Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 347 Dongfang Lianren's Strategy

Chapter 347 Dongfang Lianren's Strategy

Lu Ling looked at Dongfang Lianren and kept backing away.

This woman is a pervert.

Lu Ling has always thought this way, isn't there such a strange poison in the body of a pervert?She has been poisoned a few times, and she knows a little bit about it. If you want to say who is the person Lu Ling fears the most on Lingshan, there is one and only Dongfang Lianren.

After all, after living with Shen Gui for a period of time, she was no longer so afraid of Shen Gui, and the latter would occasionally give Lu Ling a very gentle illusion.

Dongfang Lianren is completely different. The poisonous gas on this uncle can turn people into RBQs. Sexy gas or something...

Lu Ling shuddered, thinking of something bad.

"You, why are you..." Lu Ling touched the wall and backed away.

"It's me, Xiaoling, don't you know me?" Dongfang Lianren tilted his head, looking at Lu Ling's panic-stricken look, he was a little puzzled and uncomfortable.

Lu Ling in the morning was just shy, but now she is showing fear.

Dongfang Lianren bit her lower lip tightly.

Sure enough, she would still be hated. I thought Lu Ling was different.

"Yes, yes, it's you..." Lu Ling panted heavily, her brain spinning rapidly.

She is very familiar with the voice of Dongfang Lianren, it is indeed the senior sister who talked to her before, the reason why she didn't recognize Dongfang Lianren's appearance on the bed and under the bed is too big, now Lu Ling preconceived it before thinking back to the gentle voice in the morning. Sister, you can see some similarities.

Then I was a little confused.

That gentle and gentle elder sister in the morning is really the Dongfang Shishu who can be seen as a coquettish bitch at a glance?

What Lu Ling said is gentle like water is not just seen with the naked eye. When she was shyly hiding under the quilt, the "sister" outside kept comforting her with nice words. Lu Ling was a little slow to react but not stupid. Especially if a person treats her well, it is easy to tell.

Dongfang Lianren in the morning really doted on her, even now...

Lu Ling looked at Dongfang Lianren's charming eyes, and swallowed.

Now, this Master Dongfang is still very gentle to her, Lu Ling understands that that kind of charm is only born by Master Dongfang...

Are you wrong?
Lu Ling hesitated.

Uncle Shi treats her well, but she still looks scared, Uncle Shi will definitely be sad...

It would be very sad to change her anyway.

At this time, Lu Ling could see Dongfang Lianren's undisguised loss, and Lu Ling felt a sense of guilt for a while.

At this time, Lu Ling was kind, and she felt that what she had done was wrong.

"No no no..."

Under Dongfang Lianren's puzzled gaze, Lu Ling shook her head again and again.

"I am right……"

As she spoke, Lu Ling kept backing away.

She is right, whether Dongfang Lianren is a gentle person or a coquettish person has nothing to do with her. She is poisonous, so Lu Ling thinks it is the right thing for her to stay away from her. She really doesn't want to experience sex again.

That sense of emptiness that doesn't belong to her... Lu Ling now thinks that there is still a feeling that life is worse than death.

So it's not her fault, if you want to blame Dongfang Lianren shouldn't have put so much poison on her body, it's still that kind of bad sex.

Lu Ling gradually became firm, she was persuading herself to ignore Dongfang Lianren's tenderness towards her.

She still needs to step up her efforts, otherwise she won't be able to be ruthless.

She stepped back, looking warily at the bewildered Dongfang Lianren.

I remembered.

"You were the one who caught me here!" Lu Ling pointed at Dongfang Lianren and snapped.

She remembered, it turned out that it was not a dream, she was really captured by Dongfang Lianren, knowing this level, everything can be explained, it was not Qin Qin who brought her out, but Dongfang Lianren Someone caught her.

As for why she was arrested...

Lu Ling's face gradually turned red.

She took a few big steps back, her small face flushed with blood: "Shi Shi Shi Shi, what did you do to me..."

At first Lu Ling took off her clothes and thought it was nothing. After all, that elder sister looked so gentle, Lu Ling believed her, but now tell Lu Ling that that gentle elder sister is the seductive Dongfang Shishu in front of her...

She broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

This uncle with a bad smell on his body must have done something bad to her, Lu Ling wanted to escape from this room now, and at the same time looked at Dongfang Lianren with fear in his eyes.

Women and women... She really is a pervert.

Lu Ling couldn't accept this kind of thing anyway.

Of course, if you can't accept it, you can't accept it. If Dongfang Lianren was a man, the current scene would not be so harmonious. Either you die or I die. This is Lu Ling's bottom line.

