Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 374 The Sea of ​​Consciousness

Chapter 374 The Sea of ​​Consciousness
At this time, Lu Ling was lying in the snow with a young girl in a blue skirt.

This is her sea of ​​consciousness.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness also has a name called Zifu.

Generally, it is under the Baihui acupoint of the human brain, between the eyebrows, and deep behind the Yintang. Taoism refers to the eye of the sky, and Buddhism refers to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although there are Buddhist cultivators and Taoist cultivators in this world, they are all different from what Lu Ling understands. For example, the Taoist nuns in Lingshan, although they are dressed like Taoist priests, in fact, neither their thinking nor their cultivation methods have anything to do with Taoism. Lingshan The Tao is the way, and belongs to everyone's own way.

Of course, the so-called Buddhism is the same, they are all fake monks.

For Zifu, there is no such thing as the eye of the sky. In this world, the sea of ​​consciousness is no longer in the body, but in the soul. The human race majors in the soul, and the body is just a medium, so naturally it cannot afford such an important place.

The sea of ​​consciousness is endless and empty, with only a little free spiritual power.

The sea of ​​consciousness of most people is like this, although it is big, but it is very desolate, the genius may be better, the spiritual power can be gathered together, most of them are irregular objects, and a few of the gods may form regular shapes , such as a circle or a square.

Like Xu Xu, she used external force to enter her own sea of ​​consciousness for the first time, and found a fire lotus inside, which shocked the "old ancestor" who was still alive in Lingshan. If it wasn't for the incompatibility of attributes, the "old ancestor" would probably personally teach... One can imagine how important the sea of ​​knowledge is.

As for Shen Gui...

She is far behind Xu Xu, with only a small amount of free mental power, even now, it is nothing more than a trace of sword energy.

However, Shen Gui didn't need this either, he just slashed across with his sword, killing people and souls together.

There is no shortcut to cultivate the sea of ​​consciousness, there is only one way, and that is to nourish with spiritual temperature every day after condensing the energy.

After a long time, you can see the qi of the human body. Humans have five viscera and six internal organs, each of which belongs to the five elements.

Lingshan relies on the Sea of ​​Consciousness more than all other holy places. Most of them are healers. The stronger the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the stronger their eyesight. The strong can see the soul through a person's body.

It can be used to find weak points and attack. If the soul is spiritual, it is the right medicine. For the human race, the soul is more important than the physical body, and the soul entrusted to the void is even more difficult to find. In terms of healing, not all methods of spirituality can act on the soul from the body.

In other words, the development of the sea of ​​consciousness is the introduction to cultivation, and the condensing state is the most important step in developing the sea of ​​consciousness, and it is only the first step. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to transform the virtual state to look inside, but to dive into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness completely To develop all the mysteries of the soul, one must at least have the strength of a venerable.

This is an important thing that needs to be cultivated in a lifetime. Strength alone is not enough for a human cultivator. Spiritual consciousness is the best support. Just like a sniper has an observer. This spiritual consciousness is the crucial observer. .

If the sea of ​​consciousness is strong enough, the consciousness will be stronger. At the level of Venerable Ye, a single thought can cover the entire Shu Mountain, and you can easily catch the hidden Xuechen and Lu Ling. If you don’t have enough powerful Spiritual consciousness is like a blind man, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to find Lu Ling so easily.

If it is stronger, like the young master of Shu Mountain, Xiao Xiao, who can travel thousands of miles with a single divine thought, and slaying demons and demons can already be said to be the means of gods.

The existence of the Sea of ​​Consciousness is a bit like the "Yuanying" in Lu Ling's cognition, of course it is only similar.

In Li Zhuzi's Sea of ​​Consciousness is a small bamboo forest, about a hundred meters long, similar to the one in her courtyard.

In Shen Canghai's Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is a sharp sword, which is cold and invincible.

In Venerable Ye's sea of ​​knowledge is a small mountain of swords, with a standard white long sword in the middle, the sword's light is completely restrained by the bamboo scabbard, very low-key.

It can be said that, if there is no accident, a person's sea of ​​consciousness can express the whole of a person in a certain sense, and a person with strong mental power is no weaker.

But there was one exception, when Xihuang gained Lu Ling's trust and saw that she knew the sea, she was stunned for a while.

Even she was frightened by Lu Ling.

In Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness, there is nothing but one thing.


Hexagonal snowflakes.

A snowflake is very inconspicuous, far worse than Xu Xu's fire lotus.

