Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 400 Escape from Lingshan

Chapter 400 Escape from Lingshan ([-])

Well, don't blame her.

Qin Qin didn't think there was anything wrong with her, because in her opinion, let alone her, Shen Gui was the same. When Qin Qin found out that the corners of her senior sister's lips curled up because of Lu Ling's embarrassment... she was taken aback.

My senior sister has the same temper, so how can I blame her?
Qin Qin has reason to believe that most of the girls are similar to her when faced with such a Ling.

Lianai, but want to bully her... It's a bit contradictory, but understandable.

Including Li Zhuzi...

cough cough.

It is not good to slander the elders.

Apologizing to Li Zhuzi in her heart, Qin Qin pushed open the gate of the small courtyard of Tang Keyu Academy, and was suddenly taken aback.

There was a whimpering sound from inside the house.

Ok? ? ?
Who is crying?
She just went in.

After crossing the threshold, Qin Qin saw the scene inside the house clearly, with a strange expression on her face.

There are four people in the house.

Tang Keyu sat on Li Zhuzi's chair of the same style, looking at the girls in the field, a little helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Below, Tang Zheng looked at Tang Sheng and Lu Ling with a look of jealousy, and that kind of jealousy meant a little bit of gloating.

It has spread that Lu Ling was bullied by Dongfang Lianren, and Tang Zheng, who has always been at odds with Lu Ling, will not be sad.

Anyway, Dongfang Lianren is a woman, it's not a big deal, seeing Lu Ling deflated once is the happiest thing for her.

There is a price to be paid for being liked by one's own sister.

Tang Zheng expressed that he was very comfortable and gave Master Dongfang a thumbs up.

Then there are two girls hugging each other.

Tang Sheng hugged Lu Ling, clutching her clothes and crying, Lu Ling was very dazed, with some incredulity in her eyes.

"Woooooo... Sister Lu, are you okay..."

"En...en..." Lu Ling responded with absent-minded eyes, her mind was blank now.

Tang Sheng started crying as soon as he came in and hugged her. From her broken words, Lu Ling understood.

Tang Sheng knew that she was taken away by Dongfang Lianren, and she did some very outrageous things.

How did she know?
This silly girl knows all about it, so what about the others?It is estimated that the girls in the same school are similar, just look at Tang Zheng's appearance.

These minors are... what about the other senior sisters?Where is her husband?

Lu Ling suddenly turned pale.

No wonder, since this morning, everyone has looked at her so wrongly, even those redtails are fawning over her.

How to do……

Her heart was beating uncontrollably, and there was a feeling of dizziness, the air seemed to be a million times heavier, and the thickness of it made her unable to breathe.

Lu Ling didn't know where her influence came from to make this kind of thing spread so fast.

If I go out now and say that she and Uncle Dongfang have done nothing, will anyone believe it?
Pale face.

Don't talk about others, Lu Ling herself doesn't believe it.

In fact, she is still not sure whether she and her uncle are innocent. After all, she appeared in Dongfang Lianren's arms in an awkward manner...

Uncle Shi is a good person, but what about good people who have sex after drinking?

Her mind was muddled, Lu Ling ignored Tang Sheng who was crying while hugging her, and also ignored Qin Qin.

I really want to die.

Suddenly want to die.

This kind of thing happened, how could she have the face to live on Lingshan... Junior Sister is coming back soon, if she knows...

Lu Ling didn't dare to think about it anymore.

junior sister...

His eyes were confused, his nose was sore, and a little water stained from his eye sockets, but she immediately suppressed it.

Disturbed, panicked.

There is no solution.

Lu Ling was hugged by Tang Sheng just like that, as if she was stupid.



Qin Qin put Tang Keyu's shoulders from behind the grand teacher's chair, and put his head on her shoulders, very intimate.

"Ruoyan, you're here." Tang Keyu said, his voice full of helplessness.

"Sister Ke Yu, please explain." Qin Qin whispered in Tang Keyu's ear.

Feeling the breath in his ear, Tang Keyu turned his head and glanced at Qin Qin.

"Me? Explain what?"

"Hello!" Qin Qin was dissatisfied, and grabbed Tang Keyu's dangling earrings and tugged gently.

"Sister Ke Yu, everyone has agreed to suppress this matter, how did you agree to me? It's only been a while before it was exposed."

As she said that, a troublesome expression appeared between Qin Qin's brows.

Tang Keyu's ears hurt, he slapped Qin Qin's mischievous little hand, looked at the dissatisfied Qin Qin, and explained: "I don't know how Ah Sheng would know... But it's also my fault. Recently, all the teachers and sisters have gone out, and I ran away a few times. I didn’t pay attention to these things for a while.”

