Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 402 Jumping off a cliff

Chapter 402 Jumping off a cliff
Climb to Lingtai.

Lu Ling walked alone.

She misses her junior sister and wants to see her.

To go down the mountain.


She didn't know how to go down the mountain, but she only remembered the place when she went down the mountain with her junior sister for the first time.

go there.



Beside, a group of girls looked at Lu Ling but dared not go forward.

Little Junior Sister's situation is very wrong, everyone can see this.

Although Lu Ling was shy in the past, she was still in good spirits, but now Lu Ling is a little bit sluggish. The most important thing is that Lu Ling didn't even bring Qingzhu, and she returned to that kind of lameness. The appearance of a crutch.

It hurts the people watching.

"Are we... exposed?"


Everyone looked at each other.

Although I didn't expect to be able to hide it from my junior sister, but the speed of exposure was too fast.

"What should we do now?"

"I don't know... Senior Sister Qin is not by her side, so there shouldn't be any major problems, just wait and see."

Ever since, the group of nuns sent a few representatives to follow Lu Ling secretly.


Lu Ling has already ignored those senior sisters at this time, she only has one thought in her mind now.

Junior Sister.

No one can stop Lu Ling now, not even Li Zhuzi.

On the tall tower in the distance, the girl in green looked at the ant-sized Lu Ling below, hiccupped, turned her head and said to the side.

"Senior Sister Zhu, don't you care about Lu Ling's appearance?"

Li Zhuzi stared at Lu Ling for a while, then shook his head.

"Let her go."

"Well, Senior Sister Zhu, you have your own arrangements, so I don't have much to do." Leaning against the railing without grace, Han Xue's hair was blown by the wind. Lu Ling.

To be honest, she didn't believe it, and Li Zhuzi didn't feel bad.

As if she could understand Han Xue's thoughts, Li Zhuzi stopped looking for information, and she spoke slowly.

"I feel a little distressed, but Ah Ling's soul trial has not passed yet, and I have nothing to do..." Li Zhuzi has nothing to do with Lu Ling's inner inferiority complex. To heal, when Lu Ling really sees the vast world and finds her own position in the world, the lack of self-confidence will naturally disappear.

And the problem of self-loathing... This is easy to solve, as long as Lu Ling feels that she is needed by others.

The only one who can do this is Liu Fufeng. She can't because she is too powerful. In Lu Ling's heart, she is just a teacher. Lu Ling will rely on her teacher, but she will never think that her teacher will need her.

On this point, Liu Fufeng has a natural advantage.

Not to mention that she is still Lu Ling's junior sister.

"Senior Sister Zhu, you really care about Lu Ling." Han Xue wiped the wine stains from the corner of her mouth, very surprised.

It would be understandable if I said that I was so kind to Lu Ling. After all, she is Xue Nu's little fan girl, Li Zhuzi... I really don't understand her motives, but Han Xue doesn't need to understand.

Han Xue sat down and raised her legs: "Let Lu Ling go down the mountain, just let her go down the mountain, just relax, the problem caused by Senior Sister Dongfang, she left without solving it... This kind of thing, even I will have a headache, Not to mention an introverted girl like Lu Ling."

"Senior Sister Zhu, do you want me to send this girl down the mountain?"

"No, let her go by herself." Li Zhuzi closed the book, copied something on the paper, and spoke at the same time.

"Junior sister, help me get some peaceful fire-attribute exercises, and copy Liufeng's Yuemingfengqingjue."

"Understood." Han Xue nodded, and disappeared after a flash.

At this time, Li Zhuzi was sitting at the table, holding a wolf hair in her hand, in a state of meditation. There were many books in front of her.

That is some basic mentality of martial arts.

Li Zhuzi is very busy now, and Lu Ling has a special physique, so she plans to recreate a martial arts method for Lu Ling that is suitable for her cold physique, but will not accumulate cold poison.

Otherwise, the conflict between the Ice Element Technique and the Shocking Rock Jue will definitely make this girl feel so much pain that her life would be worse than death.

Li Zhuzi doesn't like to instruct others to practice...but creating exercises for his little girl should not be considered a breach of the precept.

Soon, Han Xue came back with some information. As her identity, she easily got what Li Zhuzi wanted.

"Senior Sister Zhu, I heard that Miss Yue from Liufeng is what you wanted, so she gave me a handwritten copy of Senior Sister Xu, which contains some of her understanding of Yue Ming Feng Qingjue." Han Xue handed the secret book to Li Zhuzi .

"Well, just right, it saved me a lot of things." Li Zhuzi nodded.

