the old guys from the East Shenhai combined the classics, the legend of the fairy sword Xueluoqianhan and some secret biography of the East Shenhai, and boldly guessed that the so-called ice bloodline might be Xuenv herself.

After all, the cold blood has been passed down from the outside world for so many years, and there is no other carrier except the Snow Maiden.

Xian Xing Ji Bing does not necessarily represent any bloodline, it may be Xue Nu.

These things are unknown to Lingshan. Although Lingshan knows more about Xuenv than other sects, it is far behind Dong Shenhai.


"Tired, exhausted..." Both of Lu Ling's hands were numb, and her face showed impatience and fatigue.

But looking at the happy fish in the water, she felt very comfortable and warm.

These fish don't seem to be mortal...

Lu Ling looked at the redtail fish whose eyes were full of anticipation, and raised her hand to stroke its head.

The latter was specially taken care of by Lu Ling, and happily got into the water, spitting bubbles upwards, and then got out of the water, jumping repeatedly, and performed a live dance for Lu Ling.

The afternoon sun passes through the Lingshui, refracting dazzling light, just like a colorful bridge.

However, it seemed that the redtail fish lost its balance due to excessive force, and fell into the water in an awkward posture, splashing a large amount of water.

This funny action completely made Lu Ling laugh.

Qin Qin and the spirit clan around looked at the giggling girl in the center, and were stunned.

Then, the atmosphere boiled instantly.

Fishes that had already participated in Lu Ling's "Hand Kissing Club" leaped to the sky, over Lu Ling's head, and jumped from one side of the stone bridge to the other, forming a channel-like thing. It completely wrapped up the stone bridge where Lu Ling was.

They are courting Lu Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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