But what about ten pieces, one hundred pieces, one thousand pieces?
Even if it is the top venerable of the ice system in the Eastern Divine Sea, it is already the limit to be able to transform ten thousand snowflakes in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness, these snowflakes can no longer be described in pictures, they are all over the sky and the ground, and the sea of ​​consciousness is boundless. It's all thick snow.

This is Lu Ling's soul world. After seeing this sea of ​​consciousness, Xihuang no longer has any doubts about Lu Ling's identity. You must know that Xuechen confirmed it after all. After seeing it with her own eyes, Xihuang Huang has to be convinced, such a vast world is probably only Lu Ling who can have it in the whole world. The Lingzu majors in physical body and supernatural powers, but she also has a sea of ​​consciousness. Xihuang thinks she can't lose to anyone, but her hundred miles of fire Compared with Lu Ling's hundreds of millions of miles...

It is the difference between a child and a god.

Although Xihuang was surprised that Lu Ling had such a terrifying sea of ​​consciousness, she didn't understand. How could Xue Nu be the master of Xueluo Qianhan, and Xue Nu entered the wheel of heaven and earth with most of Xueluo Qianhan's spiritual power. After being ravaged and polished, it should have been integrated into one.

That's why this girl's sea of ​​consciousness is so strong, if she didn't get Lu Ling's consent, she wouldn't be able to peek at it at all.

It's a pity that Lu Ling has no cultivation base, and there is a treasure mountain that cannot be mined. Otherwise, as long as she can use a little of her spiritual power, Lu Ling can be invincible, and the power to hide the snow and coldness is Xiaocao a plate of.

However, Lu Ling is a salted fish, and she can't use any mental strength. The only function of such a huge snowy world for Lu Ling is to protect her from being taken away...

It sounds useless, but actually for Lu Ling this is the most important point at this stage.

And Xihuang saw Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness, and in the next training, she would remind Lu Ling not to forget the cultivation of spiritual power.


Now Lu Ling still doesn't know how precious this sea of ​​consciousness is, although she has long known that her sea of ​​consciousness is a piece of snow.

She could see it from the first time Xuechen entered, no one taught her, but she could see Xuechen staying in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Even Lu Ling thought that Xuechen made the icy and snowy appearance. She also chose the ugly sword box because she saw that this little girl liked snowflakes and played with it a lot.

The cold iron is icy cold, which is suitable for her Xuechen to live in.


At this time, in the snow.

Lu Ling hugged a young girl who was much younger than her, and the two lay together in the snow.

Snowflakes are cold, Lu Ling was very strange at first, but after thinking about it, this snowflake is in the soul, she is also a soul, not the body, the body is still sitting outside, naturally can feel the temperature here.

For Lu Ling, many things in the world of cultivating immortals cannot be explained, and this one is not bad.

Although Lu Ling is only a little over 1.5 meters due to stunting, not as tall as Liu Fufeng's tall figure of over 1.7 meters, but in Xuechen's place, she is a complete adult. Xuechen looks like seven or eight years old, with ice blue hair Long black hair, a cute snowflake skirt, and exposed white and tender skin make people want to touch her fiercely.

"Xuechen, are you feeling better?" Lying in the snow, Lu Ling hugged the little girl, stroking her hair with one hand, soft and loving.

But Lu Ling was more worried about Xuechen, this girl suffered because of her fault, Lu Ling kept asking for fear that she would feel uncomfortable.

"Master, it's much, much better..." came the stammering voice of the young girl.

If you look carefully, the little girl is being hugged by Lu Ling at this time, her face is facing her chest, her little face is congested and hot, although there are still tears from the pain in the corners of her eyes, but now she obviously wants to be happy More than suffering, the look of peeking up at Lu Ling's side face from time to time is also very cute.

Now she is hugged by Lu Ling, and she is still in the state of soul... This is much more intimate than the physical body. The soul is the origin of a person. She is hugged by the master in the master's sea of ​​consciousness, and she can feel the master's breath in all directions...

It was something she never dared to dream about.

For Xuechen, such a scene is more exciting than taking a bath with Lu Ling, even if Lu Ling hugs her without clothes, it is not one ten thousandth of this state.

The confluence of souls is more intimate than any other method, which shows that Lu Ling trusts her very much, and that her master likes her the most.

Although her waist still hurts to death at this time, but if she can get this kind of treatment...she can do it once a week.

No, once a day is fine.

So what if she was cut in half, it is easy for her to return to normal, anyway, it is not a big deal for her, at most it is a little pain, rest for a while, and sucking Lu Ling's fingers to replenish the cold will be fine.

On the contrary, if this can make the master love her and attract the love of the master, she thinks it is very profitable.