"Senior sister, I'm curious, who are you going to teach Lu Ling's martial soul?" Han Xue looked at Li Zhuzi and asked.

"Shen Gui?"

She had a few good candidates in her mind, the most suitable one was of course Shen Gui, and Shen Gui was Lu Ling's senior, there was no one more suitable than her.

"Gui'er?" Li Zhuzi looked up at Han Xue upon hearing this, and shook his head.

"If it's not Shen Gui, who else could it be?"

"There is no specific arrangement yet." Li Zhuzi paused for a moment, picked up his pen and added ink: "Actually, I plan to let Ah Ling follow the elementary school on the Lingtai, and I don't plan to find a teacher for her."

At the beginning, Tang Keyu was found only because they were familiar with them. There really wasn't any suitable candidates for Wu Po.

"Oh? That's not good, what a pity, if Ice Bloodline goes to the school, if people from East Shenhai know about it, they will definitely go crazy." Han Xue was very surprised.

After all, there is no hidden boss in the school, and Li Zhuzi was just an accident.

"I think Senior Sister Shen is pretty good. If there is no Shen Gui, Senior Sister Shen can still make do with it..." Han Xue said desperately.

Shen Canghai just used it, and only a person like her who doesn't stay in Lingshan often dare to say such things.

"I've already decided." Li Zhuzi didn't continue.

Han Xue was also interested, and sat bored after curling her lips.

Xue Nu's inheritance...and she is such a cute girl, she also wants to teach Lu Ling to see what effect it has.

After all, she was the first person on Lingshan who approached Lu Ling.

But this girl probably doesn't know herself.

After thinking about it, Han Xue's thoughts went astray. She looked at the clouds floating in the sky and was in a daze.

From now on, she will be Lu Ling's family, living together in Jiufeng...

A home should look like a home. The current thatched cottage cannot be lived in. You can get some white jade design drawings from the Shaodian. After the liberated space is folded, it will be a ready-made house.

But Han Xue personally doesn't like that kind of house that is too serious...

But she really doesn't know much about architecture.

Go ask Bafeng's junior sister!
Warm wine into the throat.

Han Xue turned over and went downstairs, jumped down from the ten thousand-foot-high tower, fell like a meteor for a long time and then soared up, relying on the wind to control the wind, she is free and unrestrained, which is different from most of the gorgeous rainbows in Lingshan.

"Senior Sister Zhu, I'm going to look through the design drawings. If you have anything to do, put it aside and wait for me to come back."

Han Xue's voice became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared.

"..." Seeing this, Li Zhuzi shook his head.

This girl didn't seem to grow up, and she has been reckless all the time. Is it really right to let her play the role of "adult" of Feng Jiu?
She's not so sure now.

At first it was because no one used it, but now Li Zhuzi thought of another candidate.

Liu Yao.

It was Liu Yao, not Zixu.

A Yao stepped back from the position of deputy peak master, just in time, and...

The grievances between Chu Qishui and Liu Yao cannot be resolved immediately, but escaping is definitely not a good solution.

Well, it can be considered.

As for Lu Ling... Although she felt sorry for Lu Ling, she was not worried at all, because there was nothing to worry about, and the so-called rumors were just a trivial matter in Li Zhuzi's eyes.

It seems that without this rumor, Lu Ling would not be introverted, and could be as hot as those senior sisters.

Li Zhuzi could see clearly that in fact, this turmoil did not have much impact on Lu Ling at all, the biggest impact was to arouse Lu Ling's dependence on and longing for Liu Fufeng.

That's it.

Compared to Lu Ling... Li Zhuzi is actually more worried about Liu Fufeng now.

The talent of the space attribute is unprecedented, plus the extremely bad inspiration... Can Liu girl really survive?
God knows.


Climb to the edge of Lingtai cliff.

A curtain of light.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Ling walked in.

"How did little junior sister get in? Isn't that the way down the mountain? We can't get in without a formality token." At this moment, the girls behind Lu Ling were stunned.

"Is there something wrong with the channel?"

"Let me try!"

The girl imitated Lu Ling and forced her way.



As if hitting a wall, the girl clutched the bag on her head and moaned.

"It hurts so much, it seems that the passage is okay... Could it be that the junior sister has already obtained the formalities for going down the mountain, or is it... the people inside?" The girl wondered.

"Forget it, we can't go down the mountain, let's go back."

"Hey, are you going back like this?"

"Otherwise? There are seniors watching over there, so my junior sister will be fine."


People leave.


Lu Ling walked through the passage and opened her eyes.

The wind whistled in my ears.

This is a cliff.

The boundless sea of ​​clouds, the wind and the clouds are surging, and the waves are magnificent, which feels like the sea.