These days, Qin Qin has taught her a lot about the differences between men and women. These things also awakened the memory of the previous world in Lu Ling's mind. With the integration of common sense, Lu Ling initially had the concept of defense between men and women.

Senior sisters and junior sisters don't need to care too much, but men can't, absolutely not.

That's what Qin Qin taught her.

Lu Ling was still flustered. Qin Qin said that men are not good, but she didn't say what to do with women... She never thought that she would appear naked in the arms of a woman when she woke up.

If this matter got out, not to mention the senior sisters outside, Lu Ling herself would not believe that she was innocent.

Good thing no one knows, good thing no one knows...

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, if this matter got to her junior sister or Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng, she would stop being a human being.

What should we do now?
How to do……

do not know.

Senior Sister Qin said that if a man kills him, if he can't beat him, he will sue. Anyway, she can't be wronged a bit, but she didn't tell her what to do if a woman does such a thing...


Dongfang Lianren didn't understand what Lu Ling was thinking, but she really didn't have time to procrastinate any longer. Although the general meeting of Lingshan people can last a day, this is not the reason for her being too late, so Dongfang Lianren spoke up.

"Xiao Ling..."

"Don't come here!"

Dongfang Lianren only said two words, and Lu Ling screamed, looking at Dongfang Lianren in horror, as if looking at a beast that could eat people.

"..." Dongfang Lianren twitched the corners of her mouth when she saw Lu Ling trembling with her back leaning against her dressing table.

Are you really that scary?

Dongfang Lianren is also very wronged.

She really just thinks that the little girl is cute, and her mother is too much, why now she is even more beastly than Shen Canghai, as if she has wiped herself clean and doesn't recognize anyone... Obviously she didn't even eat it.

Dongfang Lianren paused.

Well, she didn't know if she had done something out of line, but anyway, there were two results, one was that she ate Lu Ling, and the other was that Lu Ling ate her...

The two girls really had nothing to avoid, but the appearance of Lu Ling curled up under the dressing table at this time made her really helpless.

Let's go, Dongfang Lianren is reluctant and worried about Lu Ling in this state, don't go, there is another meeting waiting for her in Qifeng, it must be no small matter for Qifeng's disciples to come to find her in person.

"Forget it." Dongfang Lian shook his head.

I won't go for this meeting, first appease Lu Ling, and then, there are more than a dozen people in Lingshan, and she is not bad.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Lianren made up his mind to take care of this silly girl first.

"Xiaoling, I didn't do anything, can you trust me?" Dongfang Lian tried his best to look gentle: "You must be hungry, sister will take you to eat..."

Dongfang Lianren is fine when she doesn't wear makeup, but at this time with gorgeous makeup, she really doesn't look like an older sister, but looks like a bad woman who seduces girls.

But Lu Ling didn't think so, she felt that her uncle Dongfang was not a bad person and was worthy of trust. The most important thing was that this woman was her husband's junior sister, how could her husband's junior sister be a bad person.

You're not a bad person, don't be poisonous on your body, and you look like a coquettish bitch, no one can accept it.

"Xiao Ling." Dongfang Lianren took a step forward, but it scared Lu Ling who was thinking.

"Don't come over!" With a scream, Lu Ling subconsciously backed away as before.But she was already on the dressing table at this time, and when she stepped back suddenly, the back of her head hit the edge of the dressing table.


A muffled sound.

aches aches aches.

Lu Ling covered her head and groaned softly, squatting down.

This is not over yet, because the dressing table lost its balance because of the push, and it fell on Lu Ling who was squatting with her head in her arms. The table was not heavy, and although it was on Lu Ling, it didn't hurt. At most, Lu Ling let out a ouch, No real harm.

However, the disaster was still to come, and all the bottles and cans on the dressing table just rolled down and landed on Lu Ling's head.

There are ordinary rouge in it, but more are all kinds of rouge made from poisonous weeds...

These brightly colored rouge powders, with Lu Ling's current cultivation base, it is estimated that she will be melted immediately if a little bit of them touches her body. After all, there is no simple poisonous weed that is so bright that it can enter Dongfang Lianren's eyes.

"It hurts……"

Lu Ling knew that she had knocked over the dressing table, but she didn't find anything else. At this moment, small porcelain bottles fell to the ground and shattered.

The sound of splintering can be heard endlessly.

It lasted for five or six seconds.


It wasn't until the last bottle of red lotion was dropped that it finally calmed down.

Lu Ling hugged her head and shrunk her shoulders, shivering.

I seem to have gotten into trouble... so many porcelain vases were smashed into pieces by her recklessness——

At this time, she was still being pressed by the fallen dressing table and couldn't stand up, but Lu Ling secretly opened her eyes and looked at her feet.

