Chapter 393

Lingshan was very quiet, most of the disciple peaks were plunged into darkness, only the six peaks were still brightly lit, even busier than during the day.

Many girls are kneeling on the central square, breathing out and practicing. Liufeng's introductory exercise, Yuemingfengqingjue, is the most suitable time to practice, and the fuller the moon, the stronger the effect. This is the so-called Absorb the essence of the sun and moon.

After Master Zixu left, this group of girls practiced harder than each other. In their hearts, if the master came back and found that they were slack, they would definitely suffer.

No one knew that Zixu had already stepped down from the peak master's position.

Actually, Master Zixu was never the peak master, she was just the deputy peak master of Liufeng. As for the position of peak master has been vacant, these disciples don't understand why, so they always regard Zixu as their master.

The peak master's seat is naturally reserved for her elder sister.

It's just a thought, Zixu can handle affairs very well by himself, and Lingshan didn't ask to fill in the vacancy.

But now, it's time to start thinking about candidates for the deputy peak master of Liufeng.


At this time, the Lingshan people disappeared on the Lingshan Mountain, and it seemed that some shackles had been opened on the mountains in the sky.

The sea is wide enough for fish to jump, and the sky is high for birds to fly.

Except for Liufeng, a girl who was "tortured" by the quilt Xuren from childhood to adulthood, the other places basically let themselves go.

Under the quiet surface, there is a dark current flowing.

Play, wave.

A group of girls left the guard, so they naturally played how they felt comfortable. They had to have fun with the things they didn't dare to do or couldn't do for a long time in the past.

There was an uproar in the Si Lefang and the chess room.

The girls danced their swords to the music, and their graceful dancing posture accompanied by murderous intent made the music workshop a mess, but they were very happy.

There were also some obedient disciples who watched anxiously but couldn't do anything.

This is the girl.

But Erfeng is different, no one dares to go too far, first of all Senior Sister Qin is in a bad mood recently, no one wants to touch her bad luck, and then...

Shen Canghai didn't go down the mountain, she was still retreating.

The disciples of these two peaks have an incomparable understanding of Shen Canghai's temper. The master of the peak said that he was retreating, but in fact he may appear at any location in Lingshan at any time to molest his lovely disciple...

In order not to be dragged into training by their handsome peak master, they are obedient.

In the dark night, the sky of Erfeng looks like a void, and there is no cloud in the dark night. Only in the early morning, the magnificent waves will slowly appear.

When it is public, it is like a sea of ​​clouds, and when it is quiet, it is like a deep valley.

Just like Qin Qin's character.

Passing through the second peak hall, in the small courtyard, there is a warm room with several xylophones hanging on the wall, and the room is filled with a faint fragrance of women.

The room is still on, and Qin Qin is still awake.

At this time, she was sitting in front of the wooden table, staring at the things on the table in a daze.

It was a pair of exquisite black high-heeled shoes.

Her master's.

Returning from Dongfang Lianren with a stomach full of anger, Qin Qin saw Lu Ling sleeping soundly on the bed alone.

Little face flushed.

She sniffed it. This girl has been drinking, it's still strong wine...

While pursing her mouth, her breathing was a bit rough. Qin Qin checked Lu Ling, and found that the girl was suffering from wind and cold, and she failed to expel it simply. It is estimated that there is something wrong with Lu Ling's talent.

"Master..." The girl gritted her teeth, feeling extremely angry.

Yes, the wine warms up the body, but is it really okay for Ah Ling to drink such a high concentration of wine?From far away, she could smell the alcohol smell on Lu Ling's body...

You must know that if in the mortal world, a glass of strong wine might turn a weak girl like Ah Ling into a fool, or even kill her.

Although this girl is already very stupid, she can't be ruined like this.

This is not the most important thing, wine is just a trivial matter after all, the most important thing is that Lu Ling is not wearing anything now...

Yes, wearing nothing.

Qin Qin remembered that she did not undress Lu Ling.

It's the master, and these shoes are what she left behind to provoke herself.

Qin Qin was furious for a while.

Why did she just leave Ah Ling in the care of her master?Why did she forget that Shen Canghai is the worst one... What is the difference between her doing this and meat buns beating dogs...

As soon as this idea came out, Qin Qin seemed to feel some malice, and after a cold war, he let go of his thoughts.