It was the place where she went down the mountain with her junior sister before.

If I remember correctly...

Lu Ling looked around, and as expected, she found a small table in the corner, and there was a young Taoist nun lying on it.

It's the senior sister who likes to read novels.

Lu Ling was a little apprehensive.

Will senior sister send me down the mountain...

She walked over cautiously, stood in front of the wooden table, and then froze for a moment.

The young Taoist nun was lying on the table with her head buried in her arms, exuding a decadent aura, completely different from the Taoist nun she saw last time who was reading seriously, as if her strength had been drained by something.

Lu Ling could even hear some temper tantrums, babbling and chirping.

What's going on here?Having a bad mood?
"Master, Senior Sister..." Lu Ling tentatively said.

"..." Lu Ling could clearly feel that Taoist nun's body froze for a moment, and then she sat up, her eyes were still moist.

"Ah, what are you going to do?" the young nun wiped her tears and said to Lu Ling.

"Senior sister, I want to go down the mountain, can I?" Lu Ling asked tentatively.

"Go down the mountain? Lu Ling, right? It's okay." The young Taoist nun threw the jade pendant that Shen Gui had prepared a long time ago towards the cliff, and as the jade pendant fell, the restriction was broken.

This, so easy?
Lu Ling was very surprised. Didn't she say that there are still more procedures?

No matter, it is best to be able to go down the mountain.

After the young nun finished everything, she lay back on the table again, motionless as if dead.

Lu Ling glanced at her, then at the cliff, and swallowed.

She can't go down the mountain... She flew down last time, and she can't turn into a rainbow.


"Don't bother me." Taoist nun said softly.

She is in a bad mood right now.

There are no books to read.

To be precise, there are no novels to read... Although I knew there would be a book shortage day, I didn't expect it to come so soon. According to past experience, the next batch of novels is estimated to be a few years away.

No matter in the common world or in the world of cultivating immortals, there are only a few who can write books, and she probably has to wait for a long time.

She who didn't read novels was going to die, she was going to die.

So even if Lu Ling is of the blood of ice, she can't arouse any interest. When she thinks that she will have no books to read in the next few days and can only read those books that she has read countless times, the Taoist nun is very wronged, as if a delicate princess has been reduced. The countryside can only eat bran.

Tears couldn't be stopped, and she lost her composure in front of Lu Ling.


Looking at the obviously unhappy senior sister, Lu Ling stood dumbfounded.

The senior sister said don't bother her...but...

"If you want to go down the mountain, just jump off." The young nun noticed Lu Ling's distress, said something casually, and then disappeared with her desk in her arms.

She is in a very uncomfortable mood now and needs to vent.

Go find someone to fight with.

It hasn't been a day or two for the two old things from Shushan to live in her Luoyan city, and it's not a pity for them not to vent.

As for whether Lu Ling will dance...

She personally doesn't think so.

So she wanted Lu Ling to obediently wait for Shen Gui to come back to pick her up.

As for jumping off the cliff, it is of course true. If you want to go down the mountain, you have to fly by yourself, or jump down. The formations around Lingshan are complete, and Lu Ling will naturally appear where she should appear.

As for sending Lu Ling down the mountain...

The last time was for Liu Fufeng's sake, she still liked that polite girl very much.

Lu Ling...forget it, it's not that she doesn't like it, it's just that she's not interested.


After the young Taoist girl disappeared with her desk in her arms, Lu Ling was messed up in the wind by herself.

jump off? ? ? ?

How high is Lingshan?
As the sun rises.

If you jump from this height, you will die.

Moving to the edge of the cliff, Lu Ling glanced at the abyss below.

The sea of ​​clouds is rolling, too beautiful to behold.

To Lu Ling, it was an abyss, a terrifying abyss.

She is afraid of heights.


The younger sister is just below.

You can see your junior sister after jumping down...

Will she die?

No, because this is Lingshan, maybe her husband is secretly watching her there.

Because she was on Lingshan Mountain, Lu Ling didn't have much resistance to the death-seeking behavior of jumping off a cliff. The only thing she had to consider was whether she would abandon her junior sister because she was afraid of heights.

the answer is negative.

Moving to the edge of the cliff, Lu Ling's face was pale, but her eyes were firm.

Close your eyes and feel the flow of the wind.

The wind blew the long hair, and the red skirt swayed in the air, looking weak and weak.

Allowing the body to lose balance.

Falling backwards, the body is like a kite with a broken string, sinking into the endless sea of ​​clouds.

Luoyan City, waiting for a girl from heaven.

 Manual 404
(End of this chapter)

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