It's over, it's over... the mess in this place, I hope it's not something very precious.


There were at least twenty or thirty porcelain vases on Dongfang Lianren's table, but now they were smashed to pieces. Those precious rouge and poisonous weeds were sticky to the ground at this time, and the bewitching colors attracted Lu Ling's attention.

The color of the lotion overflowing from the overturned bottle was different, including dark blue, which was a blue that was as dazzling as a starry sky, as if it contained stars, but at this time, the stars fell to the ground.

There is also a blood-red thin substance as bright as blood. With the shattering of the porcelain bottle, it is splashed on the same red rouge paper. There is a little bit of sparkle in this red color, which is very seductive.

[It must be good for making lipstick. ] Lu Ling suddenly had an idea, she likes shiny things.

Seeing the beauty of the place, Lu Ling was fascinated for a moment, and wanted to reach out to touch it, when Xuechen's voice appeared in time.

[Master, don't, it's poisonous. 】

【poisonous? ] Lu Ling trembled and withdrew her hand.

【Yes, master, it is highly poisonous. The blue one on the ground is Burning Heart Grass. It can poison tens of thousands of monks below the Void Transformation Realm with the size of a fingertip. It is the king of poisons. 】Xuechen said.

【…】Looking at the beautiful blue that fell to the ground, Lu Ling trembled.

[As for the red one... I can't see it, it should be self-made, but the toxicity... is terrible, and now it is sealed in a barrier by that woman, otherwise the third peak would have been destroyed at this time. 】 Xuechen was also surprised.

Such a terrifying poison is actually packed in a fragile bottle without any protection, and it even looks like it is used to make rouge...

This oriental pity is also wonderful.

Hearing Xuechen's words, Lu Ling panicked: 【Xuechen, will there be poisonous gas from so many poisons? I'm not going to be poisoned to death. 】

【Master, that woman is protecting you, it's okay. 】

【protect me? 】

Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, and then felt that the dressing table that was pressing on her was lifted up.

"Xiao Ling, are you alright?" Dongfang Lianren helped Lu Ling up, without looking at the things she had made with a lot of money on the ground, only Lu Ling was left in his eyes.

"No, nothing." Lu Ling glanced at the gem-like fragments on the ground in fear, her momentum was weak.

Just kidding, these things must be very valuable, Lu Ling dared to say something after getting into such a big disaster, she is now afraid that Lian Dongfang will tell Li Zhuzi, and Li Zhuzi will teach her when he finds out.

Compared to this kind of thing, sleeping with Dongfang Lianren is nothing... Anyway, they are all girls.

Dongfang Lianren would not have thought that Lu Ling would be overwhelmed when she lost the rouge.

Yes, it is lost, otherwise, with Dongfang Lianren's cultivation base, if they are not broken, how can they be broken.

"It's fine." Dongfang Lianren nodded.

When the cabinet was on Lu Ling's body, she was stunned for a moment, and missed the opportunity to make a move. Then she set up an enchantment around Lu Ling's body to prevent her from being corroded.

As for the poison...she could stop it, but it wasn't necessary.

Even if Lu Ling's fault collided with them, but they went to Lu Ling...


Even though it was a dead thing, it would be a big mistake to hurt Lu Ling.

Since it almost hurt Lu Ling, then don't do it.

So she allowed this precious poison to shatter and spill, and she didn't feel distressed.

Dongfang Lianren's character is so strange.

"Master, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose..." Lu Ling lowered her head and stood in front of Dongfang Lianren, weakly admitting her mistake.

She didn't say that she would pay compensation, didn't you hear what Xuechen said, the blue one can poison tens of thousands of monks under the Void Transformation Realm, he is the king of poisons, Lu Ling knows exactly what the Void Transformation Realm stands for, Shen To return is to transform into a void.

The red one is even scarier, the whole Sanfeng said nothing...

These two items alone are already so precious, but on this ground... twenty or thirty bottles were broken... all over the place.

How to pay?She can't afford to sell it.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Dongfang Lianren saw Lu Ling crying, so he raised his hand and rubbed her head, comforting her.

"It's not a good thing, it's just some rouge and paint. If you lose it, you lose it. It's okay."

"But..." Lu Ling raised her head, Xuechen would not lie to her, that means Dongfang Lianren was lying to her.

These are obviously very precious things, but in order to comfort her, the uncle said they were worthless rouge...

At this time, even though Dongfang Lianren was bad in every possible way, Lu Ling still thought she was good, after all, she would be good to anyone who was good to her, and she didn't think about anything else.

Lu Ling looked at the charming but gentle Dongfang Lianren, and was captured.

 Thank you Goose and Qingtian Biyun for your rewards!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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