It is rare for Qin Qin to take the initiative to treat her intimately, but with a little interest in asking for guilt, Tang Keyu is not very happy.

"It's probably some junior sister who didn't keep her mouth shut and revealed it to these little girls. It's really troublesome. These little girls don't know how to act..." Qin Qin raised his forehead.

After thousands of calculations, she didn't count that there are still a group of brats in Lingshan. She must have fallen into Tang Sheng's hands.

this girl...

Qin Qin looked at Tang Sheng who was hugging Lu Ling and sobbing, and felt Tang Keyu's helplessness after twitching the corners of his mouth...

Really helpless.

"What should I do now?" Qin Qin embraced Tang Keyu from behind: "To be honest, I didn't think I could hide it from Ah Ling, so I didn't prepare enough."

Tang Keyu nodded.

After taking Lu Ling for a while, she also got to know some of Lu Ling's character. This girl looks a little stupid, but she is actually smart, and her heart is very sensitive. It is basically impossible to hide it from Lu Ling.

But she knew that Qin Qin had no choice but to do something.

"Otherwise, I'll take Ah Ling home to rest for a few days? Anyway, she doesn't have anything to study for Wenhun now. This girl likes to escape when things happen. It just so happens that I can catch up with the progress on the guqin at home." Qin Qin and Tang Keyu discussed it.

"Huh?" Tang Keyu touched her earrings when she heard the words, showing a slightly moved expression. Although she is Lu Ling's teacher, she is also a firm party member of the piano. Naturally, she hopes that Lu Ling will learn the piano.

But such Lu Ling...

Tang Keyu glanced at the pale girl, and she could feel the girl's "despair" from a long distance away.

Can Lu Ling like this really learn it?

It still doesn't work.

"Ruoyan, it's not good."

"Why not?" Qin Qin was dissatisfied.

"Wait." Tang Keyu glanced at Qin Qin.

Ruo yan, this girl couldn't have done it on purpose, she took Lu Ling home and kept her in captivity, and then taught her Guqin. After all, something like this happened, Lu Ling's sensitivity and introversion, she definitely didn't want to go out again.

Maybe it will completely become a "Miss Qianjin" who never leaves the door.

The luxurious and elegant clothes on Lu Ling's body that Qin Qin chose for her heralded the birth of a young lady.

"... Sister Ke Yu, why are you looking at me?" Qin Qin suddenly felt a little guilty when Tang Keyu looked at him like this. She no longer hugged Tang Keyu intimately, and stood up straight to avoid the eyes of her best friend.

Tang Keyu's sharp gaze seemed to see through her calculations...

Sister Ke Yu reminded her of the strict teacher when she was young.

Fortunately, Tang Keyu didn't say anything, just shook his head lightly.

"Ruoyan, this is not good."

"It's not good if you say it's not good." Qin Qin's tone was low, looking at the woman sitting on the teacher's chair, she muttered in a low voice: "Sitting and talking doesn't hurt my back, but I'm facing the pressure from my senior sister, don't be a little bit How to do it..."

This was also sent by Lu Ling. After all, it was impossible for Qin Qin to know that Dongfang Lianren suddenly took Lu Ling away, and it was not her design, so she really couldn't help Lu Ling hide it.

It's just an opportunity, no big deal.

She didn't use anyone.

He looked at Tang Keyu confidently.

"Ruoyan." Tang Keyu said lightly.

"In the……"

Qin Qin immediately gave up.

Facing the existence of this master and best friend, she still couldn't get angry. To Qin Qin, Tang Keyu was more like a master than Shen Canghai. The sense of oppression the former gave her was much higher than that of Shen Canghai. .

Tang Keyu was almost like a shadow to Qin Qin.

Tang Keyu, a beautiful and generous lady, sometimes uses violence but is relentless. From Tang Zheng's frequent beatings, it can be seen what happened to Qin Qin when she was a child. Not to mention, she used to be a small follower, listening to According to Tang Keyu's words, he stepped on his feet and kissed her.

It's all black history...

Looking at the serious Tang Keyu, Qin Qin panicked.

She didn't do anything unforgivable, right? Is it necessary?
" have changed." Tang Keyu tilted his head, his earrings swaying slightly.

"Changed?" Qin Qin was puzzled.

"Well, it's a little bit... Now you look like someone." Tang Keyu smiled and said something, but Qin Qin was stunned.

After a while, Qin Qin calmed down and remained silent.

"It's not just you, the bamboo has also changed... This girl is interesting." Tang Keyu glanced at Lu Ling and sighed.

"Aren't you okay?" Qin Qin asked.