It doesn't seem appropriate to describe my master like this.

As for Lu Ling... There is nothing wrong with saying that she is a meat bun.

For her, leaving from Master Dongfang and then falling into her master's hands... It's like stepping out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's mouth.

And her master was afraid that she would not be angry enough, so she left some things behind.

At this time, there was an empty teacup on the table in front of Qin Qin, and suddenly, some news came from it.

[Qin'er, I checked, Dongfang didn't do anything to Lu Ling, you don't have to be too angry... By the way, this girl's taste is not bad, sweet, icy and cold, with a kind of pastry feeling, you should Haven't tried it? ...I'm going to practice, don't worry about Lu Ling, and my mental state is completely fine, you can't imagine how stupid this girl is when she wakes up...It's so cute...By the way, tell Gui'er about the Northern Bing I gave Lu Ling the tiger king's robe for her, so don't be angry. 】——Qin Qin's favorite master stays.



Qin Qin unconsciously exerted force on the teacup, and slowly rubbed it. Soon, the white jade teacup was crushed into fine powder, which leaked from her fingertips onto the light green skirt.


Qin Qin's face at the moment is very exciting.

She believed what Uncle Dongfang said in anger, but even though Ah Ling's appearance had nothing to do with her, there was no way to justify taking Lu Ling away, so she would not forgive Dongfang Lianren for this.

The things behind are very...

Aya's taste?
what is that?
Seeing the complacency revealed between the lines of Shen Canghai's words, Qin Qin's face turned from blue to purple, and finally turned pale.

Aya, I... I'm sorry for you.

Qin Qin looked apologetically at the girl sleeping soundly on the bed, she was naked.

God knows what the inspection Master mentioned.

Qin Qin's breathing gradually became heavy.



I don't know how long it took, only the faint breathing of the two people remained in the room.

Qin Qin still didn't sleep.

In such a situation, she couldn't sleep at all, and she was afraid that she would wake Lu Ling up after she went to bed.

After some time passed, Qin Qin's mood improved a bit, and the killing intent in her heart was completely dispelled by her master making such a fuss.

The extreme anger also turned into helplessness, the hatred was transferred from Dongfang Lianren to Shen Canghai, and at the same time, she breathed a sigh of relief.

What Qin Qin was most afraid of was undoubtedly that Lu Ling would suffer irreversible harm, but according to what Master said, Ah Ling did not suffer any psychological trauma, so she could rest assured.

That is to say, Ah Ling's previous absent-minded state was caused by other things, what could it be?


Probably not.

Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling's sleeping face and tilted her head to look at her profile.

Such a delicate face, I really never get tired of it. In Qin Qin's opinion, Lu Ling is the kind who is cute at first glance, but the more she looks at it, the more she looks... That kind of cuteness will gradually become beautiful.

Qin Qin has no doubts that no matter how many years older Lu Ling is, she will surpass her in appearance after her body grows.

The only thing that is a bit flawed...

Qin Qin glanced at a certain part of Lu Ling's body.

This girl developed a bit too late...

But it doesn't matter, she has plenty of ways to help Lu Ling make up, and she will definitely improve her figure.

As for why she should be beautiful... don't get me wrong, who said girls are beautiful just to please men?Most girls are beautiful for themselves, and girls naturally like beautiful things, if Lu Ling looks good, Qin Qin will like her more.

Speaking of which, judging from what Ah Ling revealed, she should want to start practicing martial arts.

This also shows that it has not been a few years since Lu Ling left Tianguangxu to practice.

Tianguang Ruins, the largest "secret realm" in the world of cultivating immortals, lies in the depths of the battlefield at the border with the demons. It is the place where the "teams" of the Seven Holy Lands practice.

From the demons, from oneself, and from teammates.

Qin Qin was really worried about Lu Ling. If possible, she didn't want Lu Ling to enter Tianguang Ruin. Wouldn't it be good to just follow her to learn piano in Lingshan?
If a girl like Lu Ling is seen by those single old men in the world of cultivating immortals, she will definitely be pursued frantically, not to mention Lu Ling, even she and Shen Gui have a large group of suitors in the world of cultivating immortals.

Qin Qin deeply knew how deadly Lu Ling's icy aura was to men, not to mention that the girl's icyness was only due to her talent, which was actually easy to deceive.