"Master, I am a sword. Although there is only half of it now, a sword is not a living thing. How can it die? It will be fine when I get used to the pain." Xuechen hugged Lu Ling, blushing with happiness: " Besides, with the cold iron my master picked for me, nothing will happen."

"That's good." Lu Ling looked at such a little girl and breathed a sigh of relief.

Indeed, the current Xuechen is much better than the howling appearance at the beginning, even happier than usual...

Is it because of your own reasons?
It's all because of my curiosity and greed...

"Master, don't think of yourself like this." The young girl held Lu Ling's hand, pressed her face to her heart, and listened to the simulated heartbeat, and said softly: "The master is the master, the master can't be wrong, Xue Chen is a is the owner's pet, and the owner should use it as he should."

"Can you know what I'm thinking?" Lu Ling froze for a moment.

"Yes." The little girl nodded, she is now attached to Lu Ling's soul, and Lu Ling can't hide anything from her.

"But it's true that I was wrong..."

"Don't say that." Xuechen, who has always been obedient, is extremely tough on this matter: "No one can blame the master on this matter, including the master himself."

"..." Lu Ling couldn't resist her, so she could only keep silent.

For Xuechen, she is the master's sword and the master's pet. Everything about her belongs to the master. She can use it as the master wants. Whether it is sealing or unsealing, it is up to Lu Ling , is Lu Ling's own, and it's not up to others to make irresponsible remarks.

Lu Ling already had this right, so why did she make a mistake, the so-called mistake was only from an angle other than hers.

For Xuechen, her master was not wrong at all.

"I'm just an ordinary person, even if I was your master in the previous life, it's not worth you being so kind to me." Lu Ling stroked the young girl's long hair.

She is a complete child now, and her thinking is similar to that of a child... Although she may be mature, Lu Ling is unwilling to mature most of the time. It is a very happy thing to have a family and people you can rely on matter.

With her family and her husband around, Lu Ling is not afraid of anything, she feels that her husband is omnipotent.

But she almost brought disaster to her family today, and Lu Ling was also full of guilt.

"The master is the master. Without the master, I might as well die." The young girl raised her head and gave Lu Ling a firm look. Then, as if she had exhausted all her courage, she lowered her head with a blushing face.

But Lu Ling ignored the almost confessional words, her face was not very good-looking, she turned over and pressed her hair into the snow, and said in a voice like a mosquito.

"Xuechen, if you unblocked at that time, would it really cause a disaster?"

Thinking about what she saw before, Lu Ling's face turned pale. If it wasn't for the soul body, she would have vomited a long time ago.

Flesh and blood fly, life and death.

Most importantly, Lingshan was also in the flames of war, and many Taoist nuns fell, including teachers like Li Zhuzi who wore long-distance running, and even some people who wore the costumes of the peak master like Uncle Zixu died.

The backer she was proud of was gone, her home became a battlefield, and people died.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling was filled with fear.

"Master..." Seeing this, Xuechen was stunned for a moment. She also saw the picture of Lu Ling's memory, and to be honest, she didn't feel anything...

She has seen even more tragic ones. When the Snow Maiden slaughtered demons, all the demons were strangled to pieces, and their souls were torn apart... These scenes with the corpses were just child's play to her.

But these scenes should be true. It is estimated that after she fell into a deep sleep, a war broke out between the human and demon races... The demon race was the first to provoke it. The human race was not prepared, so the Lingshan, which is the core of the human race, is naturally very tragic.

Xuechen can be sure that the scene at that time must be more bloody than what Xihuang put on Lu Ling.

And she thought about it carefully, Xihuang was right, she didn't think of this at the time, although she lost a lot of memory, she also knew how much the demons hated her... If the seal is really completely released, it will be a shock at that time The world beyond Tianguangxu...

Such things will happen in all likelihood. No one knows better than her how fearless the demons are. The lowly demons are as crazy as wild beasts, but the noble demons are even worse. For the demons, Except for the supreme queen, all other existences, including parents and brothers, can be killed...if they will hinder the will of the king.

If the king wants to destroy the human race, everyone who stands in the way will die.


"Master, it won't cause any disaster. Look at how peaceful these years are, and Lingshan is so powerful..." Xuechen wanted to comfort Lu Ling, but her voice became smaller and smaller as she spoke, and finally curled up in Lu Ling's arms , motionless.

She felt Lu Ling's gaze staring at her, so she couldn't say a word.

"You're the same as me, you won't lie." Lu Ling hugged the little girl in her arms, lowered her head, and put her chin on Xuechen's hair.

The little girl trembled when she heard this.

"Master, I'm sorry..."

(End of this chapter)

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