"Okay, why not." Tang Keyu hooked his fingers at Qin Qin.

"Ke, Sister Keyu, you can just say it." Qin Qin blushed and took a step back.

"Well, I just think Ruoyan like this, I like it very much, and work hard for the girl I like." Tang Keyu stretched his waist, with a great demeanor, covered his mouth and chuckled: "Why, I scared you ?"

Hearing this, Qin Qin heaved a sigh of relief, then gritted his teeth and said, "What are you talking about! Also, who likes this girl!"

After so many years, she discovered for the first time that her teacher had the potential to be black-bellied.

Wait, could it be that her black belly was influenced by her?

Looking at the gentle woman in front of her, Qin Qin shivered unnaturally.

People mature.

The word flashed across Qin Qin's mind.


Based on Tang Keyu's understanding of Qin Qin, she naturally knew that she must be slandering herself now, but she didn't care.

Because she is really happy.

Qin Qin is her student and best friend, she can always feel the coldness in this girl's heart, that kind of coldness can only be melted a little on the piano stage...

Later, when she met Shen Gui, she got better, but because of Shen Gui's character, Qin Qin didn't change much.

And Lu Ling further changed Qin Qin, making this girl who only cares about Qin to plan... Of course it is a good thing.

From Qin Qin's point of view, Tang Keyu was naturally happy.

However, she has already made arrangements, to be precise, Li Zhuzi has already made arrangements for Lu Ling, so she will disappoint Ruoyan.


"What? Master Li has an arrangement?" Qin Qin exclaimed after hearing Tang Keyu's words.

"Well, Zhuzi said it." Tang Keyu nodded: "Zhuzi said, let Lu Ling and Shen Gui go down the mountain together, and then bring Liu Fufeng back, it seems that someone at the bottom of the mountain wants to see Lu Ling, and Zhuzi said there is Liu Fufeng If Lu Ling is by her side, she can definitely escape from the shadow of rumors."

"..." Qin Qin remained silent.

If it was Junior Sister Liu, she would definitely be able to, she knew exactly how much Lu Ling depended on Liu Fufeng.

If he lost to Liu Fufeng, he would be convinced.

"Who is this Liu Fufeng...?" Tang Keyu was very interested in Liu Fufeng.

The only solution Tang Keyu could think of was not to go out. After all, neither she nor Qin Qin, nor even Li Zhuzi, could comfort Lu Ling like this. The best solution was for Lu Ling to be a turtle and stay at home. don't go out.

If you don't go out, you will naturally not be affected by rumors.

Running away is shameful but useful, for Lu Ling this is the truth.

But Li Zhuzi said that this girl named Liu Fufeng could solve Lu Ling's problem... Tang Keyu naturally believed in Li Zhuzi, but based on her understanding of Lu Ling, she couldn't imagine a girl who could make Lu Ling so dependent.

After Qin Qin heard the name Liu Fufeng, she also keenly felt the momentary sense of frustration.

So she asked.

"Junior Sister Liu...she is a very gentle and nice girl...I don't know how to describe it, Sister Ke Yu, you will know it when you see her." Qin Qin was a little upset.

She is no match for Liu Fufeng.

Speaking of which, she and Liu Fufeng were friends at the very beginning, but unconsciously, her satisfaction with Lu Ling gradually turned into liking, and she naturally envied Liu Fufeng a little.

Qin Qin would sometimes think that if he was Liu Fufeng, it would not be a matter of just asking Lu Ling to learn the piano. If Junior Sister Liu asked, Qin Qin believed that no matter how powerful Shen Gui was, he would never want to kidnap Lu Ling.

Liu Fufeng's brand has already been branded on Lu Ling, how could she not be jealous.

"Gentle girl?" Tang Keyu shook his head slightly when he heard Qin Qin's description of Liu Fufeng.


Stop it.

The most indispensable thing on Lingshan is a gentle girl, and it is not only gentleness that can make Lu Ling so determined.

A gentle person is gentle to everyone, that is not gentle, but ruthless, this truth should be very clear to Ruoyan.

Lu Ling has a pure mind and is very close, but if she really wanted to leave such a heavy mark on her heart, only gentleness would be impossible.

She was a little curious about Liu Fufeng.


At this time, the two adults here were a little silent on the topic of Liu Fufeng.

In the school, Tang Sheng had cried enough, clutching Lu Ling's clothes, her little face was full of tears.

"Sister Lu..."

Seeing Lu Ling biting her pale lips and trembling slightly, she was also very sad.

Why should the gentle sister Lu be treated like this?
"I, I'm fine." Lu Ling gave Tang Sheng a smile with a pale face.

Then, he turned around and rushed out the door.


(End of this chapter)

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