She must protect Lu Ling well.

From the very beginning, she was crazily instilling in Lu Ling the values ​​of man=beast=bad guy, for fear that Lu Ling would be deceived by the bad guy.

Who knew that the man didn't have it, but Lu Ling was first snatched away by Dongfang Lianren, and then fell into the hands of her master.

Day and night defense, home thieves are difficult to prevent.

There is no reason to be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no reason to guard against a thief for a thousand days. If Lu Ling becomes stronger, she should not have to worry so much.

Just as Qin Qin stared blankly at Lu Ling's sleeping face, the latter suddenly frowned.

"Ah!" Lu Ling sneezed, rubbed her nose, turned over and continued to sleep.

It seemed that it was because of the shortness of breath, Lu Ling's brows did not relax, and Qin Qin's heart ached for a while.

After that, Qin Qin froze for a moment.

Since when did I start caring and liking this girl so much?Is it true that she treats Lu Ling so well because she regards Lu Ling as a backup "friend"?
Just because she chose this girl, Feng Mingqin's next master?Is she a transcendent in rhythm?
Not so.

She couldn't even fool herself with such an excuse.

Of course, it's not because girls like boys. If you insist, Lu Ling is more like a younger sister in Qin Qin's eyes, and it's even a bit reluctant to say that she is a younger sister.



Qin Qin couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Daughter or something, it's impossible, she must have been suppressed by Shen Gui, that's why she likes weak girls, yes, it must be like this.

Looking at the sleeping Lu Ling, Qin Qin's face gradually turned red, and this crimson quickly spread to the back of the ears and neck.

Aya's taste...

She can understand the cold one, but why is it sweet?
By chance, Qin Qin stood up cautiously, and quietly walked to the bed, looking at the girl sleeping soundly on her little skirt, she hesitated for a moment.

Bend over.


At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in Qin Qin's ears, like a thunderbolt, Qin Qin stood up straight trembling, and fled away from the bed in a flash, as if there was the most terrifying devil in the world .

In the corner, Qin Qin, who had a guilty conscience, hid in the corner and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that Lu Ling had just turned over and was not awake.

Then I got angry.


It's her again.

With his consciousness scattered, Qin Qin searched for Shen Canghai's trace in the room.

Got nothing.

Is it just a trace of divine sense?

If it was just a divine thought that suddenly conveyed information, then she should not have noticed her actions.

As Qin Qin thought, Shen Canghai did not do it on purpose, but he suddenly remembered something during the retreat, and told Qin Qin, and now he fell silent again.

Divine thoughts, what did Master just say?
Qin Qin narrowed her eyes, recalling what she had just heard.



[By the way, Qin'er, pay more attention to the spirit tribe around Lu Ling, it is definitely not a simple spirit tribe, and... try to find a way to see if you can trick them to play here often, not to snatch Lu Ling's spirit tribe partners, I I'm just very interested in it... If you can't take the little guy down, take Lu Ling down!Also, although Lu Ling is not wearing any clothes now, stealing food is not allowed! 】——The master who is about to break through stays.


"..." Qin Qin read the message from Shen Canghai expressionlessly.

Then he walked slowly to the table, picked up the pair of black silk shoes, and threw them out of the room viciously.

Seeing the shoe fall off the cliff, Qin Qin's expression became a little better.

"I snatched Ah Ling from me, and now I've fallen in love with the little guy... how can such a good thing happen!" Qin Qin gritted her teeth, knowing that she also likes Xuechen, otherwise it would be impossible for Lu Ling to order Xuechen Obediently being hugged by her.

Also fell in love with a cat, is it worthy of being a master and apprentice?On the other hand, Shen Gui showed no signs of being attacked. In this regard, this pair of master and apprentice was far inferior to Shen Gui.

and also……

Who would steal it!
Do you really think that everyone is a daughter-in-law like you, Master?If you really want to say that the one who stole the food is obviously you, Master!After eating it, I didn't wipe it clean, and even left a comment...

Clearly, it was to seduce her into committing a crime.


Qin Qin angrily glanced at Shen Canghai's direction, feeling very unhappy.

Forget it, don't bother with her.

Go take a shower.

This room cannot stay.

(End of this chapter)

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